

Hyejin was still on the floor re-arranging all the pictures she has found. Going through each and every picture and reminiscing about the memories they have made together. It kills her to remember all those memories but those memories were once that made her smile and laugh; it was her source of happiness. She realizes that it will not be easy for her to just forget about it and it’s impossible for her to just delete them out of her memory. The memories she made with Jongin are eternal and she realizes that somewhere within herself she doesn’t want to forget about it.

She took a good look around the room slowly getting up and walks around the room. The picture still scattered around the floor she made her way carefully not to step on them.

She walks over to the window and pulled the curtains a little to the side as she looks out the window. The view of the neighborhood is evidently clear from where she is standing. There are people walking along the pavements, the road isn’t so busy there aren’t many cars or motorbikes on the road. Across the road is where the park she met Sehun earlier and she could see all the shop lots and buildings surrounding the apartment.

She turned away from the window and sat at the edge of the bed where she could get a full view of the room. Her hand traces the fabric of the white sheets. Hyejin gently lay down on the bed bringing herself up to the pillows and placing herself under the comforters. She snuggles up between the pillows and breathes in the scent. The familiar scent of Jongin on the pillow made her miss him more. She craves to be held by him, to nuzzle herself on his chest and to feel Jongin’s finger runs through her hair playing with it; and the soft touch of Jongin’s lips on her forehead, she misses it so much.

She felt a tight thundering pain in her heart. It hurts her to miss him like this.

Somehow imagining herself on the bed with Jongin by her side made her a little sleepy. Her eyes flicker trying to fight the urge to be shut. But was defeated when she fell asleep in what used to be their bed.

Jongin and Sehun on the other hand have been staying in the kitchen the whole time.

“Do you want me to leave you guys alone?” Sehun asked tapping his fingers on the kitchen counter.

Jongin shakes his head in response.

“I think it’ll be better if you stay, I don’t want her to go back alone. Accompany her back will you?”

Sehun nodded. He was figuring things out in his head trying to find the right words to say to comfort his best friend. He didn’t want to come up with something that would hurt him more. Everyone knows Sehun is blunt. He is the type of person who would speak his mind and he would sometimes hurt the feelings of people around him. But he didn’t mean to he was just like that.

“Hey I know I’m not good with words but I really hope you resolve this matter with her. It’s really no fun seeing the two people I care about living in misery.”

“I’ll be in the living room” Sehun jumped off the counter and took his water bottle and couple packets of chips into the living room with him.

Jongin decided to go into his room and meet Hyejin.

The door to his room was slightly shut. He was composing his words correctly before he enters the room. Jongin was nervous and he was terrified that Hyejin hates him. He wanted to apologize to her; he wanted her to give him another chance. For the last couple of days Jongin barely came back home he’s been spending the nights over at the boy’s place. The apartment is no longer a home for him; he has lost the one essential element to call this place his home, Hyejin. And Jongin was determined to bring her back where she belongs.

He pushes the door to his room gently making sure it doesn’t squeak. He walks into his room to the sight of pictures scattered all over the floor. The closet door wide open and some of Hyejin’s clothes are on the floor and some in her red luggage bag. Unaware of the sleeping girl on his bed he went over to the scattered pictures and kneeled down in front of them.

Jongin took the picture piece by piece and examine them just like how Hyejin did a little while ago. He smiled as the familiar images of their memories flash back inside his head. Jongin run his thumbs over Hyejin’s image. She is so beautiful to Jongin inside and out.

Jongin’s thought was distracted by the ruffling sounds of the sheets. His head instantly turned to the bed to see a figure laying soundly in it her long wavy brown hair in sight. The girl on the bed slightly moves and Jongin stared calmly as the girl continues her sleep.

He made his way to the bed making sure not to wake her. Jongin sat lightly on the bed facing the girl he loves. Her peaceful sleeping face warms his heart. He feels all fuzzy and tender inside at the sight of Hyejin sleeping.

He brings his thumb up the side of her face. Hyejin flinched a little at the touch but stayed still as she continues her sleep. Jongin gently lay down on his side facing her. His hand reached out to caress the top of her head. Jongin brought himself closer to her, close enough to hear her breathing and close enough he could smell her sweet addictive scent. Jongin gaze into Hyejin’s beauty taking in every feature of her beautiful face.

He moved his other hand to find Hyejin’s hand; as soon as he felt the soft skin of Hyejin’s hand he intertwined his fingers with hers.

“Baby” Jongin whispered tenderly

“Can you hear me?” Jongin continued

But the only respond he got from her was the sound of her breathing.

“Hyejin I really miss you” His voice soft and tender.

“I don’t know what to say or do anymore. I kept on reminding myself maybe it’s for the best. Maybe you’ll be happier if I let you go. I kept on reminding myself that you need to be happy, you deserve nothing but happiness and that I can’t make you happy. Hyejin ah – should I stop? Should I let you go? Or should I keep trying. I’m so confused. I need you but I can’t be selfish can’t I?”

Jongin brought his intertwining hands up to his face as he kissed the back of Hyejin’s hand.

“But I love you too much baby I don’t think I can ever let you go, I need you back. Please comeback” “What should I do? Please comeback I promise you everything will be back as to it was before or even better” Jongin whispered softly studying Hyejin’s sleeping face.

Hyejin’s eyes flutters as she heard the faint sound of the person she’s familiar with. She tried opening her eyes slowly and as her eyes begin to open the familiar figure in front of her become more visible. Hyejin was still lost in her sleep; she couldn’t make off whether this Jongin in front of her was the real Jongin or the Jongin in her dreams.

Her eyes were half open and she wasn’t sure if she was still sleeping dreaming about him. Her hands move up to Jongin’s face and trace the outline of it lightly. Everything felt so real to her as if he was really sleeping there next to her.

Jongin squeezed her hand a little when she grazes her fingers over his skin. Hyejin felt the pressure on her other hand and she was confused on how real her dream was at the moment and she herself couldn’t tell the different.

“Jongin?” Hyejin asked. Her voice soft and groggy

“Yes” He replied staring deep into her sleepy eye.

Hyejin realizes that she wasn’t dreaming anymore. The Jongin in front of her is the real one and he’s staring deeply into her eyes. Hyejin jolted up quickly and pull her hand of off Jongin’s grip.

“Hyejin-ah” Jongin said sitting up and tried to grab for Hyejin’s arm but was push away by her as she shuffle on her feet.

Hyejin faced the other way and tried to make an exit out of the room when Jongin stopped her.

“Please wait, just wait” Jongin said running to her grabbing by her arm and turned her around.

Hyejin grunted as she was turned. She was still a little drowsy from her sleep but she was in so much shock waking up to Jongin by her side. Jongin saw her weary face and let go of her arms gently.

“I’m sorry” He said lowering his head lightly

Hyejin looked down on her feet pushing her hair back at the same time.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sleep on your bed” She replied

“You know you’re allowed to” Jongin replied back

Hyejin look up and was instantly locked into his eyes. His eyes looks empty as if something was missing in his life, they look lifeless. The spark in his eyes that Hyejin loves so much was missing. Hyejin studies his face he looks so much more genuine and innocent with his brown hair. When he had blond hair he looks a little bit too haughty for her.

“You colored your hair back to brown” Hyejin said trying to make the situation less awkward

Jongin ruffles his brown hair and no matter how hard he tries his hair always falls perfectly back into place and it has never yet fails to make Hyejin jump a little inside.

“Yeah, I just thought of starting over and I remembered how much you like it when I have my hair brown.”

It was definitely true Hyejin does love it when Jongin has his hair brown he looks more pure and effortless.

“I didn’t really mind you know I was content with whatever hair color you wanted. Whatever makes you happy makes me happy” Hyejin replied giving a small smile.

Even though she didn’t want to see him now but she wanted to be in good terms with Jongin. And although things ended between the two she wanted them to still be in each other’s life maybe not as lovers but as friends. She didn’t want to lose him completely but she realizes that in order to accept him back into her life she needs more time to process the break up and more time to herself. Right now standing in front of him she really wasn’t ready just yet for that.

Hyejin looked around the room as to the mess she made. Jongin followed where her eyes land to the stuff lying around the room. She made her way passed Jongin and straight to the cupboard. Hyejin started to pack her clothes back and stuff them inside her luggage bag.

“I’ll be done soon, and I’m sorry about the mess I’ll clean it up” Hyejin said folding her clothes

Jongin bit down on his lip and push his hair back in frustration. Things were getting a little tensed in the room and he could feel the awkwardness between them. Jongin sat down on the floor next to the piles of pictures looking down on all the pictures.

Hyejin turned her head to the side to catch a glimpse of him. He was piling up all the pictures and putting them at the side to make more space for Hyejin’s items. Jongin picked up one of the picture and started to laugh silently. Hyejin heard his faint laugh and turned to look at him.

“Remember this?” He lifts up the picture to show it to her.

Hyejin slightly smile as soon as she make out of the picture. It was a picture of the two of them at a theme park. Jongin’s hand is slung over her shoulders pulling her into a half hug and hers around his waist while the other is up in the air. In the picture Hyejin was smiling brightly while Jongin looks as if he was screaming with enthusiasm. They looked really happy in the picture.

Hyejin dragged herself towards Jongin and took the picture away from his hand gently. She stares at the picture and looked at him.

“How can I forget, you get scared on almost every ride we went on” She said handing back the picture to him

Jongin took the picture from her and let out a small laugh. Hyejin stared at him as he starts to bite his lip staring at the picture. It’s a habit of his biting his lip whenever he feels embarrassed or nervous. He looks so gentle when he laughs Hyejin loves the sight she’s seeing right now and she know she’s going to miss looking at him like this; things will never be the same again.

Jongin look up to Hyejin staring at him. He gazes deep into her eyes both of them locked into each other’s eye. Sadness in both of their eyes and it seems the life in them has been drained out of their beautiful eyes. Hyejin didn’t know what got into her but all she wants right now is to drown herself into the boy. She wants him to love her right at the moment to tell her everything will be fine and to tell her that he will love her endlessly.

“Is this really the end?” Jongin said his eyes never leaving hers. H

yejin was looking for answers she was searching his eyes for the answers. Hyejin open slightly to say something but no words are coming out of it. She looked down on her hand in which somehow her fingers are intertwining with Jongin’s. She must be so lost to realize that they were already holding hands inches away from each other.

“You know it is” She replied locking her eyes back with him

“But I’m not ready to say goodbye” he said grazing his thumb over the back of her hand

“Time will heal everything” She replied

“Jongin I think it’s best if we keep our distance away from each other for now. Give some time for both of us to figure things out” Hyejin said freeing her hands from intertwining with his.

“I tried, but fail so effortlessly” He said

“We just need more time” Hyejin reassures him

“Does this mean I can’t see you or talk to you?”

“Jongin that’s the whole point of a break up, if we keep on seeing each other we’ll never get over it.”

“I never agreed on breaking up with you, this was you decision not mine.”

Hyejin sighs.

“Please don’t make this even harder. You know this was bound to happen. Nothing lasts forever”

“I can at least try to make it last forever right”

Hyejin look down on her fingers playing with them. Jongin was always persistent on things he wants. Throughout the years she knew him he never back down on anything without a fight. He’s hardworking and in whatever he does he always give his best on accomplishing his tasks and even his dreams.

“If only you realized it a little bit sooner, yes we could try. But you’re a little too late.”

Hyejin leaned forward and brought herself closer to Jongin. She put her arms around him and hugs him. Jongin closes his eyes as he hears her heartbeat racing fast against his chest. He put his arms around her and buried his face in her neck his hand made its way to the back of her head caressing it and pulling her closer to him.

“I’m going to miss you so much Hyejin ah” Jongin muffles against her skin

Hyejin was fighting the urge to cry. Being in his arms like this is the best feeling in the world. But she has to make sacrifices. Jongin has been hurting her for too long and she knows in order to live happily she needs to let him go. Let him go out of her life.

“You have no idea how much I’m going to miss us Jongin”

“I love you Hyejin and I forever will”



Omg It's a bit too lengthy isnt? Oh my forgive me. I wanted to make it into 2 parts but I thought naahh I didnt want to make parts mehehehe.

I'm sorry for the late updates been quite busy and I've been rewriting this chapter grrr! Thank you for staying by my side guys! 

Subcribe and comment! 

I've been listening to this for too long. It has been on replay since god knows when. Please do listen to it if you havent, the song and lyrics fits well with this fic. Sort of like a theme song for it! Go Go Go Listen to it! 



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Chapter 6: Omg I'm sobbing );
Chapter 5: Keep updating authornim!!!
Chapter 3: Ahhh I love your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your story sounds interesting.Up for it :)