
For the best?

I sit on my bed crying. I knew this would happen I'm not korean there was no way we could be together for real, not to mention he's famous. Just my luck to fall in love with someone like him. I shouldn't have fallen in love, I know about korean culture. Korean men must marry a nice Korean girl to create a nice Korean family. He shouldn't have even tried to bring me to his parents, I knew what was going to happen.

"Ari please, just meet them once! I promise they will love you!" Kai begs while grabbing my hands

"Alright fine" I sigh

"Thank you! You know I love you?" Kai hugs me and snuggles into the crook of my neck

I smile and hug him tighter "Ya I do"


At parents place

"Mom this is Ariella my girlfriend" Kai slightly pushes me forward and I bow.

His mom smiles "right this way" she shows me to the dinner table

I look back at Kai, he smiles and gives me a thumbs up. He's lucky I love him a lot, or I would have already run out of the house.
I sit down and Kai sits next to me


After dinner~

"Excuse me I'm going to the bathroom" I excuse myself and walk to the bathroom

When I come back Kai and his mom are talking

"You can't go any further with her" his mom says sternly 

"Why?!" Kai stops eating and looks up at her

"She's not korean Jongin, I want you to have a nice korean family"

"Mom it's different now you can't be like this! I love her! You really want to take away my love?" He questions

"Don't you love your family?! If you are a proper korean son you will marry a proper korean girl, I know plenty of them you would love" She says looking at him angrily 

At that point I decided I didn't want to listen to the argument anymore and I sit down again

"I'm not really feeling that well, so I think I will head home now" I say and stand up and bow

Kai looks at me worriedly "I can take you home"

"It's ok I will get a taxi" I smile faintly 

"Ok" he says still looking at me worriedly 


I have to break up with him. knowing him he wouldn't break up with me and that would only anger his mom, I can't have him abandon his family just for me I can't do that to him.
After a while of thinking I decided I will talk to him tomorrow.
I lay down and close my red puffy eyes.


Next day~

"Jongin can we meet?" I ask. it is weird calling him jongin, I don't use it unless I'm mad.

"Ya, is everything alright?" He asks with a worried filled voice

"No let's just meet at the park" I say answering his question, then I hang up

I have to be strong or else I won't be able to do it


At the park~

Kai comes running up to me

"Ari is everything ok? You really worried me on the phone" he looks at me with those big puppy eyes, and for a minute I start to hesitate, but then I remember his relationship with his family could be ruined if I don't do this.

"Jongin I want to break up" I say not looking at him

"Why?!" He asks surprised

"It's to much I can't handle everything" I say still not looking at him

"What's to much?! I can try and fix it!" He asks hysterically

"No jongin, it's me not you" I say my voice wavering from holding back tears

"Come one Ari don't give me that bull!" He yells

That's when I crack "no jongin it's the truth" I break into tears

"No please baby don't cry" he begs "I'm sorry I won't yell again"

"It's ok, but for real jongin this is over" I wipe me tears and start walking away
He chases after me 

"You can't leave me! I love you!" He starts pleading while crying 

I can't handle this anymore

"Jongin let go now" I say trying to pull away from his grasp

"Please tell me you love me and we can pretend this never happened"

And for the first time ever I lie to him

"I don't love you any more jongin" 

The grip loosens and I run away 

And that's how I ended how I am 

Suddenly there is a knock at my door

I open it and it's kris 

"Oh hi kris what's up?" I try to clean myself up

"Ari what happened? Kai is hysterical" kris walks in and sits on the couch 

I sit down next to him

"You promise you won't tell him, it really is for his own good" I look up at him

"I promise" 
And I tell him the story

"Wow it must be hard for you, but are you sure you're doing the right thing?" kris questions me.

"Yes I want him to have his family, to know what it's like not having your family" I say and start to cry

"Ari it's ok" kris says and hugs me

Suddenly there is another knock at the door. I get up to go answer it

It's Kai

"Ari please I still-" Kai suddenly spots Kris

"What is he doing here?" Kai says angrily

"Kai, no it's not like that" I say, but he pushes past me

"Kris what are you doing here?!" Kai demands

"I only came to see-" then kai punches kris in the face 

"Kai!! What the is wrong with you?!" I demand hysterically and rush to kris

"Oh so now you take his side, let me guess you were cheating on me this whole time!" Kai yells at me

"It's not like that!" I yell back 

"Sure, your nothing but a ! My mom was right korean women are better!" Kai yells at me and storms out

Kris slowly sits up

"I'm sorry Ari, I didn't mean to make things worse." kris looks at me sadly "Kai and his mother are wrong about you, it doesn't matter what race you are you're still a beautiful person"

"It's ok, I think it's about time you go. I don't mean to be rude, I just need to be alone" I say getting up then helping him up.

"I understand" and kris walks to the door "Bye Ari take care of yourself please" 

"I will" I smile sadly and wave goodbye


2 weeks later~

The first week was hard but I somewhat got use to it, as I walk to work I see a newspaper 

"Kai of Exo quick recovery from break up, New girlfriend?" And it showed a picture of him and a korean girl
My heart shattered, why did I think I was special. Kai could literally have any girl in Korea, why would he want a foreigner like me.

I decided I couldn't go to work with this news, so I called in sick and walked back home.

One day turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and then I was fired from my job.

I didn't eat much as I wasn't very hungry. I got sick constantly. Then one day in the mail I got an invitation, it was for Kai's wedding.

After that I spiraled out of control, how could he be so cruel he did this on purpose so I would know I could be easily replaced. Well mission accomplished.

I should be happy though, this was the plan.


Kai's pov~

I hated myself so much, I couldn't believe I sent her that invitation. I sent an invitation to the girl I love for my wedding that wasn't with her.

I regret everyday since the day I punched kris, I know I should have let her explain but I couldn't go back after what I said to her. I knew it was hard for her not being korean and dating a korean celebrity.

Suddenly kris burst through the door

"Your a in idiot, you can be mad at me all you want, punch me all you want, But Ari does not deserve what you have done to her! You sent her an invitation to your wedding?! A wedding for getting married to a girl you have no interest in! You can barely even remember her name! Your only marrying her because your mother said to! You want to know why I as there that day?! Ari asked me not to tell you, but at this point it doesn't matter since she is pretty much a mess." 

I nodded slowly very shocked that kris yelled at me

"She went to your parents house and overheard you talking to your mom about marrying a korean girl for your family, she didn't want you to give up your family for her. So she broke up with you so your family would be pleased. She knew you wouldn't break up with her because of how stubborn you are, so she broke up with you.

I ran, I didn't even bother looking back, I ran all the way to the car and drove to ari's house.

I knocked on the door frantically, there was no answer. I knocked again my worry increasing
The door slowly opened and Ari stood there all color gone from her body, cheek were sunk in, skinny as a stick.

Everything I remembered about her gone, even the light in her eyes. Finally I could see the results of my damage, and I broke

"Oh Ari, my beautiful Ari!" I cried hugging her

She felt so fragile on my arms, she was so cold.

She backed away from my embrace and smiled weakly

"Come in" she stepped aside

I walked in, everything was as I remembered it, the only different was her.

"About the wedding, it's kinda short noticed, but I might be able to make it" she slowly walked to the kitchen "You want something to drink? I have tea or water, you probably want water, you were never a big fan of tea" she said

from the kitchen 

I stayed quite.

Suddenly there was a crash. I rushed to the kitchen Ari was on her hands and knees picking up glass her hands all bloody from picking up handfuls of glass.

"Ari stop!" I yelled grabbing her hands and pulling her up

"It's ok, it doesn't hurt" she smiled tiredly at me

I can't believe I did this to someone I love so much, what type of person does this?!

"Ari, kris told me everything" I said looking at her

"He promised he wouldn't, but I guess it doesn't matter because your finally to have the perfect life" she smiled at me "If I have to give myself up so you can live peacefully and happily, I will do it a thousand times because I love you" she put her bloody hands in my face.

"Ari" I was crying at this point

"Shhh, baby don't cry" she then fainted in my arms

"Ari!" I screamed 

After putting her on the couch I hurriedly called the ambulance and she we were rushed to the hospital

"Mr.Kim?" The doctor asked

"Yes that's me" I said nervously looking at him 

"Your girlfriend is stable"

I let out a sigh in relief

"But" I held my breath again

"She lost a lot of blood and she is very sick right now, we need to keep her for a week"

My heart stopped a little, my love is that sick and i caused it.

"Ok, is she awake? Can I visit her?" I ask

"She is awake, just be very careful she is very fragile"

I nod and walk to her room, I slowly open the door and walk in

"Oh Kai" she says and tries to sit up, but I stop her

She looks at me weird

I wanted to puke, she was so pale and thin. I am a monster for doing this to her.

"Kai, you need to be planning for your wedding! It's next week, don't be irresponsible! Your fiancé is going to be so mad at you!" She said worriedly

I suddenly felt sick again, thinking about how I was almost going to get married next week

"Ari, it's off" I said 

"What's off?" She looked at me questioningly

"The wedding, I'm not getting married to that woman"

"Kai! How could you! A week before the wedding! She must be devastated!" She says shocked

"I don't care, I know why you broke up with me" I say looking at her with a straight face.

"Kai it was for the best, your mom was right it would be wrong for you to not follow korean tradition" she said looking sadly at me

"Your wrong, if they loved me as their son they would want me to be with who makes me the happiest and that would be you" I say walking closer to her

She looked down

I grabbed her chin and made her look at me

"My beautiful Ari I'm sorry I did this to you, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you let me"

Her eyes filled with tears and she nodded

Relief filled my heart and I hugged her

She hissed "Kai, Kai it hurts"

"I'm so sorry" I said panicked and let go

"It's ok" she smiled

"Should I kiss it and make it better?" I smile back at her

"Yes please" she smiles


6 months later~


Ari's pov~

"Ari calm down" Baekhyun tells me and fixes my veil

"How can I?! Everybody is out their waiting!" I panic

He grabs on to my shoulders "Everything will be fine, pretend it's just you and Kai"

"Ok fine" I say taking deep breaths 

After exo walks out it's my turn. I start to walk out and see Kai, and suddenly all my fears are gone. How was I nervous before it's kai I'm marrying, he loves me for everything I am good and bad, and he's already been with me through my good and bad. Now we are just going to officialize our love.

"Do you Ariella take jongin to be your husband?"

"I do"


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 1: awwwwwww!!!! :DDD
Daebak!!! ; f
Chapter 1: Aww.. I shed a few tears here and there... Very good. I liked it!!! ^_^
Chapter 1: *claps* That was so cute! >.<