Lucky Me

My Crazy Love Story

Hyunmi's POV

In the morning, I went into the kitchen to have my breakfast. After that, I put on my stocking and my shoes before I grabbed my bag. "Yeah, I'm ready for school!" I said to myself as I walked towards the door.

"See you later, eomma! Apa!" I shouted as I closed the door. Both my mom and my father shouted 'see you' back at the same time. I was about to continue walking when someone called my name from behind.

"Jung Hyunmi!"

I looked behind me and I was suprised when I saw Sehun at the other side of my house. Oh, yeah. I forgot that he's now my neighbour. I wondered why he called my name. Probably to make fun of me of yesterday's incident where I managed to make myself looked like a fool in font of him. "Yes?"

But I was dead wrong. "Are you studying in Chowa High School?" He asked with an innocent face.

I put my palms on my face. Of course, he's not that kind of people who loves to make fun of people! Just look at his innocent and cute face! Wait, what? Oh, I'm talking non-sense things! I looked back at him and I smiled. "Yeah, why?"

"Oh, I'm glad! I will be studying there too from now on! Let's go to school together, can we? I don't even know where that school is. Do we have to take the bus?" Sehun asked while he walked before he stopped right in front of my house, right in front of me.

I was a bit startled when he apeared in front of me. Woah, he's tall! Wait, what did he said just now? Oh. I remember now. "No. We don't have to take the bus. It's only four blocks away. We can walk to school." I told him. "And, yeah sure. We can go to school together. I mean, why not?"

"Cool." He smiled. Suddenly he put his right arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. My eyes went wide and round and my face went red instantly. "Let's go?"

"Y-yeah. L-let's go." I managed to say as I tried my best not to show how nervous I am being this close to him. I'm not used of being close to a guy. I got a lot of friends but none of them ever did such action to me.

He giggled a bit when he turned to look at my face. "Your face is red! Are you sick or something? Hey, can we be friends?"

"N-no. I-I'm okay. L-let's go. A-and yeah sure. Friends." I said as I started to walk. His hand dropped to his side as I did so. Two seconds passed, he ran towards me and put his arm around my shoulder again. I sighed.

"Hey, are you in rush?" He asked as we walked.


"Oh. Then wak slowly."

I bit my lower lip. "O-okay." We walked slowly then. His arm around my shoulder and I am still blushing. Not to mention my heartbeat. They're speeding up. When we arrived in front of school, I pushed his arm and turned to smile at him. "I-I got to go! See you!"

"Wait! Where's the principal's room!?" He shouted from behind as I ran.

"It's in the third floor!" I shouted back. I know I must have been a real fool. I should've help him but I just can't! I don't even know why I'm running away from him but what I'm sure of right now was that my heart will explode anytime from now!

From afar, Sehun couldn't help but smiling. "Cute."


I sat on my place, reading silently.

Suddenly, our teacher went inside with someone. And it wasn't a stranger. And it wasn't just anyone. He's my new neighbour last day, my new friend this morning and my future classmate in any seconds from now. Oh Lehun. I mean, Oh Sehun.

The girls started to whisper something among them about how cute and how handsome he is.

He was actually staring at me as I stared back. I was shocked a bit when he smiled and waved at me. Everyone turned to look at me. I looked down and I bit my lower lip as I did so.

"Oh, it seems like you've already knew someone from this class, right?" Our teacher, Miss Kim asked.

"Yes. She's my friend. She's also my neighbour." He asnwered calmly.

The girls started to make noises when he said so. Some of them even turned back because I sit at the back row to give me a dangerous glare.

"Oh, I see. Well, why don't you introduce yourself? I'm sure they would like to know who you are especially the.. girls." When Miss Kim said so, the girls in my class went silent.

"Okay. Hello everyone! My name is Sehun. Oh Sehun. It's nice to meet everyone! I transferred to Seoul because my father worked here. I am still new to this place, so I hope everyone will treat me well." He said politely.

I listened to his words but I can't help but noticing that his voice was so mature!

"Your father is a..?" Miss Kim looked at him.

"He's a doctor." Sehun answered with a smile.

"I see. Well, I'm sure everyone will get along with Sehun. But for now, let us see where you can sit.." Miss Kim looked around the classroom to find an empty seat.

But unexpectedly, Sehun walked towards someone. Yeah, he was walking towards me! I mean, not me but to the empty seat next to me! Everyone stared at him in awe with his brave action as we all knew how bad tempered Miss Kim is. She doesn't like it when her students do their things in their own way. Everything must depend on her decision. I bit my lower lip hard. Sehun! What are you doing!?

As expected, he sat next to me. "Can I sit here?" He asked with a smile.

We closed our eyes, waiting for Miss Kim to explode. While I stared at the floor.

"Of course." Miss Kim replied with a sweet voice.

We looked at Miss Kim immediately. Woah. This is almost unbelieveable.

"Sehun, make yourself comfortable, alright?" She winked at Sehun.

Some of the guys said 'eww' and some of the girls dropped their jaw on the floor. I put my palms on my face. Our teacher fell for Sehun's charms too! What's next?

Whatever it is, right now I am so happy that he will be sitting next to me until the end of the year. I am lucky! I am seriously lucky. Someone poked my shoulder. I turned to see Sehun smiling happily at me. He leaned closer to me.

"Yayy! We're sitting next to each other!" He whispered softly to me as Miss Kim started the lesson for today.

I couldn't help but to blush as his face was so close to mine! "Y-yeah. M-me too."


Recess came. He stood and turned to look at me. "Hey, I'm going out for recess. You're not coming with me?"

I wanted to. But I usually won't eat in school so I shook my head instead. "No. You go. I will stay here. But, do you know where the canteen is?"

"Yeah. A girl gave me a map for this entire school this morning." He told me as he stucked his hand inside his trouser's pockets.

"Oh. I see." I smiled at him. Wow, he's so popular once he entered school. I bet he will become just like EXO. The most hottest group of guys in this school. I wondered how it would be if he's one of EXO's members.

Right at that time, eleven hot guys entered our class. Girls started to scream at the sight of them. I almost dropped my jaw on the floor. What the heck were they doing in our class? I must be dreaming! No, I'm not dreaming!

They were EXO. The hottest of the hottest group of guys in my school!

I stared as they walked towards Sehun. And they high-fived Sehun. What the heck is happening right now? Sehun? What were they doing with Sehun?

Sehun turned to look at me again.

"Hey, they are my new friends. We met this morning. Guys, this is Jung.."

"Hyunmi?" Kai said suddenly.

"You know her?" Asked Sehun.

You know me? I asked too, in my heart.

"Yeah. I mean, I know a lot of people in this school." He said. It's as if he already knew me from the beginning but he tried to cover it.

And I am one of those people you know? I asked again silently. I'm too shocked to speak right now.

"Nice to know you!" Said Suho. "My name is Kim Joonmyeon but call me Suho."

I know you. You're the richest guy in EXO.

"I'm Chanyeol! You can call me whatever you want but not EggYeol. Only this shorty here call me that."

I know you too. You're EXO's happy virus, right?

"Hey! Don't call me shorty! My proper name is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. Hye, Hyunmi!"

And I know you too. You're the one who always wear eyeliner, am I right?

"I'm Kris. And chicken is not my style."

The one who always acted cool, who doesn't know you?

"He loves chicken actually. I'm Xiumin!"

Or Minseok.

"And I'm Chen!"

From the troll family along with Chanyeol?

"I'm Luhan!"

The one who called himself manly.

"I'm Tao! I'm a cute Panda in EXO!"

I smiled awkwardly when he said so. You're not cute Tao, you're handsome.

"I am Lay! And one day, I would like to got to Baekhyun's grandma house!"

No comment.

"I'm Do Kyungsoo. Or D.O."

The one with the big eyes!

"I'm Kim Jongin. But call me Kai, please."

And you actually know me! Call my Hyunmi, please.

"Now that you guys knew each other, why don't we go and eat now? I'm hungry." Said Sehun.

"Yeah. Let's go. Hyunmi, would you like to come with us?" Asked Suho.

"N-no. I-I'm fine." I managed to answer.

"Well, see you soon!" Said Kris as they left. Sehun smiled at me one last time before he continued to walk with the others. I stared at them until they disappeared behind the door. Kai was walking last and I swore turned around and winked at me. And I almost died right at that time.

Oh my gosh! I am so lucky today. I am seriously very lucky today.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for grammar errors or spelling mistakes! I am just very excited and happy now that I managed to give my readers one long chapter! I mean, an update! I hope you will like this chapter. Tell me what you think by commenting below and do subscribe, okay? If you upvote, then I will be very-very-very extra happy! *throws hearts and kisses*

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 1: Update soon...
Exo_Fighting #2
Chapter 1: pleaseeee update
Brooklyn123 #3
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