and here it goes

More than Friends

“Dad, how did you meet mum ?”

Jiyong’s head snapped up from reading the newspaper to find a pair of big black eyes, shinning with curiosity looking back at him.

Stunned for a moment from the question his youngest daughter, he just shuffled in his seat and gave an awkward laugh.

“Erm why don’t you ask mum? I’m sure she will tell you how we met,” he replied.

“But mum asked me to ask you. She said you would remember how you guys met,” she said, giving her best puppy dog eyes, which has not failed her to date.

Jiyong melted at the sight of his daughter’s puppy eyes.

“C’m here,” Jiyong said, making space for his daughter to sit in the crook of his arm.

“Yay,” Zara exclaimed and ran towards her father. (I think if Jiyong ever had a kid he would most probably incorporate English into it… just a thought don’t bash me over it >< )

“Okay so here goes. Your mum and I actually go way back , but I had always had a crush on your mum so I just plucked up the courage one day and asked her. It was about 7 years back…..”

7 years ago…..

The beats from the speakers vibrated throughout the club while Chearin just sat at the bar nursing a gin and tonic while waiting for the others to arrive. As usual she was the earliest, but she was earlier than usual that day due to the stress she was facing at work. Being the editor for one of Korea’s biggest fashion magazine sure is tough. There wasn’t such thing as normal when you are dealing with things that can come and go on a whim, one day this item is “in”, the next is out dated, and right now she is predicting the next big item in Korea.

That’s how Jiyong found her. She was deep in her thoughts when someone suddenly poked her at the sides of her waist.

“Omma ya!” she exclaimed and turn to see the culprit who did it. Jiyong grinned, earning him a glare from Chearin.

“Didn’t know you were this ticklish,” Jiyong said, sliding into the sit next to her.

“Didn’t know you liked to molest people,” she said rolling her eyes.

Jiyong scoffed. “I so did not molest you. You were so deep in thought that even when I was standing behind you clearing my throat, you didn’t hear me. Anything you want to tell?” he asked.

She sighed. “Sorry. It’s just that going into the new season, I need to predict/come up with the next “it” thing for the season, and I’m still stuck. The next issue is due in another 2 weeks,” she said, frustration lacing her words.

“Well I can’t help you there since I’m no fashionista (Yea right Jiyong), but you’ll manage. You always do. If not how would you be at your position now if you could not,” he said with a smile.

“That’s why its so much pressure. I’m worried I can’t live up to the name,” she said, head in her hands.

Seeing her so helpless, he couldn’t help but feel the same.

The club started playing Big Bang’s Fantastic Baby, and the DJ up the volume as if he knew that Chearin was down.

“Chea! Let’s go ahead and dance first. The others can join us later,” Jiyong shouted over the music.

“But who is going to hold our spot,” she shouted back.

Jiyong whispered into the bartender’s ears before pulling her onto the dance floor.

“What did you say,” Chearin asked.

“Let’s dance,” Jiyong shouted and started moving his body to the rhythm.

Seeing that he wouldn’t answer she laughed and let the matter drop and started to dance to the music.

Seeing her letting go of all her worries he moved in closer to her. Slowly they danced closer to each other, closer than they had ever been. Fingers leaving lingering touches, bodies bumping, grinding against each other, eyes locking, and hands staying longer than they should, making both their bodies heating up and souls wanting each other.

Jiyong was drunk on her eyes, nose, lips, body (yes, it’s a reference to Taeyang’s Stay with me), her everything.

God I want her.

Chearin was slightly drunk on her drink, but not drunk enough to not know how she felt about Jiyong.

I want him.

The song finally came to an end, leaving both of them trapped on the dance floor, contemplating whether if all of this was just a dream or reality.

“Erm let’s get back to the bar and see if the others are coming,” Chearin said.

“Ah, yea. Sure,” Jiyong answered, and both of them slowly going against the crowed to the bar.

The others were still yet to come.

“Aish where are they? They should be here half an hour ago,” Chearin said.

“It’s alright. They should be here soon, and besides this gives us a little time to ourselves,” Jiyong said, wriggling his eyebrows at Chearin.

“Right. And do you want to take this little time we have somewhere else?” Chearin asked and lean in closer to Jiyong, repaying his cheekiness.

Jiyong widen his eyes with shock, but slowly change it to smoldering stare. “If you are game, I am too,” he said with a -dropping grin.

Smiling Chearin continued with her flirting and pulling Jiyong closer to her. “I’m not sure what game you are playing, but know that I hate for anyone to get hurt, especially you,” she said, a y look in her eye.

Damn she was killing him with those little flicks of her cat eyes. How was he supposed to hold back when she acted that way. Jiyong couldn’t take it anymore and crashed his lips against hers. God, she tasted better than his imagination. He started caressing her lips with his, coaxing her to open up to him. She was stunned for a moment, but when he started his slow torture, she let all her guards and walls down and surrendered herself to him. He felt so good, felt so right.

They sat there kissing for awhile before surfacing for air. Jiyong tried to catch his breath and caught a glance at Chearin. Her lips were swollen from his assault, and she too was catching her breath from their one amazing kiss.

“Where did that come from,” she asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe a few years give or take,” he replied shrugging his shoulders.

“A few years huh. Why didn’t I notice?” she asked.

“Cuz I was good at hiding it,” he replied.

She sat there silent for a few minutes, taking all of it in.

He sat there looking at her, a worried look on his face.

Finally she said something.

“Wanna date?” she asked an amused look on her face.


“And that is how I got your mother,” Jiyong said smiling down at his daughter.

“Waoh, that is so nice. I want to grow up and have a love story like yours,” Zara said, her eyes sparkling.

He laughed. “Sure. But let me meet the guy and give him a talk first,”

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Chapter 1: Hahah! Cutieeee!!
Chapter 1: Hehehe this story was so lighthearted and cute :)
Chapter 1: This was very cute.
fandhate #4
Chapter 1: It means that Ji do believe that kissing someone daughter is a bad things >,<