Chapter 2

Our Little Secret

(Aaliah's Pov)

Eddy and I were at this club. I cant really remember the name because im insanely drunk and its 3am.

I was dancing in the middle of the VIP room we were in when some random guy started grabbing my hips, trying to dance with me.

I tried pushing him away but with all the alcohol in my system, my body was too weak to break away. His hands were getting a little risky for my liking. 

I looked around for Eddy, my eyes wandering the whole room until I spotted him. I stared at him until he made eye contact with me. I mouthed "help me" and scrunched my face so he could see I was uncomfortable. He quickly broke away from the girl he was dancing with, her scoffing in response. But who cares about her right now.

Eddy walked up next to me, grabbing the man's collar. He pushed the man on the ground, gaining everyone's attention.

The man rushed Eddy and theyre now fighting on the gorund in the middle of the club, gaining a crowd. 

Some random girl ran up to them and started hitting Eddy's back. I dont think she knows that I am a professional wrestler (not really). I just love to watch WWE. 

I ran full force, head first, and speared this girl knocking her into a wall.

I grabbed her hair and began punching her face. I dont know where all this energy came from, about 3 mins ago I couldnt get some guy off me. Now im beating some girl up in the club.

I felt some guy grab my waist and pull me off her. I started slapping the man away.

"Aaliah! Stop! Its Eddy" I stopped fighting and turned around. 

"Oh. Sorry" I said.

"Its okay. We have to go!" He took my hand and we ran out the club. 

We ended up going to my house. I gave Eddy a bottle of water and I left to take a shower. 


I got out of the shower and asked Eddy if he wanted to take one as well.

"Sure! Wanna come with?" He smirked.

I stared at him with a blank face. "Im walking away" I said.

I walked to my bed and laid down, checking my Instagram.

15 mins later, Eddy laid on my bed in sweatpants and no shirt. He always leaves his clothes at my place for when he sleeps over.

We were just laying on my bed in silence, until I broke it.

"So I thinking about what Mak said during the reception" 

"About us dating?" He said.

"You wish. Haha no about us being the only single ones in our group" I replied. 

"I want to be married too. You know? Im almost 30 years old and im still single. I want kids and a fam-"

"I have an idea!" He interrupted, smiling bright.

"Yes?" I responded questionalbly.

"Be my girlfriend!" I stared at him like he was crazy..which he is.

"Are you serious? Lets be serious! Thats our problem. We play around too much" I said walking to a corner of my room. 

"No. Really" He walked up to me. "Lets show them how serious we can be. Lets prove that were are responsible adults. They know that were close and they tell us to date anyway" He said.

"But I dont love that" I told him.

"Neither do I" He said, shivering. "Come on, it'll be our little secret"

I sighed.

"So how do we plan on pulling this off?"  I asked.


Its been about two weeks and Simba just got back from his honeymoon and were all going out to eat.

(Eddy's Pov)

So today is the day we put our plan into action.

Aaliah and I walked into the building together, holding hands.

The first person to notice was Eco. 

"Woah woah, what is this?" He yelled in amusement.

"So when did this happen?" Simba asked.

"Well" Aaliah began. "Its actually been going on for a few months now" 

"How many?" SanCheong finally spoke.

"7!" I shot out. I couldnt think of any other number.

Aaliah looked at me crazy. "We were afraid of what you guys would think, so we kept it hidden" She said.

"I mean, we've been waiting for this for like forever!" Eco exclaimed.

"What?" We said at the same time.

"Come on. The two of you are like PB & J, two peas in a pod. Exactly alike. You're never apart" Simba said.

"Yeah your like the cutest couple ever" Mak pinched our cheeks. We both smacked his hands away.

"Thank you" Aaliah smiled. She does have a beautiful smile.


(Aaliah's Pov)

Im suprised that they were supporting this "relationship" even before we decided to become a "couple".

They werent going to drop the subject anytime soon so I decided to change the subject.

"So Simba. How was your honeymoon?" I shot him my famous smile.

"Oh what a dashing smile. Too late babe, im officially off the market" He flashed his ring in my face. 

I kicked his foot under the table, earning a hiss and a glare.

"Anyway" He turned his body from mine and I laughed. "It was amazing"

"That's great" Eddy said.

We continued talking about Simba's honeymoon for about an hour. We left the restuarant and walked across the street to the beach. Its been our favorite place since we were all in highschool.

We were all walking across the shore. I was slowly falling behind the group.

I was lost in my thoughts. Would this really work out? How is this going to end up? Its not like we actually love eachother, beyond friendship.

I noticed Eco slowing down to walk beside me.

"Hey why you walking so slow?" He asked.

"Huh? Sorry I was thinking" I replied.

"About wh-"

"Hey babe can I talk to you for a sec?" Eddy came running over, interrupting Eco. I cringed at the word babe. He's going all out with this idea.

"Sure" I smile at him. 

He walks me over to a secluded spot on the beach and stood infront of me.


(Eco's Pov)

I was interrupted by Eddy, taking Aaliah away to an empty part of the beach.

"Where is he taking her?" Sancheong asked.

"Not sure" I replied.

In the distance, we could see Eddy get on one knee and Aaliah was covering . She was staring at him for a while until finally Eddy put a ring on her finger.


(Aaliah's Pov)

Eddy stood in front of me in silence.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

"I know what im about to do might shock you, but just please agree with it" He finally spoke.

"Okay? What are you going to d-" Eddy got down on one knee.

I covered the side of my face so the guys couldnt possibly tell what I was saying.

"What are you doing?" I yelled at him.

"Come on. I want to prove that I am a man" He said.

"By proposing? For a relationship that doesnt even exist? Eddy your really pushing it now" I scolded. "How is this supposed to end?"

"Well after a year or so we can say that we decided to just stay good friends"

Omg he's gone crazy. "A year!?" I yelled. "You want to be married for a year?" I take in a deep breath.

He just stared at me. "We need to make this relationship look real"

I sighed. "Okay"

"Really? You'll do this?" 

"Do you want me to say no and embarrass you in front of the guys?" I saw him glance over at the guys, who were all staring at us by now.

"Hurry up and put the ring on my finger" I told him.

He slide the ring, which was beautiful, on my finger and stood up.

I heard yelling and I saw Mak and Eco running up to me. They squeezed me in a tight hug.

Simba and SanCheong walked calmly towards us.

"So are you going to kiss her?" Mak said.

I turned my head so quick. Kiss?

I looked at Eddy and he was smiling. God he's such a player.

"Yeah! Kiss your fiance. Eco said.

Eddy walked closer to me and I stepped back. He grabbed me and placed his lips on mine.

I could hear Mak and Eco's "oohhs and awws".

The entire time during the kiss I was pinching Eddy's stomach for revenge. I could hear him whimpering, but I could care less.

Im going to hurt him even more when we get home.


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Kottoko #1
Chapter 1: Omgosh I just finished the first chapter and I am soooooooo inlove!
C3cilia #2
Chapter 28: This was my first JJCC fanfic. I really love it!!!! To bad it finish. :'(
mintyjess #3
Chapter 28: Awesome stories!!!
Mikkie25 #4
Chapter 28: What a wonderful ending ^^ Sad that its over though!! I can't wait until your new stories come out!!!!!!!
Chapter 28: OMG! I love the mini novel! I can't wait for your other stories to come out soon!!(: Fighting!;)
sevixx #6
Chapter 28: Exciting to the very end. Glad they got the baby back before those psychos could hurt him. es got their just desserts.
man1727 #7
Chapter 28: Lol..they got the baby back and now are going to prank her.. Eddy is going to be in big trouble, he'll be in the dog house for weeks.. Hahaha..good luck with school, do well!
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 28: That was a good ending
Chapter 27: Stupid stupid stupid thats all I gots to say. The whole neighborhood?!!!!! I'd kill everybody in that no id spray everyone
Mikkie25 #10
Chapter 27: *Gasp* Please let everyone but the crazy people be alright!!! DX