Making Plans

The Silent Patient





Hope you enjoy the update  :))





Nobody's POV





Sooyoung then cupped Jessica's face and gently pulled it back towards hers. Jessica had tears running down her face.


"They're not happy tears are they?" Sooyoung asked sadly.


Jessica shook her head.


"Is it because of me? Did I say something to upset you." Sooyoung asked with worry.


Poor Sooyoung she has no idea why what she said about wanting to tell her parents has me so upset. At least she can talk to her parents about us but I can't. Well I guess I can but not the same way that Soo can, thought Jessica.


I love Sooyoung so much and her not knowing about what happened that night is holding us back. It's time I told her the truth but I want to tell her in a place that will be difficult for me but a place that I want Sooyoung to see.


While Jessi was thinking to herself Sooyoung was wiping her tears.


"Can we just go over there for a minute to talk?" Jessica asked.


"Sure." Sooyoung said as she stood up and then helped Jessica up.


Sooyoung looked at Tiffany but she was already looking back at Sooyoung because she had noticed Jessica's tears.


"We'll be back soon." Sooyoung said softly to Tiffany. 




Jessica grabbed hold of Sooyoung's hand and they walked a short distance away from the others but far enough away so that they wouldn't be able to hear their conversation.


Jessica then turned to Sooyoung and held both of her hands.


"I really think it's time for me to tell you everything you want to know about me. But I really want to tell you at this um well at .........." Jessica said as a few more tears fell from her eyes.


"Soo would you be able to spend this weekend coming with me? Like do you have any plans?" 


"Nothing that I can't get out of. I want to do whatever you want me to do." Sooyoung said.


"Do you have a pen in your backpack? Oh and some paper that I could write on?" Jessica asked.


"Yes, I think I do."


"Could I please borrow your pen and some paper? And would you mind if I used your phone to make a call?" asked Jessica.


"Of course you can use my phone and I'll just go grab the pen and paper for you now." 


"Oh and Soo, I know this is asking a bit much but do you think there's any chance you could take next Monday off work? It's just I don't want to take you to this place..... um on a weekend because it's busier then and I want to take you there when it's quiet."


"Okay I'll ask Miss Lim when I'm back at work on Monday but that should be enough notice for her to let me have the day off." said Sooyoung.


"If she let's you have the day off would you be prepared to drive just over two hours to get to this place that I want you to see?" asked Jessica.


"Jessi if you really want me to go to this place then of course I don't mind how long I have to drive to get there."


"I really want you to be with me at this place so thank you for wanting to drive so far. Um and Soo one more thing, you said before you were thinking about telling your parents about us. Could you maybe wait until after we go to this place before you tell them about us." asked Jessica.


"Okay I won't tell them yet but what's going to change after I go to this place. Are you thinking of breaking up with me?" Sooyoung asked with concern.


"No I don't want to break up with you. It's just that you'll know more about me by then and if your parents have any questions about me you should be able to answer them but right now there's not a lot you do know about my life before I entered all the different hospitals."


"Oh okay well that makes sense. I'll go get everything you need from my backpack." Sooyoung said before heading back to the others to get what she needed to take back to Jessica.


"Is everything alright Soo." Fany asked.


"Um yeah, I think so." Sooyoung said as she headed back towards Jessica.


She then handed Jessica her phone, a pen and a notebook.


"Thanks Soo." Jessica smiled.


"Would you like me to go or stay here with you?" 


"Um if you don't mind could I make the phone call without you here." said Jessica.


"Okay." Sooyoung then turned around and started to walk off.


Jessica could tell that Sooyoung was feeling a little down about everything.


"Sooyoung wait." Jessica then hugged Soo tightly.


"Nothing's changed Soo, I still love you." Jessica said before placing a quick kiss on Sooyoung's lips.


This brought a smile to Sooyoung's face and she then turned around and returned to the others.


Jessica used Sooyoung's phone to google a special place she wanted to book for her and Soo to spend what Jessica hoped would be a perfect night together.


Once she found what she was looking for she called to make a booking. She wrote the address and phone number of this special place out on a bit of paper and then put it in her pocket. She wanted it to be a surprise for Sooyoung.


She then wrote a message out on a bit of paper. She walked back over to the others and returned the phone and pen to Sooyoung.


"Thanks Soo." Jessica smiled.


"That's okay." Sooyoung placed the things back in her backpack and then stood up again. Jessi then passed Sooyoung a note :



To My Soo,

I love you to the moon and back

and back again and back again.


Your Jessi  xx



Sooyoung felt a smile instantly take over her face as she read it. She than pulled Jessica in close for a long hug.


"So how about we give this fishing a go." Jessica smiled.


Sooyoung put the note from Jessica in her backpack and then grabbed Jessi's hand and walked over to Bora.


"Bora could you please help us fish?" Sooyoung asked.


A couple of hours later they all returned to their camping site. They had caught five fish in total. Bora caught three while Yoona and Seohyun had caught one each as well.


Bora cooked everyone dinner again and they enjoyed toasting their marshmallows later in the night. This time Jessica toasted Sooyoung's for her so it wouldn't get burnt while she was busy talking too much.


When Sooyoung and Jessica were in their tent before they went to sleep they spent a long time making out before Jessica said they needed to get to sleep. She just knew if they continued making out any longer that they both would of wanted to take it further and Jessi already had plans in place for a special romantic time away with Sooyoung.


When Sooyoung and Jessica woke up in the morning they were amazed but really happy that Jessica hadn't had any nightmares through the night.


"Not even one Soo." Jessica smiled.


"I'm like your own personal dream catcher." Sooyoung smiled.


"So does that mean I can hang you up on my wall in the hospital." Jessica grinned.


They headed out to the logs and were happy that they weren't the last one's to wake up this time. Yoong and Seo were still sleeping.


"Can I go and wake them up?" Sooyoung asked.


"You can't Soo, they didn't wake us up yesterday." Jessica said.


"She only wants to wake them up because she doesn't want to wait any longer to eat." Fany smiled.


"My best friend knows me too well." Sooyoung smiled.


"Well I'll start cooking now and hopefully they'll be awake when it's ready." said Bora.


Yoong and Seo did wake in time for breakfast. After breakfast they all went on a long trail walk. After they had been walking for 40 minutes.


"You're so funny." Sooyoung said to Jessica.




"You're really hating this walk but you're doing it anyway. Even though my cute Ice cream looks like she could melt at any moment." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica grinned at her.  "I'm only doing it so I can be with you."


"Thank you for doing it to be with me and just because I'm such a nice girlfriend, I'll let you use my shirt to wipe your sweat off."


Jessica got a cheeky look on her face before she tried to lift Sooyoung's shirt up. She lifted it so high that she could see Sooyoung's bra.


"What are you doing?" said Sooyoung.


"I was going to use your shirt to wipe my sweat off." Jessi smiled.


"And did you really have to lift my shirt up that high to do it? You're so lucky that we're walking so far behind the others." said Sooyoung.


"And because we are walking so far behind the others can I please lift it even higher this time." she grinned.


"No you can't Jessica Ice cream." Sooyoung smiled.


"But I saw something I really liked."


"What's that?" Sooyoung asked.


"Well I saw the extremely y bra you're wearing. I think you went out shopping and bought some new y bra's just like I did." Jessica grinned.


"I swear Jessi, if I had a pillow with me right now I'd be hitting you with it."


"You did buy some new bra's though, didn't you?" Jessica asked.


"I may have." Sooyoung grinned.


"Can I please look at it again." Jessica smiled.


"No just keep walking. Maybe at a more appropriate time you can look at my new bra." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica grinned and then held hands with Sooyoung.


When they all returned from their walk, they began to pull their tents down and pack up the camp site. Once they had fiinished packing and loading up the cars they started to drive home.


Sooyoung sat right next to Jessica in the car.


"Do you want me to hold your hand?" Sooyoung asked.


Jessica then whispered in Sooyoung's ear. "Can you hold my instead." she grinned.


"No not here and not now." Sooyoung smiled at her before grabbing her hand tightly.


Sooyoung could tell that Jessi wasn't as anxious as she was on the way there. Jessica began to Sooyoung's hand.


Sooyoung then met Jessica's lips for a long kiss.


"I hope you two arn't making out in the back there because it sure sounds like you are." Yoona giggled.


"Jessi gets anxious in cars. So I was just trying to take her mind of the long drive." said Sooyoung.


Seohyun and Yoona laughed.


When they finally arrived back at the hospital to drop Jessica off. Sooyoung squeezed Jessica's hand.


"I hope you have another nightmare free night Jessi. I'm going to miss you tonight but I'll see you tomorrow because you'll have your favourite nurse back which isn't either of the nurse's sitting in the front of the car right now." Sooyoung smiled.


"Hey you." Yoona called out with a smile.


Seohyun laughed.


"Now remember you two can't kiss each other goodbye because someone might see you." Seohyun said.


Jessica squeezed Sooyoung's hand and then mouthed the words I love you towards Sooyoung.


Sooyoung put her hand up in the air and pretended to catch something and then she threw that pretend thing back towards Jessica.


Jessi looked at her strangely. "What are you doing?"


"I was throwing the same words back at you." Sooyoung smiled before squeezing Jessica's hand one last time.


Jessica got into her wheelchair and then Yoona wheeled her back into the hospital.




The next day - Monday




Sooyoung arrived ten minutes early for work because she wanted to see Choa about Jessica.


"Hi Soo." Choa said.


"Hi Choa."


"Guess what, you'll never guess so I'll just tell you. Ice cream actually wrote for me for the first time this morning." she said excitedly.


"Yay." Sooyoung smiled. "What did she write?"


"She just wanted to tell me that you were going to be her nurse again." Choa smiled.


"Yeah we sorted out our misunderstanding."


"Well she's so much happier this morning knowing that you would be arriving soon."


"Actually I just came in a bit earlier to ask you if she had any nightmares last night?" Soo asked.


"She did but nowhere near as many as she had on Thursday and Friday night. She had seven last night."


"That's still a lot." Sooyoung said worriedly.


"But it's still heaps better than 16 like she did have Friday. Oh and Soo, I noticed a message on the main desk for you asking you to see Miss Lim this morning." said Choa.


"Okay thanks, I'll see you tomorrow." Sooyoung smiled.


Meanwhile Miss Lim was sitting in her office thinking. I hope this camping trip helped Ice cream and Sooyoung sort out their problems. Hopefully Ice cream told Sooyoung about going to see the Regional Director.


Sooyoung needs to be her nurse again otherwise my plans will come undone. If worse comes to worse I'll just force Sooyoung to be Ice cream's nurse again.


Sooyoung then knocked on Miss Lim's door. She opened the door for Sooyoung and Soo walked in and sat down.


"Did you enjoy your camping trip?"


"Yes it was a great weekend." Sooyoung smiled.


"And have you and Ice cream sorted everything out now?"


"Yes it was just a misunderstanding. I want to be her nurse again if that's okay?" Sooyoung asked.


"Yes that's great and I wanted to meet with you this morning to let you know that you'll have a student nurse working with you for the next three weeks. Her name is Hara and she's in her last stages of becoming a registered nurse."


"Will she be with me and some of the other nurse's?" Sooyoung asked.


"No she'll just be with you Sooyoung. I want her to learn from the best."


Although Miss Lim did believe Sooyoung was her best nurse she also had a strong feeling that her best nurse was in a relationship with one of her patients. It was time for her to find out for sure if this was true because she needed to use this information to help with her grand plan.


"So is she here now?" asked Sooyoung.


"She'll be here in an hour."


Oh great a student nurse, I mean normally I would love to train a student nurse but now how am I suppose to have time alone with Jessi here if I have a student nurse with me all the time, thought Sooyoung.


"Okay, well I better get going. Oh I nearly forgot, um would it be possible for me to get Monday off?" asked Sooyoung.


"If you fill out the leave application form then yes that should be fine. I'll just get Hara to work with Yoona that day."


"Okay thanks, bye."


"Bye Sooyoung."


I better go see Jessi before Hara turns up so I can let her know things are going to have to be different between us while I have a student nurse with me all the time.


Miss Lim had a giant smile on her face. I'm sure it won't take long for Sooyoung and Ice cream's relationship to be confirmed with my new plan and once it is, I'll be able to use it to my full advantage....................







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Chapter 34: I love thiss unnie can you make like just one shot of PRESENT TIME HEHEHEHE
I want to see how ice cream and nurse sooyoung's life now HEHEHEHE put some jealous momemts HAHAHA LOVE YOU UNNIE
garensuhanazono #2
Chapter 34: The story is just beautiful and this made me fell in love with soosica more. (Well i still love my cute little wenrene and yoonyul tho) and I will upvote this~ thanks for making such a great story, I really love this!
astauf03 #3
Whenever I'm bored and cant find anything good to read, I always come back to this! It's just so PERFECT
Elliebebe #4
Chapter 34: I just finished your story. And it was the best. I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for creating a beautiful story.
Chapter 34: ....aww~ i finished it T.T SooSic <3
my favorite fic of yours <3
sweenybear #7
Chapter 34: This is a perfect fanfic..I really love your fanfic author-nim..please come out with more soosica fanfic because im their huge shipper. Your fanfic really made my day..keep it up author-nim..soosica jjang ♥♥
Chapter 34: Aigoo~ What a b-u-tiful ending... :') Yay!!! Sooyoung n Jessica finally lived happily together after all.the troubles and conflicts that they had gone through their relationships... :') Uhuhuhuu~ I can't stop.crying right now. =_=' Can someone pls hand me a tissue?.Thank you very much. xD Haha!! Aigoo... I love this fic. Hwaiting author ah!!! :D Keep up the best effort in you! Don't give up!. :)
Chapter 34: share more please