Of Sunrise and Do Kyungsoo

Of Sunrise and Do Kyungsoo

Jongin is not that fond of sunrise, of day changing. He doesn't like the idea of being woken up from his deep slumber only to see the same buzzing crowd. He dislikes how the mornings take his good dreams away, only to give him empty hopes of reality.

But those don't really matter when there is Kyungsoo beside him, waiting for him to wake up while reading the newspaper, glasses on. The mornings have paid Jongin off by bathing Kyungsoo under its gleam. He bets that it's the most beautiful thing one could die for.

"It's 7 and you are awake? Someone is starting to love the mornings huh?"
Jongin yawns, "ew. No."

I loathe the mornings as much as I love you.

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