The past

Don't you trust me?
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Heyyy guys so how have u guys been?kekeke I hope u guys like his story and if you have any commentary please let me know so here's the first chap hope u like~

Taos pov

"Stop please I'm sorry"

"Please please"

I'm kicked over and over again it happens everyday I don't know what I did but everyone hates me.I got used to the physical pain but then they started calling me names and those hurt worse than any kicks they give me.One day the kids that usually hurt me came around and as the we're hurting me they stopped and I could here someone yelling at them I was afraid to look up but I still did what I saw was a young boy he was offering his hand to me so I took it and I was lifted up in his arms and carried to the nurses office.

"What happened here"the nurse asks

I then hear the boy speak and it's very deep and it puts me in a trance.I drown out all of the background noise and just think if his voice.Once the nurse covers my injuries that young boy who saved me leaves.

The next day at school I'm not bullied at all and a recess I see that boy but he's on the big kids playground he looks over to where I'm standing and smiles and waves back to me.

After recess as I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up I see that boy and he comes over to me.

"Did anybody hurt you today"he asks

"Nope thanks to yow they not hurt me"I say(he's a kinder gardener so he has trouble talking)

"We'll I'm glad to hear that"he says

"Dow you wanna be my fried"I ask

"Sure"he says with a smile

"Wats yow name"I ask

"My name is Kris"he says

"Kr..s krriues"I say with a smile

"Nice try why don't you just call me Yifan"

"Okay fanfan"

"What's your name "he asks


"I'll call you taozi"he says 

My mom pulls up and I wave goodbye to Yifan and I tell my mom all about Yifan and how he saved me.she was happy to know that I finally got a friend.

*1 grade *
Me and Yifan have been inseparable as my mom says to all of her friends.He is my only friend and I look up to him he is like a big brother.Today my mom took me and Yifan to the park as we where playing in the sand box me and Yifan made a promise.

"Hey Yifan can we be friends forever"I ask

"Of course"he says

"Do you mean it"I ask

"Yes I Kris wu promise to be Huang Zitao's best friend forever"he says

"I love you Yifan"I say as I hug him

"I love you to taozi I love you to"he says while hugging me back

Later that day we got ice cream and me and Yifan shared an ice cream and we held hands while sitting on a bench.Nobody thought it was weird we where just a couple of kids holding hands.We then went home and me and Yifan said goodbye.

2 grade*
Me and Yifan where finally able to play together because we were both big kids.We would play all the time and we would play piggyback and we would play pirate.We would always walk home together becaus

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ExoKissAndHugs #1
Chapter 2: Update soon! Cant wait to wait fir the next chapter.
YeonLu #2
Chapter 1: please update soon. I can't wait for the next chapter
taoziwushumaster #3
Chapter 1: I love it I can't wait for the next update!
blueberrygirl91 #4
Chapter 1: Omg plz update soon I love it! You did a great job! :)