He's gone?

Don't, Please don't

(A/N: Ji Hyo's POV)

We rushed to the Seoul Hospital and throughout the drive, I was sitting beside Jaesuk oppa, who was kept on rubbing my back and gave me comfort. I saw Jaesuk oppa had stopped his tears from flowing. I knew that he was forcing himself not to cry in front of me because he wanted to give me some comfort and let me feel secure, just like a father telling his daugther that everything would be alright. 

"Oppa." I called out for him as he turned to me with a sad smile on his face. He gently brushed my hair with his fingers and he did it so delicately but I loved when Jong Kook oppa did that to me. Although Jaesuk oppa did it with much gentleness, Jong Kook did it with much love, a much love that I could still feel it right now even when he wasn't by my side.

"You can just cry, you know." I said. Jaesuk oppa shook his head and looked in front of him with a look full of hope, but with a bit of sorrow and a bit of guilt in it.

"I can't. I just can't." He said in a low voice, barely audible to others in the van but I could heard it. His voice was full of despair, guilt and sorrow and by hearing to his voice, it can make one felt down instantly, that's how sad and sorrow Jaesuk oppa sound. I gently squeezed his hand, wanting him to let it all out because we couldn't lose Jaesuk oppa who acted like a father to all of us, even to Suk Jin oppa. Thats why he tend to keep all his problem to himself, even at hard times. None of us could find a way to let him open up to us but somehow my yeobo found a way, slowly crawling into Jaesuk oppa's heart. 

"Mong Ji-ah. W-w-what if h-he-" I put my index finger on Jaesuk oppa's lips, preventing him to continue.

"Oppa, trust Kookie oppa. He would never, never, n--ne-never a-a-abandon us." I said, trying to control my voice from shaking. I lowered my head, fighting with myself to control my tears but I felt my face being lifted gently and I saw Jaesuk oppa was staring at me.

"You're right. After all,  he is the Commander, and he hasn't had a chance to bicker with me today." Jaesuk said. I just nodded my head as Jaesuk oppa continue to stare outside the road. I knew something was in his mind but I rather not to ask him because I knew I was not the one Jaesuk oppa would tell his problem to. I wiped my tears and closed my eyes. All those memories with Kookie oppa , from the time when he was in Turbo, until I met him in Family Outing, until Running Man and he confessed to me and lastly until now. My heart ached when all those memories with him flooded my mind. 

Kookie oppa, yeobo, jagiya,babe, wangja-nim, Kook Jong, Sparta, Commander. I kept on thinking all the nicknames that I had called him with and he always replied with "Anything for you, my princess and soon to be my queen?". It never failed to make me fluster from his sweet talks. I still remembered the time when he was extremely jealous of Lee Dong Wook and he was very cute that time. "You are mine and only mine, Seong Im." He whispered with he low and husky voice in my ear when he silently gave me a back hug when we were having a break during the shooting. 

I slowly took out the necklace that was hanging on my neck and touched it with each of my finger, the necklace that represented our vows to each other and a proof to our love. I smiled as I remembered the time when I brought him home.

"Albeoji, I love your daughter with all of my heart. I know I only have muscle and no brain but I would use all my life, power, intelligence and strength to protect her. Please accept us." He said while kneeling down and bowing down. My dad's face just remained stoic and he spoke.

"What can you offer to Seong Im?"

"Nothing." Kookie oppa replied and I saw my dad frowned.

"Then why are you asking my blessing?" My dad asked and anger coud found lingering in his voice.

"I have nothing can offer to her and I might cause her being hate by her fans. I only can offer her love and my life. That's all." He said as I saw my dad smiled and patted his back.

"Young man, treat my princess good." My dad said as he stood up. With that, we had my parents blessing. As for his parents, his parents had always been supportive about our relationship so there was no problem at all.

"Mong Ji-ah." Gary's voice brought me back to reality.

"Huh?" I looked around.

"We're here." Suk Jin oppa said and all of us got off the car. I quickly ran toward the counter without caring all of the others shouting for my name at the back. My heart, my soul and my mind were all on one person, the person that I longed for his warmth, hugs and kisses.

"May I know where is Kim Jong Kook?" I asked while slamming the counter.

"Please calm down." The nurse said.

"Just tell me where he is." I said coldly, without caring the pain emitting from my palms.

"He still in ER." The head nurse said as I bowed to her and rushed to the ER. I took deep breathe as I saw nurses and even doctors rushing in and out from the ER. I wanted to rush into ER but my arm was being held. I turned around and saw Kwang Soo helding my hand with his head gently moved side to side. I only nodded my head as I agreed to him. Rushing in wouldn't do me any good. Jaesuk oppa and Suk Jin oppa led me to the chairs and all of us sat down. Gary and HaHa oppa were lowering their head, perhaps praying for him. Jaesuk oppa's face remained calm but he was clenching his fists time to time, a hint that showed he was nervous and anticipating something. Suk Jin hyung only holding tightly to his phone with Kwang Soo gently rubbing his back. While me, I was just sitting at there, hoping everything would be alright because I never and wouldn't want to know how am I going to live without him. 

Suddenly a doctor walked out from the ER and all of us surrounded him and started to bombard him questions.

"Just be quiet and ask question one at a time." Jaesuk oppa said as all of us remained silent. I quickly pushed Gary and Kwang Soo away and stood in front of the doctor, holding the doctor's hand as tight as I could, I gulped down my saliva.

"Is he okay?" I asked, trying my best to be as calm as I could.

"He is." The doctor said as I sighed in relief but what the doctor said next had made me started to worry again.

"For now. For now, Kim Jong Kook-shi is in stable condition but when he was sent here just now, his body was icy cold and he lost his heartbeat for nearly a minute. We did our best to maintain his heartbeat and body temperature but the injury at his back is critical."

"How critical it is?" HaHa oppa asked.

"As critical as it might send him to be paralyze forever, or become unconcious forever or maybe being concious and able to walk again. We don't know." 

"How can you don't know?! YOU ARE A DOCTOR FOR GOD SAKE!!" Gary bursted out and grabbed the doctor's coat.

"GARY!" Jaesuk oppa shouted as Gary slowly let go of his grip.

"We don't know because somehow due to long time submerging in cold water might cause his nerves at his spine not be functioning as good as we thought. In addition, the injury that he sustained earlier is very critical, because there's a bone fracture at his lower back. The long time submerging in cold water not only affected his nervous system, but it also affected his brain greatly. Due to extreme coldness, his brain had undergo a shutdown mode."

"Shutdown mode?" Kwang Soo asked.

"Its a mode when your brain sensed your body is in great danger so it automatically shut down all your senses, including concious to protect your body." The doctor explained.

"When will he be concious?" I asked as I gripped on Gary's shirt tightly.

"We don't know because its his own body. He will awake when his brain sense that his body is no longer in danger." The doctor said as I collapsed but luckily Kwang Soo was there.

" These 4 days would be critical because if Kim Jong Kook-shi doesn't wake up in this four days, there's a high percentage that he will never wake up. Or even if he wake up after the critical period, there's still a high percentage for him to be unable to walk for his entire life. That's all that I can tell you all. For now, he would be at room 205. I need to go to tend other patient." The doctor walked away. All of us were standing at there, dumbfounded and trying to get a hold of ourselves. Kookie oppa, being unconcious, forever.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted. I closed my ears and squatted down, curling into a ball.

"Noona!"Kwang Soo hugged me as I cried. I was crying as hard as I could, and I could felt something was falling on top of my head; I knew Kwang Soo was crying but I couldn't care more about him. I wanted all this nightmare to go away, I wanted to wake up in his embrace. Please, just please, I want everything to stop this instant! 

"Seong Im." I heard Jaesuk oppa calling my name so I stood up and looked at him, with hope in my eyes, wanting him to tell me its all just a terrible nightmare.

"Lets go." He said as he turned around. I just stood there, watching his back, and without realizing, my feet started to bring me to Kookie's oppa room. When all of us reached his room, we then realized that it was far more serious than we had imagined because Kookie oppa was now laying in the ICU room. My tears escaped from my eyes again when I saw my beloved's condition. Tubes, machines everywhere. His body was connecting to several tubes and several machines were around him. Half of his face being hidden behind the oxygen mask.

"Hyung." I heard Gary said as he slowly touched the glass window that separated us and him.

"K-k-kook J-j-jong-ah." Jaesuk oppa calling out to him by using his nickname during Family Outing. Suddenly my brain couldn't function anymore as my surrounding went from colourful to pitch black.

"Seong Im!" The last thing I heard was Suk Jin oppa's voice.


Ji Hyo suddenly fainted but luckily HaHa ws able to catch her, and saved her from injured herself. Jaesuk glanced at Jong Kook who was laying unconcious in the room and looked back to Ji Hyo, who had already fainted. 

"Hyung, h-h-how are we g-going to d-d-do t-t-this?" Gary said as he sobbed. Jaesuk shook his head and sat down, hiding both of his face in his palms. He was lost, really lost for the first time. He didn't know what to do anymore. In one day, two of his closest family members being unconcious and one of them was facing a critical situation. HaHa sowly put Ji Hyo on a bench nearby and he sat on the ground, back leaning against the wall, with his eyes staring at the white ceiling. Gary was still touching the glass window and Kwang Soo just leaning against the wall, without saying any word. Suk Jin, he was just remained motionless, and kept on staring at Jong Kook. As for Jaesuk, he just remained in his position. 

None of them dared to say any words, or make any sound, or make any jokes. They knew they needed to break this heavy atmosphere but somehow, something in their heart telling them don't. They knew that one day Running Man would be end but now, it was still too early to stop this show and too cruel to stop it too. Bonds, feelings, closeness,skinship that had been build up little by little, it was just simply too cruel to crash all of those into pieces, as if such things didn't exist from the start. Having these thoughts had slowly tiring all of them. 

Their mind was filled with the guy in the room, kept on hoping he would be okay but something in their mind told them to accept the reality, the reality that he might not make it anymore. Fists being clenched and unclenched, tears being stopped and released from their eyes, sobbing sounds that stopped and started, along with five mentally and physically exhausted guys along with one unconcious girls in the corridor of the hospital. It was a sad scene to see because that moment, no laughter, smile, just sorrow, guilt and despair. The whole aura being emitted from them was just negative, as negative as it would never have chance to become positive again. By looking to their expression, one might think that there would be no way for them to laugh or crack a joke again which would cause a crisis to their job because they were comedian. They needed to make people happy but whats the point in making people happy when they, themselves were not even genuinely happy to start with.

"Nngh." A groan escaped from Ji Hyo which caused the other five guys to turn and look at the girl. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. She then stood up and slowly walked toward the glass window, head leaning on the glass window, eyes closing as tight as she could.

"W-w-what if we strongly refused the mission? Maybe he won't be laying at there." Ji Hyo said.

"Mong Ji-ah." Jaesuk called out to the girl as he knew the girl was slowly slowly breaking down.

"Oppa, I s-s-seriously d-d-don't know what s-s-should I do anymore." Ji Hyo said in a calm tone, a tone that as calm as if she had already lost her hope.

"What if we never go and negotiate with them? Jong Kook hyung won't be in there." Kwang Soo said.

"What if we sensed something is wrong when them agree to negotiate with us? Maybe, just maybe we won't be as guilty as what we felt now." Suk Jin said.

"What if I never promise Jong Kook hyung to hide his injuries? Maybe, maybe, he won-" Gary choked on his tears. There were too many 'what if' in their mind but following those 'what if', there would be a 'maybe' behind but they knew deeply in their heart that no matter how much 'what if' they thought of, their beloved Tiger was still lying in the room, with tubes all over his body, eyes shutting as tight as he could, as if he didn't had a plan to open his eyes anyore. Beeping sounds from the machine was the only background music for this sorrowful moments. 

"I'm going in." Ji Hyo said as she slowly walked toward the room.

"N-noona-" Kwang Soo wanted to follow her but being held by Jaesuk.

"Let her. They need some time." Jaesuk said as Kwang Soo just watching Ji Hyo entering the room. She bit her lips to prevent herself to burst into tears again but each steps she took was as heavy as lead,and the uneasiness in her heart increases. She wanted to run and slap and shout at the man but she knew she needed to be rational and calm. She wanted to turn away and cry but she knew she couldn't cry because he would be sad and guilty when he saw she crying. She slowly sat down beside him, caressing his face and gently hold his strong, big hand with both of her hands.

"Don't you think you sleep too much? I'm the sleep guru, not you, you know." She said with a small smile on her face. She then brought his hand to her face and gently nuzzled her face into his huge hand. She was shocked because his hand felt so cold, but she still nuzzled her face into it, because it was his hand, the huge hand that always let she felt secure and protected. The hand that she realized she could never let it go and never handed to other girls.

"You know, I feel cold. I need you to hug me and give me warmth like what you usually do." She said. On the other hand, the guys were all in tears. They were impressed on how strong she could be. Then she slowly played with his fingers, and tracing his muscular body, with closed. She didn't want to say anything because she just wanted to keep on observe how serene his face was when he was deep asleep. Its been a long time for him to have such long sleep due to his hectic schedule.

"Oppa, when you wake up, I going to announce to the whole world that you are mine and I am yours. I going to let them know I'm belong to you, not to Baek Chang Joo." She said as she slowly fall asleep, drifting into a sweet dream, whereby he and her were teamed up and running here and there to oust other members.

The next day, HaHa paid Jong Kook a visit and he saw Ji Hyo was sleeping beside Jong Kook. He gently lifted Ji Hyo up and put her on the couch so that she could sleep in a more comfortable porsition. 

"Aish, this girl." He mumbled and went to see his beloved hyung.

"Hyung, don't you think its time to wake up? Ji Hyo-ah, she, and us has been missing you like crazy." HaHa said as he sat down. There was no response from the man, only the machines replied HaHa with its own beeping sound.

"Hyung, lets play survival game again. I want to have a match with you, like a man. Although I know that I will lose to you but we never know. So pali, faster wake up. Don't, please don't." HaHa choked on his tears as he gripped tightly on Jong Kook's hand.

"I ca-can't ma-make it i-in t-the s-s-show until now if y-you are not t-there to guide me so please wake up, I beg you." HaHa said as he facr drenched in tears. He kept on wiping away his tears but it seems that his effort of stopiing his tears was futile. He then stood up and went to Ji Hyo, gently wiping her sweat and smiled sadly.

"You, need to be strong but don't be too strong. You still have us." HaHa said and with that he left the room. Ji Hyo was awake all the time, from the time when HaHa put her on a couch. She heard what HaHa had said and her heart crushed into pieces again when she knew HaHa was suffering as much as her. She cried silently, muffling her own sobbing voice.

The next day, Kwang Soo and Suk Jin came to visit. Suk Jin covered Ji Hyo with a blanket because it was getting colder and colder even with the heater on, it was still cold in the room. Maybe it was because of the silent atmosphere in the room or maybe it was because the empty feelings in their heart.

"Hyung, wake up. Wake up now! You idiot!" Kwang Soo scolded the man but there was no response from the man.

"J-jebal, please, I beg you wake up and hit me with all your might. Don't, p-please d-don't l-l-let me h-h-have my way around you." Kwang Soo got on his knees and cried. There was no sound from him but tears wetting the bed sheet and he was gripping to the bed sheet as tight as he could, until his knuckled had turned white. Suk Jin only able to pat Kwang Soo's back but not any words of comfort from him because he knew, he knew that nothing can comfort all of them right now.

"Jong Kook-ah, just wake up, okay? I waiting for you to fight me. And don't, please don't leave all of us alone." Suk Jin said calmly but one or two tears found their ways to his face and to the ground.

"Oppa." Ji Hyo called out to Suk Jin. The two man turned around and saw Ji Hyo with her hair sticking out everywhere, a bloating face and a pair of red and puffy eyes with huge eyebags under it. 

"Ji Hyo." Suk Jin said and soon he felt someone hugged him tightly. He looked down and saw Ji Hyo hugging him tightly. Kwang Soo stood up and hug both of the shorter male and female.

"He will be alright, noona." Kwang Soo said.

"Yeah. He will be alright because he need to hit the Giraffe for scolding him." Suk Jin said as Ji Hyo giggled.

"W-w-wait, h-he won't kill me, right?" Kwang Soo started to be panic.

"You are dead when he's awake." Suk Jin said. The two man smiled in relief when they heard a small giggle from the girl.

"Ji Hyo-ah, stay strong, okay? And smile, Jong Kook once said before that you look the prettiest when you smile." Suk Jin said as he gently brushed off the tears from her face. She nodded her head and smiled. Suk Jin just patted her head, Kwang Soo gently hugged her to give her support and with that both of them walked out from the room. After that, Gary entered the room.

"Mong Ji." Gary called out to Ji Hyo.

"Gary." Ji Hyo made way for Gary. Gary slowly walked toward Jong Kook.

"Hyung, would you be mad at me, for telling others your injury?" Gary asked and as usual, no response.

"You would be furious eh. Hyung, I miss working out with you. You know, you should help me train. I need to have six packs in order to impress Suzy." Gary said with a smile on his face, a bitter smile.

"Hyung, I beg you to wake up and hit me, just don't, please don't leave me at here. I am just a random Mr Capable while you are the real Mr Capable. What will I do when you are not around?" Gary asked as he shook his head, shaking out all those negative thoughts and sighed. He then turned around and looked at Ji Hyo.

"Mong Ji, when Jong Kook hyung is awake, I would like Monday Couple to break up." With that Gary left the room, there was no tears from his eyes as he was tired of crying.

The third day after the incident, Jaesuk paid a visit. Ji Hyo was not around as she needed to go for a CF shooting. Jaesuk sighed in relief as he wouldn't see Ji Hyo in her worst state. Jaesuk entered the room, saw the once a monster man was now lying on the bed, unconciously. Jaesuk quickly wiped off the tears and sat down beside the bed.

"Kook Jong-ah, wake up eh. We need to continue our filming of Running Man." Jaesuk said as he gently hit Jong Kook's hand. 

"Eh, wake up and don't be such lazy . We have viewers' ratings to be maintain. Jaesuk said as he leaned toward the bed.

"I had decide, if you s-s-somehow n-n-never w-w-wake up, I w-w-would j-just quit and the show would just stop because each of us are one huge family. If there's no you, there's no point of running the show anymore, right?" Jaesuk let out a short and sad laugh as he shook his head.

"So wake up, please. D-d-d-d-on't , please don't abandon the show, and us." With that Jaesuk left. 

The fourth day, which was the most crucial time for the man on the bed. None of the running man casts were here at the moment due to their schedule. Ji Hyo was the only one free right now because she asked her manager to clear all of her schedule today since she wanted to spend the whole day with him. She sat beside the bed and looked around the room which she had spent her past 3 days here. Yes, she stayed in the room with him for the past three days. She bathes, ate and slept there because she wanted to seize every chances to be by his side. Although its exhausted for her because she couldn't sleep comfortably but just being beside him, gave her a secure feels and as if he was encouraging her to stay strong. 

Ji Hyo was feeling anxious because today was the last day, the last chance for him to wake up. Would he be able to wake up by today? She knew he was strong, mentally and physically but what if he decided not to wake up anymore? Ji Hyo then quickly slapped herself, shooing all those negative thoughts because she knew, deep inside her hear, she needed to have faith in him. She knew he wouldn't just abandon her.

"You know, I been thinking, actually all of us been thinking, what if we never protest bout the water mission, maybe we wouldn't seeing you suffering and we, our ownselves suffering right now. There's a lot of 'what if' that we had been thinking about-" Ji Hyo took a deep breathe and hold onto Jong Kook's hand tightly. 

"B-b-but I am just , just a m-mere human w-w-with no superpowers. I can't go time travel to the past and prevent everything happen. And I am weak, you know how weak am I but I stay strong for you, just to make you proud. So, pl-please, l-let m-me b-beg you with all of my heart and soul that don't, please don't let go, of me. P-please wake up and come back to us, to me because I am afraid. A-afraid that I would break anytime soon." Tears streaming down her face as she said all those and all those had been seen by the members.

"Ji Hyo." Jaesuk mumbled.

Suddenly a sharp beeping sound coming from the machine and it caused Ji Hyo to turn around. When she saw the machine, her face became pale. The loud beeping sounds caught the others attention too and their face became pale too.

"KWANG SOO, HAHA GO FIND THE DOCTOR! GARY AND HYUNG COME HELP ME!" Jaesuk shouted. The duo started to run toward the counter while the other three went into the room and saw the most heart wrecking scene ever.

"OPPA! OPPA! THIS IS NOT FUNNY OPPA! KIM JONG KOOK!" Ji Hyo was shooking Jong Kook with all her might, the heart rate machine had been showing a drastic drop of Jong Kook's heart rate. 

"KIM JONG KOOK!! YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO DEAD WHEN YOU WAKE UP!" Ji Hyo continued to shout and Gary hugged her from behind, trying to calm her down. Ji Hyo then turned around and cried. A cry that full of sorrow and despair, as if there were no hope for her anymore.

"Shhh." Gary rubbed her back and slowly brought Ji Hyo to outside of the room with Suk Jin's help. Jaesuk looked at the man on the bed.

"D-don't, please don't. Please." Jaesuk thought.

"HYUNG, THE DOCTOR IS HERE!" HaHa shouted as a doctor and a few nurses rushed into the room. Jaesuk walked out from the room and stared at all his family members. He then walked toward them, engulfing all of them in a huge hug, a hug where everyone was crying but not giving up hope because they knew the doctor would do his best to save their beloved Tiger.

"We need to wipe off our tears. What will Jong Kook say when he see us all crying?" Suk Jin said as others nodded their head.

"Yeah, he will be laughing at us." Kwang Soo said. 

"Maybe he just pranking us, you know, getting revenge on us." Ji Hyo mumbled as Jaesuk patted her back.

"That's right. So now lets us wait, for the chance to punish him for playing such a prank on us." Jaesuk said and all of them sat down, head lowering, clenching and unclenching fists, uneasiness growing in their heart. Suddenly they heard the door of the room being opened and there was the doctor.

"How is him?" Ji Hyo asked as she was the first one ran to the doctor. The doctor just remained silent and made way for Ji Hyo.

"N-n-no way." Ji Hyo entered the room and saw the straight line appeared on the machine as the nurses lowered their head.

"We did our best." The doctor said. HaHa and Gary started to scold the doctor with Jaesuk and Suk Jin trying to calm them down. Ji Hyo ignoring the noises behind her and walked toward the man.

"Stop playing. It's r-r-really not funny." Ji Hyo soon broke into tears as she leaned down to Jong Kook.

"You just doing this because you want a kiss from me, right?" Ji Hyo smiled with her tears streaming down. With that, she slowly leaned down and kissed Jong Kook gently. After awhile she pulled away and caressed his face.

"Now that I kissed you, p-p-please-" Ji Hyo mumbled as she leaned closer to him again and gave a peck on his lips again. But there was no response from him and this had made her losing hope all of it.






A/N: Sorry for being a long chapter because next chapter would be the last chapter for this short story... Please comments and subscribe.

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Chapter 4: So emotional...
cry and wide smile appear when i read this
so romantic
good job author nim
ainali #2
Chapter 4: a romantic and sad story but I like it.hehehe
Chapter 4: thank you for your hard working author nim
runningheroes #4
hi! just read your story, and it was so heartbreaking i cried a lot. it's a great fanfic and i truly enjoyed reading it :) I've been trying to find a fanfic where there's lots of tension and feels kind of angsty, and this really fulfilled my needs as a reader.

by the way, author-nim, the storyline was really thoughtfully made and was enjoyable while being really sad and angsty. one thing though, the last chapter was quite confusing to me, since the place setting wasn't clear. another thing would be, well, i think the sobbing/panting sounds would be easier to read if you used dots instead of dashes(-). but overall, i loooooove this fic!

Thank you sooooo much for the story!
naarnia07 #5
Authornim.....u'r story is daebak. I keep crying & my tears keep flowing.
It is already loo.....ng ago i had myself cry from deep of my heart while read a story.
p/s: sorry for the grammar......
i...i am crying .... i have been reading it the third time but ma tears are still flowing...i just simply love ur story...authornim pls more spartace stories :DDD
NovitaSuryamin #7
Please update "It's not the same" fanfic.
Chapter 4: OMG! Your ending was so cute! I loved it. I loved how you combined their a given names into their son's name. Funny, just how you described their son to be I've pictured their son to be too. Ji hyo's big eyes and jong kook's lips and nose. Handsome little liger. I'm a er for baby fics. Your was the cutest. I can't wait to read another one. Keep up the great work!
boboy100 #9
Chapter 4: thank you very much..
Maxxz7 #10
plez update soon..i want to know what happen next..huhu