Cp. 16

Fake Boyfriend

So, this few upcoming chapters will consist of event before their trip on Christmas~ 
Thank you for staying with me! ^^
I hope you enjoy :)


Cp. 16


Will she?


Tiffany was still deep in her thought, feet walking aimlessly, following the other as they strolled on the street of Night Seoul. It had been exactly ten minutes after they walked out of the auditorium filled with people watching that drama musical the girl wanted to see badly. The night was still young, Tiffany noticed, so should Taeyeon want to go home earlier, she had a valid reason to spend a longer time without being obvious for the other girl to see.


She did lost count of how much time they fell into a silence; they didn’t talk or banter towards each other, immersing their sense at the surrounding. Because even without words, this silence was providing as much as comfort they needed amidst passerby’s chit-chat, roar of cars’ engines, a faint music of this girl group’s new song, and Tiffany’s loud beating heart. Tiffany desperately hoped that it was not that loud though.


This current girl was still staring at Taeyeon whose face dug inside her jacket that reached all over her nose. Well, Tiffany thought it was such a pity for she couldn’t see her face fully. But, to be able to experience this feeling, staring at her in crowded place without people realizing it, was kind of exciting. And Tiffany believed her mind was playing a trick right then and there because suddenly, the cheerful song she faintly heard earlier had changed into a blast of sappy love song. She felt her cheeks heating up at her imaginary tale. 


Tiffany was quite an expressive and bold type of person. She would not hesitate to voice out things inside her mind without even thinking about it thoroughly. Thus explained why Taeyeon would always scold her for being so inconsiderate.


Tiffany also liked to cling around people she close with. It was one of her ways to express her feelings although Taeyeon didn’t like doing any kind of skinship at first.


That girl was quite reserved; a contrary of her own habit.


Taeyeon was always considered towards her, her attentive response, caring attitude, kind-hearted person, and Tiffany could list it some other time, her personality made her feel intrigued even more.


She didn’t know, maybe being best friends since forever partly did a huge part for her to confidently say this, or she might be hallucinating all along.


Tiffany was being Tiffany. At first, it wasn’t like she purposely denied the possibility of her liking Taeyeon more. She was unsure. Oh well, believe her, the fact that she was just too slow to put anything on the right place had made her suffer under a constant wave of blunt words coming from Jessica and Luhan.


Yes, it was Jessica, her another best friend whom she awfully cherished, had did several malice acts in proving her observation. Setting Tiffany at raging state without her even aware of it by using Taeyeon and was making her jealous over their overly close interaction. And not to mention Luhan’s matter of fact words which disguised by a direct accusing of her being a gay for Taeyeon only. Luhan, the gay man she met a month ago got her tongue stuck and didn’t know how to react. Saying he had this radar and boasted up because he rarely wrong in predicting this.


Tiffany came to think a lot after that.


Thinking back the moment when Taeyeon decided to help her finding a decent boyfriend, she just realized something. She enjoyed her time with her best friend a lot more than being busy searching for her mister right.


She accepted it wholly, although she enjoyed Taeyeon’s company way too much, the underlying fact that she didn’t even need to name their relationship was her source of confusion. It was just what kind of relationship they had? Was she ready to take it further? Whatever word further meant.


And at some odd times, she thought that maybe Taeyeon had something to say regarding their relationship. Tiffany’s point was, Taeyeon only did it like that when she was with her. It was hard to imagine that Sooyoung was the receiving end of Taeyeon’s sweet gesture. It was no freaking way.


Honestly speaking, it wasn’t something new to be discovered because whether Tiffany was conscious or not, that girl had liked Taeyeon in every way possible.




“You know I kinda hung-“


Taeyeon pulled her jacket down and side-glanced to ask the occupant beside her whether they could have some night snack before heading home. She smirked when reality presented itself; Tiffany with dazed look was always entertaining, openly inviting her itchy hands to pull a prank.


The thought of teasing Tiffany would make her day felt a lot better. She didn’t know, maybe seeing Tiffany annoyed and acted like a kid was something she rarely saw. Or so she thought. She was about to launch her plan, but stopped midway because something had prevented her to do so. She felt like her eyes being pulled in by her. Another yes, it were Tiffany’s captivating eyes.


Although it wasn’t Taeyeon’s first time for being aware of her odd acts such an openly staring or secretly took a glance. Maybe the girl herself didn’t even realize she had caught red handed either because Taeyeon would let it slip and act like nothing happened.  


Something that bothered her most was the fact that she didn’t mind being stared at which was strange. As long as Taeyeon cared to remember, she was never liked to get a constant yet intense gaze from anyone; not even her family members or her lecturer, no until Tiffany did it.


Frankly enough, she actually enjoyed staring at her as well. There was time she felt like being drowned inside those brown eyes whenever she countered back with the same intensity, and one of that so called moments well, felt somehow right. Whatever right meant.


Tiffany was her best friend. The first person aside her family members that she cared deeply. She was the first person who refused to listen to her words because she was simply being her stubborn self. She was determinate kind of person, she wanted to prove that she was right all along, although it was a bit selfish but it was Tiffany’s trade. That pink obsessed girl also the first person who sent her inside a hospital for three days and the one who cried a bucket or two after that.


Tiffany Hwang was the first ever person who she thought was crazy. Both in terms of brain and beauty.


And Kim Taeyeon felt like she was getting insane for still being able to keep up with her. In a good way, of course.


Tiffany was loud, while she never was. That girl liked to go outside, burning under the sunrays while she preferred to rest inside her cool and comfortable room.


She was calm and quiet while Tiffany couldn’t zip close whenever something crossed her mind, even if it was just a sight of this familiar postman in rush hour with his half-shaved beard. Tiffany assumed he was in hurry and she would laugh back at the thought of funny man.   


The fact that they were far apart and different from each other yet they didn’t seem to find any problem with their contradiction side. They got along quite nicely. Tiffany had already been an important part of her life and Taeyeon was thankful for that. 


She reached her hand out and touched her forehead. “Stop staring at me.”


Taeyeon retracted her hand and dug deeper under the fabric around her neck. She hid her smile while waiting for Tiffany to snap back to reality. “I’m amazed, that you’re able to walk without even tripping over something at this rate.”


She still had this hidden small smile hung sluggishly on her lips as she stared at the confused round eyes. “And now, close your mouth as well. You will catch a fly or two, you know.”




Taeyeon walked leaving her behind as she felt her stomach lurch at the sight of pouting Tiffany. Something was wrong. “I’m really hungry.” She shook her head and ran her finger against her own hair, suddenly feeling frustrated. “But am I that hungry? That’s so much street-”


“YAH!” The latter felt her jacket being pulled backward with sudden force. She ly to face a glaring Tiffany.




Taeyeon’s eyes twitched at the loud voice. “I’m hungry and you’re taking so much time so yeah? Sorry?” She added the last part, hoping to reduce this invisible smoke around Tiffany.


“Okay.” The girl quietly said and stepped forward, grabbing her hand. “So let’s eat and go home!” The latter pointed at the near stall which selling delicious street foods with her thumb and looking back at her. “How’s that sound?”


“Great.” Taeyeon meekly responded. She tightly balled her other hand, feeling her heartbeat was increasing rather ridiculously.


What the heck is happening to me?!


She frowned, tracing the hand that still firmly holding hers with eyes. She recalled being this anxious before. The flash of image when Tiffany happened to feed her out of nowhere come. It was when she and Tiffany plus these presences of a hyperactive Krystal, icy Jessica, and their driver Donghae, had a meal together. She was feeding her with an intense, protective gaze.


Taeyeon swore she could hear her heart at the moment —beating so hard. She groaned and messed her own hair with one hand angrily.


Tiffany might notice her strange act because by now, she had also turned at her direction. Taeyeon abruptly stopped her frantic movement.


She blankly stared at Tiffany, noting her concerned look and her eyes fell onto her open mouth when the girl happened to ask her,


“Tae, what’s wrong?”


And just like that the evoked memories brought her to experience it painfully yet again. Her heart was beating faster; considerably making her body did anything wrongly in process, when Tiffany kissed her at that time.


“She kissed me.” She unconsciously mumbled with wide eyes. "Tiffany kissed me."


Her eyes spread even open when she realized that Tiffany was still staring at her right there.


What in the hell did I just blurt out!


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Epilogue is up~ Thank you for your support! See you around in another stories! Bye~ ^^


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 29: I already read this a couple of times and I still love it!
Chapter 29: This is so nice... Thanks for the story... ^^
Chapter 8: Omg this is so funny hahahahaha. I can't stop laughing the moment sooyoung step in the house and luhan being a gay to taeyong. It's been a while since i laugh this much when reading a fic XD
Arkhora-wang #4
Chapter 29: back rereading this story again :)
Chapter 29: luhan was funny though. the Jungs' sis, can't say anything about them. haha
LaloqFaith #6
Chapter 29: Taeny sweetness overload
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!<3
Chapter 29: jydhsdiugosilicuosdlbjivulskhdnivucilkshdn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn those sweetness I'm out of ants now x3