The Fall

Free Fall

A year is made up of 12 months, and each month there’s 30 days, and each day there’s 24 hours, and each hour there’s 60 minutes, and each minute there’s 60 seconds. 21 years, was how long Luhan took to meet Sehun.


The night felt so alive, with music filling up the atmosphere, dance moves on the dance floor and every drop of liquor. Luhan didn’t know how he ended up here, right in the middle of the whole party. Probably because of his annoying best friend, Kai had literally dragged him here since it was their graduation party. Luhan had never have favors for parties. He was the type who enjoyed silence and peace. The loud blasting music hurt Luhan’s eardrums and he couldn’t even figure out what Kai, who was screaming was trying to say. His head was spinning so badly because all he could see was people, lights and more people.




I covered my ears with my hands as I made my way to the over excited Kai, grabbing a glass of red wine offered to me on the way. Kai was telling me how much he wanted to introduce me to his awesome dance mates, but honestly, I wasn’t really interested. It wasn’t that I didn’t like meeting new people or having more friends, it’s just that I wasn’t such an extrovert and I get really nervous and I would totally embarrass myself.


“Oh, Lu baby!  I’ve been looking for you! Let’s go, I want to introduce you to my dance mates!” Kai jumped around me and squealed.


“Gosh, calm down. You’re hurting my head.” I spoke as I gulp down the ruby red liquid, hoping to calm my nerves for the spinning to stop. My head was spinning badly enough at that moment, and Kai wasn’t helping much.


“Alright. They’re over there, let’s go.” Kai waved and pointed to his friends before tugging me along to the direction of his friends.


Once again, I found myself shoving through the crowd with Kai tugging on my arm and dragging me along. How much I love my good friend. Kai led me to the bar corner, where his friends were, busy drinking and catching up. Just like good friends that haven’t seen each other for ages, Kai went over and gave his friends a hug, a bro hug. That’s what they called it. Kai then introduced me to his friends and I looked up, meeting every of their gazes. There’s this guy named Kyungsoo which I have seen him a lot with Kai but never did talked to with, he was small and had dreamy eyes. Then there’s this really tall guy which Kai called him ‘yeol’ but I think his real name is Chanyeol or something, but I couldn’t really remember because my head was spinning so badly.


Was it perhaps there is some part of the brain that can detect weak magnetic fields that causes some kind of fluctuation in the observer’s nervous system? It could be according to the law of magnetism, because I could actually sense someone staring at me and my seventh sense tells me I’m right. I don’t know why but it creep me out. But I was curious to know who it was and why, so I stole glances back at him. He stood against the bar table, white long sleeves shirt tugged at its ends, revealing his milky wrists. His dyed golden-brown hair was perfectly style and the way he unknowingly sticks his tongue out to his lips got me oh-so-captivated. His long slender fingers tightly held a glass of red wine as he titled the glass to have a sip of the ruby liquid. He was truly extremely stunning – those who you wouldn’t get enough of.  Honestly, I was attracted by his charms but he wasn’t really my type. Then, I looked up as he lowered his head and stared straight into my eyes lips curving to form a smile. Damn.


I felt my cheeks burning and my heart beating at extreme speed. It was as though I was so close to a heart attack and I felt so exposed and never in my life had I ever felt that before. I quickly looked away not knowing what to do and for that moment I felt the need to escape, like as though I was a criminal. I look back at Kai and mouthed some words which I think he should understand before rushing to the restroom to calm myself down. The freezing liquid hit against my face as I closed my eyes to calm myself down. After doing a minute check on myself, I walked out of the restroom and I stopped – right in my tracks.


There he was, standing and chattering away happily with Kai and the rest. Oh my god. I blinked, once, twice, thrice, it was real. Taking in deep breaths to calm myself down, I took all my courage and walked towards them.


“Oh, you’re back Luhan! Sehun meet Luhan, this is Sehun.” Kai smiled as he brought my hands with Sehun for a handshake.


“Hello Luhan, I’m Sehun. It’s great meeting you.” He spoke as he looked into my eyes, lips forming a smile.




Sehun, so Sehun was his name. I heard my insides screaming and I was so so close to blacking out as the spinning started to get stronger.


“Err, H-hi. I’m Lu-luhan. It’s gr-great erm- meet-meeting yo-you.” I stuttered as I spoke. my life.


Talks over drinks and catch ups and then more talks, I felt like an awkward turtle among them. All the time I was keeping my head down, only to look up and nod and smile ocassionally. It wasn’t that they had left me out or I didn’t know what to say or anything like that. It was just that the spinning in my head made everything seem annoying and that I didn’t feel like talking and that I needed to get to a quiet place. It hurt so much I started to hear weird voices and I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew it was rude to leave in the middle of a conversation especially when I just knew all of them except Kai. But I just couldn’t take it.


“Err.. I’m sorry for interrupting but I got to go.” I started and they all looked at me.


“I – erm – my – my head hurts and I think I really should go because I don’t feel well.” I said as I stood up.


“Are you okay, Lu? Do you want me to help you home?” Kai hurried over to me as the rest look over to me, concerned.


“It’s alright, I’m fine, I can manage. It’s just a headache, that’s all. Kai, you don’t need to, just keep them company. I’ll see you tomorrow then. It was great meeting you guys.” I said and smiled before turning around.


As I made my way out, I shoved through people and more people. The weird voices became weirder and I could see familiar faces everywhere and then weird shapes all over, my head was spinning and hurting so badly. Then I found my way which I suppose was the back door, I held the door handle and pushed it open. It was impossible to walk straight and my legs felt like it was giving away, so I grabbed whatever I could to support myself while everything just keeps spinning. One step, two step, three steps, and my legs gave away.


“Careful!” A familiar voice cried out and the next moment I felt a pair of strong arms holding my waist before my mind went blank. Sehun, the voice was Sehun.


I shut my eyes, eye browns creasing as the pain in my head hit me hard then it subsides. Fluttering my eyes open, the first thing I saw was perfection. Sehun face was just mere centimeters from mine as we look at each other in the eye in silence.


“Luhan, gosh, you scare me.” Sehun spoke as he lowered me to sit down, leaning against the wall. We were so close I could feel his heartbeat getting faster, and the way he speaks – Sehun was nervous.


“Are you okay? Do you need me to get Kai?” Sehun said as he was about to stand up when I held his wrist.


“No, don’t go, stay with me.” I whispered as I held his wrist tighter as we stared at each other.


“And please don’t tell Kai. He will get a panic attack and blame himself forever and I would feel bad. I’m fine, really.” I continued, placing my finger on his lips before he could say anything.


I didn’t want Kai to know, or else he would blame himself forever for that. Once, he wanted me to try out the cake that he baked with all his heart but who knew I was down with food poisoning the next day. Because of that Kai dropped his passion for cooking and it hurts me because I knew he likes to cook. So I didn’t want any of that to happen again.


“Luhan, you’re so…” Sehun spoked and before the next word could come out of his lips, I felt his lips against mine.


Sehun kissed me, it was slow and tender and the funny thing was that I didn’t resist. Instead, I kissed him back because it felt right. I wanted to stop because I’m kissing someone I barely know but my body wouldn’t allow me to let go. It was so addictive and I couldn’t get enough. I ran my fingers through his golden brown hair, feeling his silky hair within my fingertips. Sehun hands travelled one to my waist as he held me tighter and the other on my face as he deepened the kiss. It was though as if none of us wanted it to end but we broke the kiss after a while to catch our breaths, with his nose placed right on mine and eyes looking straight into mine.


“I think I like you Luhan. Will you go with me?” Sehun whispered before pulling me into another passionate kiss.


“Yes, to anywhere as long as you’re there.” I spoke against the kiss.


I think I like you too, Sehun.





a/n: idk ok I felt that it was too long, I’m turning this fic into 3 parts so here’s part one. I hope whatever here didn’t disappoint you, haha omg. I’m sorry if this is crappy but I promise the later parts are gonna be better. I badly cracked my brains for this so yeah. Don’t forget to subscribe and comment and upvote! Till then (-;

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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 2: Waaaii~ you finally updated! :D been a month since you last updated, kkkk~ it's okay, take your time ;D
Yes to fluffy chapter~ been craving for HunHan fluff lately~ so you better explain yourself well, Oh Sehun! & don't hurt Luhan anymorr, ok?
yuu8713 #2
Aaack~ science-based fic! Interesting~ definitely subscribing! :D
I love to subscibe. <3