The ship is swaying, heave-ho.

In all my dreams, I drown...

"How many days has it been now, Wonshik?" A man, dressed in a grey sweater and white lab coat, asked. 

Wonshik looked at the doctor with sad eyes. Sighing, he replied, "It's been nearly a week since he's slept. He insists that he is alright, but it's starting to affect his performances. We're worried for his health."

"Has he given a reason for not wanting to sleep?" The doctor asked, his voice colored in curiosity. Perhaps Hakyeon had opened up to his group member. If so, they'd be one step closer to figuring out what was wrong. Hakyeon refused to talk during their sessions, so Wonshik had volunteered to be the mediator between the two. So far, this arrangement had not yielded many results, but time would tell if it would work or not. 

"Every time I try to convince him, he says that he is dying in all of his dreams. It's too real. He can't handle it. Especially the dreams he'd been having lately before he quit sleeping all together. Those dreams, he was drowning. That's his worst fear..." Wonshik said, running a hand through his outrageously colored hair, before moving it to cover his face. 

The doctor noted down the information and was thoughtful for a moment. 

"It sounds like he's having night terrors, which, given the high stress lifestyle of a leader that he is forces to live, is not unusual. Just never to this extent. The human body can only go so long without sleep. After a certain period of time, it starts shutting down. I can prescribe him medication to induce sleeping, but only if he agrees to come on the next appointment. We can set him up in a monitoring room the first few nights, so that we can see how he reacts to the medication and so that there are people on hand to deal with these night terrors if they are as bad as I may suspect. Talk to him tonight and if he agrees, bring him here tomorrow. I'll get my staff to set things up in anticipation."

Wonshik agreed and soon, their session was complete. He then faced the task of trying to get Hakyeon to agree to the doctors suggestion. 

"No! Wonshik, I am fine. I promise. I don't need any medication to sleep. I'll sleep tonight. You'll see. I swear! I don't need medication. I have to be able to wake up. I have to wake up!" Hakyeon pleaded, his eyes holding a terrified gleam within them.

Looking into his leader's eyes, Wonshik sighed. "Hakyeon, you have tonight. If you do not sleep, I am taking you to the clinic first thing tomorrow. And I mean you must sleep throughout the night with no interruptions. I've already gotten the other members approval. Jaehwan will drive us and Taekwoon will keep an eye on the others. Yeonie, you're worrying the youngest. Your worrying all of us. And do NOT tell me you're fine, because you clearly aren't." 

Hakyeon whimpered at the conditions set before him, knowing that he would go to the clinic no matter what. Why couldn't they understand that he was handling this? He had a plan and a clinic didn't factor into it. Soon, he wouldn't need to worry about his dreams. He just needed a few days, just a few. Then everything would be better. 

But, he agreed to Ravi's condition with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and a hand in his pocket with two fingers crossed. If they were going to make him sleep, he wasn't going to be around to let them. Better tho pretend to agree than to start a fight after all. He would just leave when they weren't looking. 

Author note: hello. Thank you for reading and subscribing. I hope that you enjoy your stay. Please, be patient with me as I do not have a computer and I am updating this from my mobile. I will update both of my stories continuously from here until my computer is repaired. If you like my stories, and want to read more of them, subscribe and let me know how I am doing. Honestly, I appreciate it. 

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wejdan #1
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwww....that is so sad are writing about a very bad dreams and all and strangley...not...i had some of n dreams so I kinda know the feeling of not wanting to go back to sleep...i enjoy it even though n is having a hard time hehe^^thank you for letting me read it i'm looking firward to the next update<333
Chapter 1: It looks really good! Keep on writing, this story looks really interesting! ^-^