It's all You

Tiny Dancer

I rested my left leg on the the bar and leaned down towards my foot, the pulling sensation in my hamstrings long gone. After years of dancing my body finally feels comfortable in any position. I could be twisted like a pretzel and it wouldn’t even bother me.

“You’re doing really well,” my instructor came up to me, “Everyone is looking forward to your piece in the spring showcase.”
I smiled removing my leg from the bar, “I promise not to disappoint.”

I am currently a second year dance student enrolled at Korea National University of Arts. I don’t mean to boast but I’m pretty good with all genres of dance, contemporary, jazz, ballet, you name it. It’s taken me a year to make it to the top and nothing was going to bring me down.

I was practicing one of my contemporary pieces for our spring showcase when I heard loud voices and laughing in the hall. I was so distracted that I tripped over my own foot and came crashing down to the floor. I angrily paused the song and threw open the door. Loud rap music filled the halls.


I yelled at the guys at the end of the hall. They didn’t seem to hear me because the annoying music countinued, only louder this time. I stomped to the end of the hall to find the source of the offending sound: a stereo. I quickly found the power chord and pulled it out.

All five guys whose backs were facing me now turned around. I was taken aback for a second because they were actually really attractive.

“What are you doing, man?” the guy had spiky hair that was shaved on the sides. His straight brows furrowed in confusion, “We were practicing.”
“Some of us are actually trying to concentrate.” I challenged him.

He suddenly smirked and came closer. My eyes widened at his sudden advances, “W-what are you doing?”

“I know you.” his eyes lit up, “Guys we’re talking to royalty.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You’re the crown jewel of the dance department.” he laughed sourly, “Well now you're in our territory.”
“And what territory is it?” I challenged.

“We are music majors,” Mino motioned to the others, “I'm Mino." he smirked and hit his chest.

"I produce and rap, which is probably something you’ve never heard of.”

“I know rap music.” I mumbled. To be honest, the only rap I had ever heard was in a Top 40 song. All the guys snickered behind him.

He feigned sorrow bringing his hands up in surrender, “Sorry, tiny dancer.”

“Stay on your side of campus,” I shoved the stereo’s cord in his hand, “Some of us are actually making use of our time here.” and with that I made my way back to the practice room.

“I’ll see you later, tiny dancer.” he yelled back at me in a sing song voice.

I shut the door of the practice room my heart pounding. I convinced myself that it was because of the adrenaline and not because of the way he looked at me.



I fell to the ground in my ending pose. Again, it didn’t go right. I slammed my hand on the wood floor an angry cry leaving my lips.

Suddenly I hear clapping from doorway. My head snapped to the sound only to find the one person whom I didn’t want to see at the moment, Mino.

“I thought we agreed that we would stay in our own territories.” I growled rising to my feet.

“I was just in the area so I thought I’d look around,” he winked, “It is my campus too.”

“How much of my dance did you see?” I took a swig of water cautiously eying him.

He checked his hair in the mirrored walls, “I saw most of it. You’re not half bad.”
“Half bad,” I snorted, “I’m the best in the department.”

“Your department,” he corrected me. He turned away from the mirror, “You don’t seem to realize that there is a whole school here.”
I pouted, “Of course I do.”

He picked up the cd that my song was on, “There is someone somewhere who took their time to produce this song.” he spun the cd around on his finger, “They put in their emotions, their feelings into this song so you would feel a certain way and that's why you chose this for your dance.”

I crossed my arms, “Yeah, and?”

He chuckled setting the cd down, “There’s so much more that goes into music than you think. You only use it to dance. I use it to express myself just as you use your body for your expression.”

“All you do is press buttons in a studio,” I retorted, “What’s so complicated about that?”
He walked over to me, “Why don’t I show you?”
My eyes widened at our close proximity, “I-uh, I don’t know.”

“Come on.” he grabbed my arm.

“This doesn’t mean we’re cool.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he pulled me out of the dance room. He only chuckled and continued walking through the campus.



“This is the studio,” Mino took me into a dimly lit room. The walls were lined with soundproof materials and there were tables lines with mixing boards and computers. His other friends were there and they all stared at us when we entered. I suddenly felt very exposed in my leotard and sweater.

“What is she doing here?” the guy who spoke up had chin length chestnut brown hair separated into a middle part.

“I’m showing her that making music isn’t as easy as she believes.” Mino kicked the chair the another one of his friends was sitting in, “Seunghoon, move your .”

Seunghoon made a face at Mino but got up. I hesitantly sat down staring at all the different buttons and knobs in front of me.

“Seungyoon,” Mino spoke into the mic to a guy in the booth show was holding a guitar, “Let’s take it from the top.”
The man gave Mino a thumbs up and began strumming. Heavenly noises came from his mouth as his fingers fluttered over the strings. Mino's hands expertly flew around the mixing board as Seungyoon sang.

“Great.” he smiled as Seungyoon walked out the booth.

Mino spun around in his chair and smiled mischievously at me, “My turn.”

He went into the booth and put his earphones on.

“He’s a master at rapping.” Seungyoon sat in the seat next to me and gave Mino a thumbs up.

The music started up and Mino started rapping. My jaw dropped to the floor. It was beautiful. It reminded me of dancing. He had form and rhythm and he put so much emotion into his words. Before I knew it, he had finished and was standing in front of me.

“See,” he smirked, “Music is just as complicated as dancing.”


I fell into my ending pose again my chest heaving, “How was it this time?” I looked up at Mino who lips were pulled into a small smile.

“Can I see the move before this last one?” He stood up and walked closer to me.

“Sure.” I stood up on my toes wrapping my arms around my torso gripping my shirt tightly and I lowered my head.

“Yeah,” I heard him behind me. His arms wrapped around mine and I felt his firm chest against my back, “I need to really feel like you’re trying to pull yourself together.” his breath tickled the back of my neck as he held me close.

“Like I’m the only one holding you together at this moment.” I felt the rumble of his deep voice in my bones.

My heart was beating a mile a minute as he continued to hold me close, “O-ok.” I mumbled in reply.

Just as quickly as he had come I felt his warmth leave my body and he stepped in front of me, “Let’s run that part again.” He smiled wickedly.




“What you need is a different song.” Mino mentioned as he walked me to my dorm.

I shrugged, “I mean I like it. I think it’s fine.”

“You need something that captures the essence of your dance. The story it tells.” he was getting really excited.

“Are you saying that you want to produce the song that I will dance to at the showcase.” I raised my brow at him as we finally stopped at my door.

He leaned against the doorframe, “I mean if you insist.”
I rolled my eyes and unlocked my door, “Song, Mino.” he replied with a playful yes, “Would you produce the song for my dance?”

“Me,” he gasped and slapped his hand over his heart, “I mean if you insist. Yes, yes I will.”

I rolled my eyes, “Good night, Mino.”

“I won’t let you down.” he quickly pecked my cheek and then ran out of the dorm.

“Yah!” I yelled after him but he was gone. The only evidence of him being here was the tingling in my cheek.




A few days later I was stretching yet again in the practice room. The day of the showcase was closer than I wanted it to be. Suddenly, the door burst open and a panting Mino leaned against the door.

“What has gotten into you?” I laughed as I stood up and walked over to his hunched form.

“I’ve…got…the…song.” he said in between pants. He weakly held up a cd.

“Let’s hear it.” I grabbed the cd and popped it into the player. Violin melodies filtered through the speakers filling the room. Taehyun’s chilling voice harmonizing with it.

“Your whole group did this with you?” I smiled hearing Seungyoon’s entrancing voice.

Mino nodded and stood beside me. We sat there listening to the song. Mino’s deep voice rumbled and rang in my ears. Too soon, the song came to a close and I turned to Mino.

“Looks like I have a lot of work to do if I want to dance at the showcase with my new song.” I smiled coyly at him.

“Yes!” He jumped up and pulled me into his arms, “You won’t regret this I promise.”




I tugged on the hem of my shirt as I looked out into the audience. It was the day of the showcase and I was the most anticipated act of day. I had danced in front of audiences many times but the added pressure was killing my nerves.

“Nervous?” I turned to see Mino and the guys.

“A little.” I admitted, “I just hope I don’t mess up.”

“You’ll be great!” Jinwoo patted my back.

“Yeah,” Seunghoon joined in, “You have nothing to worry about.”
“Thanks, guys.” I blushed at their compliments.

Mino pulled me aside, “I promise you that you’ll be the best one out there tonight, tiny dancer.”

“Thank you for everything, Mino.” I took in a shaky breath.

I heard my name being called, “Well that’s me.” 



I turned to Mino only to be greeted by his lips. He softly pulled me closer as he caressed my face. After what seemed like an eternity he pulled away and stared into my eyes, “I believe in you, my tiny dancer.”

Before I could say anything, he pushed me to the stage. Stunned I slowly walked out as the lights dimmed. The violins swelled through the speakers and through my bones finally setting me into the mood of the piece. I was ready. I moved with confidence as each boy’s voice greeted me throughout the song. I moved more graceful than I ever could have imagined. I had become one with the music, it didn’t matter that I had so much pressure on me or that I did well at all. All that mattered was the story I was trying to tell. Too soon I fell to the floor with the ending note, my ragged breathing and my heart beating the only thing I could hear for a good few seconds. Then it was roaring applause. I looked up to find everyone out of their seats.

“You did it!” Mino ran onstage and twirled me around, “It was amazing!”
I gripped him tightly as he set me down the adrenaline rush causing me to shiver with excitement, “I did it!”

“I think we know the clear winner of best act in the showcase.” the president of the school announced my name and handed me the award as everyone continued cheering.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” I wrapped my arms around Mino’s waist as we walked off stage.

“Are you kidding?” he ruffled my hair, “It was all you tiny dancer.”

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Smitians #1
Chapter 1: so cute~~~ sequel please!!!
Chapter 1: Aah that was so cute! *__*
An amazingly done one-shot! Thank you for sharing it~ :3
Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♡♡ love you
r4yane #4
Chapter 1: sequel juseyo !!