In Which Spying Goes Wrong and the Gang Meets Nibbles

When Life Gets Interesting
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~one month later~

Luhan's POV

Ever since Baekyeol officially got together on their own, like, not when Baekhyun's older brother forced them to in that messed up date thing, we've all become pretty inseparable friends-me, Sehun, Chanyeol, Bækhyun, Minseok, and Kyungsoo. We hang out all the time, and once we got to spend time with Minho and that was one of the best days of my life, but that is a different story.  Anyway, we do pretty much everything together, except for dates and such, but playing video games at one of our houses for hours on end was not an abnormal occurrence. And this is what we were doing earlier, when suddenly Minseok-our host-got a call from nobody knew who, and after speaking to the person for a few minutes kicked us out and left without telling anyone where he was going, only demanding that we don't follow him. Awknowledge get his privacy, Sehun, CHanyeol and I turned to leave, only to be stopped by a smirking Bækhyun and a poker-faced Kyungsoo. 
"We're definitely not not following him. That little bastard has a secret, that I only noticed a few weeks ago, and confirmed right now but now that I think about it, he's had this secret for over a year, and I want to find out what it is." Bækhyun montioned for us to follow after he and Kyungsoo started walking away.
"I don't know about this.....he doesn't want us to know. I think we should respect his privacy." I said.
"If it were, like, a hug family matter, he would've already told us, I mean come on, it's Minseok. We've been friends with him for years. I think this is him keeping a lover secret from us, and there are no secrets when it comes to our friend group, so I say we follow him....we should go now before we lose him."
I started walking hesitantly, but what Bækhyun said was absolutely true, so, why not. We all followed Minseok from about a block away and on the opposite side of the street. He didn't notice us watching him as he pulled out his phone and carried on a hearty conversation all the way into Seoul. He hung up when he got to a bookstore, and he went inside the store.
"Really. We got kicked out just so he could go shopping?" Chanyeol groaned. "Let's go to back Bacon." He tugged on Baekhyun's sleeve, trying to pull him back so they could go back home. Bækhyun glared at him so hard, I took Sehun's hand. 
"First of all, my name is not Bacon," he hissed," and second of all, no way are we going back. We came all this way, and I am 200% sure Minseok didn't kick us out just to run errands. One of us will go in there, and spy on them, while the rest of us will watch what happens on my laptop."
"What?" Asked Sehun. Bækhyun held up his backpack. 
"I have my laptop, some mics and cameras, money, a charger and some other junk in here." Sehun raised an eyebrow."...what? You learn to be prepared for anything when Kyuhyun's your brother." Sehun nodded, and nobody doubted Baekhyun's explainatjon. "So we'll need somebody to go in and spy on him, with a mic and camera. I vote Luhan, since he is too sweet and would never do any spying on his own, he reads all the time, and he's gotten pretty close with Minseok." 
~in the bookstore~
Spying is not my fort, and I was practically shoved into this by my friends-heck, even Sehun seem excited and forced me in the bookshop. Honestly I don't mind too much that I was the one chosen to spy on my friend, but I wish they asked my opinion on this. Oh! There's Minseok...and he's on a date...? I crept closer so I could hear them. 
"-well, you are a really good dancer, Yixing. It doesn't suprise me that you're a good singer to." Minseok was saying. Who's YIXING?
"Yeah....thanks Minnie." 'Yixing' blushed. "Apparently I'm good enough to be assigned a group. I'll meet my other band members later today, and they think we'll debut before the year is over."
"Woah! That's fast!"
"I know." Yixing sulked.
"Soon I won't be able to come here anymore because of screaming fangirls."
"I can just come to SM, right?"
Woah woah woah, okay, is this what I think it is? Minseok is dating an SM trainee? And he didn't tell us?!? Ugh Minseooookk.
"No, they won't let you in unless you're doing business with them or you're a trainee yourself."
"I'll just audition for SM then."
"NO! Please don't Minnie...I don't want people knowing what should be personal things about you, or writing FANFICTION about you, or creeping into your life, like they will to me." Yixing muttered, his cheeks painted a slight bubblegum pink color. 
"Awe, XingXing, you're too sweet. I won't then. But still, how will we meet up to read like i said we could?" 
"Well...I could sneak out the back door, or you could sneak in through the backdoor....or if you wanted, you could come to the dorms....but....I don't know."
"Oh, whatever...we can cross this bridge when we get to it. Right now let's read. What book did you pick out for this week?"
"Um, I chose The Boy Wore Black. It's about

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Chapter 10: OMG this chapter is freaking funny i laugh through the WHOLE Chapter
Kyuchul is freaking funny to pick on poor baekhyun Plz update again
ceisya #2
Chapter 6: Hahahaaa....Update soon!
BCY2112 #3
It's so cuteee~
I really love your fic ;D
Can i trans it to Vietnamese?
I'll take out with full credit and link :D
Please answer me *puppy face*
ceisya #4
Chapter 5: Update!!! HUNHAN ♡
JinWoo #5
Chapter 5: Aw so cuteeee~~~
Chapter 4: Can't wait for the conversation between Luhan and Sehun~
ceisya #7
Chapter 4: Update soon!!!
Chapter 3: I really like this story~. I like the ChanHun too, they're really adorable together. ^^
Update when you can! Hwaiting~!
xsehunannyngx #9
Chapter 3: i feel sorry for sehun, n i hope he will make a great date with chanie, i love chanhun, please make luhan realize that he loves sehun, i would love to see that happnd. Haha