Things Get Tense

Just Love Me, For Me



He calmly followed Kai as he looked at the things littered about. Kris made a mental note of him being good at directions as they were still going the right way. After several minutes he stopped, his eyes completely focused on something next to them. Kris could see he wanted to touch something but Kai turned away and kept walking.

“Sorry, it..nevermind.” Kris frowned but didn’t say anything. He didn’t touch it but he wanted to. The older could have gotten in trouble. Then again, if his parents knew Kai was even here he’d be in trouble. Only Tao, Xiumin, Luhan and Lay are allowed here.

Everyone else would steal something. Then he’d have to get rid of them. Kris wasn’t going through that process again. Something hit his chest, his eyes immediately watched it hit the floor.

“Kris?” Kai was looking at him carefully.

“What did you throw at me?” He picked it up. It was a bracelet with plastic square beads. “What is this?” Kai took it back.

“Kyungsoo made it for me. I tried calling your name. Are you okay?” He nodded.

“What did you need?”

“Is this the room?” Kris walked forward to a door that was slightly ajar.

“Yes.” He went inside. “Sit wherever you want.”

“Oh Master Kris. We were getting worried when you didn’t answer the phone.” A maid greeted them.

“Forgive me for not letting you know we were coming. I suppose I could be nicer to them. The amazement on her face didn’t help that thought. Kris sat next to Kai and waited. He specifically told them a main course and drinks. A simple and quick dinner.


Halfway through, a distressed servant brought Kris the phone. Who could be calling him at such an hour? On the house phone at that?

“Kris Wufan speaking.”

“Why weren’t you at school?” He quickly moved the phone away at Tao’s loud voice. Kai was now completely focused on him.

“I had matters to attend to.”

“You’re lying.”

“Tao I don’t have-”

“I’m coming over.” The line went dead and Kris could feel a headache coming.

“Gods damnit Tao.”




After the phone call Kris was quick to get Kai to his room. He made him sit on his bed and watch as the older hid his things. The runaway tried to ask question but they went unanswered. Of course Kris didn’t want anyone to know he was here. Kai shouldn’t be surprised. Kris left and came back with a maid.

“Take him to the second entertainment room and stay with him.” He turned to Kai. “Go with her.” His voice was soft but filled with annoyance. Kai knew it wasn’t directed at him but still.

“Answer me first.” Kris glared at him but Kai didn’t back down. “Why not kick me out now? Save you the trouble.” The older looked away.

“Go, we’ll talk later.”

“You’re lying.” Kris flinched and jerked Kai towards him.

“Don’t test my patience Kai. I said I wouldn’t hurt you but piss me off enough and I will.” He threatened. “Now go with her.” The runaway pulled his arm free.

“I’m not going to an entertainment room.” He said with obvious distaste. “Take me outside please.” Kris didn’t stop him when he talked to the maid. The poor woman was confused on who to listen to.

“Take him to the garden.” Kris said with a wave of his hand. Kai could feel his eyes on him as they walked away. He hated how beautiful the garden was. He hated how perfect everything was.

The maid stayed by the entrance as Kai went to sit on a bench. He shouldn’t be surprised. He shouldn’t be but it still hurts. His heart hurts. He never thought he’d be in Kris' home. In his room, eating with him. He should love being here but he hates it. Kai hates everything about being here.




“I know someone’s here!” Tao yelled as they left the dining room.

“Tao just believe me and shut up.”

“Irene!” A head mad was standing in the hallway. “Who was she?”

“Who Master Tao?” She answered softly and clearly.

“The girl.” He was getting impatient. She looked at him with confusion before at Kris.

“Master Kris, you are aware that if a woman or girl is on property, you should be with her at all times. Most of all, you should not be dressed like that.” He groaned.

“There is no woman or girl. Stop cursing a scene and go home.”

“Well I’m saying you’re a liar! Who was she?”

“Gods damnit Tao there is no girl! Did you think it could be a guy? Or no one at all?” Tao flinched at the shouting but didn’t turn away.

“Fine. Who was he?”

“Is it safe to say or are you going to have another yelling fit?” He nodded. “Kai.”

“Kai? Who the hell is that?” Kris waited as he worked it out. “Is that the kid you beat up?” The older closed his eyes with an exhale and nodded. “Why is he here?”

“He ran away. I found him last night. Irene go get him.”

“Yes Master Kris.”

“You know him running away doesn't justify why he’s still here.” Kris turned his back to his friend.

“Go home. You found out why I wasn't at school. You don’t need to be here anymore.”

“I’m worried about you.” He touched his shoulder.

“I’m fine.” They hugged. “I’m okay so go home.”

“Fine.” They let go and Tao walked away.

“Master Kris.” Irene had Kai behind her. He was sadly looking at the floor.

“You can go Irene. Come on.” The younger surprisingly followed with no comment. If he wants to stay quiet then fine. He has nothing to be upset about. Kris is the one going out of his way to keep him here. Shaking his head they went into his room. Kai wordlessly sat down on the day bed. He hadn’t looked at Kris.

“Was he upset because of me?”

“Not just you. He was mad at both of us. Mostly because he thought you were a secret lover. Did you like the garden?” He ignored Kai’s blush.

“It was nice.” The younger was still being off.

“What’s wrong? Why are you acting different?” Kris barely caught a smile before he looked down.

“I’m okay.” Kris brushed it off and grabbed his phone. It didn’t keep him occupied for long. He looked over at Kai, he never looked at him after he cleaned up. He’s too dull, a gray long sleeve and blue jeans. Hm, I’ll have to get him better clothes tomorrow.


“What.” He was staring. He had been staring.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Your clothes are awful.” Kai didn’t respond. “We’ll deal with that tomorrow.” Kris grabbed his phone and stood. “Stay here I’ll be back.” He left the room and hit his head on the wall. “I’m an idiot.” Shaking his head, he continued down the hall. Maybe I just need a break away from him. A buzz went off in his hand.




Are you coming to school tomorrow?

Couch is getting annoyed with you


Maybe. Did Tao talk to you?


Yes. He told all of us


That brat. I’ll text you early tomorrow



Have fun


Kris rolled his eyes annoyed. They were all being annoying right now.

“Master Kris, do you need something?” Irene took him out of his thoughts.

“No. I was going outside for a few minutes.” She bowed her head and let the rich teen pass. It wasn’t as cold tonight but still not weather to sleep in.

What are we doing tomorrow? If I don’t go to school, I can make Kai shower and then we can get him better clothes. If I do go to school he’ll have to stay in my room. I don’t like that idea and I'm sure he’ll put up a fight about it. There’s also no way of knowing how he’ll react to me buying him clothes.

“Master Kris, it’s getting quite late.” Another maid came out with a blanket. “Please, put this around you if you plan to stay out.” He took it.

“Come back for me in an hour if I’m not inside.”

“Yes Master Kris.” She left back inside once the blanket was around him.

“Hm.” Xiumin only made that one comment about Kai. He checked his phone but had no messages from the others. He’ll deal with it tomorrow.




It was a quiet morning. Kris woke up first and Kai was soon after with all the noise he was making. The sun wasn’t up yet and he was really hoping Kris wasn't going to make him go to school. They never did have that talk after Kris insulted his clothes.

“Such a prick.” He whispered, not realizing that Kris was back in the room and could hear him.

“What was that?”

“Oh now you’re listening.” He huffed.

“What Kai?” He sighed and looked at the irritated young adult.

“I said you’re a prick.” His eyes turned hard as he looked at him.

“Watch you’re ing mouth.” He warned.

“Make me.” Kai looked at the carpet, completely content on ignoring him. Why is he standing in front of me? Kris picked him up by the collar in a very familiar manner. Oh.

“I’ll repeat myself again. Watch your ing mouth Jongin.” He scoffed at him, not at all scared.

“You constantly threaten me after saying you won’t hurt me. Okay.” He pushed the older’s hands off of him.

“Just-shut up. I didn’t.. shut up.” He walked towards the door. “Come on. We’re going somewhere.” Kai followed him out.

“Going somewhere as in?” There’s no way we’re walking out in public.

“A dressing room.” Kai nodded and walked beside him for a few moments before the words clicked.

“Wait, what do you mean dressing room?”

“There’s that question.” He mumbled with a sigh.

“What dressing room?” Kai stopped walking. “Do my poor people clothes bother you that much?”

“It’s not-” Kris turned. “Just change so we can buy you more.” He continued but the younger stayed. A young woman came and stood next to him.

“Master Kris.” She spoke calmly.

“What Irene.” She looked at Kai with a smile.

“He isn’t following you.” He turned and grabbed the younger’s hand.

“Maybe force isn’t the best answer Master Kris.” Kai jerked his hand away and the rich teen let out an annoyed noise.

“Irene. Either help or go away.” She took Kai’s arm and spun her hand around his forearm so he was guiding her.

“Let’s go shall we Master Kris?” He eyed her carefully before walking. Irene followed and Kai could only move with her. “How are you this morning Master Kai?”

“Please, just Kai. I’m alright thank you.” She nodded slowly.

“Of course.” Kris suddenly turned and looked at her.

“Irene, what are you doing? Explain yourself.”

“Well Master Kris, it seems like you’re having difficulty with Kai. Your aggressive approach isn’t working as he isn’t intimidated but you. Now, let’s continue. A car is already waiting outside.” Wow, she is not scared to speak her mind, Kris glared at her but she wasn’t bothering. He turned and they soon made it to the dressing room. Irene let go of Kai and began looking at racks of clothes. Kris went off to sit down at one of the chaises.

Along the left side of the wall, were vanities with mirrors and lights in front of each seat. On the right were rows and rows of shoes. At the far end were shelves with various accessories like jewelry, watches and bags. In the middle were rows of clothes separated by type and color. Causes and plush chairs were scattered around them.

“What the hell is this?” Kai mumbled as he stepped in.

“The dressing room. Just,” Kris waved his hand over where Irene was. “Pick out clothes so we can go.” Kai cautiously walked to her, still taking everything in.

“Would you like simple and comfy or stylish and chic?”

“Uh, simple.” Irene started holding clothes against him.




The rich teen was idly on his phone when he got a message from Xiumin. He was almost grateful with how bored he was.




Coach is pissed. Threatened to take 

your position and give it to me.

What’s your excuse?


I’ll be there later.


Sure you will. Will he be coming?


No. I’m getting him clothes


So you’re keeping him? How is he

taking that?


Don’t say it like that. I’ve almost

kicked him out. Irene got him to comply


Try not to get too caught up with him.

Tao is becoming unbearable


I’ll be there




“Irene!” He called annoyed.

“Calm down Master Kris. He’s ready.” Kris stood up and waited. He doesn't care how he looks, he just wants to leave. Kai eventually walked over in a large beige sweater and dark pants.

“I feel silly.” He gently touched his styled hair.

“Let’s go.”

“He needs shoes.” Kris held in his annoyance with an inhale and exhale. Finally, they went down to the garage and in the car.

“Stop messing with your hair.” You’re gonna it up.

“But it feels weird. “He whined.

“Shut up.” You’re irritating. Kris looked at him now that he was quiet. He looked good. A change of clothes and styled hair makes him much more attractive. The big sweater made him look small and cute. Kris liked it.

“What? Do I still look poor? Am I still not good enough for you?”

“Excuse me?” Kai looked away.

“You were staring.” The harsh tone was dropped. “Are we even going to find something good if you’re going to be this picky?”

“That wasn’t what I was thinking.” Why can’t he keep his mouth shut? He looks good until he opens his mouth.

“Sorry.” Kai whispered.

“You know you’re a lot more attractive when you shut up.” Kris snapped at the younger.

“You're a bastard.” The older shook his head.

“Master Kris, would you like to eat something first?”

“Are you hungry?” He asked annoyed.

“Sure.” Kai replied briskly.

“The Illyvow will suffice.”

“What type of restaurant is that?”

“A buffet place.” Kris thought he would keep talking but Kai remained quiet. His hands were playing with the bottom of the sweater. They looked soft. “Hm.”

“What?” The younger’s voice was soft.

“Nothing.” Kris needs to stop staring at him.




I’m on a date with Kris. Albeit he’s being his usual ‘I hate you’ self but it’s still a date. They were sitting in a fancy restaurant, across from each other and in complete silence. Maybe this wasn’t really a date, but Kai will still treat it like one.

He's scared to break the silence as Kris gets mad every time he opens his mouth. Will that get him to like me? If I never talk? I'll just be mute for the rest of my life. No. Kai shook his head. That won't work. Kris'll get mad if I don't answer a question. His head jerked up at a sudden snap.

"Pay attention. What type of clothes do you like or will be willing to wear." He was beginning to think the older didn't know the difference between a question and a statement.

"I don't know. I've worn the same clothes for at least two years. I only wear the school uniform, jeans and plain shirts." Do you have to make that face?

"Okay." Kris sighed out.

"Sorry I never had money to afford better clothes." He replied bitterly.

"Well now you do." He looked at the older with surprise. Kris was actually trying with him right now.

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll wear.." What would he wear? "Anything. Anything that isn't blue jeans and plain shirts."

"Okay." He took a drink. Kai nodded and they went back into silence.


Kai was a bit nervous following Kris around the mall. There were hardly any people there that early.

They entered a store with upbeat music. It was relaxed while still holding a professional environment. There were mannequins with casual button ups and fitting pants or slacks.

"See anything?" Kris asked. The runaway looked around, still unsure. "You're going to have to leave my side eventually." Pause. "Do it before I get mad."

"Fine." Kai walked over to some button ups. "I guess I like these." I don't know if I'll like how form fitting they are.

"Grab a few, you can try them on." Kris was a few feet away on his phone. Kai frowned but grabbed different colors. He couldn't remember the last time he was in a mall dressing room.

"Don't look at the price. Don't look at the price." He mumbled as he buttoned up the shirt. "Oh" Kai looked good; he felt good. It was different but nice. Opening the door, Kris was against the wall on his phone. "Kris." He did a quick glance before stopping. He hates it. The older teen put his phone down to really look at the nervous boy. Kai's face was flushed as he kept his gaze on the floor.

"You look good." He looked up hopeful.

"Really?" His crush nodded, eyes lingering on Kai's chest.

"Yeah." Kris went back to his phone.

"Should I try on the other two?"

"Other two?"

"Y-yeah." He was flustered from the compliment. "I got white and purple as well."

"Yeah I want to see." Kai nodded and closed the door. His face was on fire but he did his best to regain composure. He went back out in the white one and was disappointed to only receive a glance. Slipping the purple one on, he tried again. "Give me the white one. Stay."

"Okay." Was that good or bad? Kris came back with a dark gray one. Kai nervously put it on and opened the door. The older didn't have his phone. He was giving Kai his full attention. Did Kai really look that good or was there something else? Kris nodded slowly before saying,

"You look better in darker tones."

"Thanks?" Their eyes met.

"Put your sweater on, you need pants." The door closed. Kai stayed quiet as he followed the rich teen around. "I take it you don't know your actual size?" He shook his head but kept any comments to himself. It didn't take long to find pants for him to try on. Took even less time for Kai to pick out ones he wanted.

"Are you okay?" Kai had gone quiet.

"Yeah. I'm still trying to process everything." Why is he looking at me like that? It's almost endearing.

"Hm." They finished shopping and the servant paid. "Kai." They left the store.


"What's wrong?" Kai gave him a look of confusion.

"I'm fine. I really don't talk that much." Why is he suddenly so worried about me?

"Hm. I have to leave for school after this so we'll leave when we're done. You have two options, either stay in my room or stay in the garden. I have to stay late for practice. You can accompany a servant to the court or stay in the car."

"What, I'd watch you at practice?"

"If that's what you choose."

"What about your friends? Surely they'll know."

"They already know because of Tao. Besides, you don't have your uniform. It doesn't matter." Kai followed Kris back to the car in silence. The younger was beginning to feel tired. "What is your choice?"

"The garden." I'd rather be trapped outside then in your room. Kai yawned and Kris busied himself with his phone. He got up too early.


"Hey Kai." He stirred. "Are you gonna stay asleep or go to the garden?" The runaway groaned and pushed the rough hand off his shoulder.

"I'm getting up." Kris walked away as Kai woke up. He was already ready and in his school uniform.

"Come on." Kai stumbled out of the room and followed him down the hall  "You don't have to go outside."

"I want to." They stopped somewhere but Kai wasn't paying attention.

"You're a mess." Kris mumbled and draped something around Kai. "Irene will be nearby if you need anything." They stopped at the garden doors. "I'll check on you later." He walked away. Kai tiredly went to sit on a bench that was shaded by trees.

"Oh," When did Kris put a jacket around me? It was cool outside. Kai was asleep within minutes.




The wealthy teen was now wishing he was home with Kai instead of Tao. Said teen has been whining at him for a while. Lay and Luhan were playing something on the latter's phone. Xiumin was straight faced and completely engrossed with his phone.

"Tao." Kris started; he was ignored. And I'm done. Kris grabbed the back of the younger's neck with one hand and covered his mouth. Xiumin shot him a disappointed look but was quickly back on his phone. "Shut the up." He let go. Tao pouted, not at all affected.

"This is-"

"Tao please." Luhan interjected. "Just please, be quiet." He took his phone out.




You owe me


Anything to shut you up till practice


"Kris." Xiumin put his phone away. "Is your friend joining us later?"

"I want to meet him." Lay spoke up.

"He has the option to stay in the car or sit on the bleachers. I won't know till the rest of you do."

"Why did you take him in again?" Luhan asked carefully.

"I hate him but, he doesn't deserve to freeze to death."

"Have you hit him?"

"Not purposely."

"Is he different from how you thought?" Why were they all interrogating him? He expected this from Xiumin but not the other two. At least Tao was quiet.

"I don't know. We fight but we don't talk that much. He stays by me when he needs to or he's in my room." Kris shrugged the questions off.

"You realize we're going to talk to him right?" Xiumin asked with a smile.

"Yeah." He exhaled.

"Good." Xiumin stood. "Let's go."


After final class, Kris made his way to the gym. He knew the others were already there waiting for him. He got to the locker rooms and made his way to the back.

"There you are."

"Lay." He greeted. "Coach in his office?"

"Yeah." Xiumin put his phone away. "He wanted to see us." Kris glanced at Tao before they walked away. The younger was frowning at his phone. He didn't even acknowledge Kris.

"Why just us?"

"I'm not sure but I have an idea." They knocked and waited to be allowed in.

"I'll keep this quick. Practice starts in ten. Wufan, good to see you at school."

"I apologize for my absence Sir." He nodded.

"If random absences happen again, and I mean without a notice to me or the school. I will demote you to Co Captain. Xiumin will take your place. Now get ready. We'll see if you can redeem yourself and your position."

"Yes Coach." They left.

"ing bastard."


"If I do lose my position at least it'd be to you." Xiumin nodded and Kris took notice of his silence.

"What did he say?"

"If Kris doesn't show up more I'll be Captain."

"Which I have no problem with."

"It would be weird for a while." They finished getting ready and went to leave. However, Xiumin stopped Kris.

"Go Tao." Luhan grabbed his arm and kept going with Lay. So this is why you were silent.

"I'm still confused about your situation with Kai."

"How so?" The olders gaze was calm as he said,

"How do you feel about him? Do you still want to beat him up everytime he looks at you?"

"No. Other then that, nothing has changed." Xiumin continued to stare him down. It was clear he didn't believe Kris' words.

"Okay." Practice saved him from further questioning.




The nervous teen got out of the car and walked towards the basketball court. He sat on the opposite side of the team and cheering students. Kai tried to focus as he watched his crush play. The team was running through a match and the Coach yelled at them intensely. Kris did look over and stare for a moment.

Someone on his team hit his arm and he refocused again. Kai couldn't help his blush. Did he like what the ex-student was wearing? Was it too much? Kai felt scared in the blue button up and black jeans. Although it felt good to wear something different. Even if it was to school.

The game ended and Kris gave Kai one more look before disappearing in the school. The runaway stood but didn't go far from the bleachers. He was too in his head to notice the group of girls walking next to him. One reached out to touch his shoulder. On instinct Kai turned and politely took a step back.

"Krystal?" Her look of hurt quickly turned into a smile.

"I'm glad Kris told you about me." She flirted. Kai stood there shocked at the tone. "You're one of his model friends right?" She pulled Victoria closer to her. "This is my friend Victoria. What's your name?"

"Are you.." He carefully started. "Are you playing me right now?" He could feel anger as he looked at her.

"Um, no." She laughed nervously. "Aren't you one of Kris' friends?"

"Krystal are you serious? A year of calling me slurs and treating me like and you're suddenly treating me like a person?" She gasped and stepped back. Her face in disgust. Kai scoffed and shook his head. "You're the worst person you know that?" Luna stepped forward with a frown. Kai hadn't noticed her.

“Wow it really is you.” She smiled softly at him. Almost relieved in a way. But why would she care about him? A hand was once again on his shoulder.

“Krystal, why don’t you and your posse run along?” He dismissed them calmly. Luna lingered as she looked between them.

“When did you two become friends?”

“Another time Luna.” She gave the older a look but waved goodbye to Kai. Kris turned him around and led him away. “Why didn’t you wait in the car? Especially dressed like that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“In a second.” They approached four teens. Was Kris actually introducing him to the others? Kai had never formally met them.

“Hello Kai. I’m Xiumin.” He pointed behind him. “This is Tao.”

“Hello.” Come on calmness don’t fail me right now. Two blondes stepped forward from either side of him.

“I’m Lay.” The one on the left said.

“Luhan.” He smiled.

“It’s nice to actually meet you guys.” Kai smiled and bowed. Tao was glaring at him silently.

“I hope Kris is treating you a little nicer now that you two are friends.” Before Kai could correct him, Kris stepped forward.

“Xiumin.” He said deeply. “You said you wanted to meet him, not interrogate him. Come on Kai. I’ll see you guys around.” Kai waved at them before Kris could drag him away. He stayed quiet as they left the school grounds. Kai could feel the anger flowing through Kris but tried not to let it bother him.

“They were nice.” He said instead. The older gave him an annoyed look. Kai also saw the way his eyes flicked down to his clothes. “Do you not like the way I’m dressed?” Kris looked him in the eyes intensely. Kai didn’t know he was leaning back until he hit the door. “K-Kris?” He was so close. It was making Kai’s face heat up. Kris’ eyes moved down as his hand came up to his neck. “What”

“Quiet.” He hushed him. Kai lost the feeling in his body when Kris’ lips touched his. His head was quickly becoming a jumbled mess as he reached out to touch the older. The kiss was over far too soon. “You look good.” Kris mumbled. Kai wanted to smile but Kris’ lips were on his again. Instead, he pressed against him as he got more confident. The rush teen took it as an invitation to kiss him harder.

“Mm.” Kai moaned as the older’s tongue entered his mouth. He gasped when he moved back. “Kris.”

“Quiet.” He growled at him. “Just, be quiet.” Kai nodded and kissed him. What is he doing? Kris pulled the runaway towards him. He was getting the younger in his lap. Kai whined out another moan, his hands resting on Kris’ shoulders. “You make so many noises.” He breathed out.

“Sorry.” He shook his head.

“They’re cute.” Oh “Are you okay?” He nodded and rested his head on the other's shoulder. Kris settled his hands on Kai’s wait. “Sorry for telling you to shut up.”

“It’s okay. I talk too much.” Kai closed his eyes as he felt Kris’ heartbeat. He moved to kiss his jaw down to his neck.

“Stop.” Gentle fingers were on his lips. “Wait till we’re home.” Kai moved his head back. He said home. Not his place but home. Why did he kiss him? Kris placed a hand on the back of his head. “Don’t think about it too much right now.”

“Okay.” Of course he knows Kai’s freaking out and over thinking it already. “You’re warm.” He mumbled.

“Hm.” I still haven’t-no. I don’t want to think about it. Kai focused on the way Kris was holding him instead. How comforting it was. “Damn it.” Kris was on his phone.

“Do you need me to move?”

“No.” Kai closed his eyes, completely content on sleeping against him.


“Come on Kai.” Kris was waking him up.

“Oh, sorry.” He was still in his lap.

“We’re almost there. You can move if you want.” He didn’t want to but for the sake of his knees he moved. Yawning, Kai put his head against his shoulder. “We should go out for dinner.” Kai nodded. “Do you want anything in particular?” He shook his head. A hand gently his hair and Kai looked up to see Kris looking at him softly. “Just because I occasionally tell you to shut up doesn’t mean I want you to stop talking.” Kai laughed.

“Okay. I don’t know anywhere. It was rare I got to eat out. So, you choose. I’ll eat whatever.”

“Okay.” The car stopped and they went inside to Kris’ room. Kai went in first and wasn’t expecting the older to push him against the door. “Hey-” Kris covered his mouth with hand and his lips were soon on the runaway’s neck.  You didn’t have to push me like that. Kai gasped when he felt teeth against his neck. “Kris” He moaned. The older softly kissed the abused area before pulling away. “A warning next time?” Kris gave him a smile and shrugged. Kai pushed him away. Laughing, the spoiled teen moved away from the door. “Aren’t people going to see this?”

“That’s the point idiot.”

“That doesn't make sense.” Kris gave him a look.

“How so?”

“You pretend I don’t exist, beat me. Only to kiss me and give me a hickey two weeks later.” His face darkened.

“Why do you always bring that up.” That’s supposed to be a question not a statement. Kai stayed quiet. “We’ve been over this.” No we haven’t but I’ll let you keep talking. Kris turned away and continued to talk. “Every time I think we’re past this you bring it up. Why can’t you just shut up and drop it?”

“Why can’t you admit you’re gay?’ Kris grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Kai moaned on accident as his hands took a familiar place on Kris’ arms.

“I can’t believe you.” He mumbled before kissing the younger. Kris’ rough hands tightly held onto his wait. Kai pressed against his chest but he didn’t move. Damn it Kris. He did it harder and the older finally seemed to get it. “What?” He asked annoyed.

“Seriously?” He was out of breath.

“You moaned.”

“That doesn’t give you an invitation to kiss me! Besides, it’s not like we haven’t done that before.” His brown eyes studied Kai before his hands loosened.

“So it did turn you on.” Kris leaned in to kiss him again.

“Get off me.” Kai pushed him again. “Just stop already. You had your fun in the car. For someone who can’t admit they’re even a little bi-curious you sure like to kiss guys.” Kai wiped his mouth.

“For someone who likes me, they sure act like they don’t.” Kai glared at him.

“Are we going somewhere or not bastard? I’d like to get into something more comfortable.”

“Why when you dressed like that for me?” Him and his stupid tongue.

“Are we going?” Kris shook his head,

“Yeah I guess. Come here.” Kai didn’t move. “I want to fix your shirt.” He moved. “I know what I said but I’m not that big of an idiot. I know what can be hidden with a collared shirt.” He buttoned the top two. “You’ll be fine like that; come on let me change into something more appropriate.”

“Where are we going then?” They left the room.

“The dressing room. After that, I’m not sure.” Kai nodded and fell into step behind him. It was nice in the care because Kris was being gentle. His sudden aggression when they were alone made Kai weary. Is he going to be like that every time he brings it up? Why hate and harass Kai for so long only to kiss him? It doesn't make any sense. “Kai.”


“What are you thinking about?” Kris was looking at him as he took his tie off.

“Nothing.” The runaway took a seat at one of the vanities.

“Master Kris.” A new maid greeted him. She paid no attention to Kai. At this point, all he wanted was to go to some hole in the wall place but he knows Kris won’t allow that. Kai was sure it would be somewhere fancy. If he’s lucky, Kris will ignore him when they get in the car.

Kris not touching him would be good. Both for his health, and other, reasons. Kai huffed and looked at his reflection in the mirror. It was weird to look at himself. He really didn’t look that much different but everything felt wrong.

Maybe this wasn’t what he wanted. He looks confident and put together but he certainly doesn’t feel that way. Kai exhaled and relaxed. He really hoped they were done kissing. The thought of the older using him didn’t occur till now.

“Kai come on.” He followed him out. Kai could hear him talk to the driver but the words didn’t register in his head. None of it mattered anyway. “Kai.” A hand was on his shoulder. The younger unintentionally jerked away,


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine.” He looked out the window again.

“Are you seriously doing this?”

“Doing what?” He looked at the rich teen.

“Ignoring me because I kissed you.” Kai scoffed instead of giving away that Kris was 100% correct.

“No but now I see that once you’re being ignored you get upset.”

“I’m not upset.”

“Then why are you using your usual, I’m upset/annoyed voice?”

“Kai.” He warned.

“And there’s your mad voice.” He looked out the window, completely done with the conversation. It was quiet for a while, Kai was sure he’d be receiving threats later. Whenever they eventually made it back to his place. His place? Yeah. It is his place. I don’t belong there. I’m sure Kris will send me on my way once he’s done with me.

“It’s when you act like that I wish you would keep your mouth shut.” The older broke the silence.

“Don’t be picky Kris.” He fired back. Kai heard him exhale through his nose before he was being pulled by the arm.

“Watch your ing mouth. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“As many times until you learn not to grab me.” He’s close, Kai could feel his warmth.

“You’re the worst.” He kissed him. Kris was off him shortly after so he didn’t get the satisfaction of pushing him off. 

“Stop kissing me." He wiped his mouth again.

“Look me in the eyes and say that. Then I will. Damn it. you Kris. As much as I like you, you really are just an who takes whatever they want from people.

“Didn’t think so.”

“ you.” Kai said without meaning to. He wasn’t regretting it though.

“What happened earlier huh?” Kris raised his voice. “You were completely fine when you were in my lap. Not a single bad remark. The happened from then to now?” At least that was a question and not a demand,

“Oh, let’s start with kissing me without my consent. Or how about using excessive force to fo what you want to me. Or, get this, the fact that you can’t even admit that you’re into men.”

“You’re giving me your consent as soon as you moan and grab me. Don’t give me that . Don’t use me grabbing you as an excuse because you can’t admit it turns you on.” Kris didn’t mention the last point. “Oh are you done now?”

“You’re aren’t. You didn’t mention my last point. Admit you’re into men.”

“I’m not.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“Then why kiss me? Why touch me like you did earlier then claim you’re not?”

“Because I’m ing now. I’ve never been into anyone until you got here.”

“What?” What does that mean? Kris sighed and rubbed his face.

“I don’t like you the same way you like me. I know that much at least. Everything is, I don’t know.”

“So you’re bi-curious.”

“What does that even mean?” He asked defeated.”

“You’re curious about being with or doing ual/romantic things with someone of the same gender. It doesn’t mean you’re gay or biual. You’re just curious.”

“Oh.” Kris went quiet. He gets so worked up but it only lasts for a few minutes. Now he’s quiet and chilled out. Kai shook his head and looked out the window. The rich kid got closer but neither of them spoke. His hand was on Kai’s thigh soon after. Of course when Kai looked at him brown eyes were staring back at him.

“What are you doing?” Kai asked annoyed.

“Touching you.” He simply responded.

“Why?” He took his hand off with a sigh.

“I still don’t understand how you go from liking me touching you to hating it.”

“The though of you using me didn’t occur till recently.” Kai watched as it dawned on him.

“Oh I wasn’t” Kris looked taken aback.

“You don’t like me. You suddenly start kissing me while you know how I feel. How can you tell me that doesn’t sound like you’re using me?”


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Definitely tense. What's Taos problem. Jealous?
Chapter 2: Conflicted feeling. Just own up Kris.
Chapter 1: Welcome back
Chapter 21: Huh....??? What's with that message..??
mackJ1416 #5
Chapter 19: oh my what is going on with krissy
zaraaki #6
Chapter 18: whats going on? oh my nini....krissy...u better take care of him...or im gonna whip ur as* bad so so Bad!
lanasakura1 #7
Chapter 18: What happen to kai?
mackJ1416 #8
Chapter 17: oh little nini so cute
laayamutd #9
Chapter 16: Finally ....a long one ;) thanks alot...i like jongin more,he is care free and cute...update soon
Chapter 15: I like this story, I look forward to the next update~!