Chapter 2- Second meeting

A Series of Crossdressing Events

“Sighhh, one step forward, two step backwards.”

“What crap are you talking about?” Woohyun pokes at Sungyeol’s arm.

“Is it about Myungsoo?” Dongwoo is forever the one with the most awareness.

“Now that Dongwoo mention, it is indeed weird that you’re suddenly so interested in talking with Myungsoo. What brought about this sudden change?” Woohyun asks.

Sungyeol can’t tell the whole truth but the least he could do was share his woes with his best friends. “It’s just that I realize that maybe under all that ice prince façade, there is a really lonely boy hiding underneath.”

“That sounds logically. I’m glad you’re trying to help.” Dongwoo smiles proudly at Sungyeol.

“Thanks hyung, I’m already feeling much better.” Sungyeol laughs.

“Aish you little punk.” Dongwoo ruffles Sungyeol’s hair playfully, “but remember, such things require lots of time and patience.”

“I will remember your wise words oh wise one.” Sungyeol replies jokingly.


On the very Friday, Myungsoo is very tempted to cancel his weekly outing with his fellow friends and just stay at home. But the thought of seeing Sungyeol while he was in his get up made him embarrassed yet happy at the same time. The last time, Sungyeol had said that Myungsoo was really pretty, and that had somehow made Myungsoo blush like a schoolgirl.

In the end, Myungsoo ended up spending a little more time and taking a little more effort in preparing himself today. He chose his prettiest dress, a cute lacy white number with matching white wedges. He curled his long wig with practiced ease and even dons a white headband. He makes sure his eyeliner and mascara are deftly applied, blusher a light pink across his cheeks and some transparent lip gloss. Satisfied with his appearance, Myungsoo sets out to the train station.

However when Myungsoo reaches the train station a good ten minutes before he is supposed to meet his friends, he is disappointed when it seems like there was no trace of Sungyeol in sight. Myungsoo sighs deeply at his wasted efforts and is startled when a voice speaks behind his ear, “why the huge sigh pretty lady?” Myungsoo jumps in shock and stumbles forward on his heels, nearly tripping but a strong arm prevents him from face planting onto the floor of the train station. Myungsoo turns around to see Sungyeol grinning at him, arms still around myungsoo’s waist.

“You.” Myungsoo glares.

“Yeap me.” Sungyeol laughs as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind myungsoo’s ears. “You look even prettier today. I like your hair band, it’s really cute.” Sungyeol supplies indulgently and is rewarded with a small smile.

“What are you doing here?”

“To see a pretty girl for ten minutes.” Sungyeol replies immediately.

“What if I didn’t come today?”

“Then I would have been really disappointed that I didn’t get to see a really pretty lady today.” Sungyeol supplies helpfully.

“Whatever, go home now. I’m meeting up with my friends.”

“Can’t I come along with you all?”

“It’s a girls only outing.” Myungsoo counters as he steps back and pushes sungyeol’s arms away from his waist.

Right at the moment, Myungsoo receives a message in the whatsapp group with his friends:

Kevin: Myungsoo ah, it’s alright not to go with us today, go have some fun with that handsome school mate of yours kekeke.

Myungsoo: Unnie, please don’t do this to me

Dongwoo: It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity!!! ;D


“Oh my god, is that Dongwoo hyung? As in the Dongwoo hyung I’m friends with?” Sungyeol exclaims as he peers over myungsoo’s shoulders to read.

“Everyone has their own secrets and reasons for those secrets.”

“This is as shocking as last Friday. I never would have known.”

“Dammit, what do I do now? They have left without me because of you.” Myungsoo glares at Sungyeol angrily.

“Perfect, we have more time to get to know each other better as friends!” Sungyeol grabs myungsoo’s left hand with his and Myungsoo allows their fingers to interlace.

“By the way, aren’t you afraid that people might recognize you? People like me?” Sungyeol asks curiously before sticking a spoonful of coffee ice cream into his mouth.

“So far, you’ve been the only person to have recognized me. Besides Dongwoo hyung that is.” Myungsoo explains.

“It sounds really weird when you say hyung, when you’re dressed like this.”

“What do you want me to say then?”

“Oppa?” Sungyeol grins cheekily and dodges as Myungsoo launches his plastic spoon in Sungyeol’s direction.

“Sheesh, the pretty lady is violent.” Myungsoo ignores Sungyeol in favor of snatching Sungyeol’s spoon to eat his own ice cream. He scrunches his face when he tastes the coffee ice cream mixed with his cookies n cream ice cream.

“You looked really cute.” Sungyeol reaches forward to pinch myungsoo’s nose.

“Go away you stupid.” Myungsoo swats Sungyeol’s hand away.

After they finished their ice cream, Sungyeol accompanies Myungsoo as the latter heads into the shopping street. His blusher and bb cream were running low and he had heard from his friends that there was going to be sale in one of their favorite stalls today. Sungyeol waits patiently (as Dongwoo hyung told him to) and watches as Myungsoo scrutinizes one blusher after another, all in the same shade.

It is by a of coincidence that they meet myungsoo’s fellow cross dressing friends in the shop that was having a sale. Sungyeol lets Myungsoo and his friends go through rack after rack of pretty dresses as he holds myungsoo’s shopping bags.

Sungyeol is dozing off in a corner of the store when Dongwoo approaches him.

 “Sungyeollie.” Dongwoo starts.

“It’s alright noona, everyone has their own reasons, Myungsoo said.” Sungyeol smiles warmly at his favorite hyung or noona in this case.

“Thank you, one day, maybe one day I will be able to tell you and Woohyun the truth.”

“Don’t worry hyung.” Sungyeol pulls Dongwoo into a hug and pats the shorter male affectionately on his wig.

Meanwhile, Myungsoo had been rifling through dresses when Kibum had nudged him in the direction of Sungyeol, “hey I didn’t know that your friend and Dongwoo were that close.”

Myungsoo looks up to see Sungyeol hugging Dongwoo and patting Dongwoo’s head. Myungsoo knows that Dongwoo is one of Sungyeol’s best friends but it doesn’t stop his heart from dropping and feeling queasy as he watch the pair laugh and smile at each other.

 “Hey, why are you suddenly so quiet?” Sungyeol asks confusedly as they leave the shop after Myungsoo bid his friends goodbye.

“Is there a need for me to be constantly talking?” Myungsoo flinches as he hears himself come out sharp and a tad rude.

“I’m sorry.” Sungyeol looks confused yet apologetic at the same time.

“It’s not your fault stupid. I just don’t feel like talking.” Myungsoo refuses to let Sungyeol know that he is the cause of myungsoo’s dejectedness.

“Alright.” Sungyeol nods and he tries to pull Myungsoo into a hug. Myungsoo is shocked and shys away, remembering how Sungyeol was hugging Dongwoo earlier on.

Sungyeol chides himself internally, patience is key he chants to himself but that doesn’t alleviate the hurt from myungsoo’s rejection. As they draw closer to the train station, myungsoo’s frustration with himself grows and he makes up his mind to resolve this awkward tension that had suddenly developed between them. He didn’t like it when Sungyeol wasn’t cheerful and enthusiastic like a choding he usually was.

Just before they are about to part, “wait.” Myungsoo calls out. Sungyeol looks at Myungsoo expectantly. Myungsoo steps closer towards Sungyeol and wraps his arm around Sungyeol. “I’m sorry for making us awkward.” He mumbles into Sungyeol’s chest.

“It’s alright.” The relief can be heard in Sungyeol’s tone as he myungsoo’s hair.

“You were hugging Ddongwoo-unnie like this too.” Myungsoo says and Sungyeol suddenly understands why Myungsoo had suddenly become so quiet just now.

“That’s because Dongwoo-noona is my best friend, just like my sister. But you’re different, the way I feel about you is different.”

“What do you mean by different.” Myungsoo asks pink-cheeked.

Sungyeol is about to reply when he catches sight of Woohyun. “Damn Woohyun hyung is here, you better leave quickly. He might recognize you.” Sungyeol leads Myungsoo towards the entrance of the train station.

“How about we meet on next Saturday instead of Friday?” Sungyeol suggests.

“I’m fine with Saturdays.” Myungsoo replies shyly, secretly happy that he could have another day of dressing up.

“Ok set, next Saturday no matter rain or shine.” Sungyeol grins and waves goodbye to Myungsoo. Sungyeol watches Myungsoo disappear into the sea of people and turn around to face a curious Woohyun.


“Who was that pretty girl?”

“Erm… my cousin.” Sungyeol replies

“Why didn’t you introduce me to her?” Woohyun whines.

“Because you’re annoying.”

“Why are you so mean to me.”

“Why are you here hyung?”

“My mom needed me to deliver something to her friend here.”

“I see. Anyway are you up for a match of basketball at the arcade?” Sungyeol offers

“Of course!” and that’s how Sungyeol managed to draw Woohyun’s attention away from Myungsoo.



A/N: hohoho did anyone expected that? that dongwoo would be a fellow crossdresser? hahaha OTL anyways, i hoped you enjoyed reading the second chapter :D

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cinniojutex #1
Chapter 6: Oh i like the story authornim.thanks for writting this.
Chapter 6: omg this is so cute im crying
Chapter 6: myungyeol moment!!! *-*
bombersoo #4
Chapter 6: aaaaaawww so cute ><
Chapter 6: Yayyy myungyeol..kyaaa

Update soon~
Chapter 6: D'aaaaw so precious! Thank you for the update! <3
Chapter 6: nice~ update soon
deliciousyou #8
Chapter 6: Oh this chapter!! So cheesyyyy xD