Beyond Us

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It is the year 2064, and the world is no longer what it used to be. One leader, one government, they control all things possible. Every move you make, they can monitor you. Poorer than poor, every man is left to fight for his survival. Hidden behind closed doors, the government has a secret weapon; a weapon that could kill all of mankind. 

Welcome to the Year 2064


Weapon. These weapons are not your normal nuclear bombs, or are they your normal machine guns no. These are more dangerous than anything ever seen before. But what happens when the prototypes land in the hands of the good, of the freedom fighters? 7 prototypes, each with a flaw, but together they are unstoppable. Got7 they are called when together, but do they 'got' what it takes to help take down the evil government? Or is it just beyond us to even think of it?





Seo Ra - Age 18

Mark/YiEn - Age 20

JB/ Jaebum - Age 20

Jackson - Age 20

Jr./ Jinyoung - Age 19

YoungJae - Age 19

BamBam/ Bhuwakul - Age 17

Yugyeom - Age 16

Dr. Im HyunJoo - Age Unknown


In a world different from ours, who can survive? Who can make it out alive? 
The year is 2064. And human kind has changed, but so has everything around it. 
Winter cold, Summer heat, Maybe not all has been altered. 

Welcome to the Year 2064




Dedicated to a close friend of mine, here is the dystopian fic you have been asking for. 

Note: this is the first time I've ever written anything like this before, so it may be a complete mess but I will try my best! It's also my first fic with Got7 in it, as decided by a poll I held. So please enjoy. 

Warning: May contain scenes of torture but I will include warnings at the start of the chapter and at the start and end of the portion as a warning. This is set in a future world which will hopefully not exist. Please do not take anything as a 'fact' as I will be generally be making up this entire world with hopefully no resemblance to this current world we live in now. 



Beyond Us


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