I'm Your Bodyguard

I'm Yours

Before you guys read this chapter, I just wanted to give a huge thanks to afink_exo for designing this AWESOME POSTER!!!! If any of you need one, I highly recommend to go to

 ^^The Lost Planet Graphic Shop^^ [Open]



“…ra. Kang Bora.” Bora faintly heard her name in her sleep. “Time to wake up.” Not waking up, she continued to sleep, drooling on her pillow.

“YAH! WAKE UP!” Her dad yelled as he gave a “light” tap to her forehead.  Right at that moment, Bora quickly raised out of bed, checking the time.

Noticing that she had over slept, she quickly ran to the bathroom and got ready as fast as she could.  She couldn’t believe that she had overslept again! How many times has it been that she had to hurry to get to school? Not to mention, it’s her senior year, the most important year.

Tripping over almost everything on her bedroom floor, she quickly ran to the bathroom once more. “Appa! You don’t have to hit me in the same spot every time you wake me up!” She yelled as she checked her forehead for bruises. “What will you do if your daughter gets a bruise on her forehead?!”

“Look over here.” Her dad told her. She did as she was told and he flicked her once more at the same exact spot on her forehead. “This wouldn’t happen if you were on time to school. Hurry or else you’ll be late.”

“AH! APPA! IT HURTS!” Bora rubbed her forehead while running down the stairs. “Where’s my lunch?” She turned around as her dad handed her lunch. “Thank you!” Bora quickly ran out as fast as she could, hoping that the bus had not arrived yet.

Bora continued to run to the bus station, but as she ran, she noticed an odd looking group of guys surrounding a student, who seems to be a freshman. She noticed that his uniform was the same as the guys at her school. Wanting to help, she looked at her phone for the time.

“Ah, Kang Bora!” She whispered to herself. “Now’s not the time! I have such bad luck!” She ran over to the group, tapping one of the guys on the shoulder. “Excuse me?”

“What the?” The guy in the red jacket yelled as he turned around violently as he saw Bora smile innocently. “Who are you?!”

“Um… the guy over there, yeah the one with the high school uniform on. He and I are running late for school. So if you could just leave him alone and let us pass through that would be great. Thanks.” She said as she squeezed through the guys who were almost a half a foot taller than her and twice her size. Grabbing the student’s hand, Bora tried to squeeze through once more. But this time, they blocked her way.

“Hyung-nim.” The guy with the Afro said to the red jacket guy. “What should we do? We can’t let him pass like that.” He chuckled evilly.

“Of course we can’t” Red jacket said as he crept closer to Bora and the student.

Assuming that he was the “Hyung-nim”, Bora thought fast and kicked him right in between the legs as hard as she could. He dropped to the ground immediately. The rest of the group yelled in anger as they all ran toward her. She pushed the student back, dodging all of the attacks thrown at her. The “Hyung-nim”, still on the ground couldn’t say a single word as he watched his group get beat up.

The Afro guy ran toward her, giving her a punch to where it seemed to be toward the face. Bora ducked down and did a round kick to the face, knocking him down to the ground. From behind, another guy ran toward her with a wooden stick.

“Watch out!” The student cried from behind.

Bora turned around and caught the stick in one hand. The same guy tried to throw a punch with the other hand but that didn’t work on Bora either. She caught his fist, leaving both of his hands stuck. Trying to struggle out of Bora’s grasp, she smiled at him, making him nervous.

“Should have let me through when I was being nice.” She smiled. Right then, her smile faded and she gave him the same kick as she did with “Hyung-nim,” leaving him on the ground speechless. The rest of the group feared that the same thing would happen to them so they ran away leaving two on the ground.

“We gotta hurry!” Bora grabbed the student’s hand as she dragged him along to the bus station.

“Th-Thank you!” He yelled out.

“Don’t thank me yet! We have to get to the school first before they close the gates! You know how scary the gym teacher is!”


After they finished they’re morning practice, the manager came to pick the six guys, known as BEAST, the most popular kpop idol group in Korea as of 2014. As the manager pulled the van up and the members of BEAST walked out of the building, all of a sudden, girls ran up to the popular idol group, surrounding them in a second. The manager, who was almost twice the size of the girls couldn’t even get through. After about 30 minutes of trying to get through the crowd, the members finally got inside the van.

Once they drove away, the manager turned the AC on max. “Yah…” he tried to catch his breath. “This is crazy! We need to do something about this!”

“Why? I think they’re cute.” Doojoon jokingly said. “Especially the one in the jean shorts and white V-neck.”

“There he goes again…” Junhyung sighed. “Always thinking about the girls.”

“What?” Doojoon laughed.

As BEAST were in a salon getting the hair a makeup done for their next schedule, the manager went out a café to get them some coffee. Right after placing an order, he looked outside noticing something strange in an alley. He saw a girl and a guy behind her as a bunch of scary guys going towards them. Taking out his phone to dial the police, in an instant the girl knocked two guys to the ground as the others ran. His jaw dropped as the barista called out the manager’s name.


School ended and her arms were still sore from holding her hands above her head for an entire 30 minutes in front of the school’s office. As she walked outside of the school building, she could hear the laughter of the other students.

“Of course they would laugh.” Bora thought to herself. “This is the third time in a row! Why can’t I wake up on time!?” She lightly pounded her head.

All of a sudden, she ran into a person. “Sorry!” Bora bowed without looking up. She continued to walk with her head faced down from embarrassment, but the same guy ran into her once again.  “What the?” She finally looked up.

“Hello.” The man said politely.

“Hello.” Bora said quietly. “Do I know you?”

“Ah. I’m BEAST’s manager.” He said as he handed out a card. Bora was confused.

“BEAST? What is that?” She questioned. The manager was shocked. He never knew that there would be a girl who didn’t know who BEAST is.

“They’re the most popular kpop group right now.” He smiled in amusement, thinking that she is even more perfect for the job. Bora looked at him strangely as he continued to smile.

After about 20 minutes of explaining who BEAST was and another 30 minute of explaining the situation and what he wants Bora to do, she stood up.

“Sorry, I think you have to find another person.” She said as she walked away.

“Wait! You’ll get paid!” He desperately yelled out.

“How much?” She turned around, walked back and quickly sat down, which seemed to look like she had money signs for eyes. After seeing how much she will get paid, she immediately took the job, not knowing what to expect. The manger and Bora shook hand and went on their way.

The morning after, Bora woke up from a text from the manager, telling her to come to a beauty salon at 10. She grunted as she saw the time: 8:30. She went to the bathroom and got ready.

“Appa! I’m going out!” She yelled out.

“Yah! Where are you go-“ He yelled out as she slammed the door.

As she got to the salon, she asked what she was doing here and the manager replied that she had to undergo a transformation. She didn’t know what she was thinking, but thinking about the money, she decided to do what he said.


“Okay everybody!” The manager clapped his hands. “Meet your new bodyguard, Kang Bo…. Kang Bo!” When Bora didn’t come out, the manager had to drag her inside the room.

“This isn’t what I signed up for!” She whispered in his ear, angrily.

“You already signed the contract. I can’t do anything about it now.” He whispered back.

Bora awkwardly smiled back. “Ha… Ha ha. Nice to meet you, I’m Kang Bo your new bodyguard.”

“What do you mean bodyguard? This little guy probably can’t even protect himself. Look how skinny he is!” Junyoung complained. “If we have to get a bodyguard, can you find someone bigger? He looks like he’s 15!”

Everyone left the room besides Doojoon. He smiled at Bora, creeping closer and closer to her. “This guy must be Doojoon” She thought to herself, remembering that the manager told her to stay away from him as much as possible.

“He’s probably the only one who could tell you’re a girl.” She recalled the manager’s words. Doojoon inched closer to Bora until her back was against the wall. He stood face to face to her.

“What is a girl doing here, being our bodyguard.” Doojoon asked. Shocking Bora that she was already discovered, she tried to argue back that she wasn’t a girl but it was no use. “You know, I know all about it. I overheard our manager talking to the President about you. Kang Bora was it?” He smiled, making Bora panic.

“Please don’t say anything to anyone!” She pleaded. “I need this job!”

“Fine. Under one condition. You do as I say. If you don’t then you’ll lose your job right?” Bora held her hand in a tight fist telling her to calm down. She agreed, and he let her go. She walked to the front door, opening it for him. “After you.”

All day long, Bora was answering to Doojoon’s commands. The rest of the members were confused on why Doojoon was acting the way he was. They finally reached KBS, where they hosted a concert with different kpop group called Music Bank. The screaming of the girl made Bora’s head hurt. Then, the lights went out and the screaming got even louder. Wondering who was on stage, she turned around noticing Doojoon on stage. He looked so different than when he was bossing her around. To her, he looked… cool.

Her heart was beating fast all of a sudden when thinking about Doojoon on stage. Shaking her head in disbelief that her heart was beating fast for him, she ran into the one and only. Looking up to see Doojoon so close to her, she quickly turned around hoping he wouldn’t notice her flushed cheeks.

“What am I doing?” She yelled at herself. “Stop it!”

“Did you fall in love with me?” Doojoon whispered in her ear.

“N-N-NO! I would never!” Bora panicked as Doojoon walked away while laughing. “What’s wrong with me.” She held up her hand to her hot cheeks.

After Music Bank ended, the members tried to get inside the van as fast as possible before the screaming fans came out. They were too late. They were all waiting outside for them.

Bora tried to push through as much as she could to make room, but it was no use. The pushing and shoving almost knocked Bora down the ground but Doojoon caught her in time. As she looked up, he smiled at her. With his aviator sunglasses, she could see her red cheeks and quickly pushed him away.

They finally got inside the van and after about 15 minutes of silence. The manager busted in anger. “You’re suppose to be a bodyguard, not have BEAST protect you!”

“Sorry.” Bora said quietly.

“It’s fine.” Doojoon said with his car seat leaned back. “No harm done. Can we just hurry? I’m starving.”

They arrived at a Korean bbq restaurant and they all ate as much as they could, except Bora, who couldn’t even have a chance to eat. They all grabbed the meat before she could. When the manager left the table to pay for the bill, Doojoon and Bora were alone.

“Hey. Stand up.” He commanded her.

“Why?” Bora asked, unconsciously standing up.

“Because we’re going to have some fun!” He grabbed her hand and ran out of the restaurant. The manager saw and quickly ran after them. They ran inside a clothing store hoping to lose the manager, and they did. Doojoon laughed as he tried to catch his breath.

“Are you trying to get me fired!?” Bora yelled. “Let’s go back!”

“I told you we’re going to have some fun. Man! I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. But first, we need you to wear different clothing. I can't have myself seen with a guy.”

With so much confusion, Doojoon grabbed girl clothing for Bora to wear. He shoved her inside the changing room and waited outside for her to finish changing. Bora slowly walked out of the room and Doojoon turned around. He couldn’t believe how cute and pretty she looked. She was a completely different person. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. He put his hand over his heart to calm down the rapid heartbeat.

“I’ll take that.” He told the cashier.

After walking out of the store they headed out to a park. Bora constantly looked over at Doojoon hoping that the girls wouldn’t notice whom he was. In fact, no one did. He was wearing a cap, sunglasses, and a zipped up jacket, which covered most of his face.

As soon as they arrived at a park, they noticed a street performer singing along to the current most popular songs. Then, the performer started singing to one of BEAST’s songs. Doojoon hopped in, singing along with the performer. Bora laughed, as she saw how much fun Doojoon looked like he was having.

Once the song ended the crowd around him notice who he was. He jumped down, grabbed Bora’s hand and they immediately ran as fast as they could. They turn into a small alley. The crowd of girls passed them and on instinct, Doojoon came closer to Bora. When it was clear, and they didn’t hear the screams of the fans, they both sighed in relief. They looked at each other and laughed. Doojoon’s eyes were locked onto Bora’s. His face inched in closer to hers and she could feel his breath onto her lips. She closed her eyes as she felt his lips onto hers.


The next morning, she couldn’t even sleep. All she could think about was the kiss between her and Doojoon. She rolled back and forth in her bed. When her dad called her for breakfast, the T.V was on the news and she noticed that there was a picture of Doojoon kissing a girl. That girl was her.

She then immediately got a text from the manager to meet up with her. She quickly changed into a guy and ran to Cube Entertainment.

“What took you so long?” The manager rushed. “Doojoon is having an interview right now about that scandal picture. Who is she anyways!?” If the manager couldn’t notice her, she hoped no one does and it stay that way.

When they walked inside the room where the interview was held, all the news reporters were asking the same questions; “Who is she?” “Is she your girlfriend?”

Doojoon immediately saw Bora and smiled, giving his answer. “Yes she is my girlfriend.” Shocked to hear that, Bora noticed the wink Doojoon gave to her.

After the interview was over, Bora quickly ran over to Doojoon, hitting his arm. “What do you mean by girlfriend!?”

He laughed and spun her around in his arms. “I don’t know you tell me.” He smiled as he gave her another kiss.





I had so much fun writing this oneshot! First time I ever wrote a oneshot so I hope you guys like it! Please subscibe and comment below!

Preview of next chapter: I'm Your Tutor

Kim Hana is the shy, awkward girl in the back corner of the room who always got good grades but never talks to anyone in the classroom. Xiumin is the cute popular guy who talks to everyone and likes to have a conversation, but his grades are lacking. What will happen when Hana is forced to tutor Xiumin who is the complete opposite of her? Will his cute personality help her with her shyness?

Yay! Next oneshot preview featuring Xiumin from EXO!! :D

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