
Until Fools Are Proven Guilty.
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  Until Fools Are Proven Guilty.
These jokes are getting real.

"I tried to tell you, it's nothing to be alarmed about." Luhan turned from the window and sighed. 

"What's he doing outside?" I went to grab the coat, that was drapped messily on the cushion.

"He's with me. He says he doesn't fancy being in other people's home." Luhan paused,

"Where are you going?" Sora joined in.

"Well, I can't leave him outside, can I? And it's freezing outside! Mr. Luhan could you wait for a second and please take a seat, make yourself at home, Sora's coffee is exquisite." and with that I dashed through the doorway. The cold air was heavy this evening, and a mist was rolling in, making everything look indistinct and slightly unreal. But I barely noticed; I was too busy thinking what it might have been that brought the two into our neighborhood. But mostly, I was trying to figure out why — at the time — I'd thought it would be a good idea to invite Kyungsoo over to my house. Now the list of everything I needed to do was running through my head like some sort of unending news ticker. 
It seemed impossible that this might turn out well, but if there was even a slightest chance that it could, I'd have to give it a shot.

I let the momentum carry me faster, my sandals slapping the pavement as I wondered what I could have been thinking. I sprinted down the curb, stubbing my left big toe in the process. I stopped in my tracks as I found nothing but the shadow of Luhan's car.

"Kyungsoo-ssi..." I called out. He didn't answer. I sighed as I approached the car, as I approached him closer. 
His door was closed and low music sounds from within. I knocked on his window and the volume of the music escalates. 

Glaring at the tinted window, I contemplated whether I recall ever meeting such a childish person. I don't think so. I tried to open the car and when it did. I shove it wide. Kyungsoo was sitting in the driver's seat as expected, with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed—as if he was in his own world. 

Without looking at me, he muted the music with a remote control long enough to say, "Go away."

His tone was extremely arrogant and I wanted to punch him. Instead I put a hand to my ear and looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "What? Can't hear you above the music. Too loud." I shrugged.

His jaw bunches and bangs covered down his forehead as he sat up.
He turned the music off. "Go away."

"Why don't you get inside and get a warm cup of coffee." I began, but he clamped his lips together. And leaned on his back as he pushed a button with his remote.  Loud music crackled back to life. 

"Silent treatment time again, huh?" 

I bravely took a step towards him and leaned over the dashboard, groping for the volume knob and turned the music off while trying not to think about my chest being inappropriately close to his face. Surprisingly enough, he didn't pull away or complain when I hovered over him. I paused, staring down at his lowered head. I thought maybe he finally resigned to me. Good. That'll make everything a lot more easy for the both of us. 

Once again, I became aware of the closeness of my body to his face, and my pulse picked up because of it. I gently touched the top his head down to the gash on his face, his hair thick and soft agaisnt my fingers. The wound was scabbed over with dried blood evident only in a small area of it. 

Without thinking about what I'm doing, I brushed my fingers across the silken locks of short black hair, an unconscious part of me wanted to comfort him like I would to anyone hurting. I know he is torn to million different parts; none of them probably resembling who he used to be before, and I do understand that, even if he's a pretty unlikable person and rude and hostile. I've been lost before. I've lost myself. I've lost those I loved. I think we all have. 

Tingles started at my fingertips  and moved up my arm as time froze and spinned at the same time. I glanced down and noticed how still he was — only his chest moved in time to his breathing.

Snatching my hand away, I hurried down and out of the car to put space between us. I refused to look in his direction because I didn't want to know the expression on his face. "It's, uh, are you hungry or something? Because, uh, we ordered pizza." 

I make a sound of exasperation when he didn't say anything. "Look, I know you hate me but you'll catch a cold if you stay out here—"

"Hana, we're out of coffee or tea or whatever edible drinks you could offer, other than water." Sora yelled over.

"Just blend some fruit in the fridge!"

"I don't see any. They're all green."

"We'll be there in a minute."

I noticed the instant grimace on Kyungsoo's face. "Look, I didn't ask to be here, okay? Luhan and I were supposed to go to the movies." he growled, his face forward so that I can see the clenching of his jaw.

Anger spun me around and I stared at him for a long time. 
"Fine," grumbling to myself as I slammed his door shut and made my way back to the house. Alone. 
It occured to me that I was seriously irritated. That doesn't happen very often with him. Usually I would be scared and freak out when I interacted with him. But not this time. I took a slow, deep breathe as I entered and found Luhan sitting awkwardly straight on the couch. 

Sora joined us not long after I closed the door. In spite all the drama, she snickered immediately catching a glare from me. "Uh, yeah... I'll watch for the pizza," Sora said and promptly went out onto the porch, closing the door behind her.

"Ms. Hana, why do I get the feeling there's more going on here than I know about?" Luhan came up quietly to my side.

"Nothing." I smiled. I can't tell anyone about what happened two weeks ago, Sehun and Sora said it's not our fault and staying quiet will be for our sake and yet that didn't relieve the guilt I felt. "It's nothing. Sora and I were just telling ghost stories when you came— we scared ourselves, that's all."

He smiled but I noticed how his shoulders slumped down. I getured towards the couch, "I think we should sit down, pizza should be here any minute. What is it that you want to tell me by the way?" 

The look on Luhan's face was still wary, but he took a chair while I perched on the arm of the couch. 

"I was worried about you," Luhan said. "The boys told me what happened in my absence. I wanted to make s

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Hi there! I'm back from the dead, haha. I'm currently writing the update so please, anticipate it. It's kind of long xD I love you minna-san /throws hearts/


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Ooooh this looks interesting!! Can't wait to read!
Chapter 18: I hope you're alright. This story is exactly what I was craving for, dark and mysterious. Thank you so much for writing this!
vlee_gonghyung #3
Are you still gonna update????
Chapter 18: I don't know why but something reminded me of this story so I felt like rereading a bit of it lol. Hope you're doing well!
Chapter 18: I can't believe it: you updated the chapter the day I travelled back to Greece, and the Okinawa trip also happened by plane, exactly like mine! I'm speechless!
Also, this trip is also the reason why I didn't get to comment sooner; but now that I have, let me just tell you my friend: you always manage to blow me away with how confused you make me feel. Feeling completely unsure about what will happen next, absolutely not knowing which one of the characters is trustworthy or not... this is what every fic of this genre should try to do, and you manage to do so almost effortlessly. Really, I can only bow to your talent at creating such a spectacular atmosphere, even when the characters are away from the creepy places -and the creepy people too.
And I love love love the way you portray the characters: they are all realistic, full of faults and good points, and the way you manage to write them off is simply amazing. I don't even know which one of them I'm rooting for anymore -figuring the mystery that is linked to the 'K' messages or for whom the romance blooms seems so difficult, so I'll just follow you wherever you choose to lead us.
Once again, you and your words are absolutely amazing, thank you so much for updating! I can only hope that you'll be able to also rest a bit during Christmas... Have a nice Christmas holiday, my dear friend! <3
Chapter 18: done reading your update, wow finally their Okinawa trip is happening. Sehun & Hana's bickering, lol!

Hana you're thinking about Kyungsoo, YOU!
Chapter 18: Ahhh thank you for the update!! And congrats on the job! I see you're working hard and really just thank you (:
yey Im ready for the update...
huehuehue #9
ahhh Kyungsoo!