Aftermath of the Break-up

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On her way to the café, Soojin felt nervous and restless as she walked through the streets. A lot of things were in her head. Thoughts about why she even agreed to this meeting, about how is she going to react when she finally meets this person, about how nervous she’s getting every time she takes a step forward, and about how stupid it is for her to worry now when she’s nearing the café. She finally realized that she was right in front of her destination.



I still do not know why I suddenly had the urge to share this to the world. But here goes nothing.

Hope you guys can enjoy it!

If you guys wanna find out what really happened, please check How It Ended! Thank you for checking Aftermath of the Break-up!


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giddybaby #1
Chapter 1: OMG SUCH A CUTE STORY!!!!! ♥
hannahluv86 #2
Chapter 2: cute story
Chapter 2: 잘했어!!! ^^ 너무 좋아요 ㅋㅋㅋ
This is great:)