Diagon Alley

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It couldn't have been the pea-flavoured crisps, or the horrifying countless number of beer he had. Baekhyun wouldn't be surprised if the cause of his predicament was the weird concoction of salsa and mustard he downed. He knew he should have listened to his gut telling him not to take up the stupid dare. Now he would have to murder evil mastermind duo Kris and Tao with his bare hands. But then he remembers that copper red isn't a good colour on him.


Thinking back, it's all really Chanyeol's fault. "Invite them over", he said. "It'll be like a wild boys sleepover", he said. "It's gonna be fun", he said, "What could possibly go wrong," he ing said. Well, for one, Baekhyun somehow magically grew a pair of s and a overnight. His 's gone. Poof. Not even the slightest indication that it used to be there.


To say Baekhyun was shocked would be the understatement of the century. He was beyond baffled. He almost passed right out when he opened his eyes and found himself peering at the foot of the bed through a pair of ing hills on his chest. Like, why the hell was Sister's Island sitting comfortably on his usually flat chest? It was such a strange feeling, to have some weight literally pressing down on your chest. Baekhyun's instinct had been to jump out of bed, but he soon regretted it when he had to frantically grab at his s with his hands to keep them from flying eveywhere. Trying to remain calm --which is quite a feat for Baekhyun who tends to overreact at the smallest of things, he walked over to the mirror set above the sink in the bathroom and shrieked like a girl. Literally. 


He (or she?) locked herself in the bathroom from there on out and refused to open it up for anyone. That's how Chanyeol ended up sitting on the floor with his back against the closed door to the bathroom,  trying to coax his boyfriend(or girlfriend?) to come out. It's been an hour and all Chanyeol has heard is Baekhyun's constant string of unintelligible cursing and the occasional sobbing which sort of catches Chanyeol off guard. 


"Baek, baby, if you're not going to let me in, can you at least tell me what's going on?" 


There's a sniffle on the other side before Chanyeol heard Baekhyun's reply. "Can't you tell from my voice?"


Chanyeol thought hard about it. "It sounds a little high pitched. Are you sick?"


"I don't know... is there even a name for this?" Baekhyun muses aloud, more to herself. Everything was so confusing she had taken to sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, her knees unable to hold her up. She pulls on her hair, slightly relieved that it was still the same short crop she had as a boy. She doesn't think she can handle it if she were chewing on her long hair every time she opened .


"Baek, maybe if you opened this door I can help you. Just let me check if you're alright,  please." Chanyeol is getting desperate,  and it shows in the way he sounds so strung out. How could Chanyeol help his boyfriend if Baekhyun didn't allow him?


"Okay, Yeol. I think I'm ready to open up. But you have to promise me something," Baekhyun calls through the door as Chanyeol scrambles to his feet and presses his ear to it.


"Anything, Baek." It's not the smartest idea because Baekhyun's requests are, unfortunately, most of the time, an order too tall for Chanyeol. But at this rate, Chanyeol was just relieved Baekhyun was finally calm enough to make rational decisions. Like telling his worried boyfriend what the matter was. How bad could it be, right? Unless Baekhyun is pregnant, which is an absolutely ridiculous and implausible theory because Baekhyun is a guy. He can't get pregnant.


"Don't laugh." Baekhyun's request that's laced in utmost uncertainty tugs Chanyeol out of his thoughts. "Or pass out."


"You're really scaring me now, but okay. I promise, cross my heart." Chanyeol places a hand over his heart even though Baekhyun can't really see him right now, what with the closed door still separating them.


"And don't leave me either?" Baekhyun asks timidly.


"Baek, I would never." Chanyeol says fervently. There's a brief pause before the door unlocks with a quiet click. As cliche as it sounds, everything seems to be moving in slow motion as the door gradually opens to reveal...




Chanyeol's eyes snap up to meet the owner of the s gaze, and there is without a doubt that those almond shaped eyes belong to that of his boyfriend. But... 


s? Baekhyun with S!? 


Baekhyun stands there with his-- her -- hand still tightly clutching the doorknob, as if she might decide to make it run for it anytime soon. Chanyeol almost passes out -- because he has always been a little faint hearted despite how giant he is -- but then he is reminded of his promise to Baekhyun. No laughing or passing out. In no way was this a laughing matter. Chanyeol's mind kicks into gear, whirring over the idea of Baekhyun turning into a girl, and the first few thoughts he has revolve around the possible reasons as to why his boyfriend now stands before him as a girl. 


"Are those real?" are the words that eventually escapes Chanyeol's mouth. He reaches out a hand to get a feel of them himself, but he's immediately slapped away by a small hand with dainty fingers. Baekhyun's hands have always been small and his fingers slender, but turning into a girl has gifted him with even prettier hands, as impossible as it sounds.


"Don't touch them!" Baekhyun shrieks. Chanyeol's eyes grow wider at how high-pitch it sounds now. "What if they fall off?"


"Baekhyun, s don't just fall off from a girl's body." Chanyeol deadpans.


"They don't grow on a boy's body overnight as well, but look what's happened." Baekhyun sobs dryly, her hands moving up to his hair to tug on them in exasperation. She looks up at Chanyeol whose face houses a small frown, clearly thinking. 


"Please don't ask me why or how. I don't know. I woke up this way. Didn't you see me in the morning?"


"I woke up in the living room with Kris' monstrous foot tickling my nose and Tao's heavy on my crotch," Chanyeol explains, not bothering to be sublte about his shudder. It's weird enough that he woke up without Baekhyun by his side, and to top it off, his best friend's boyfriend's had practically been grinding against his groin in the most awkward position ever.


"Were you by his ?" Baekhyun's eyes narrows to deathly sword-like slits, arms tightly wounded across her chest. Her expression falters for a moment when she realizes that her chest isn't the flatboard it used to be, but she recollects herself quickly and assumes Jealous Girlfriend Ready-to-Attack mode once more. Chanyeol bites back a chuckle because Baekhyun has somehow managed to still look adorable despite having transformed into a girl. 


"Of course not, babe. His isn't as perky as yours." The response elicits a smirk of approval from Baekhyun. For a second, her mind is free from the troubles of her change in gender but the sudden compelling

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Chapter 1: Oh my! I really wish you'd continue thissss
Chapter 1: plz continue
zankai_88 #3
Chapter 1: Please continue this... Maybe you won't but this really needs to be done. Your humour is perfect and I really want to know if the old man with he orange goatee lied XDDD
Chapter 1: Lol xD haha
vivinka #7
Hi... i just found this story n i like it n i wonder that maybe u will continue this story or not...
Chapter 1: TROLOLOLOLOLOL tao i don't know whether i hv to strangle you or say thank you XDDDDDD
Chapter 1: This makes my day! I swear that I never read crossgender bc I rly don't like it. But I rly love this story! Ad u'r my fav author after all ^^
Chapter 1: 'but he soon regretted it when he had to frantically grab at his s with his hands to keep them from flying eveywhere.'
This was really fun to read hahaha^^