Loving You Under the Sunshine

Drabble Bedazzled

Word Count: 300


Minseok sprawls out on the green field of grass, chest heaving rapidly as he tries to catch his breath. The hot afternoon sun shines directly at him, and instinctively, he covers his eyes with the back of his hand. Man, that burns. He takes the white soccer ball beside him and holds it above his head. Ah, much better, he sighs.


A silhoutte of a person abruptly descends itself near Minseok, landing beside him with a soft thud. He can hear the person curse, but that's all the attention he is willing to give.


"Hey," a raspy voice suddenly disintegrates the barrier of silence which Minseok had already put up in his head. "Mind if I join you?"


"What if I say no?"Minseok retorts back jokingly, tossing the ball away to a far end corner of the field. "Will it even cross your mind to just get up and leave me alone?"


The person chuckles. "You wouldn't want me gone anyways."


Minseok smiles. The voice of the person next to him is light and sweet; just like that of a cheesecake. "Then, by all means, join me on my journey to get sunburned."


The person giggles, and Minseok combines it with his own. Slowly, Minseok's hand brush against the man's and, without a word, he links them together. 


They stay like that for a while and bask in the hot July sun, enjoying the comfortable silence that surrounds them.




Said male looks at the person and flashes his toothy smile. "Yeah?"


The person leans closer towards Minseok, and slowly, but sweetly, presses his lips against the brunette's, pulling away just a moment later to whisper an "I love you," to the man before him.


Minseok looks at him and grips the person's hand just a little bit tighter. 


"I love you too, Luhan."




Xiuhan as in muh fav OTP ;;


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Chapter 1: Totally cute!
Cute! ^-^ I like it.