I need you..really? Thats news to me..

Sunshine of My Life

    I was grinding my teeth furiously as I walked into school. The memories of that text came flashing back into my mind. "Really?! He thinks I, Me, Lee Sooyoung, loves him, PSSH. He wishes! Why would I like the jerk of the century! Urg, why am I even getting upset about this. I will forgettt!" I murmered that to myself as I waltz into school. I grabbed some things from my locker and looked at my schedule and purposely stuck my head into my locker. I thought to myself "Why do I have english right now? With those jerks!" I soon realized people were staring and whispering to eachother about me. I heard,

"Is that Lee Sooyoung?"

"OMG I heard she confessed to baekhyun oppa! Woah, really, how does that wallflower have the right to talk to my oppa!"

"I heard she sleeps around for money because she is poor!" 

    Once I heard that I slammed my locker door shut and walked to class. I tsked and sat down ignoring everyone. I thought back to those girls who were gossiping about me. I thought to myself, "Who do they think they are..tsk..honestly I think i am richer than them (Not to sound like a snob like them but my dad owns world hotel.) I would never tell them my dad is a multi-millionaire. I mean they would never suspect a thing! I wear casual clothes everyday while those other girls wear dresses to school..One question..Why? Why would you wear something as uncomfortable as a dress to of all places school..." I snapped out of my daze when hyori quietly poked me. I snapped my head over to look at her but she just pointed infront of me. Baekhyun was sitting with his chest on the back of the chair where he could stare at me straight in the face. I sighed and gave him a death glare. He just smiled and blew me a kiss. I made a disgusted face.What the hell was that? Baekhyun's one friend, Chanyeol, caught my attention and drug his hand across his neck then pointed to fangirls who were griping their pencils tightly. I smirked and looked back out of the window. What an interesting morning.. I heard the bell ring and everyone flocked out of the room. Except one. Baekhyun. He came to me and sat on my desk. I snapped at him,

     "What the hell do you want?" He smirked at me and replied,

" Admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That you need me." I stood there estonished at his comment and quickly snapped,

"I NEED YOU?" He smiled,

"I know honey you dont need to say in again." I chuckled at him and walked out of the room.


Baekhyun's POV

Honestly, I don't know why I have always bugged her..I guess its because I truely have nothing better to do. Ever since I met her when we were younger my life has gotten better. I know im a bad person for making her suffer..yada yada..I do it because I know she will put up with me. I really do want to be her friend but every time I try to approach her, she always sees me and walks away. Like why cant she just be a little more social? I even tried to send her texts like "Wanna hang out?" (Im not lying here people) I just..I dont know she makes me seem like im a bad person but im not. She just needs to open up to me. Thats all I want and I have now decided to take it into my own hands. Im gunna go to her house and take her out. I now stood at her door, hoping for the best. I knocked on the door and my face lit up when I seen sooyoungs mother pop out of her mansion. She greeted me sweetly,

     "Omo! Baekhyun! I have not seen you in a long time. It is so delightful to see you! Please do come inside!" She escorted me in and told me to go right to sooyoung's room. I thanked her and walked up casually to sooyoung's room. I chuckled and thought to myself, "This is gunna be great. She is gunna freak!" I knocked on her door and she swung the door open. I looked at her and smiled, waving at her. She seen me and kept a straight face than tried to close the door but I made my way in anyway. This was the start of a really interesting night.




Thank you all for putting up with my crappy content and late updates. I am such a failure. I wish I could do something to repay all of you. I really do. I will update tommorow! Hopefully! haha thank you for reading!

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rilakkumachoco #1
Chapter 11: Woah what just happened?! So much is happening -i can't keep up! Suddenly there are new characters?!! Still, i like this story tho
Hanaa1994 #2
Chapter 22: and Now 2PM woaaaaaaaaah so cooooooooool <3
Hanaa1994 #3
Chapter 14: Are trying to kill someone or what EXO and MblaQ and VIXX in the same place aaaah kill me plzz <3 <3 <3 I love ur story anyway ^^
Jessmgreenfield #4
Chapter 31: hello~ just to say I love this fanfic. I think your writing is amazing! keep up the good work :D