Taekwoon is your not so ordinary rich guy. He belongs to a famous and rich family, only son and has enough money to survive even if he don't get a future job. He was admired by many because of his looks and mysterious aura. He is hard to approach because some think he is a bad person but it's the total opposite.

He only has one friend. His  name is N, many people ask N how did he became friends with Taekwoon or rather how is he still Taekwoon's friend. Because even though they're friends, Taekwoon still gives N the cold shoulder. If asked, N would just laugh and say it all over again.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover."


Taekwoon is not the guy that’s fond of girls. Some is an exception but those who follow him everywhere, those who fill his locker with love letters, those who squeal an ear-splitting cream when he pass is and will always be annoying to him.



But one day when he was waiting for his car to arrive. Men suddenly surrounded him and attacked. He was about to fight back but he was really out numbered. The next thing he knew is he is in a room, his hands were tied and he was not the only one kidnapped.

When the other guy in the room woke up, he immediately approached Taekwoon and untied him. He was wearing an annoying smile that Taekwoon couldn’t say if the guy knows that they are kidnapped. The boy sat beside him but not too close. Taekwoon scanned the room and is looking for a way to escape because he don’t want the kidnappers have the amount of ransom they want and because the guy with him is slowly getting noisy.


“What’s your name?”

“How old are you?”

“MMmm. Do you have siblings?”

“Which school do you go to?”

“I know this is weird to ask but do you have a girlfriend?”



Taekwoon kept his mouth shut while the other was storytelling his life. He found it interesting though and he temporary stopped a plan of escape.


“I’m the third son of the family. My brothers are brilliant and awesome! My dad expects me to take up business too but—“


“Jaehwan.” Taekwoon spoke


He found out the other’s name because of his self- introduction earlier. His name is Jaehwan, he likes being cute because he himself is the definition of cute, he loves to cook and he inherited that from his mom. He has two awesome elder brothers.

“Do you really want to take up business?” Taekwoon asked

Jaehwan smiled “That’s the longest sentence I’ve heard from you. But anyway, I’ve told you I like to cook so I like to put a restaurant but dad don’t listen to me and that is supper fine, he is so busy that’s why.”


Taekwoon continued to listen but as he listens, even though his father doesn’t agree to his future dream. Jaehwan never bad mouthed his father.




“Ten billion for your son. No money? Dead body.” They hear as they eavesdrop “You have only one day or a dead school boy will greet you next time,”

The kidnappers ended the call with evil laughs as the two kidnapped people was left in shock. Taekwoon deep inside has been pissed off the fact that his family is so slow in solving this. He turned to look at Jaehwan and the younger was pale and has the most worried face he’d ever seen. He never was used to it, the boy always has that vibrant smile even if the food those thugs give is lacking, but now it’s different.


“Mom must be so sad. Dad must be so mad at me for being kidnapped.” The younger trembled and was about to tear up


Damn. Taekwoon don’t like these situations. He was not the person who knows how to comfort. He was about to pull the other into a shoulder hug but Jaehwan automatically shielded the right side of his stomach.

It intrigued Taekwoon, sometimes he see Jaehwan in pain clutching his stomach or in pain because of his back. The younger do all things to avoid bumping into something, does he think that they--?


“Jaehwan take your shirt off.” His voice was a little louder


The younger immediately scooted away and shook his head but Taekwoon caught his wrist and unable him to move away more. Taekwoon being the stronger one successfully uncovered Jaehwan’s upper body. He swiveled him around so that he can see the younger’s back and to his horror what he thought was correct. Jaehwan slowly turned to face him.


“Why?” the shock person asked


“I was really thankful that they only tied your hands. I think they knew that I study judo so they attacked me from behind with, well, hard objects.” He explained while putting his shirt back


They are so cruel. His body is full of bruises and cuts that are not too deep but it was surely painful. He was so pissed off that he doesn’t want to see his smiley face. All of those pains, why they should be hidden in a smile?


Jaehwan shyly approached “Hyung. I’m sorry for not telling you.”


It was the first time somebody called him hyung. And it was nice to hear.


“I promise to tell you again next time.” He raised his right hand as a sign of promise


Taekwoon can only stare.




Jaehwan was busy peeping through the little hole in the door, looking at what the kidnappers are doing. Taekwoon angrily sat because he can’t find a way to escape. The kidnappers are happily drinking alcohol while chatting. Taekwoon just sits there and stares at the other guy. He was still bothered by the bruises so he crawled to where Jaehwan was but the room’s door suddenly swung open.

The drunken kidnappers were grinning. Jaehwan stood up and so did Taekwoon. But before the kidnappers can say what they want and  open their mouths,


“Just take me. Please not him.”


Taekwoon’s forehead wrinkled and his gaze went back and fort on the kidnappers and Jaehwan’s.


“Jaehwan what is this?”


“Oh look he’s volunteering! Now come!” the old guy harshly pulled Jaewhan’s arm


Taekwoon couldn’t fight back because a gun was aimed at him. He was wearing a very angry expression, he figured out that Jaehwan overheard what the thugs were talking about. Now what the hell are they going to do with that boy?! The moment the door closed again, with all his strength punched and kicked it, many times. When he heard Jaehwan started to scream in pain he harshly kicked the door more and punched it. He don’t want to stop, even Jaewhan’s shouts don’t stop. What was inside his head. Why did he volunteer.  Just why. He sat and stopped so hard as the only voice he can hear from Jaehwan is whimpers.


They threw him inside and closed the door with a loud bang. Their laughs echoed. Taekwoon approached the guy and closed his eyes and looked away.


“What did they do to you?” he asked in a whisper


Even when his face is with bruises he still managed to smile “Hyung, don’t worry, I’m used in things like this in judo. Not like you..”


Taekwoon wants to hug him. For the first time, he want to hug a person. But he can’t or he will double the pain. He assisted him and let Jaehwan make his lap his pillow for the night. He hissed, just wait when they get out. He surely will kick their asses.


“Hey hyung.” Jaehwan spoke




“I’ve got to tell you something.”


“What? Hurry it then so you can sleep.” He replied


“Is it weird that I like you?”


His annoyed but poker face calmed. What did he just said?


“Hyung, I really really like you.”


“Sleep. Let’s talk about this tomorrow.”


Jaehwan grinned “Sleep well.”



Taekwoon thanked the room is dark.






He poked the person who is pretending to sleep “Let’s talk about last night.”


“Fine then I’m gonna go there and—“ a hand stopped him


The obviously pretending to sleep person stopped him and sat up. Taekwoon don’t know what to react about what Jaehwan said yesterday, he clearly didn’t get a good sleep because of that. He receive so many love confessions but why is this different? Jaehwan smiles while Taekwoon avoid glances and hang down his face.


“Hyung I confessed but it doesn’t mean you should return your feelings. I know, I’m weird because I’m not as cool and chic to fit your ideal type but I just need an answer.” Jaehwan spoke


The boy was serious. Taekwoon can see it but he can't understand what is he feeling. Is Jaehwan crazy? They just met and he likes him already? What is this?

" i don't know what to say." Taekwoon whispers but it was just his normal volume of voice

Jaehwan thinks then smiles " It's fine. But I can still like you right? Even if you don't like me back?"

Taekwoon nods and he sees the other boy happily accepts it. He still feels weird though, he was about to fall back to pretending to sleep but the door suddenly slammed opened and he automatically got up and let Jaehwan stand up behind him. If they do that again, well they can't anymore, he is not gonna let them anymore. Not this time.

They aimed the guns at their heads again and pulled them both outside and threw them at the back of the van. Taekwoon could see Jaehwan holdin out his moans because of pain, the back of the van is filled ith boxes and the space between them is small. He tried to adjust so he can sit in a comfortable way but he fell and landed on Jaehwan. He panicked and stood up and bumped his head, forgetting that he was in the van, he tried to stand up again but the van started to

to move and had him landing on the person who was laughing at him.

He was still panicking because of the closeness but Jaehwan was busy being noisy because of his laughter. He was pissed and glad that he didn’t squished the other by fully landing on me and it will be awkward.


“Where are you taking us?”

“You should thank your parents for giving money.”


“Shut up or I’ll blow your mind.”

“Then you won’t get your money you selfish bastards.”



Taekwoon covered Jaehwan’s mouth. Such a noisy kid, he thinks. Maybe if he didn’t stopped him he would be dead right now. They stopped at a huge abandoned factory. No more people and obviously is about a good place to transact things like this. Two men guarded the hostages and three were waiting for each other’s rescuers.


“Hyung, are we gonna see each other after this?”

“Well I still wanna see you but do you wanna see me?”

“Hyung are you even listening?”


Yes he was.


Two fancy cars stopped and two men came out of it formally, as if going to a business agreement rather than saving someone’s life. Taekwoon saw his mother almost to tears and he could only nod. Jaehwan saw his mom but he was the one who was almost to tears, his mom is weak in the first place and now he blame himself of why his mom should experience this happening.

They were freed and Taekwoon immediately aided Jaehwan because the poor kid was limping but was hiding his face because he was already crying. Slowly they walk and closer they approach each of theirs parents.



“Taekwoon are you okay?”


“Thank God.”


He heard motorcycles starting and a van moving out of the place. But he caught a glimpse of a guy aiming at him, his eyes widen when the person pulled the trigger, he was frozen, mind black until someone—




The next thing he knew, Jaehwan fell unconscious in his arms.




“Jaehwan stay with me.”

“Hyung, glad we can be together even for a shor-“

“Shut up and wake up after your operation or I’ll kill you.”

He coughed “Violence.”


Taekwoon let go and let the nurses and doctors drag the stretcher to the operating room. Right after the door closed, Taekwoon collapsed sitting on the floor. This is the second time Jaehwan did this, this is the million times he acted stupid.

This is the first time someone did the stupidest thing for him.

He’s gonna punish those bastards that kidnapped them and he will do all things for them to get caught. Not for the money, they can have it. But for someone, he will be doing this.

He can see Jaehwan’s mother crying and friend soothing her back. He sat beside them and had Jaehwan’s mother look at him and wipe her tears.


“Jaehwan can be a little reckless.” She started “ But he thinks of people first before than himself.”

Taekwoon agrees inside in his head, but still he call it stupidity.

“But he always smile.” She ended

Now Taekwoon nods.




It’s been two months since he saw the noisiest person, been two months since he saw the stupid’s face and up until now he is secretly looking for him.


He was supposed to visit him after his operation but the nurses said that he transferred to another hospital and the thing that pisses him more is he don’t know where neither anyone would not tell him.

It’s been two months since he started to learn judo for his protection. He was also hoping to see someone there but no sign.


‘’You said you will see me after the kidnapping ends. Where are you now.”


The criminals were caught, he wasted no time to trace and do his best to make those kind of people suffer for the cruel things they’ve done. He can still remember the scars, the bruises but he will never forget how the certain person hid that behind his smiles.


He might not say it out loud but he miss him.



“You seem different after the kidnapping. I was expecting you to have post-traumatic stress but you came back with a new aura and you smile once a week, who are you? Are you really Taekwoon?” N asked in the middle eating lunch


He stood up and gathered his things and turned around. N halted him and asked where he was going but he only said




His dad is currently sick so he is the

presiding President in the company now. It's not much of a burden to him because he has secretaries and his father checks on him too but most importantly he has been training himself for this. He was destined to be the president but recently he doubted himself and he doesn’t know why.


Maybe just because he misses someone.


He was invited to a party; he refused at first but  he has to. So he has to wear the itchy suit again and stand while holding a drink for the whole night, why does he have to do that again? He arrives at the place and he already planned this night. He will attend, talk to no one, then go away at the middle of everything.

Fail, he is currently surrounded by women talking about things he would never understand. He wants to move away but his father’s name is in the line so he can’t do anything to mess their name.


“I heard you were kidnapped.”

“Are you okay?”

“I heard someone else was with you.”


“Excuse me.” He spoke and had the others to stop talking

He immediately walked away and proceeded to the comfort room. When he arrived, without a hesitation he splashed water to his face. He remembered Jaehwan. No, Jaehwan was always in his mind. It’s been two months and he wants to scream oh so suddenly. He doesn’t even understand why he misses someone so badly.

It’s because the person is important.

Yes, he was. Jaehwan is important that Taekwoon can’t deny his feelings. Even if everything is unsure and the future is blurry, he was sure of what he felt for the nosiest person he’d ever met.




He woke up with a headache. He followed his plan of escaping the venue after the realization of his feelings, but now he had to deal with headache first. He also has to at least know why he was invited to a party. He’s all alone in his apartment today and he asked to be absent in school. In the midst of preparing ‘breakfast’ which he rarely does, his phone suddenly rang.


“Leo?” It’s his secretary and when he calls him by that name it’s probably  important




“It seems you didn’t finish the party yesterday night.”


He groaned inside.


“The president’s son is here to let you sign papers and negotiate.”


“I have a headache—“


“Leo.” His secretary butts in “He is annoying so please.”

“Fine. If he wants it badly, tell him this address.”


He was done eating and a knock was heard. He arranged his used utensils in the sink first and arranged himself. He’s sick so maybe the other person would understand and he was the one who insisted so he’s the one supposed to be shy. While he was eating he pointed out that maybe he can handle this guy’s annoyingness, he once was with a similar person.

He fixed his clothes (shirt and pajamas) and opened the door.


“Good Moooor-- Taekwoon?!”

His eyes were wide, he seems to be frozen. The person who he still is looking for is right here, the person who gave him the new feelings is right here, the person who was not afraid to die for him is here.

Immediately he grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside, locking the door and trapping him. The other was shocked and can’t process what was happening. Taekwoon scans the other’s face, two months seems to heal fast. His eyes stopped on the other’s lips, Taekwoon gulped.

“Hey Taekwoon can you release me and—oomph”

The one trapping the other crashed his lips on the trapped person.  The other had his eyes wide but the other was closing his eyes.

Taekwoon stopped and felt his heart, its its its beating so fast. He clutched it and hid his face in his hands. The other person was worried and patted his back,

“Are you okay Taekwoon?” he managed to say after the sudden kiss

His hand was suddenly grabbed and the next thing he felt was a heart beating so fast. His eyes traveled to the person’s eyes.

“Jaehwan I like you. No. I love you.”


“Do I have to repeat it?”

“Ah ah no no you don’t have to.” Jaehwan shyly answered

“Do you like someone else now?” Taekwoon nervously asked

“Well.” Jaehwan was the one who grabbed the others hand now and placed it in his chest “That person just kissed me, how lucky am i?” he grinned

He yelped cause he was again pulled in the neck for a kiss. But now the kiss is different, it’s a heated kiss and Jaehwan stopped and let their foreheads touch.


“Taekwoon slow down.” He said while panting


“I’ve waited for two months to do this then you tell me to stop?”  he spoke with his usual stoic face


Jaehwan blushed and yelped when he was suddenly carried in a bridal style, his back soon landed on the bed. The next thing he saw was a topless Taekwoon, how fast did he removed his shirt?! He panicked, everything is happening too fast and he is just too embarrassed to watch Taekwoon. He closed his eyes and was waiting for the next thing to happen.

He felt his breath in his neck, hot breath. He opens his eyes and he meets the other’s eyes. Apparently Taekwoon was comfortable in Jaehwan’s neck, burying his face.

Jaehwan still breaths hard, what just happened. He came to plead the president’s son to sign a contract but in the end he is now lying beside him on the bed and the thought that they kissed just send him to shock. He even thought they would have—okay lee jaehwan stop. He caress Taekwoon’s hair and already knew that he has a fever, well at least he is here to take care of him. Maybe he should explain later why he disappeared, just let them be like this for awhile.


Taekwoon smiles secretly. His life is complete now.






Im really sorry if this took so long to update and I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations and I'm

sorry if it was happening too fast haha.  but tadah lol. I hope somehow you guys liked it.

Please leve comments or anything I really

love people who give their opinions so yeah thank you for reading.

By the way is hongbin and hyuk  a ship too? Hmmmm.





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Keo ! soooo cute ! i love it !
khgirl98 #2
Chapter 1: *zombie tone* ....SeQueL........i need it!!!!!
Chapter 1: omg! It was so cute *o* more KEO fics please and ofcourse I ship HyukBin too and NaVi xD
daesungx #4

Hi~~ Nice story btw ^^ (sorry I'm weird XD)
Poor Leo I think he is going to suffer a little bit xD
Welcome to the fandom!!! Looking forward to your story. Big Keo shipper here. ^^