Three child umma, two child umma & one child umma.

Operation Choi Junhong. (Sequel of Destiny.)

"I'M PREGNANT!" Zelo and cries even more. 

Hyuna and Hyunseong looked at both and hugged at Zelo. 

"It's all Junhong., We are not angry with you. Thou not already 21 years old." Hyuna 

"We are happy for you." Hyunseong to comfort. 

"We love you, Junhong., We always wanted to you get the child." Hyuna

"Do not I have son named Hyunki?" Zelo 

"Well, we mean that you would get another child." Hyunseong 

"Thank you, appa and umma." Zelo and hugged both of them. 

"Come and have breakfast." Hyuna 

Hyunseong, Hyuna and Zelo went to breakfast and they do not even taken note of that Zelo is pregnant. Youngjae, take the Daehyun's ear closed. 

"YOU !" Youngjae shout Daehyun ear. 

"Ouch, that hurts Jae. What was that for?, I have not even touched anyone other than you Jae." Daehyun 


"WHAT?" Daehyun 

"Yes. Again, I have to nine months your baby in my stomach. Know what kind of back pain is?" Youngjae

"Fortunately, I can not get pregnant." Daehyun 

Youngjae Daehyun punched his fist in the face and Daehyun started to bleed from the nose. 

"What i now say you?" Daehyun 

"When I get back you better have a good explanation." Youngjae angry. 

Youngjae went out the door and Yongguk gave the paper at Daehyun. 

"She hit pretty hard." Yongguk 

"What is wrong with women?" Daehyun 

"I do not know. Zelo went to away three months ago." Yongguk

"And now, Youngjae went out and said that I have to have a good explanation." Daehyun 

"You made her pregnant and your Taehyung is not even a year yet." Yongguk 

"You Hyunki fill 4 year and he does not own brothers and sisters." Daehyun 

"Shut up Daehyun." Yongguk 

"Just thinking of that Zelo is 21 years and you do not have anyone than Hyunki." Daehyun

"Daehyun, you're 25 years old and you got last year, the first of your child., I got my first child almost four years ago." Yongguk 

"Shut up." Daehyun 

Yongguk and Daehyun chatted to each other and Youngjae while looking for the Zelo's phone number. Zelo answer the phone 

"Hi." Zelo

"Hi." Youngjae 

"What's the matter?" Zelo 

"Can I come over until the anger is subsided a little bit?" Youngjae 

"I'll ask my parents." Zelo 

"Umma, appa." Zelo 

"So Junhong?" Hyunseong & Hyuna 

"Can Jae to come here?" Zelo 

"Youngjae eh?" Hyuna 

"Yes." Zelo 

"Yes, she can come here." Hyuna 


Hyuna looked at Hyunseong.

"You can not be asked." Hyuna 

"You can come to Jae." Zelo 

"I'll see you there." Youngjae 

"Bye." Zelo 

"Bye." Youngjae 

Zelo hung up the phone and looked at the young couple. 

"Umma." Zelo 

"What?" Hyuna 

"You do not hate Youngjae I remember that she's my little cousin, that we are best friends." Zelo 

"We can not deny you, you could not bring her here. If she is your little cousin." Hyuna 

"I love you two." Zelo 

"We, too, for you." Hyuna 

Hyunseong muttered in his chair and Hyuna hit at Hyunseong head. 

"Ouch." Hyunseong 

"You not hurt."Hyuna

"Whatever." Hyunseong 

"Youngjae comes here and is, even at night. I do not mind." Hyuna 

"It's not matter me ago." Hyunseong muttering 

"Good." Hyuna 

Zelo looked a little confused. 

"Sorry Junhong. Hyunseong just does not like Youngjae." Hyuna 

"N-no it's nothing." Zelo little confused. 

Youngjae knocked on the door of the caravan and Zelo opened it. Zelo hugged Youngjae also Youngjae and looked around. 

"Nice to see you again Youngjae." Hyuna 

"Same Hyuna." Youngjae 

"How have you been?" Hyuna

"Well, and I'm pregnant again. Then I hate Daehyun because of this., It ing bastard." Youngjae 

"I understand." Hyuna 

"Junhong, could you take a shower?" Hyunseong 

"Okay." Zelo 

Zelo's wardrobe took some clothes and went to the bathroom. As soon as Hyuna and Hyunseong heard that the water tap opened so they looked at Youngjae.

"Youngjae, we have a request for you." Hyuna 

"What?" Youngjae 

"Can you say Zelo, that we are her parents." Hyuna 

"Why?" Youngjae 

"When we went to the hospital. We were going to kill her. We thought that she's cheating that has lost her memory, but we were wrong., She's really lost her memory., We do not want to force her to remember." Hyunseong 

"Okay, I promise that I will not force her to remember the past. She remember, only me and Hyunki." Youngjae 

"You could bring Hyunki involved here." Hyuna 

"Okay, can I apply for Hyunki now, if you will." Youngjae 

"Okay." Hyuna 

Youngjae went out the door and took a taxi home. Daehyun looked at his fiancee. 

"Jae." Daehyun 

"Shut the up." Youngjae 

"Jae, I'm sorry that I made you pregnant. I love you so much and I want you to be happy." Daehyun 

"YONGGUK" Youngjae 

Yongguk came downstairs. 

"You do not mind if I and Hyunki with a couple of days off?" Youngjae 

"No." Yongguk 

"No, you can not go Jae." Daehyun prayed on their knees. 

"Yes, I am go." Youngjae

"HYUNKI" Yongguk 

Hyunki came on in the livingroom. 

"Yes appa?" Hyunki 

"You're going Youngjae with a couple of days off. Youngjae and you shall receive leave of us." Yongguk 

"JEE" Hyunki 

"Let's get something to pack your clothes for you." Youngjae 

"Okay." Hyunki 

Youngjae and Hyunki packed Hyunki by a change of clothes, pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, socks and a hat. Zelo comes out of the shower at the same time. 

"Where is the Jae?" Zelo 

"She went to get you a surprise." Hyuna 

"Oh." Zelo 

Zelo sat down on the bench and was frustrated. Youngjae put on Hyunki his outer garments on and Daehyun is Youngjae's foot caught.

"Do not go." Daehyun and cry. 

"Yongguk, can you come and get Daehyun out of my foot?" Youngjae 

"Okay." Yongguk 

Yongguk came into the foyer and removed the Daehyun away from the Youngjae's foot. 

"Thank you Yongguk. Hyunki We're going." Youngjae and waved. 

"Bye appa." Hyunki 

Youngjae and Hyunki went Daehyun's porsche because Daehyun was given permission Youngjae to use porsche. Youngjae put Hyunki the seat belt and smiled. Youngjae closed the car door and went to the driver's seat. Youngjae put the seat belt and started the car. Youngjae withdrew the car out of the garage and went to drive away. Youngjae looked at Hyunki, which looked out of the window. 

"Hyunki." Youngjae 

"Yes?" Hyunki

"Hyunki." Youngjae 

"Yes?" Hyunki 

"When we go over to Zelo so do not force her to remember anything., She is very badly lost her memory, remember that only you and me. She thinks she's Hyuna and Hyunseong parents so you can call them grandparents?" Youngjae 

"Okay." Hyunki 

Youngjae drove a Porsche next to the Hyunseong's car and Zelo came to the yard. Youngjae got out and went to open the door Hyunki. Hyunki smiled when he saw his mother and Zelo, too. 

"Hyunki, is that you?" Zelo 

Hyunki ran to his mother and hugged Zelo's feet. 

"I miss you so. Ever I do not want any more from you away." Hyunki 

"I missing you too." Zelo

Hyuna and Hyunseong noticed how happy Zelo was Hyunki and hymylivät. 

"Grandpa, Grandma." Hyunki 

Hyunki hugs Hyuna because Hyunseong a bit intimidating. 

"How can you Hyunki?" Hyuna 

"Good." Hyunki 

"You will become as strong as your father." Hyunseong 

"There will not be. I'm a umma son. I will be same that Umma ." Hyunki 

"You are also just as cute." Hyuna 

"Grandma." Hyunki complained 

Zelo lifted his son's lap and they went inside. Hyuna gave Hyunki juice and Youngjae and Zelo chatted with Hyunseong. 

"I do not think it's alright, if you maujaudun here for two days. I can not stand to see  Daehyun and Yongguk." Youngjae 

"Yongguk?" Zelo 

"So Bang Yongguk." Youngjae

"Do you live in Yongguk and Daehyun with that?" Zelo 
"Well, I live in Himchan, Jongup, Daehyun and Yongguk with. Zelo murderer killed Daehyun parents, because the Daehyun's parents asked for it Zelo's father if he would like the first task of the murderer." Youngjae 
"Why is everyone calling me Zelo?" Zelo 
"You remind me of him." Youngjae 
"Oh." Zelo 
"Do not let it bothering Junhong." Hyuna 
"Okay, but who is the father of Hyunki?, I do not know who is Hyunki appa? Does someone rap-" Zelo 
"Hyunki appa is Yongguk." Hyunseong 
"It's a drunkard?" Zelo 
"Junhong, he ended up drinking just because of you." Youngjae 
"Does not he drink any more?" Zelo 
"No." Youngjae
"Good, but I'm tired." Zelo 
"Go to bed only." Hyunseong 
"May I come in the umma?" Hyunki 
"Come on." Zelo 
Zelo and Hyunki went into the bedroom and began to sleep. Youngjae looked at young couple. 
"I thought my first that you hurt Zelo." Youngjae
We wanted to kill first Zelo because Yongguk, but now thinking about that, how happy he is with Hyunki and Hyunki is also happy with him. We can not take his Umma." Hyunseong 
"Hyunki not be liked with Yongguk." Youngjae 
"I know." Hyuna 
"Thank you, once you have kept good care of her. Indeed, you deserve an apology." Youngjae
"Thank you Youngjae." Hyunseong 
"Point Zelo to remember everything, and everything changes quite certain." Youngjae 
"I agree." Hyunseong 
"Let us sleep." Hyuna 
"Okay, and Youngjae. Sleep in this subject matter." Hyunseong 
"It does not matter." Youngjae 
"There is a pillow and a blanket." Hyuna 
"Thank you. You're too nice to me. You're not supposed to treat me like this." Youngjae
"You're a friend of Zelo. Zelo now earn plenty rest, because it is pregnant." Hyuna
"I know, and Yongguk is the father of the child once again. Zelo not tell to any of her family, at least." Youngjae 
"Youngjae." Hyunseong 
"Yes?" Youngjae 
"Is it true that you have lived in your aunt's house almost the whole of your life?" Hyunseong 
"Yes." Youngjae
"That rumor's true that your parents killed each other before your eyes." Hyunseong 
"Yes, and I remember that day." Youngjae 
"Youngjae." Hyunseong 
"What?" Youngjae 
"I'm your half-brother ...
A//N: I write later or tomorrow end this story. Hope you wait. ^.^
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Chapter 15: i love itttt! wow really absolute perfect.
Chapter 10: oohh my this babe~~ make me feel so sweet!!