
Daehyun's Weirdness

This is weird. Daehyun never looked like this. Like, never. He’s a normal boy who emotionally grows up a bit late. Things that involve in his mind are only about soccer, video games, and comic book. He, himself, doesn’t know how he actually ended up like this.

His older sister was the first person who noticed Daehyun’s difference. Recently, Daehyun likes to be in his room a lot and day-dreaming. Being a really sensitive girl Sunhwa—Daehyun’s older sister, is, she knew that there was something involving in Daehyun’s mind beside his usual thought.

Sunhwa knows right how her younger brother looks like. She knows right, things Daehyun really care about are his video games, soccer match, and his comic books. She doesn’t even sure if Daehyun even cares about his future. Daehyun is already a high school student but he doesn’t seem care about his school stuffs.

But today, Daehyun got even weirder. Daehyun was looking at his food with blank expression. Sunhwa knows how much Daehyun loves to eat and it’s almost impossible he doesn’t get interested with the food. Sunhwa cooked Daehyun’s favorite meal today, why would he show that blank expression? To add up, Sunhwa was shocked even more with Daehyun’s sudden question.

“How is it like to have a lover?”

Sunhwa swears she almost choked on her food. She answered Daehyun, though. She said it feels nice since she has someone to share with, and feel loved by. Daehyun just nodded, but it makes Sunhwa got more curious.

Sunhwa tried to think when Daehyun started being like this. It has been two months or more, she doesn’t really remember but it was around that time. She wondered what happen with her younger brother, and somehow decided that she should know it, however the way is.


Sunhwa knocked Daehyun’s room, and heard a low ‘get in’ from inside, so she got into Daehyun’s room. As usual, Daehyun was playing with his video games. Nothing’s weird—but Sunhwa won’t get tricked. She knows Daehyun hid something from her.

“Hey um, I just bought cheesecake. Do you want it?” She smiled, tried to not look so suspicious.

Daehyun kept on playing his games, but Sunhwa knew he was thinking. This is weird. Usually, Daehyun would pause his game immediately and run toward the fridge whenever Sunhwa said there’s cheesecake. But now, Sunhwa was standing there, waiting for Daehyun’s answer.

“No thanks. I don’t feel like want it now,” He mumbled.

Okay this is getting even weirder! Sunhwa raised an eyebrow. “Really? I thought you’d like it and immediately grab a slice.” She said, tried to point out Daehyun’s weirdness.

“Well? It’s not like I’m a cheesecake monster.” He said again, his eyes still fixed to the screen, showing the ‘I’m really not interested’ expression.

“Okay…” Sunhwa gulped quietly before she got out from Daehyun’s room.


She quickly grabbed her phone and wrote on her note; Daehyun’s weirdness #1, He rejected cheesecake.


Both of Sunhwa and Daehyun like soccer. Sunhwa didn’t really like it before, though, but she got infected with her younger brother. Daehyun really likes to watch soccer. And if his favorite team is having match, he will definitely watch it, even the match is on two at night.

Usually Sunhwa will accompany Daehyun watches soccer—well, sometime though. She doesn’t really watch it if her favorite team doesn’t play. But tonight, Daehyun’s favorite team will has match with Sunhwa’s.

Sunhwa and Daehyun usually have some bet about whoever will lose or win, the bet is usually about who will clean the bathroom this weekend. Sunhwa smirked, knowing right tonight’s match going to be fun. Even though the match was late at night, she knew right both of her and Daehyun won’t miss that match.


It was already quite late and the match will be started soon. Sunhwa was still up. She was in her room and texting with her friend and boyfriend. Sunhwa knew right Daehyun was still up too. She looked at the clock and smirked, the match will be started like five minutes again.

Sunhwa got up from her bed and walked toward Daehyun’s room. She knocked the door and heard a low ‘get in’. She got into Daehyun’s room, and welcomed with a rare situation. Daehyun, was sitting on his table, taking a note of his lesson.

“What are you doing?” Sunhwa widened her eyes slightly.

“I’m studying, idiot.” Daehyun rolled his eyes. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Well,” Sunhwa cleared . “Your favorite team is going to have match with mine. Let’s watch and whoever lost will clean the bathroom this weekend!” Sunhwa grinned, knowing right the answer is an excited yes.

“…nah, I will pass.”

What? Sunhwa widened his eyes in slight shock. “You never passed your favorite team’s match. What’s going on?”

Daehyun shook his head lightly, “Nothing. Just me, having test tomorrow.” He answered calmly.

Sunhwa didn’t understand at all. Daehyun never cared about any of his test, except for the serious one like final exam or mid-term exam. Even when tomorrow Daehyun will have a final exam, he’d still watch his favorite team’s match.

Well, being a good older sister Sunhwa is, she couldn’t say no if her brother want to study instead of watching the match, even though it was weird.

“Alright then, good luck for your test, anyway.” She said before walked out from Daehyun’s room.


Again, she grabbed her phone and wrote something on her last note; Daehyun’s weirdness #2, He refused to watch his favorite team’s match.


That evening was raining so hard. Thunders rambled like almost every time. Both Sunhwa and Daehyun were at home. Both of them hated going out in the rain. Sunhwa was at kitchen, making hot chocolate for herself while Daehyun was watching television and texting with his friends.

Sunhwa sighed against her palms as she tried to warm herself up. Sometime hard rain makes her shiver. She doesn’t like being in cold. That’s why she doesn’t like to go out while raining.

Daehyun is the same thing also, since he was too lazy to learn how to use car, it will be hard for him to go anywhere while raining hard. Of course he has rain jacket and umbrella, but he’s too lazy to use them and he thinks it’s useless also, he knows he’ll eventually get soaked by the rain.

Sunhwa smiled as her hot chocolate is ready. She poured it into her glass before took it and walked toward Daehyun, sitting beside him and watched TV as well.

Since Daehyun seemed so busy texting, Sunhwa just took the remote control and changed the channel, watching variety show that she really liked.

She glanced at Daehyun, who seemed want to call his friend—and he really did though. Sunhwa didn’t really pay attention what Daehyun was talking about before Daehyun nearly shouted a rather loud ‘really?

What the hell with this kid… Sunhwa groaned in her mind. The rain already made the volume of the TV wasn’t clear and now Daehyun was shouting.

“You’re at XY bookstores and don’t even bring an umbrella? But it’s raining hard, idiot.” He grumbled. Daehyun seemed angry.

Why would he mad because his friend doesn’t bring an umbrella? Sunhwa raised an eyebrow as she thought about it.

“I will go there and bring you an umbrella, then. You have course to attend soon, right?” Daehyun said before stood up, wore his jacket and took two umbrellas from their place.

Wait what? Daehyun will go out while raining hard like this? Sunhwa widened his eyes slightly, staring at Daehyun who already hung up the call and got ready to go.

“I have to go for awhile!” Daehyun said and quickly walked out.


Why would he even care about his friend who doesn’t bring any umbrella? He never cared about anyone that much, he hates going out while raining too so why would he go out just because his friend? And, he’ll get flu also with only a layer of clothes and jacket…

Sunhwa sighed. That was just really weird. She took his phone and wrote something on her last note; Daehyun’s weirdness #3, He went out while raining hard just because his friend forgot to bring umbrella.



Sunhwa knew right how weak Daehyun’s body can be. Because he went out while raining yesterday, he got flu today and not going to school. Good thing Sunhwa didn’t have schedule today so she can take care of Daehyun whole day.

If there was no one watching Daehyun at home, Daehyun will not rest, and playing video games instead. That’s why Sunhwa knew right she should watch over Daehyun like, whole day.

The doorbell suddenly rings. Sunhwa who was watching TV sighed quietly before stood up and open the door. She blinked as she looked at who came over. He was a boy, a really cute boy. Sunhwa never saw him before. Daehyun sometime brought his friends to home but Sunhwa never saw this one.

“Ah, this is Daehyun’s home, right?” The boy asked shyly.

“Yup, I’m his older sister. You’re his friend?” Sunhwa smiled.

The boy nodded. “Yes, my name’s Yoo Youngjae. And, well, um, I actually wanted to see him—but, I’m afraid if he’s sleeping and I’m… disturbing?” He scratched his head slightly.

Sunhwa looked at this cute boy in awe. Well, finally Daehyun had a friend with well manner, she thought that way. “Just sit on the sofa, I’ll tell Daehyun you come.” Sunhwa grinned and pointed to the sofa before walked to Daehyun’s room.


She knocked the door before got in. “Hey, I know you’re awake. Your friend comes.”

Daehyun yawned slightly. “Ugh just say I’m sleeping. I don’t really want to meet them…” He said and snuggled more to his blanket.

“Tch. This cute boy already kindly comes to see you and that’s how you treat your friend?” She rolled his eyes.

“Cute boy? Is that Youngjae?” Daehyun quickly got up, which makes Sunhwa a bit surprised.

“W-well… yes…? It’s Yoo—something. Who is he?” Sunhwa blinked confusedly as she looked at suddenly-excited Daehyun.

“He’s… my friend.”

“I know. Which one?”

“The one that I called yesterday, that one who forgot to bring his umbrella.” Daehyun explained. “Now, where’s he? Just tell him to come here.”

Sunhwa nodded and got out before told Youngjae to just get into Daehyun’s room. Sunhwa sighed and sat onto the sofa again.

She kept on changing the TV channels, but then stopped when she suddenly realized something. That boy was the one who made Daehyun went out while raining? Daehyun didn’t want to meet his friend back then, but when he heard Youngjae’s name, he suddenly changed and told me to just let Youngjae in… Wait, what? Isn’t that weird? Daehyun never acted like that to his other friends, even to those girls that came for group project. Wait, this is too weird—it can’t be…

Sunhwa looked at Daehyun’s room before nodded at herself. She sneaked to the front of Daehyun’s room and pressed her ears to the door.

“I’m sorry… you got flu because of me…” Sunhwa mentally cheered as she managed to hear voice—which was Youngjae’s.

“Hey, it’s alright. It’s not like I mind it.” Sunhwa widened her eyes slightly. How could Daehyun didn’t mind it? He was soaking yesterday just because bringing that Youngjae an umbrella!

“I felt a bit lonely since you didn’t come to school, though…

“I’ll come back tomorrow, don’t worry.”

“Oh! I have course soon. I should go.”

“You’re so busy, aren’t you?”

“Well yeah~ you know how hectic my schedule is.”

“But thanks though, even you’re busy, you come to see me.”

“Of course I will come. Well, I should go now. Get better soon, Daehyun-ah~” As Sunhwa heard that, she quickly ran away and sat back to the sofa. She sighed in relief as she made it before Youngjae walked out from the room.

“Oh, you’re going already?” Sunhwa tried to look natural like she did nothing before.

“Ah, yes, I have course to attend so I should go now.” Youngjae smiled.

“Alright then. Do come again!” Sunhwa smiled back, and Youngjae walked off.


Looks like Youngjae didn’t realized I heard them talking—and damn, isn’t that way too romantic for regular friend? Thing that I won’t even expect from my regular friends! Well, if my theory was right, It will explain why Daehyun’s attitude changes recently. Now, I will just ask Daehyun…

Sunhwa smirked slightly, before walked to Daehyun room.

“Hey Daehyun,” Sunhwa smirked.

“Hey. What’s with that annoying face?” Daehyun rolled his eyes as he looked at his older sister.

“Can I ask something?” She grinned.

“Make it fast, I’m sleepy.”

“Do you like Youngjae?” She asked, grinned from ear to ear.

 Daehyun groaned and of course he refused to answer. Instead, he shooed Sunhwa away.

But, his older sister’s eyes cannot be tricked. Of course she spotted slight blush on Daehyun’s cheeks. Giggling lightly, she walked back to the sofa and grabbed her phone, wrote on her last note; Daehyun’s weirdness mission solved! My little Daehyunnie fell in love~

A/N: lol. it has been some time and i know it's messy. idk. it feels a bit weird though. but my fingers actually moved. sobs. this is but... comment please?;;

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Chapter 1: Daehyun so cuteeee
41 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwww. .Daehyunie is in love with Jae ~♡ that's so cute ♡♡
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa!!! Cuuute
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa... cute >_<
For once,finaly i read where sunhwa becoming good sister..not the usual anoying one (y)
Chapter 1: waaah it's cute!!! ^^ this story is amazing! :D
I love it eonni! ♥♥
gazagezug #6
Its super cute, authornim^^
Shino159 #7
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!! I wish there was more ^^'
Chapter 1: Aww Dae is in love with Jae
Chapter 1: Daehyun changed after fell in love.. that was cute~~