Orphan: I am the best

(homeless) graphiX ∞

A/N I felt really inspired by 2NE1´s new video! so here´s half of my female kpop bias :3

look at thos gorgeous women!



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foamtwt #1
dark7choco #2
Chapter 43: awesome. nice pants taemin have
Chapter 42: @Lyanna: Thanks :3
Lyanna #4
Nice posters :)
Mistral: of course!!!!! xDDD but do tell me if you start that!!
can I be a mommy for №24? XD I do not promise the story, but just because Onew looks very cute there ;Р
smileysgoboing: I will definitly do that from now on!!^^ thanks for the pointer!
smileysgoboing #8
All your posters are so amazing <3 Just a small request: could you list who's in the poster? My recognising skills are...not that awesome, and sometimes I don't know who's in the poster (which would be awkward if I tried to adopt one). I hope it's not too much trouble :P
francesca: xD he is!!!<br />
<br />
Mary: EXACTLY!!! XD I didn´t want to go too far with this one^^ besides it was more a test for my new signature ;D
Mary517 #10
DETU!!!!! <3<br />
i'm glad you're still ps-ing. and don't you hate when you haven't done it in awhile and it takes some getting use to to get back into the groove of things. I hate that feeling lol*<br />
anyhoo....the wallie in a nice blend...but a little plain. hoping to see more from you! <br />