Magical day


I was walking down the path in my favorite park, where I always go after tiring day just to relax. As I was walking with my headphones on, blasting my favorite songs, I closed my eyes to feel that moment. But it was big mistake to walk with closed eyes. I tripped over something, probably my own foot, pabo.
Suddenly I felt someones hand picking me up. When I looked up I saw the most beautiful face with cutest smile I ever saw.
This boy looked like angel with sun coming from behind him. He was like illuminating.
I was looking at him for few seconds just to admire his face, his smiling eyes, adorable little nose and his perfect lips,
when suddenly I realized that he is saying something. Cuz of my music I didn´t hear him.
I took off one of my headphones and shyly apologized that I didn´t hear him for the first time.
He smiled in the cutes way and repeat himself again. He just wanted to know if I´m alright. How cute of him.
He took me to nearest bench, sat me down and kneeled. That´s when I realized that my knee is little scratched.
No big deal but he insisted that he will clean that for me. He took bottle of water from his bag and poured a little on my knee.
His touch sent shivers down my body. I was embarassed a little cuz I though he will notice.
When he did what he wanted, he sat next to me and asked if I need something. I said no. Everything I wanted was him near me.
I fell in love on first sight. Cuz I was thankful to him, I asked his name and how can I repay his kindness.
He didn´t say anything just smiled and when he finaly opened his mouth to say something, someone from behind throw ball at him.
When we both looked that way, we saw bunch of other boys coming toward us. I was scared that it will end up badly, but it turned out that they were his friends.
He greeted them and wanted to introduce me but he realized that he doesn´t know my name. So I shyly smiled and said :"My name is "Minjun".
Then he introduced himself and his friends. Even his name was cute. Hanbin, Oh my!
His friends looked like they were impatient and wanted to go away already so he asked me for my phone number.
He gave me his phone so I could put mine no. there and when I were giving him his phone back, he brushed his fingers againts mine. Damn shivers again. I shyly smiled as his waved me goodbye and left.

When I came home, I tossed all my things to corner of my room and jump on my bed. My phone next to me,
headphones in ears and still listening to my favorite songs. I fell asleep. I have no idea how could I do that since I was soo excited from that boy.
Hanbin, Oh my!. I woke up to my phone ringing. I anwered and sweetest voice said my name. It was him.
It was freaking Hanbin! Even his voice is like honey. He asked if my knee is alright and if I have time to meet him in that park again.
As I realy didn´t have anything else to do and I realy wanted to see him again, I said "yes". Well I think I yelled it cuz he chuckeld.
I spent sometime in bathroom to make myself as pretty as I could. Well at least I´m naturaly pretty and I don´t have much to do.
Then I headed out to the park. When I got there, he was already sitting on that same bench, waiting for me. For me, Oh my!
When I was coming closer, he looked up to me and smiled. Damn that smile. He moved little on bench and show me to sit next to him.
We sat like that in awkward silence for a while, when he finaly spoke. He said that he was sorry for that sudden leave with his friends, but he had no other choice.
I didn´t care. I was happy to hear and see him again. As we talked for quit time. I learned that he is Trainee and will become a singer.
That´s why he had to leave. For a practice. Poor boy. He must have hard time.We talked and talked and I got to know more about him.
It was getting darker and colder so he asked me if I want to go for hot chocolate with him. "Yes" immediatly came of my mouth and he chuckled again.
Hear it was cute, but actualy saw it was Magical. When I came home it was already late, so I went to sleep.
But I couldn´t. I was thinking about him all the night. It was near 2am and I was still playing with my phone, then message came.
It was message from him. " I can´t sleep. I keep thinking of you. Promise that we will meet again tomorrow". As i read it, I had the weirdest smile on my face and I guess I did happy dance too. I replied with simple "Promise".

We started meeting at that park almost everyday, well night and just talked or played and I swear it was best time of my life.
One day, when I was going to our place in park, our favorite bench, I expected him to be there already, but he wasn´t.
He didn´t even send me message, so I just sat there and waited. Suddenly someone put roses in front of me from behind,
and when I looked up I saw his handsom face, with that shy smile. He came around the bench infront of me, gave me roses,
took my hand and asked me question I was waiting for. "Will you be my girlfriend? I love you more than you can imagine."
Ofcourse I said yes immadiately and I hugged him. I think I almost choke him. Poor boy. That´s when we started oficialy dating.
We spent ours days as always in park or coffee, but this time, we held hands, hugged each other, I was resting my head on his shoulder.
It was magical. One night as we sat on our bench and were looking at night sky.
He pointed on one star and said that that star is now mine, cuz is as pretty as me. And as I was looking at that star he gave me a little kiss on my cheek.
I looked at him with my suprised face and I saw his shy smile. As I was looking at him, all I wanted was just kiss him. But he was quicker than me.
He grabed my face with his hands, put me closer to him and kissed me. With those perfect lips of his. It tasted like sweetest candy.

One day he took me to his practice room. If manager would know, we both will be dead by now.
There were other boys too and for first time I saw him dance and sing. He was freaking y and I thought that I can´t fell in love with him more.
Well I was wrong. I loved every move he made. Every word he sang. And other boys were amazing too. I think I´m oficialy their first fan.
Boys knew that we are dating so they were teasing us, but that´s what friends do. Spending my time with Hanbin and other boys,
that was always the best way how to spend it. I don´t regret anything I did and I´m glad that I´m soo clumsy,
cuz I will never met this amazing boy, who is now part of my life. I love him and will ever do. My Hanbin. My life.

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