
He's Always Been My One Love

Like I said, there really isn't a storyline to this! 

I apolgize for any mistakes. I'm planning to edit 

my stories for mistakes very soon. 

Have fun reading the short story~! 







Sohyun knocked on his office door with a cup of bitter coffee that Myungsoo loved to drink. 


He flipped through the papers and signed something at the bottom with a black ball point pen. 

"Here's your coffee." She placed it on the coaster next to all of his other works. 

"Thanks Hyunnie," he looked up from the paper and shot a smile of thanks. She returned a comforting smile and massaged his tensed shoulders. 

"Aren't you tired? You should take a break." 

He rested his entire back on the chair and closed his eyes due to exhaustion. Work was always getting in the way. All of the endless meetings and signing of papers were not easy at all like most people would comment. 

It was a really boring job to keep. Trust Myungsoo with these words. He wasn't kidding when he said endless meetings. 

Luckily for him, most of his work was done at home, in his very office. And his wife was always there to boost him up. 

Being weds for over a year made the two feel giddy. Sohyun was blissful to have such a mindful and encouraging husband. 

Myungsoo could say the same exact words about her. Who would hate having a wife that tends to you when you need her most? Not Myungsoo. As much as it was cliche to say, he loved her with all of his heart.

Yeah, sometimes they got into some petty arguments, but those bickers brought them closer each time. 

"Let me finish this portion and I'll spend time with you." He assured. 

She nodded and smacked her lips on his left cheek. "I'll be in the kitchen when you're done." 

He nodded and watched her go before he went back to his tiring work.


"Chanyeol, what are you doing here?"

He placed the ice cream cone in her hand and gave a look of disbelief. "Am I not allowed to see my little sister?" 

Sohyun robustly shook her head, not meaning to make it sound negative. "No, of course not. I'm just surprised you came to drop by." 

He plopped himself on the chair next to hers. 

"Where's Eunmi?" She took a bite of the cold, brain-freezing dessert.

Chanyeol, despite being the oldest in the Park's family, pouted like a child not getting a candy. 

"She went out with Baekhyun." 

Sohyun pouted along with him. "Don't be sad Yeol! They're just bestfriends. You should be happy she's your wifey~" 

She never failed to make her brother smile like a big idiot. "This is why I love my little sis so much!" 

He pulled her with his long arms and she bumped into his chest. 

"A little too tight Yeol!" Sohyun squirmed in his tight embrace. It being under his shoulders, regardless of how tall she stood, he was still much more taller than her.

He let go once he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. "Baekhyun? She's whining? Okay I'll come bye." 

He hung up and frowned. "I'll bring Eunmi and Daeho over next time. I gotta go." 

He kissed her smooth forehead, leaving. Daeho was his 3 year old son who was being baby sitted by Kyungsoo, a family friend of Sohyun's; mostly Chanyeol's middle-school friend. 

Two arms hugged her from behind and lips pecked Sohyun's cheek. 

Knowing who it was, she let the person hold her against their body. 

"Was that your brother?" The female nodded and pursed her lips. 

"What is my Hyunnie thinking of?" Her husband placed his sharp chin on her shoulder. 

"Nothing really. Just about how perfect my life is with you in it." 

Myungsoo's laugh went through your body. "Shouldn't the husband say that?" 

She shrugged and took his arms off of her.

"Let's go finish up that book!" She pulled him to their bedroom and grabbed the book off the polished night stand. 

Myungsoo used his arm as Sohyun's pillow and played with her shoulder-length hair while he read silently in his head. The novel in her hands was a romantic mystery; something she and he enjoyed reading when they had the time. 

"No way," Sohyun said in bewilderment. Myungsoo was also shocked at the ending of the story. 

"That was pretty unexpected.." 

She nodded absentmindedly and shut the book close, putting it back where it belonged. 

"Did you shower yet?" He asked as he placed small kisses on her rosy cheek. 

"Yep. Did you?" 

He shook his head and she pulled him up. "Go shower and I'll make dinner."

"Can't we just cuddle all night?" He's been longing to do so ever since he's been buried with loads of paper work that his father made him do. 

"Kim Myungsoo, you need to eat dinner at least." 

He smirked evilly. "Can I not just eat you?" 

Sohyun slapped his arm and got up to leave, but he pulled her back down. "I was kidding. I know you're still not ready, and I acknowledge that." 

Sohyun smiled in gratitude. Most husbands would somehow convince, more like force their wives to do such a thing, but Myungsoo let her take her time. It's already been past a year and he was still waiting patiently. 

"Thanks Myung. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." 

He shook his head with a simper. "As long as I can be with you until the end of our lives and up there with the big boss. I'm willing to wait for a child to appear in your stomach." 

He tapped her stomach and told her to go make the food.


"Should we go to the beach tomorrow for the entire weekend? The weather is suppose to be sunny and cool." 

Sohyun nodded at the offer while taking a bite of her rice and fish; the typical Asian meal. 

Myungsoo fed her an anchovy and she crunched her nose in disgust. "Ew. Anchovies are not compatible with my taste buds Myung." 

He chuckled at her humor. "Finish up your dinner or you'll regret not eating."

She nodded and filled up with the meal. 

"We'll leave at 7 sharp, so you better wake up early sleep-head." 

"You know I never wake up at 7." She was an over sleeper, not exactly healthy, but it boosted up her energy level pretty high.

"I'll wake you up if I have to." Myungsoo picked up his dirty dishes and went wash them. She got up also and cleared the table before placing them in the sink. 

Sohyun helped out by drying them with a towel and putting the glasses back in their cupboards. 

"Let's put Hyunnie to sleep, hm?" 

He picked her up bridal style and put her under the covers once he reached the bed. 

Sohyun hugged him under the covers and closed her eyes. 

"Good night, Myung," she murmured before dozing off to the dreamworld. 

He didn't hesitate to hug her back and planted a firm kiss on her head. "Night, princess." 


"Princess, wake up." He blew air on her face and she tossed in the bed. 

"I don't wanna." 

It was still an hour before they could leave, but she had to pack up. Unless she wanted Myungsoo to pack her things up. Which meant going through her personal items and picking a flashy bathing suit. Hehe. 

"I'm guessing I'll pack your things. Who knows what I may come across." He teased and bit her ear once he leaned down closer to her peaceful face. 

She jolted up and pushed him put the way. "ert!" 

She grabbed her duffle bag and stuffed the most appropriate attires she could find to bring to the beach. Basically her entire closet. 

"It's the beach. You need to show some skin," he said once he saw her grabbing a bunch of over-sized tees. 

"You being a ert isn't going to make me expose." 

"I won't be a ert then. I promise." 

She let out an exasperated sigh and took out two swimsuits. 

One off-white crotchet halter and a black strapless, bringing the straps that came with it. 

She packed up her toiletries and facial products in her bag also. Taking a pair of sandals and cover-up in case anybody tried being a ert. Ahem. 

After stuffing up her duffle, she headed to the bathroom to wash up. 


"Hello beach!" Sohyun waved to the ocean that was in front of her childishly.

Myungsoo grabbed her waist from behind and her back hit his torso. "Hyunnie, we need to go to the hotel."

"Why? I wanna go in the water!" 
She pointed to the crashing waves. 

"You're not even in your bikini yet fool." 

Sohyun turned around to face him and he unexpectedly kissed her lips. 

As much as she wanted to pull away, she didn't, and kissed him back. 

The hands on Sohyun's waist tightened and pulled her at a closer proximity. 

Her hands went to Myungsoo's hair and she tugged on it. He moaned inwardly, liking the feel of it. But he needed to control himself. 

"Be patient," he chanted to himself.

He broke apart from her and sent her a wink. They walked to the hotel they were staying at cross the busy street. 


"Stop covering yourself. It's only us here and a few strangers." 

Myungsoo tried pulling off the shirt on her, but Sohyun held onto it tight. "But..I'm not comfortable.." She scratched her head awkwardly. 

He couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry. No one's going to stare at you like they're hungry." 

She nodded and took off the white shirt.

Myungsoo couldn't help but gulp. It wasn't showy but it looked stunning on Sohyun. She didn't have the skinniest body, but she was surely well-fit. 

He eyed her up and down and she grew self conscious. 

"You promised me you wouldn't be a ert!" 

He put his hands on her back, skin touching excessively. 

"I can't help it. You look great." 

He dragged her body to the large body of clean, blue water. 

Myungsoo chuckled and splashed Sohyun's body until he was satisfied. "Hey!" 

She splashed him back and had the time of her life with him. 

Myungsoo went to the smoothie stand to get a drink to quench their thirst.

A guy, who had been checking her body out from afar decided to come and have a chat with her. 

"Say, why don't you come join me back in my hotel room? We can do some wild things." He dangerously roamed his hands around her lower half something Myungsoo was only allowed to do to her. 

"Oh really?" She whispered with seductiveness in his ear. She sent a wink of assurance to Myungsoo who seemed like he was about to blow when he witnessed what was happening,  until he saw her action. He trusted her. 

"Yes. Why don't we go now? Leave the guy here and we'll have some fun." 

"I'd love to babe, but first, I have something to prepare." 

Sohyun clawed his neck with her nails and kneed him in the crotch and left him falling into the water. 

"Nice move, but you could've gotten hurt!" He ran with her to a safer part of the shore.

"Who cares. He touched me where he shouldn't have."

She put her shirt back on and held hands with her lover. 



He was my body guard in college when guys oogled over me.

He was there when I needed help. 

He was a guide to me. 

He guided me to his heart.

He's always been there for me. 

He's always been loving me. 

He's always been my one love.











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baekspace #1
Chapter 1: LOVED IT! It could've been a tiny bit linger tho ;)