
Kyungsoo's Secret Love Letter
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Jongin was at a café with some of his friends. They were talking about their lives. But Jongin didn’t really pay attention to the story. He had something occupying his mind right now. He keeps glancing at his watch. It’s time. Around this time, Kyungsoo will go out to buy food at the supermarket. He quickly told his friends an excuse and then immediately go home.

He marched into his house. Jongin goes into his and Kyungsoo’s bedroom. He opened the wardrobe and threw out all of the clothes. He searched every single spot in the wardrobe but he found nothing. Next, he continued to search the whole bedroom carefully inside out. He examined every corner and places in the bedroom. Nothing can get pass his eyes.

After a lot of effort, he still couldn’t find the thing he has been searching for. The room was now a whole mess. Clothes, books were scattering on the floor. The beautiful room Kyungsoo put a lot of effort in cleaning and organizing become a disaster. He was angry because he can’t find it so he kicks powerfully to a cabinet creating a very large sound.

Hearing a sound coming from his parent’s room, little Jongsoo quickly runs to see what was happening. He saw his daddy holding one of his legs and jumping because of the pain. Jongsoo just stood there and watched his daddy. Jongin saw his son so he stops and pours all of his anger on Jongsoo.

“What are you looking at? Get out now.”

Being scolded for no reason, little Jongsoo was startled and runs back to his room with fear. Jongin was now alone in a messy room. Jongin began to clean up. He wanted to make the room look like it was 30 minutes ago. Jongin’s leg was still in pain.

He sat down on the bed to ease the pain. He punched down to the bed to release his anger. He sighed “So you hide it. Hide it! Wait until I find it. You will see my anger. I will let you feel the pain.”

 Jongin darted his eyes around the room one more time. He tried to identify to the envelope that a few days ago, Kyungsoo waited for him to go to bed then sneakily the lamp and carefully opened it and smiled to himself. Thinking back about that image makes Jongin furious and insane. Jongin preceded his next move. He went out of the bedroom and searched the whole house. He began with the kitchen then the living room and toilet. He searched every place he thinks that can be a great secret place to hide the envelope. He searched under the carpet, vase, behind every picture in the house. But Jongin still couldn’t find that envelope.

Jongin wanted to find that envelope and show it to Kyungsoo so Kyungsoo can’t deny anything. Jongin becomes more determined to find that envelope no matter what. When he brainstormed of any suspicious place to hide, he quickly rushed to that place to find. But the more he looked the more he’s disappointed.  He was able to read a small part of this letter Kyungsoo was reading. Jongin wanted to who is the person that made Kyungsoo blush with pinky cheek like when he proposed to Kyungso. After an hour of searching, Jongin still could’t find that letter. Outside Jongin may look tough but inside he was so broken.

“Why Kyungsoo? Why did you do that? Don’t I love you enough?”

Jongin looked at his clock. It’s nearly the time Kyungsoo will go home from the supermarket. Kyungsoo cleans up the mess he made. He went back to his bedroom. He adjusted his clothes to make him still look normal like nothing happened. He walked down to the living and sees his adorable son playing the living room with his robot. He felt guilty for yelling unreasonably at him a moment ago. He sits down, pinches Jongsoo’s cheek and says “Let’s me play with you.”

Jongsoo was happy to hear that so he looks up and smiled at his daddy. He asked “Does your feet still hurt?”. Jongin ruffles his son’s hair and says “I’m okay.”

Kyungsoo opened the door and steped in the house. He was carrying 2 big bags. He greeted Jongin and began cooking dinner. Kyungsoo didn’t prepare dinner but instead he prepared some snacks for Jongin and Jongsoo.

After Kyungsoo finshed cooking, he called Jongin and Jongsoo to eat it. Jongin found it strange that Kyungsoo didn’t cook dinner.  They finished dinner and goes to the living room to watch TV.

He sat down and looked at Kyungsoo from head to toes. He thought in his mind “He looks happy. He must be thinking about the letter and his secret lover.”

Jongin turned off the TV, stood up and grabbed his car key. Kyungsoo said “Where are you going? Do you have a meeting with someone? You look suspicious.” Then Kyungsoo said “Let go back to our room. I have something to tell you.”

Jongin was scared. He looked pale with the worried face. He turned to Jongsoo and felt sadder. Jongin thought “So Kyungsoo wants to divorce.”

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Chapter 1: cute~~~~~~~~~~ hahahah! overly jealous jongin! <3
I wanna read! I wanna read! please update soon~~~