Chapter 5 - Coincidental meeting

A Series of Crossdressing Events

The next morning, Sungyeol arrives at Myungsoo’s house at 10am, just right after Myungsoo’s parents left for their next business trip.

To: Choding :D
From: Pretty Myungsoo

There’s a key under the door mat, let yourself in. I’m getting ready.

Sure enough there was a key hidden underneath the doormat and Sungyeol lets himself in, walking into the house cautiously, noting that it seemed much emptier without the presence of Myungsoo’s parents. Myungsoo must feel really lonely if his parents are always away, Sungyeol thinks. He wonders if this has something to do with Myungsoo’s crossdressing too, but he does not dare to ask now for fear of ruining whatever delicate relationship he has build up with Myungsoo up to now. He walks up the familiar stairs to Myungsoo’s room and enters just as Myungsoo rushes out of the toilet in a dress but without his wig. Sungyeol can’t help but let out a snort at the funny sight.

Myungsoo turns around in shock but recovers when he sees that it is only Sungyeol. He ignores Sungyeol and set about taking out his wig which was hidden right behind in his cupboard together with his box of makeup. He goes back into the toilet and Sungyeol follows right behind.

“Why are you here?  Go out.” Myungsoo attempts to push Sungyeol out of the toilet.

“But I want to help.”


“Yeap!” Sungyeol grins as he picks up the hairbrush.

“Make sure you comb it properly.” Myungsoo instructs as he turns to face the mirror with an eyeliner in hand. Sungyeol gently combs the tangles out of the wig, letting them fall into soft curls, admiring how pretty the wig is. He then helps Myungsoo to fix the wig onto his head with bobby pins.

“Oh yeah, give me a second.” Sungyeol rummages the pockets of his jeans before pulling out a small package. Myungsoo’s eyebrows go up as Sungyeol produces a pretty ribbon hair clip from the package.

“I thought it would suit you.” Sungyeol smiles as he helps to fasten the clip onto Myungsoo’s wig.

“Thank you, I like it.” Myungsoo smiles shyly as he turns to look at his hair in the mirror.

“That’s all?” Sungyeol teases.

“Fine.” Myungsoo says exasperatedly but with a smile as he close his eyes, waiting for Sungyeol to kiss him. But Sungyeol doesn’t do that. Myungsoo opens his eyes surprised while Sungyeol merely points to his cheek(not asking for a lot). Myungsoo lets out a little huff as he pulls Sungyeol down to his height with a hand on sungyeol’s neck and allows his lips to graze sungyeol’s cheek.

Myungsoo lets go of his hand but Sungyeol remains there, merely turning his head to let their lips meet. myungsoo allows Sungyeol to lift him onto the bathroom counter, hands going around sungyeol’s neck as sungyeol’s hands wrap around Myungsoo’s hips, slanting their lips against each other. They feel the smiles of each other against their lips. Sungyeol decides to take it a step further, nibbling on Myungsoo’s lips until he part his lips. Sungyeol swipes his tongue across Myungsoo’s lips tentatively and when Myungsoo doesn’t push him away, he lets his tongue meet Myungsoo’s. Myungsoo can feel his cheeks heating up as he let his tongue touch Sungyeol, gradually getting used to the intimacy. They continue kissing until they are interrupted by the shrill ringing of Myungsoo’s alarm. They break apart breathlessly, lips swollen and red. Sungyeol helps Myungsoo down, and they hurriedly grab their things before leaving the house.

Initially, there was slight tension between them as they sit in silence on the bus, but Sungyeol soon fixes it by interlacing their fingers together and giving Myungsoo a reassuring smile. He sighs in relief internally when Myungsoo returns the smile and squeezes sungyeol’s hand in return.

They reach the airport just as it is announced that Myungsoo’s cousin’s flight has arrived in incheon airport. Myungsoo leads Sungyeol to the meeting place and they wait together. Sungyeol catches sight of someone familiar but it’s too fleeting and he ignores it. Myungsoo points towards the crowd of people exiting and Sungyeol’s gaze is directed towards a pair, one of them is a really pretty male with caramel brown hair and the other is a buff male dressed only in a muscle tank, showing off the well defined muscles. Myungsoo catches sight of Sungyeol eyeing the male’s muscle jealously. He squeezes his hand around sungyeol’s bicep, “I like your muscles better.” He laughs.

Sungyeol looks at Myungsoo gratefully, “You’re the best.” And pulls Myungsoo into a hug.

“Of course.” Myungsoo pushes Sungyeol away to wave at the pair and Sungyeol scrutinizes them as they approach.

“Oppa!” Myungsoo pulls the pair into a hug with a bright smile and Sungyeol can tell that Myungsoo is truly happy that the pair is back. Somehow, it feels a little weird knowing that there are other people close enough to Myungsoo to make him smile so bright when Sungyeol only gets those smiles rarely. Sungyeol is pulled out of his train of thoughts when Myungsoo tugs onto his hand. Sungyeol looks down to see the pair staring back at him. “hi, I’m lee Sungyeol. Nice to meet you” He greets them politely, with a polite smile.

The caramel hair squints his already small eyes as he takes in Myungsoo’s and sungyeol’s joined hands and looks at Myungsoo questioningly. “Sungyeol, this is my cousin Sunggyu,” Myungsoo gestures towards the caramel hair male, “and this is Hoya his friend.” And to the male in the muscle tank. They both offer their hands to Sungyeol who shakes hands with them politely.

Sunggyu proceeds to engage Myungsoo in a secretive discussion as Sungyeol follows hoya to retrieve the pair’s luggage. They are on the way back to the cousins when Sungyeol hears a

“Sungyeol!” he turns around and sees Woohyun running towards him. Sungyeol’s eyes widen as he flounders with his thoughts, trying to find a suitable explanation for his presence here.

“Woohyun?” Sungyeol greets Woohyun, pulling the other into a friendly hug.

“Hey! Funny finding you here, who’s this?” Woohyun looks at Hoya questioningly.

“What are you doing here too?” Sungyeol avoids Woohyun’s question.

“I came here with my parents to fetch my grandparents who are here to visit.”  Woohyun explains. Just then Myungsoo and Sunggyu comes up. Only, Sunggyu wasn’t the same as he had been when he had first arrived. Sunggyu was now similarly dressed as Myungsoo, long caramel-colored wig and a sundress. Sungyeol’s eyebrows shoot up as he look at the two ‘girls’.

“What’s taking you two so long.” Sunggyu snaps as he looks at the trio who are standing in awkward silence.

Myungsoo immediately takes to hiding behind Sungyeol when he spots Woohyun.

“can I explain this to you tomorrow?” Sungyeol tells Woohyun who is currently too busy staring at Sunggyu.

“You better.” Woohyun warns as he finally tears his gaze from Sunggyu and returns to his family.

“That was my friend.” Sungyeol explains embarrassedly as the four of them exit the airport.

“I’m glad he didn’t see me.” Myungsoo places a hand on his chest, sighing in relief.

“I’m glad too. That was a close call.” Sungyeol is still trying to reorganize his thoughts. “but, I guess I should have expected this.” Sungyeol points at sunggyu’s dress and wig. Sunggyu merely flicks his hair over his shoulders in response.

“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you.” Myungsoo explains.

“It’s alright.” Sungyeol grins as he pats Myungsoo’s head affectionately. The action does not go unnoticed by Sunggyu who narrows his eyes at the couple.

“Did you tell him about us?” Sungyeol whispers to Myungsoo as they watch Hoya and Sunggyu attempt to flag a taxi.

“I tried, but he didn’t take it really well. He treats me as his little brother so he’s always worrying about me. The reason why he cross dressed was because he wanted to make me feel okay and I guess he started liking it too.” Sungyeol nods his head understandingly.

“I hope he will accept us.”

“I’ll persuade him.” Myungsoo assures as they get into the taxi, hoya in the front passenger seat while Sungyeol escapes to one end of the back seat, Myungsoo beside him and Sunggyu sitting beside Myungsoo. They drop hoya at his home first before they head to sunggyu’s house. Sungyeol helps to carry sunggyu’s luggage up to his room as Myungsoo waits downstairs. Sunggyu takes the opportunity to interrogate Sungyeol.

“I heard from Myungsoo that you two are together.” Sunggyu starts.

“I guess so.” Sungyeol replies nervously.

“You guess so?” Sunggyu narrows his eyes.

“I mean we are. I truly love Myungsoo.” Sungyeol fixes his mistake hurriedly.

“But you have only known him for 2 months how can you know if you love him.” Sunggyu retorts.

“I just know that I love him and I will do anything to prevent him from being sad.”

Sunggyu processes the answer and finally nods his head. “You better make sure you do that.” He warns and Sungyeol can only be glad that at least he has a chance of having sunggyu’s approval. From what he has seen, Sunggyu is a really important family member to Myungsoo.

“I will do that.” Sungyeol promises before they return downstairs where Myungsoo is waiting anxiously, hoping that Sunggyu has not scare Sungyeol too much.

Sunggyu then ask them to leave saying that he was going out soon and the couple gladly left.

“What did my cousin say?” Myungsoo asks worriedly.

“He asked me if I love you.” Sungyeol grins teasingly.

“I’m sure he didn’t.” Myungsoo punches Sungyeol lightly on the shoulder.

“But he indirectly asked. And I told him…” Sungyeol trails off.

“What?” Myungsoo asks softly as he looks down at the ground, waiting for Sungyeol’s answer.

Sungyeol stops walking and Myungsoo in turn stops since they were holding hands. “I told him, I loved you.”

“W what?” Myungsoo cannot believe his ears.

Sungyeol grabs Myungsoo’s face with his hands and stare into Myungso’s eyes as he repeated, “I said, I love you.”.

Myungsoo’s cheeks immediately flush red as he s for a proper answer.

“A nice reply would be an “I love you too.”” Sungyeol nudges Myungsoo encouragingly.

“I I I” Myungsoo struggles to form the proper sentence.

Sungyeol sighs deeply, “It’s alright, no need to force yourself.” He starts walking again, leaving Myungsoo to stare at sungyeol’s back.

“Wait!” Myungsoo calls out. Sungyeol spins around to face Myungsoo expectantly.

Myungsoo looks down at his shoes, “I love you too.” He mumbles.

“What? You love your shoes?” Sungyeol pouts as he starts to turn around again.

“You stupid! I love you too stupid lee Sungyeol!” Myungsoo shouts in frustration. Sungyeol can’t help but laugh as he walks back to the red-faced Myungsoo.

“You finally said it!” he laughs as he grabs Myungsoo’s waist and spins them around happily.

“Put me down you stupid, people are going to stare.” Myungsoo hits Sungyeol repeatedly in embarrassment. Sungyeol complies, setting Myungsoo down on his feet before pulling Myungsoo into a hug.

“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For loving me too. I really love you.” Sungyeol smiles down at Myungsoo. Myungsoo shuts Sungyeol up with a kiss right in the middle of the pavement. Right at that moment, the sky thunders and a huge rain cloud breaks open above them. They immediately start running towards myungsooo’s house, laughing as they run with their fingers interlaced. They stop at Myungsoo’s front porch and Sungyeol kisses Myungsoo again.

“That’s one to-do off my bucket list.” Sungyeol grins.

“What thing?”

“Kissing you in the rain.” Sungyeol replies and Myungsoo lets Sungyeol kiss him one more time before Sungyeol has to leave.

“Hurry up and go home! Don’t fall sick!” Myungsoo waves, watching as Sungyeol cycles home holding an umbrella above him with one hand. Once Sungyeol is out of sight, Myungsoo goes back into his empty house alone.

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cinniojutex #1
Chapter 6: Oh i like the story authornim.thanks for writting this.
Chapter 6: omg this is so cute im crying
Chapter 6: myungyeol moment!!! *-*
bombersoo #4
Chapter 6: aaaaaawww so cute ><
Chapter 6: Yayyy myungyeol..kyaaa

Update soon~
Chapter 6: D'aaaaw so precious! Thank you for the update! <3
Chapter 6: nice~ update soon
deliciousyou #8
Chapter 6: Oh this chapter!! So cheesyyyy xD