

KyungSoo sat perched on the edge of his desk chair, just a few words away from finishing his analysis for his 19th century literature class.

"Sometimes red curtains are just red curtains," he mumbled to himself. "But if you want 1,500 words, fine, they're a symbol of her lust..." 

Everyone was gone for the night; BaekHyun was over at Chanyeol's house, again, and his parents were in China, on the trail. KyungSoo was enjoying the silence of the house aside from the spattering of the rain on on his window. He could finally work in peace.

His eyes were so transfixed on his computer screen that he jumped when his iPhone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. He hit "save" and checked the screen; it was Kai.

"Kai-ah, now's not a good time, I-" he stopped as he heard Kai choking back his tears. "Kai-ah, what's wrong," he pushed away from the desk and started pacing.

"My dad, he- he-" But he couldn't finish his sentence without bursting into tears again. 

"Kai, shh," he tried to speak calmly, but Kai's sniffling and choked gasps were tearing at his heart. "Kai, do you want to come over to talk?"

"I don't want to bother your family," the dark boy sniffed.

"They're not home tonight."

"Then yeah, yeah, I do wanna come over."

"Do you want me to come get you? Or do you-"

"No, no, I can drive," Kai swallowed. "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay, Kai, see you soon. Drive carefully, it's dangerous out there," KyungSoo looked out his window at a flash of lightning.

"I will."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

KyungSoo hung up and sat back down at the desk, unmoving. He knew Kai's dad wasn't totally comfortable with the idea of him not being straight, but KyungSoo had never heard Kai get like this. He closed his computer and went downstairs to get a glass of water for him and Kai before he got there.

He didn't sit down at all while waiting. Every time he tried, he got back up and paced, or ran to the front door and looked out the side windows. It seemed to be hours before the headlights on Kai's station wagon beamed through the rain and onto KyungSoo through the window.

He threw the door open and took a few steps out, staying under the awning to stay dry. He watched as Kai opened the car door, pulled out a small bag and walked slowly toward him. 

Kai stopped walking and he raised his eyes to meet KyungSoo's; were it not for the tear stains on his cheeks, KyungSoo would've thought it was just the rain hitting his face.

"Kai, come on," KyungSoo ran out into the pummeling rain to meet him and pull him inside. 

As soon as they got inside the hearted-lips boy hurried into the living room and grabbed a folded blanket. 

"You must be freezing, here..." he said, wrapping the blanket around Kai's shoulders. "Let's go upstairs."

KyungSoo wrapped his arm under his, feeling Kai's weight resting on him as he took heavy footsteps up the stair case. He looked over and Kai's eyes were half closed.

They finally made it to KyungSoo's room, where he lay Kai on the bed, against the headboard. 

"I'll be right back," KyungSoo assured him. He ran back downstairs to get the water; he was always thirsty after he cried, so Kai probably would be too. But as soon as he reached the top of the stairs, a crack of thunder vibrated the house as the lights went out.

"Great," he mumbled. "Kai? I'll be right there!" He knew the house inside out, and so easily made it back to his room without stumbling.

"Kai?" He asked, unsure if the dark-boy was even awake. He stirred, so KyungSoo continued. "I brought you some water." He walked over and put it on the nightstand. "I'm just gonna light some candles... Kai, if you're awake, could you say something? Cause I'm getting nervous..." He picked up the two candles sitting on his windowsill and lit them.

"Yeah, I'm awake," Kai mumbled. 

"Okay." KyungSoo smiled. He crossed the room with the candles and kissed Kai on the forehead. Placing the candles on the nightstand, he sat on the bed and leaned on the headboard, pulling Kai in close. He was instantly reminded of how he  had been standing in the rain just three minutes earlier.

"Here," KyungSoo laughed gently as he took the towel and gently dried Kai's hair, holding him close. He paused to just hold him, his nose buried in his hair, and just breathed him in.

He pulled back and looked at Kai's face. It was beautiful against the glow of the candles. The way the light flicked across his face, accentuating his cheekbones, dancing along his jawline, and making his brown eyes warmer than they had ever been.

"What happened?" KyungSoo asked quietly. Kai's eyes welled up with tears as he started to speak. He sat on his knees, leaning against the headboard as he began to speak. He spoke quickly, stumbling over his words a lot as he worked through the tears.

"My dad, he- he said the cleaning lady was taking out the trash from my room and found the wrapper and-"

"Oh no," KyungSoo whispered.

"And he just got so angry when he realized it was with you and not with a girl. He said he was in denial before, he thought I had been kidding when I told him I was gay, or that it was a phase, and I was just dating you because- because I was trying to be some 'rebellious teenager,'" Kai lowered his voice as he imitated his father. "And he said the idea that I was actually gay and having with boys- with you," Kai nodded at KyungSoo to make sure he knew he had meant him. KyungSoo pursed his lips and nodded. "He said it's disgusting and that I'm disgusting and that I'm a disgrace and a disappointment. That I'm an abomination, and I need to end things with you, and that I'm a- a-"

He looked up at KyungSoo, unsure if he could finish the sentence. Kyung locked eyes with him, assuring him that he could keep talking.

"He said I was a 'ing ,' and if I keep seeing you I might as well move onto the streets now because he's not going to support me or let me stay in his house." Kai broke down and fell into KyungSoo. He pulled him close and kissed on the top of his head. He ran his fingers through Kai's hair and kissed the top of his head again.

"Kai," he whispered as the dark-boy sobbed into his shoulder. "Kai, you are incredible." Kai looked up at him his face red from crying. "You're perfect. Your father is an idiot if he doesn't want you around."

"KyungSoo, what am I going to do?" Kai asked.

"We'll figure something out," KyungSoo whispered. 

"KyungSoo, what if I am a horrible human being?" Kai pulled away and looked down at his knees. "I mean, my dad doesn't set the bar high and I still disappointed him-"

"Kai, you are who you are, and if he can't see that, and love you for who you are, that's his problem, not yours." Kai's eyes were still down. "Kai, look at me."

Kai lifted his face and looked at KyungSoo. He placed his hands on Kai's and pulled him in close. He kept his eyes on Kai's as he began to sing.

"Pretty, pretty please," KyungSoo whispered as he sang, Showing his perfect pronuntiation. "Don't you ever, ever feel like you're less than, less than perfect." Kai bit his lip to hold back tears. "Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing, you are perfect to me," KyungSoo continued. 

Kai smiled as tears began rolling down his cheeks again.

"You're so mean when you talk. About yourself, you were wrong. Change the voices in your head. Make them like you instead." KyungSoo touched his nose to Kai's and smiled. 

Kai began full-out crying again, but now he was smiling. His head slacked, falling against the headboard.

KyungSoo stopped singing as soon as he saw Kai smiling again. He ran his fingers through Kai's hair again, pushing it out of his face. He rested his hand on Kai's jaw line, lifting his face up toward him as he gently kissed him, their lips barely pressing against each other.

"I love you so much," Kai said as they pulled apart, his words stilted through his crying. KyungSoo rested his forehead against Kai's. He laced his fingers through Kai's and held his hand tightly.

"I love you, too. I always will."


Well First Story ... 


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Allfallapart #1
Chapter 3: I love "Perfect" you should defiantly do a collection!!
KaiSooSChild #2
Chapter 3: I loved ''Perfect'' Author-nim.. you should defenetely do a Collection ... :3
KaiSooSChild #3
Chapter 1: This is Cute! My Kaisoo feels :3
Sone_Taeyeonnie89 #4
Chapter 1: Wahhhh!!! Daebakkkk!!!!! hihu..happy ending >>
chodoiino #5
Chapter 1: "The dark boy replied"
Sone_Taeyeonnie89 #6
Happy ending please