Trap (sequel part 1)



Tick tock tick tock.

The clock’s sound in the room echoes.

The room was quiet. Very quiet.

It was too quiet. Because in fact, there was a living person inside.

Living and breathing.

But his eyes were dead.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of footsteps becomes clearer as it comes closer to the room.

Then it stops.


His hand moves towards the doorknob.

Slowly he opens the door, making a sort of creaky eerie sound.

The man shivers. In delight.

A wide grin spread across his handsome features.

“Hello Minseok.”


The man, seemingly named Minseok, seated inside the room turns his head towards the man by the doorframe. A poker face with slanted worried eyebrows. His pupils darted everywhere once he saw who it was. The man closed the door.

‘Oh no.’

The man walks closer. The cheesier creepy grin not once leaving, yet instead grew larger once he saw the actions of Minseok.

He stopped in front of Minseok, who was frantically shaking on his seat by the window, clutching his shirt with one hand as the other held the wall. The dark room didn’t help him at all, he knew the man. Even within the darkness he knew. Every inch. From the height, to the cheesier grin to the deep dark onyx eyes, once that seemed to never have an end. It would be bad. But it already was.

Because he was trapped in those eyes.

To never move.

To never run.

To never leave.

The man crouched down slightly, a hand on his knee while the other was placed on Minseok’s head, caressing his soft hazel locks.

Minseok flinched lightly, he knew, if he had flinched hard, god knows what he might have done.

His pupils darted in a quick pace.

His back was soaked in wet cold sweat.

He was scared. For he knew. Once this man came, he could never leave.

The man grin. He came closer to Minseok. Breath warm against Minseok’s ear, Minseok bit back the soft moan that tried to voice out.

“Say my name.”

The man commanded, tone showing how dominant and powerful. Husky and deep. No hint of kindness, what a tone.

Minseok stayed muted. Not even his breathing had any sound.

He was too frightened to even utter a word.

He felt like a mouse underneath a hungry cat.

He felt like a prey.

Minseok shook his head lightly.

The man stared. His cheesier grin was gone, instead it was replaced with a thin straight poker lips. His eyes bore holes into the other.

He was unpleased.

He came closer, this time it was even closer. To point he bit the tip of Minseok’s ear.

A grouchy growl was let out by the man.

The hand on his knee was lifted and placed on Minseok’s chin, making the latter look at him.

“Minseok. Say my name.

Minseok gulped hard and visible enough for the man to see.

It was no use.

The man obviously had the upper hand, with the bigger built and the rougher hands.

And his tone.

It was clear how he was unhappy.

Minseok’s body started to shake slowly, this time a bit more showy than before.

It was clear that the man could see how Minseok’s current state was but it didn’t seem like he cared.

Minseok choked on air as he inhaled it.

Mouth shakily opened.

His tongue was tied.

“C-c-chanyeol.” He tripped on the man’s name.

But luckily, the man thought it didn’t matter. As long as he heard it from Minseok’s mouth. From Minseok’s voice.

The velvety sweet voice he loved.

He loved it.

He wanted it. For his own. To make it his own.

He wanted to Minseok’s voice over and over.

Making it scream out his name, in all type of ways.

Pleasure, sickness, happiness.

Even in anger.

Because Minseok was his. Minseok belonged to him. Every inch of Minseok’s body was his property.

From the very start. Minseok is his possession.

The man tipped Minseok’s chin up.

Onyx eyes meet hazel ones.

While one was filled with anxiety.

The other was filled with lust.

“Minseok.” The husky voice of the man called out.

Minseok flinched.

Before he knew it he was thrown from the stool by the window towards the bed neatly placed beside it.

“ump-” was the only sound Minseok made.

He was to not give in.

The man crept closer.

He was to not give in.

The man stood beside the bed.

He was to not give in.

The man hovered above Minseok.


He- he was to not give in.

The man undid his tie. his first few buttons. Threw away his coat. Rolled up his cuffed white shirt.

Eyes darted.

He was to not give in.

The man took hold of his pajama shirt. Literally ripping it off. Buttons flew across.

Scarlet tinted cheeks.

He was to not give in.

The man growled. Lust filled eyes. He plunged to bit Minseok’s neck. Minseok let out a moan, now that wouldn’t be much of a surprise considering the act the man, did on Minseok.

He was ravished on the spot.

He was to not give in.

He was to not give in.

To not…


He couldn’t.

It was a sin.

The man was like the devil.

And he was the sacrificed lamb.


Torn apart.

And the worst part of the entire sinful act,

Was that he enjoyed it.


The mattress bounced a bit as the man sat by the edge, puffing out smoke from his cigarette. Making the room even stuffier than how it was originally.


Lay almost dead on his stomach.

Red and white stripped between his thighs. Slowly dripping and descending below.

The man stared at Minseok’s pinkish to pale skin. The skin tone could even beat Snow White’s. And he loved it.

He reached out towards the unmoving body, patting Minseok’s soft locks.

For once, the man had a smile.

But he quickly got rid of it.

He stood up and went to sit by the stool.

His cigarette’s bud dripped of the ashes as he stared out the window.


The sound of cars stopping and people screaming was all over the place. Of course, who wouldn’t be worried about the people inside a crashed car?

Chanyeol sat on Xiumin’s lap; his arms were swung to hug the elder’s neck. He snuggled closer into Xiumin’s chest.

The car had smoke coming out but he didn’t mind.

The weather was storming with the rain and heavy gust of wind but he didn’t mind.

All that mattered was that Xiumin was with him.

Why a boy of 8 years was so intoxicated with a 19 year old man? No one knows beside himself.

It was certainly greed, a heavy greed. Oh how could find glee in assassinating innocent bystanders just to please his greed? It was a grave sin.

But he didn’t care.

With eyes closed and darkness slowly falling in. Chanyeol fell into slumber.


“Ungh?” Chanyeol sat up. He heard the sound of sheets ruffling. Why was he in bed sheets? Was his entire plan just a dream?

He banged the steel covers of the hospital bed. Wait- hospital? He looked around. It was white.

His bedroom was yellow.

 His eyes widen and he surpassed the smile with a frown. It wasn’t that he was unpleased; rather yet, he was absolutely thrilled by the turn of events.

He climbed down the bed and wonder outside the room he was placed it, a kiddy room ugh.

Chanyeol crept slowly, not to be quiet but his ankle was killing him. He then came across a nurse, asking if she knew the room to ‘Kim Xiumin.’ The kind nurse pointed and told which room, even asking if he wanted help going there.

He shook his head, putting on an innocent smile. “It’s alright!” and a very bright aura, it certainly did fool the kind nurse.

A boy worthy to claim the title of ‘the child of Satan’ it seems.

After a few painful moments of walking, he reached Xiumin’s room. Well it was more like an operation room.

“Xiumin?” he called out. Still wanting to sound innocent to man he loved dearly.

Tubs and bandages were placed everywhere around Xiumin. He went to climb up the high bed, good use to his long legs, for an eight year old that is.

He caressed the other’s face. Eyes slowly fluttering open, reveling pretty hazel ones. “Xiumin…” Chanyeol sweetly called out.

But the other showed a different reaction, one that caught Chanyeol completely off. “W-wh-who are you?” his voice was soft and raspy.

“M-more importantly…who am I?”

 Chanyeol stared deep into the other. With a poker face, no one could know how broken he was when he heard it.

But then again.

“Who are you? You’re Kim Minseok. Don’t worry, I know your truth, I swear. There will be people who tell you it’s not your name but trust me it is.” He smiled cheerfully. “And who am I you say? I’m Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.”

His face turned dark for a moment. “Whatever they say, in fact, I am without a doubt your lover.” And the touch off loving smile did the trick.


“But I clearly look older!” the reply given was a chuckle.

“Of course, we are 11 years apart. Plus I’m currently 8 but have no fear, I go by the motto ‘love has no age’.” A cheesier grin spread across.


As much as Xiumin wanted to rant and tell how wrong it sounded, the presence of the boy was certainly very…heavy and hard. He knew he couldn’t do another thing. How pathetic. Losing to a child just because his eyes were as deep as the ocean.

“I-is that so?” He tried to voice out. The boy’s eyes turned to crescents as the grin became wider.

“It certainly is.”

And before Xiumin could retaliate, soft lips were against chapped ones.

“I love you Minseok.”

‘And you’ll forever be mine.’


He watched the body on the bed slowly shake, Minseok was breathing more properly now.

He stood up and sat beside Minseok, watching the beautiful angelic features of him. His index traced Minseok’s body from his ankle to his rosy cheeks.

“How beautiful you are Minseok.” The man’s face crept closer.

“How lucky I am to have you. To own you.” His breath heated Minseok’s cheek. Turning his head so he could fully admire the latter’s beauty.

His slightly chapped lips pressed up against Minseok’s plump softer ones. Eyelashes against eyelashes, Minseok’s were curved and long, perfect for a beauty such as him.

“Minseok, I’ll always love you. To the end of the world, for you are my greed.

He hugged the smaller built one. They were caught stuck in deep kiss, the sounds of were as clear as the day.

Hips against each other as the man on his neck.

“You’re mine.” He chanted for every bite, every .

He then looked up, to see that Minseok was looking at him with furrowed brows, knitted in a worried way.

“And you’ll never leave me will you?” deep onyx eyes cast spells on Minseok.

His breath hitched in his throat.

His head shook.

“N-no. I won’t leave you.”

The man curled the tips of his lips. “Why?”

Minseok’s eyes darted everywhere but the eyes. Oh God not the eyes.

But they were everywhere, making Minseok dizzy. The smell of lust intoxicated him as he gave in.

“Because I’m yours.”






hello. I would have said choco if my name was still chocofudge2. Hhaha should i call myself Sin? then i shall be the sin of sloth, ahh so lazy. Here is the sequel i promised years and years ago - do you see my laziness- nah i was just insecure with it.

by the way, if you count their age it reall is 11 years apart. and now yeol is 22, which obviously makes Min 33. But they say haha beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Min will forever look beautiful to Yeol. But it's kinda true, Min had a vampire stage in here (haha) where he aged his face to the age of 25 and stopped. gawd i want a face like that nooo instead god gave me a fetus face. well hoped you liked it. It wasn't as scary as the original...i guess. Incase you didn't know, it's rated T :D 

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Lovexiu16 #1
Chapter 1: Whoa..... I...i don't know what to say....
Oh goodness chanyeol
I'm speechless
I loved it, though
bananaicecream #2
Chapter 2: I fall in love with this story ;;
this is creepily beautiful!
I need more!!!! ... if you dont mind :)
minmin17 #3
Chapter 2: i love that ..thing so much.
Chapter 2: idk but im loving this kind of story omg. i love psycho exo being possessive af to minseok. and i love this story, and u made a sequel yass. make more of this >_< ♥♥
trishplusmama #5
Oohh! You made a sequel yeheyy ^_^

I miss psycho stories with minseok as the victim hehe
The_SnoWSprite #6
Gosh!! I am so sorry that I had read this and forgot to comment! >.< but you come with sequel and soooooooooo psycho and trilling and awesome!!!!! Chanyeol greed is scary~ Love it to the core! Just abit vague about their relationship in the was Luhan his child and Chanyeol too? Sorry for that...anyway thank you for the amazing story and can't wait for part 2!! Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 1: oooh omg psycho chanyeol is so adorable(?)and creepy at the same time. wait, can i ask how old xiumin and kris, and how young chanyeol is? your story is amazing, and its actually my first time reading a dark xiuyeol fic and im glad this was it. i love this write more of this *wails* great job authornim! :-)
Summergrass #8
Chapter 1: Hi, it's done and this's the link from my wordpress. It's new one. Hope you finish the sequel as soon as possible so I can translate it, too ><
Summergrass #9
Chapter 1: Read it again and still feel the same, scary and lovely. I really want to translate it into Vietnamese, so can you give me permission? I'll link this page to my wordpress and give you credit. Hope you reply soon. Thank you so much.
Summergrass #10
Chapter 1: Wow, how this could be scary and lovely at the same time? Yeolie ah~