
Pulling an old apron out of her suitcase, Nora remembered that she hadn't brought any food to cook. It was past lunchtime now, but she had only had cornflakes for breakfast. Hungry, she decided to order a meal for both her and Leo. She knocked on his bedroom door, a light blue colour, and smiled. She was about to use her hands to ask what he would like to have, but realized she didn't know how. Telling him to wait, she rushed to her room and opened a new memo on her phone. Hastily, she typed out, 'What would you like to eat for dinner?'. She showed her screen to Leo, smiling, but was surprised when he told her he wasn't hungry.

'But still, just tell me and I'll try to get it^^' she wrote. After five minutes of coaxing, Leo finally gave in and typed 'Cheese pizza.'

Nora smiled, nodding to show she'd understood. She ordered the food by phone, and when it arrived, it was a young man, not the female who had received her order, who was holding three pizzas above his head. She stared at him. He was smiling, and the first thing he said was,  

'Is Leo here?!'

Nora contemplated whether she should tell him, and instead decided against it.

'Um...' she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

But just then, Leo’s footsteps were heard and the delivery man ran in to hug him (not before dropping the pizza boxes on the doorstep), squeezing him with one arm as if he was a packet of ketchup. Nora’s eyebrows jolted upwards at this sudden action, and she goggled at them bewilderedly.

But then she saw him, the delivery man, moving his hands rapidly, as though trying to convey a multitude of information as quickly as possible. Leo’s eyes were darting around them, reading his information and trying to calm him down. It was quite a funny sight, and despite herself, Nora started chortling.

The delivery man suddenly remembered her presence, and quickly bowed in her direction, slamming his hidden forehead on one of the boxes she was supposed to move to the kitchen in the process.

‘Ow,’ he muttered. ‘Well, hi anyways! Nice to meet you!’

Seeing that she waved back, and was not speaking, he switched to sign-language, his hands much calmer than the flailing mess they’d been while speaking to Leo.

His name was Hakyeon and he showed Nora how he took care of Leo ever since he found out he couldn’t speak. Although he hadn’t mentioned this, she had a feeling that Hakyeon had learnt sign-language just to help Leo. Touched by this, she decided that Hakyeon was a good person.

‘Oh my! We forgot the pizza!’ Hakyeon exclaimed, ‘It’s going to get cold!’

Leo just looked at his friend with a quizzical look, not having heard a sound. Nora pointed to the pizza then to , conveying the message which, in his shock, Hakyeon had shouted instead of said in sign-language.

Hakyeon hastily hurried to the pizza box, and opened it gleefully. Leo looked at Nora apologetically while she beamed at the delivery man’s adorable smile.

Hakyeon beckoned for them to come over, and they complied, sitting on the dining table which had already been placed there before they had arrived. It was of a mahogany colour, with sturdy legs which had been carved at the top and bottom. Nora liked it.

They dug into the food, silently. The pizza had cooled down slightly and the cheese didn’t stretch as it would’ve, but it was delectable all the same.

Finishing up, Hakyeon asked whether he could go to the toilet, and the other male pointed him towards the restroom. Now left alone, Nora and Leo glanced at each other warmly before continuing to eat. Hakyeon left soon after and as they walked back up to their rooms, they spoke to each other, finding out each others’ preferences and habits, all the while smiling. To be fair, Nora did make a few mistakes when communicating, and so Leo swiftly pulled out his phone and started typing rapidly.

Nora looked away, and took their plates to the sink, washing the dirt away. She was about to finish drying the last dish when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Turning around, she smiled at Leo, who was holding his iPhone in his large, pale hands.

Do you want to exchange numbers? We can communicate through LINE if it makes you more comfortable ^^  My ID is viJTWLEOxx

Nodding eagerly to show her acceptance, Nora took her phone and added him, sending him a sticker to confirm that she had done so.

He replied back with a smiley, and asked her what her favourite colour was. Red, she answered, How about you?

Blue ^^ What’s your favourite food? I quite liked the pizza we ate today. He asked back.

Hmm.. I think I quite like grilled salmon to be honest. It tastes delicious and it’s healthy. But I agree, the pizza was wonderful! My turn to ask a question now. What do you want to eat tomorrow? We have quite a few choices :) Nora replied, this time adding a little smile – they were each in their respective rooms and thoughts of unpacking were forgotten as she hurried away befriending her new step-brother.


I'm back guys (well, girls as well^^)!! Thank you all for subscribing {^_^} If you haven't, that's okay, but please leave me some comments! Comments on how well I've written (I'm kidding, don't worry, I'm not that arrogant {>_<"}) or comments about how to improve (now that's something I NEED) are all appreciated! And many thanks to fictionfan for upvoting as well as subscribing! Thank you so much chingu <3

Thank you, next time I update won't be this week, because I have exams {=_=+} But after that, I'll update ASAP {^_^} Bear with me, please! And wish your author good luck, I beg of you. Pray for this helpess soul... 

Incidentally, dat LINE ID, I just thought it up. So it's not real. I don't know if it even exists. If it does, and if it belongs to anyone, tell me, and I'll change it ^^

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Chapter 3: AHHHHH, dongsaeng-ah, I'm sorry that I didn't comment sooner T_T BUT OMFG I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR UPDATE! I'm falling for Leo in your story XD And, I'm curious to see how Nora's friends will interact with him :O Her group of friends sound lovely, and I LOVE it when there's always sort sort of friend(s) that also show what the main character is like and help in their development. Take your time updating (if I told you to hurry, I'd be a hypocrite >.<), and good job^^ I see Nora's a B2ST fan ;) Why wouldn't she be, with such an awesome comeback? :D
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 3: Update soon!
Chapter 3: Ooooooo~ it's really good! I'm definitely subscribing. Please update soon!
Ilovekpopforever #4
Chapter 2: update soon!
Chapter 2: Ah, what a sweet start so far^^ I rather like this portrayal of Leo, and LOVED when N came along^^ Can't wait for more on this, good job, dongsaeng-ah~!