Part 3


There’s the sound of shovelling, it’s the type of sound that sends shiver down his back; the drive of the shovels into the ground, the pull of the soil and the scattering of it all. Someone’s shovelling, very close but not close enough.

Junmyeon opens his eyes to Minseok’s garden at night, but it’s not the same. The flowers that were once buzzing with colours of yellow and lilac have shrivelled up to a deathly blue, their heads flopping down the side lifelessly and their leaves lying dead against the flower bed. Junmyeon sees the sky but there’s no moon or stars and Junmyeon sees the ocean but there are no waves, no currents or wind, and the two mold together like a mirror with no end. A never-ending plane of darkness.

Willow tree. There’s a willow tree by the koi pond - and someone’s shovelling - and the willow tree reminds Junmyeon of old men hunched over with their craning necks and fumbling legs. The willow tree is alive, its leaves dipping ever so slightly in the pond. The pond is red, red and thick with blood from koi fish slashed and left for dead. The leaves are drinking it in, the blood is creeping up their stems and biting into its life and it’s eating away at the old man. The old man is bleeding - no, he’s crying, crying and wailing for a name Junmyeon can’t hear.

Someone’s shovelling. There’s a scream, a happy type of scream, one of delight and mischief. And Jiwon is running across the garden, dancing around the old man - and someone’s shovelling. She’s in a white dress and she’s smiling, she’s laughing and then she drops. Drops to the ground like a child throwing a ragged doll. Her legs are broken, her ribs sticking out like thorns and her chest wide open.

Junmyeon can see her heart, it’s beating, and beating, and beating, and beating, and someone’s shovelling. It’s beating faster, and faster, and faster, and faster, and too fast. There’s not enough blood pumping, she’s running out, it’s going. Where is it going? The pond. Give her blood from the pond. But it’s too late, her heart’s exploded.

She’s dead and someone’s shovelling.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Someone, no, two people say and Junmyeon turns around to see Luhan and Taekwoon. Luhan and Taekwoon. But they’re together, they’re one body but two heads, two arms but two minds. “You shouldn’t be here - it’s not safe.” They warn and they open their eyes. And there’s nothing but blackness.

“It’s not safe, it’s not safe,” They chant and one arm lifts to slam Taekwoon’s head, the other arm latches around Luhan’s neck - they’re ripping each other apart. Seperate, seperate, seperate, seperate, shovel, separate.

A tap on the shoulder. Jongdae. Jongdae with his eyes ripped out and hollow and crying blood; it’s trickling down his face and into his mouth and he’s drinking it in. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing but a strangled gasp escapes and worms slithers out from under his tongue. And then another, and another, and Jongdae opens his mouth wider and soil is spilling, spilling, and spilling and dead flowers fall and worms and flowers and worms. And soil.

Junmyeon’s screaming his name, putting his hand in Jongdae’s mouth, he’s digging in the soil, he’s digging out the worms, pulling out the flowers but the roots don’t end, they don’t end, they go further and further down his throat but he’s tugging, and shovelling, and screaming. Get it out, get it out, get it out.

He pulls it out, and Junmyeon holds Jongdae’s heart in his hands. “Give it to me...” Jongdae moans. “Give it to me!” He screeches, and his voice echoes across the plane. “Give it to me!” He demands and winds his hands around Junmyeon’s neck, their thick stubs suffocating him with an iron grip.

Jongdae takes a third hand and shoves it deep into Junmyeon’s chest. There’s nothing but a spark and Junmyeon’s lungs have been set on fire. The flames at him from within and incinerating his insides, and he’s burning, he’s burning.

He can’t breathe. Junmyeon wrenches his eyes open for the second time into darkness, but this time he knows it’s not a dream. It’s all too real, the feel of the hands wrapped around his neck, fingers shaking as they steal what little air Junmyeon can have. Focus, focus.

Junmyeon has been in the same predicament before, so what does he do? His leg. He pulls his leg out from beneath the attacker and slams his knee into his groin. But it doesn’t work. The other topples over slightly but it isn’t enough to untangle him from Junmyeon. He’s losing air, and he can’t see anything.

There’s no moonlight to guide him; Junmyeon feels like he’s drifting among the grey clouds, feeling further and further apart from himself than ever before. He’s going to actually die this time. All those other moments were just jokes, death taunting him before the finale. He’s going to let these ferociously clumsy arms take his life.

Jongdae’s image lingers in the back of Junmyeon’s mind, with his arms wrapped around himself, his shoulders hunched in defeat and a rigid expression void of any emotion. Is it okay? Is it really okay for that to be the last face Junmyeon sees on Jongdae?

Junmyeon comes to a conclusion rather quickly.

Junmyeon scrunches his eyes shut and blindly searches for the attacker’s feet, hooking his ankles around his. Once Junmyeon finds a grip, he forces his body upwards into the person above him, and uses all his strength to push him off to the side. It doesn’t work with the first , but by the third, Junmyeon successfully manages to make the other stagger to the side and slam right into his drawers. The second his hands leaves Junmyeon neck, Junmyeon gasps for air, wheezing through the gaps in his teeth as he coughs and gags.

Junmyeon’s too focused on getting oxygen into his lungs that he doesn’t sense his attacker looming over him, and with one raise of a leg, he slams his foot into the side of Junmyeon’s hip. He lets out a blood-cluttering scream as his assailant grinds his foot against the bone and Junmyeon’s throat closes up from the excruciating pain shooting down his legs, as if someone had stabbed him with a jagged knife and dragged it down his flesh.

Junmyeon can’t make out much of what happens in the next couple of seconds, but through the haze of pain, he thinks he hears Jongdae’s voice.

Junmyeon hates boats. There’s something about the way they rock back and forth against the current constantly that makes Junmyeon sick to his stomach. He hates how he can feel every wave in the pit of his gut and the taste of salt with every breath he takes.

Seasickness is what he’s referring to, but there’s something about the term that wounds his ego.

Yet, Junmyeon is evidently on a boat right now, and he’s never felt so calm. Then again, it may have something to do with the amount of drips he has attached to his arm at the moment. He’s shivering however, despite the thousands of layers of blankets he’s currently suffocating under. He feels cold to the very depths of his bones.

He realises then, he’s cheated death once again. Every time he thinks this is it, this is the end, Death pops some fireworks and shouts ‘syke’, and Junmyeon’s getting tired of it real quickly.

Though, if it means anything to him now, at least he’s narrowed down the potential murderers to three, one of them being the guy snoring right beside him. “Jongdae,” Junmyeon croaks, and he has to clear his voice before attempting a second time. “Jongdae,” He calls out, his voice still low but clearer nonetheless.

Jongdae’s sitting on a leather chair besides Junmyeon’s bed, a single blanket tucked just under his chin. He’s sleeping soundlessly--well almost. His mouth is open so wide that what was once his snores had turned into a faint lull of heavy breathing. The third time Junmyeon calls his name, Jongdae snorts himself awake and flicks his head up straight. It takes him a couple of blinks to fully register Junmyeon.

“Junmyeon?” He groans, at his dry lips and squinting. “You’re awake!?” He suddenly bounces and leaps forward.

“What the happened?” Junmyeon makes an attempt to sit up but a dull ache shoots down his leg and he can’t move his right leg. “My leg…I can’t move it….”

“Oh don’t worry, that’s just because of the anesthetic they gave you. You can move it, but it’s just a bit numb for awhile,” Jongdae tells him, and he’s right. It’s like when Junmyeon gets pins and needles from sitting on the floor among case files for too long, then gets up to find himself walking but not actually feeling the ground beneath his feet. “It should wear off in a bit anyway - are you okay though?”

“I’m lying in a hospital bed...on a boat? You tell me--wait, why am I on a boat?” Junmyeon sputters and looks around him to find that he’s in a small cabin room, the walls painted a soft white with light blue for sheets.

“We have an emergency clinic in town, but it doesn’t have the same equipment an actual hospital does, so the doctors said to take you to the next city for an x-ray,” Jongdae explains and there’s something off about his tone. His voice is tight and low and Junmyeon notices Jongdae’s hands are shaking. “Are you okay?”

Jongdae looks away from the small circle-shaped window and looks down at Junmyeon. He tries to grin, but Junmyeon watches as the corner of his lips tremble before being dragged down into a frown. ”You really shouldn’t be asking me that.” He murmurs, his head hanging low.

“But I am.”

Jongdae looks back up, and Junmyeon thinks he’s about to cry but he bites at his lip and locks his jaw instead. “Someone tried to….kill you.” He says shakily.

“Did you get a look at who it was?” Junmyeon asks abruptly and sits up straight.

“Can you not!?” Jongdae shouts in response, and Junmyeon doesn’t quite understand the fit of anger so he settles back into his bed and watches as Jongdae paces back and forth at the end of his bed. “You almost died. Someone clearly wants you dead, and you’re still thinking about the case?” He asks ludicrously whilst biting at his nails.

Junmyeon wants to understand his worry, but nevertheless he can’t help feeling mildly annoyed. “It’s my job, and this isn’t the first time this has happened,” Junmyeon assures him, but he’s rubbing at his neck unconsciously.

“That doesn’t mean you get used to it,” Jongdae says and slams his hands on the bed post. The second their eyes meet, the anger in Jongdae’s face disappears and a weary sigh is released. “Do you mind not dying? Just a little bit, for the sake of my heart?”

Junmyeon looks at him for a moment and then says, “Yeah, I can do that,” before throwing his head back into his pillows to stare at the ceiling.

“What?” Jongdae blurts out, mildly shocked by his response, and it brings a small smile to Junmyeon’s lips.

“Anyway, how long will it take to get to the next city?” Junmyeon asks, thinking that the medicine must be wearing off because he can start to feel every rock of the boat in the pit of his stomach.

Jongdae plops back into his seat beside Junmyeon. “About half an hour?” He says, glancing at his watch.

Junmyeon shuffles up ever so slightly in an attempt to sit up straight, and when Jongdae sees him struggle, he’s quick to help Junmyeon up and sort out his pillows. “How did you find me anyway?”

“You kind of screamed pretty loudly,” Jongdae says, a crooked scowl on his lips. “You were on the floor coughing and wheezing like you couldn’t breathe and clutched your hip. The second I came to help you up, you collapsed from the pain. Everyone ran into your room the second they woke up from the noise.”

Junmyeon feels his eyebrows knit together. “Everyone?”

Jongdae understands the sudden tension in Junmyeon’s body when he hears that the second Jiwon’s murderer tried to kill him, he had ran back in like an innocent bystander. “It’s one of us, isn't it?” Jongdae swallows hard, his expression hardened as if he’d been accused.

“It was pretty obvious from the start,” Junmyeon replies with a heavy sigh.

The boat rocks heavily then and Junmyeon goes to grab at the sheets of his bed. He looks up through the window to find the sun high in the sky and peaking out from grey clouds shyly. “Do you not like boats?” Jongdae asks from beside him.

Junmyeon shakes his head. “Not really, they make me feel nauseated.” He grumbles and settles deep into his bed.

“Do you want me to get a nurse?”

“No, I’m fine - the drugs don’t let me think clearly,” Junmyeon says and shuts his eyes.

“What are you thinking about?”

“That the murderer is either Luhan or Minseok,” Junmyeon admits, and immediately regrets it because it shocks Jongdae. Of course, it’d shock Jongdae.

“What--what makes you think it has to be them?”

“Soil,” Junmyeon responds. “His hands smelt of soil and the day before, I’d seen soil trailing into Luhan’s room, on top of the fact that Minseok is the only one that works with the flowerbeds. And also, they knew my hip was injured, otherwise they wouldn’t know to aim for it.”

“You told them your hip was injured?”

“I told Minseok, and you. I don’t know how Luhan would know, unless someone told him?” Junmyeon ponders while looking at Jongdae, who shakes his head.

“I didn’t tell anyone,” Jongdae states, settling back into his seat with a sigh. “But by the sounds of it, it sounds like you’re leaning towards Minseok?” He starts scratching up his arms then, uncomfortable with the thought.

“Or you,” Junmyeon offers, and Jongdae looks up at him with raised eyebrows.

“Do you even find me suspicious?” Jongdae asks in a small voice.

“Yes,” Junmyeon says. “At a point, I was sure you were the murderer.” The line makes Jongdae flinch and hang his head lower. “Jongdae, you were one of the closest people to Jiwon. For all I knew, you could have been in love with her and didn't want her to go or something. There’s also the fact that someone had raided my closet for the report on Jiwon’s death and you were the last person Hakyeon and I saw in my room. Not to mention...I heard you mutter her name that night, as if you were in a nightmare...perhaps, a guilty conscience?”

“I have nightmares, Junmyeon,” Jongdae interjects, a tremble in his tone. “But they only started after you came.”

“What do you mean?”

“I found Jiwon’s body washed up on the shore that morning,” Jongdae informs, and Junmyeon’s about to protest that he’s wrong, that the report said a fisherman had found her, but then it suddenly clicks. “I found her body all mangled up in itself, her deathly pale and her cheek open so wide I could see her teeth. Do you know how horrifying it is to go to bed one day telling someone to shut up for being too loud, and wake up the next morning, go to work and find them dead?” His hands are shaking and his leg is jumping at the images probably running through his mind.


“The nightmares began after you fell into the sea. When I watched you fall like that, like you had no idea what was happening, my mind started playing with me. I started dreaming of how she must have fell - I knew she was unconscious before she hit the water but I couldn’t help it. I dreamed of her reaching out to me as she fell, until her head slams into the rocks, and she’s tumbling through them, where her cheek would rip open and she’d scream...such a horrible scream. And she’s calling my name even when the water swallows her up and suffocates her--” Junmyeon reaches out to Jongdae and places a calming hand on his cheek.

“That’s enough, Jongdae, I understand,” Junmyeon says softly, despite his own face contorted in pain. He didn't like hearing Jongdae speak with such a weak voice. He didn’t like it at all.

Jongdae puts a hand over Junmyeon’s and keeps it on his face. “She was family, Junmyeon. Even the thought of her dying--” He mutters into Junmyeon’s palm, and Junmyeon nods, understanding.

“I get it, that’s enough now,” Junmyeon murmurs and the skin under Jongdae’s eyes ever so delicately with his thumb. “I believe you.”

“What?” Jongdae looks up then, his grip on Junmyeon’s hand growing tighter.

“I believe you. You didn’t kill Jiwon,” He admits, and somehow, saying it outloud has lifted a weight Junmyeon didn’t even realise was on his shoulders. Huh, so he never really thought Jongdae was the killer? Or at least didn’t want to.

“C-Can you just do that?” Jongdae stutters, and Junmyeon can’t help but grin.

“No, but I never really was good with following rules,” He chuckles lightly and let’s his hand slip. Leaving Jongdae looking a little awestruck, and dare Junmyeon say it, bashful? “Are you blushing?” Junmyeon snorts, and he can’t help but smile wider.

“Shut up, you’re being all weird,” He whines, rubbing ferociously at his cheeks. “Did you reach enlightenment or something while you were out?”

Junmyeon snorts again and rolls his eyes. “Something like that.”

Jongdae’s smiling ever so slightly but it drops the second it looks like a thought has dawned on him. “It’s scary,” He admits. “To think one of them would be capable of killing her. I just don’t get it.”

“Everyone’s capable of murder,” Junmyeon states. “In one form on another, even if it’s in a moment of pure anger or poisoning you ever so slowly over the years.”

“Is that what happened to you, Junmyeon?” Jongdae points out. “Did someone poison your soul?”

Junmyeon scoffs at the statement, but he’s not really laughing, because it’s true. “My parents are very successful people, too successful,” He begins. “I grew up in Gangnam with my older brother--there’s a ten year between us--and let’s just say my parents don’t know how to share affection well enough.”


“More than that--at the age of eight, I become your typical latchkey kid. Home alone, eating alone, studying alone in a house too big for even the four us. I had nothing but television and books; that’s where I first read a book about a mouse inspector. I grew obsessed with this idea of the lone detective, such a cool and strong man. He could do anything, figure anything out, save people, be adored all through his own capabilities.” Junmyeon’s smile is bright as he reminisces over old stories, remembers playing dress up with his dad’s old hats and snooping around the house with a magnifying glass larger than his head. “I guess somewhere in the back of my head, I thought that if I became such a cool person when I grew up, my parents would look at me.

“But when they first heard I wanted to study to become a police officer, they threw a fit. I think I was eighteen, and it was the longest conversation I ever had with my parents. They called me a disappointment and I knew then there was nothing I could do to make them look at me. Not with a brother who has the most well-payed job in the world: a trial lawyer. No, not even becoming a brain surgeon could have made me stand even close to him.

“I’m not bitter though. I’m over it now. I’ve got a well paying job, I’m good at what I do, and I’m not entirely alone--why are you smiling like that?” Junmyeon comes to an abrupt halt when he notices Jongdae grinning a little too widely.

“I’m sorry,” He clears his throat. “I just got a little too happy.”

“About my incredibly lonely childhood?” Junmyeon laughs, his eyebrows raised in question.

“No, no - know, you decided to confide in me about something so personal,” Jongdae chuckles, and he’s hiding behind his hand in embarrassing glee. Junmyeon wants to kiss him.

“Freak.” Junmyeon laughs.

“Well, you know, I’m an orphan, so like you could have been lonelier,” He says it lightly and Junmyeon turns to look at him to find him smiling. “Don’t look at me like that - it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. It’s just, instead of growing up with a small family, you grow up with a bigger one? Slightly more fragile but the love is still there.” He has that smile that makes his eyes turn into crescents and the edge of his lips curl upwards. Junmyeon really wants to kiss him.

“But you know, despite how this all may end out, Luhan and Minseok...they’re both good people.” Jongdae nods, as if he were trying to convince himself more than anything.

“They are,” Junmyeon reassures him. “But sometimes people do bad things and that doesn't make them bad people. Just stupid.”

Jongdae smiles weakly and Junmyeon doesn’t know what do, how he must feel to think someone he thought of as family could actually hurt someone enough to kill them, to kill Jiwon.

Jongdae gets up from his seat then and goes to sit beside Junmyeon on the bed, his fingers interlocked tightly together. “When an orphan turns eighteen and they haven’t been adopted yet, we have to move out and find work. We’re given benefits and a council home, but life isn’t exactly spectacular and you’re alone. I had a hard time sticking to one job. There was always something going wrong and I either kept quitting or getting fired.” He scratches the back of his neck in a tense manner and continues on.

“One day while I was working at a bar, my boss took the liberty of beating me to a pulp because I was the next closest thing for him to take his anger out on. A moment later, I find myself amongst trash and rats, and then Minseok found me. He found me on the very edge of an abyss, where one end was nothing but neverending darkness, and the other end, he stood, neon lights illuminating him an angel.” He lets out a short laugh, and Junmyeon feels knots in his stomach tighten. “It sounds stupid but he really is our saviour. We were lucky enough to have someone offer us a home let alone be so carefree about it, and we’d do anything to protect it.”

“Why?” Junmyeon questions, his face scrutinized in confusion. “Why does it sound like you’ve already determined who the murderer is?”

Jongdae cranes his neck back to look at Junmyeon with a mixed expression of pain and sadness. “I don’t know.” He states and the boat rocks violently for a second time. “It seems there’s going to be a storm,” Jongdae says wistfully and looks up through the window, where the sun has been drowned out by grey and the sea is sick with a deeper colour of blue.

A knock comes from the cabin door and a nurse opens it with a smile. “Glad to see you're awake. I just came to tell you we’ll be docking in ten minutes, and you’ll be taken to a hospital through an ambulance.” Junmyeon nods and politely thanks her before she bows and closes the door behind her.

The two sit in silence for a while, nothing but the lull of the boat rocking and seagulls filling the gaps. Jongdae opens his mouth then and takes a deep breath. “You’re not really over it though, are you?” He asks all of a sudden, and Junmyeon wait for him to continue. “You’re ignoring your parents, not picking up their calls?”

“How do you know that?”

Jongdae twists his lips into an awkward pout. “I overheard you on the phone with Hakyeon.”

“You mean you eavesdropped?” Junmyeon corrects and Jongdae let out a frustrated sigh.

“I was just curious, okay, I didn’t mean any harm.” He defends himself rather poorly but Junmyeon can’t but laugh at his guilty expression.

“I don’t know,” Junmyeon finally answers. “It scares me a little, I guess. All this time they barely acknowledged my existence, and then out of the blue they’re calling non-stop, saying they want me over for Christmas and New Years. And even if I did go? It’d just be awkward because there’d be nothing to talk about--”

“But there is,” Jongdae interjects with that bemused grin of his. “There’s your entire childhood they missed, your pubescent teen years, your time in university. There’s the friends you made, the cases you solved, the places you’ve been - there’s your entire life up until now. I think that’s something worth thinking about,” He declares and wiggles his eyebrows comedically, and Junmyeon can’t help it anymore.

He kisses him. He pulls him in softly and takes his bottom lip between his own, placing his hand on the side of Jongdae’s face. Both of their eyes are open, staring at each other with half-lidded gazes, and Junmyeon wants to imprint the image in his mind; Jongdae looking at him with adoration, his eyes searching his as if he can’t really believe Junmyeon initiated the kiss and then he’s kissing him back.

Jongdae turns his body and puts a knee up on the bed so he’s just hovering over Junmyeon and cups his his face gently. Jongdae slips a tongue between his lips, and Junmyeon on it until he moans in his mouth and Junmyeon swallows it feverishly. Jongdae’s pushing him further into the bed and Junmyeon is all but aware of the way Jongdae’s grinding against his leg and he wants more.

The boat docks with a large thud and rocks heavily before settling on the current. Junmyeon breaks the kiss first, feeling Jongdae’s hot breath on the skin of his lips and he wants to kiss him again. But Junmyeon knows if they continue now, he wouldn’t be able to stop so he clears his throat and looks up at Jongdae, who is swallowing down his lust with closed eyes.

When he opens his eyes, he’s looking down at Junmyeon with an unreadable expression, and quickly goes to grab both their jackets from the coat hangers. He his lips then and clears his throat, before giving Junmyeon a small smile. “I’ll go get the...wheelchair.”

Junmyeon nods and watches him leave the cabin. When the door shuts behind him, Junmyeon collapses back into the bed, letting out a deep breath and he throws his fists against his chest. He hates the feeling Jongdae leaves on his lips, as if the touch of his mouth against his sets his skin alight and the second he’s gone, it’s pouring rain and everything burns.

Junmyeon grabs a pillow from underneath his head and covers his face to whine loudly and bite into the fabric. His frustration levels reaching their peak and all Junmyeon can do is think about kissing Jongdae, and Jongdae kissing him.

A storm did hit, just like Jongdae had predicted. It seems to be a rather large one considering the electricity in the hospital had cut out for a minute just as Junmyeon was having his x-ray. The doctor tells him how the impact on his hip isn’t bad, but he may walk around with a limp for a day or two for it to heal from the sudden injury. Thankfully, a wheelchair isn’t needed. There was something horrific about the way Jongdae had pushed him down the halls with Junmyeon wearing nothing but a hospital gown.

There are no more boats heading back until the storm settles down, so the two of them decide to book a hotel room for the night. The room isn’t exactly luxurious, cozy to say the least, but there’s something extremely off putting about a hotel room with dim lighting and dark velvet bed covers.

Junmyeon stiffly makes his way to the other side of the room and silently picks the bed furthest away. It’s beside the window and Junmyeon can hear the faint sound of the wind outside. He hears Jongdae shuffle from behind him and chokes a little at the way his heart tightens ever so slightly.

He’s nervous.

Which is ridiculous, considering the amount of people Junmyeon has slept with, both men and women. He’s dated, the longest being six months, but had there ever been this distraught feeling? This feeling of irritation and confusion? Was that even a good thing considering how Jongdae obviously feels about him? Junmyeon’s not entirely sure where he’s letting his thoughts wander because it wasn’t like they had come to the hotel to have . It was for convenience sake; they needed a place to sleep, is all.

“I’m going to take a shower and go to bed,” Jongdae says from behind, his tone is flat. “Need anything?”

Junmyeon turns around and finds Jongdae slipping out of his jacket. Junmyeon shakes his head, and watches him as he walks into the bathroom, shutting the door without another word. Junmyeon stands at the foot of his bed, slightly distraught as to what he wants to do with himself. Does he just go to bed? Junmyeon hates to admit that he’s slightly disappointed by the turn of events and proceeds to strip to just his boxers.

He flops onto the bed face first and groans into his pillow. It’s cold but he doesn’t care. He stays sprawled out onto the bed semi-, hoping Jongdae will come out and see him. And then let him try not to do anything. Junmyeon catches himself for a moment and scowls. Was he really trying to seduce someone right now? No, no, no. This isn’t right. He is Kim Junmyeon. Kim Junmyeon doesn’t seduce people to bed. People want to jump him just by being in his presence.

It’s cool, Junmyeon tells himself, it’s perfectly fine. Jongdae hasn’t been able to take his hands off him since he arrived at the boarding house. He most certainly won’t be able to resist him while he’s clearly begging for it. Wait, Junmyeon stops his train of thought, what if he’s being too desperate? Is it a turn off? How does Junmyeon usually end up sleeping with people?

Junmyeon huffs, and goes to slide under the covers. He turns to face the wall and exposes his chest and a little bit of the waistband of his boxers. Just after he gets settled, he hears the bathroom door click open, and every muscle in Junmyeon’s body tenses. His ears perk as he listens quietly to Jongdae close the bathroom door behind him. He’s humming a tune as he rustles for his clothes again. Junmyeon’s heart slowly sinks as he hears Jongdae slide into his bed, fluff up his pillow and pull the covers up. He’s lost all hope the second Jongdae switches off the lamp and the room is rendered dark.

Junmyeon can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed, and out of character. He’s being too desperate. Clearly, Jongdae wasn’t as into him as he made it seem. Bastard, I’ll wring his neck in the morning. Junmyeon curses inwardly. It’s only when he makes the resolve to sleep does Jongdae clear his throat.

“Junmyeon?” He calls out to the darkness. “You awake?”

Junmyeon bites his lip aggressively before answering with a measly ‘hmmm’.

Jongdae lets out a ragged sigh and Junmyeon hears him shuffle to a different position. “You know when I first heard about you, I thought you were going to be some smoking, whisky-drinking old man staying at our house.” Junmyeon snorts at the mental image and Jongdae goes silent before continuing. “And when I actually saw you, I was kind of...stupidly awestruck. I tried to play it off cool and talk like how I usually would. Luhan would never let me live it down if I made a slip.” He chuckles lightly and Junmyeon closes his eyes, listening to the pitch of Jongdae’s voice and imagines how his mouth would look as he uttered the words.

“I know I seemed like a whimsical jackass but...I was really attracted to you. Every little thing you did I noticed: the stupid fact that you eat squids from the legs up, or even the way you make sure your chopsticks are at equal lengths in your hand before you use them. The way one side of your lip rises then the other follows when you smile with an agenda, or even how your lip twitches when your smile doesn’t work. Then there’s the way you look at me, almost glaring from the side of your eyes and the way you half close your eyes when we kiss.”

Junmyeon’s face is burning up by this point, and he huddles into himself. He wants to tell Jongdae he’s noticed the little things in him, like the way he grips his chopsticks with such force they look like they’re going to break. Or even how his lips turn up at the ends like a feline whenever he’s really happy. He doesn’t say it though. There’s little worth in detectives noticing the little things.

“Then I found out you were into guys too, and I went a little out of control. If I’m going to be honest, at the time, I thought I just wanted to get into your pants, bam and go. But then you kissed me, and everything started...burning. Like everywhere you touched was set on fire,” He whispers, his voice shaking with his words. And Junmyeon’s eyes flicker open, and he’s relieved in the stupidest way. Because he’s not the only one.

“If I’m being honest, you worried me a little bit. Luhan was talking to me about how attractive you are--I know, shocker--and I didn’t know if Taekwoon was into guys too. So yeah I got a bit aggressive too fast and then after...I did the you…sorry by the way.” He coughs awkwardly and Junmyeon has to bite his lip from laughing. “Although, it made me realise that I was more than attracted to you because of your looks...and I guess what I’m trying to say is what the have you done to me? For real though, I used to sleep with anyone who came and went. But then I try and get into your pants once and the world just conveniently flips around?” He kicks at the covers then and groans a little. And then Junmyeon realises that maybe him and Jongdae are more alike than he’d like to think. “That’s not what I’m trying to say--”

Junmyeon scoffs and turns on his back. “That was a really long winded way of telling me you like me.”

There’s a pause before Jongdae suddenly flicks the covers away and switches on the lamp. He’s also in nothing but boxers and Junmyeon hates how looking at him makes his throat close up.

“Junmyeon,” Jongdae calls out and slides to the side of the bed, so the covers are barely draped over his legs and his chest is exposed.

“Hmm?” Junmyeon replies.

Jongdae tilts his head to the side, letting damp strands fall over his eyes. “Can I kiss you?” He asks in a whisper and Junmyeon just wants to scream finally. Instead, he controls himself and stretches out his hand towards him, and Jongdae takes it into his own. Junmyeon likes the feel of his fingers pressing into the back of his hand, he likes the way their pulses match despite beating unrhythmically.

Jongdae crawls slowly onto the bed, throwing a leg around his hips and presses his hands on either side of Junmyeon’s head. His hair is dripping onto Junmyeon’s skin, making him shiver with every droplet that glides down his neck. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” Jongdae laughs shakily as he raises a trembling hand and cups Junmyeon’s cheek.

Junmyeon has to take several deep breaths to steady his erratic heart, but it’s not doing anything for him. He’s looking up at Jongdae and he wonders if people get used to it, the feel of your heart crying and smashing against your ribcage or the way your lungs burn every time you feel their hot breath against your skin. The feelings ache but he doesn’t hate it.

What he does hate is how long Jongdae is taking to come down and kiss him.

“What are you doing?” Junmyeon snaps and wraps his arms around Jongdae’s neck. “Kiss me already,” He says but he’s the one who pulls Jongdae down towards him and pressing their lips together.

Jongdae doesn’t taste as bitter as Junmyeon had expected. He tastes of soap and sunlight, and Junmyeon breathes him in until he can’t expand his lungs any further. It takes Jongdae a while to grab a hold of the momentum, letting Junmyeon peck and bites on his lips until they turn a deep red and throb with a hungry need. Jongdae clutches at the pillow underneath Junmyeon’s head, his nails digging into its fabric as he takes his tongue and at Junmyeon’s bottom lip.

He kisses Junmyeon once, twice...three times until he finally slips his tongue into his mouth. And Junmyeon grabs it gently between his teeth, his own tongue flicking against it until he takes him into his mouth completely. Jongdae buckles slightly at the feel of his tongue against Junmyeon’s, and Jongdae finds himself biting on Junmyeon’s lip in protest. Jongdae breaks for a moment to take a breath. “You’re way too good at that,” He murmurs and goes down to kiss him again, his lips gliding against Junmyeon’s with a delicate brush.

Junmyeon lets out a heavy breath and mutters at him to shut up, but it only makes Jongdae feel giddy as he kisses Junmyeon down his jaw. He’s at his skin and Jongdae mimics their first kiss by taking his tongue and trailing it down the crook of Junmyeon’s neck, kissing at the small bump of his adams apple. Jongdae goes lower and finds himself nibbling at the skin of Junmyeon’s neck, pinching at it between his teeth and tugging ever so slightly. His lips fall lower, placing butterfly kisses around his s, going lower, and lower. Jongdae closes his eyes as he between the dents of Junmyeons abs, listening closely to the sound of Junmyeon’s heavy breathing.

It isn’t long till Jongdae is positioned between Junmyeon’s legs. He places a hand on one of Junmyeon’s thighs to spread them apart, pressing his lips against it with a satisfied smile as he feels Junmyeon twitch ever so slightly beneath him. He kisses his inner thigh once, then again before parting his lips to at the spot. “Jongdae--” Junmyeon hisses but Jongdae continues to and nibble at the skin until it turns a dark red.

“I guess it’s fair to say you’re mine now,” Jongdae jokes but the glint in his eyes is serious. “Mine and no one else’s,” He mutters under his breath and kisses the hickie softly.

He looks up at Junmyeon, who has his eyes covered with one of his hands and an growing underneath his boxers. Jongdae can’t help but smirk a little at the sight. “Is it just me,” Jongdae murmurs and takes the tip of his finger to drag down the front of Junmyeon boxers. “Or do you get hard really quickly?” He asks and presses his lips against his bulge.

Junmyeon lets out a frustrated moan from between clenched teeth and goes to grab at Jongdae’s hair. “No, I don’t,” He gasps. “It’s just you,” He says almost bitterly and Jongdae swallows down nothing before taking a finger and hooking it around the waistband of Junmyeon’s boxers.

Jongdae’s lost all resolve in being calm and collected. “Then, you wouldn’t mind me taking care of it?” He mumbles softly and tugs down the waistband until they hang off one of his ankles. Junmyeon’s is upright and trembling, and he’s cocking his hips a little from the built-up arousal. Jongdae bites at his lip a little at the sight of Junmyeon laying beneath him; it makes him breathless, excited and hot all at the same time. The end result is dizzying.

Junmyeon’s itching for Jongdae’s touch; the feel of his tongue against his skin, his hot breath just at the corners of his crotch and his lips, god, his lips, were driving him all kinds of insane. He keeps his mouth shut tight though, worried for the noises and words that’d slip from his lips if he freely let go. Although, no amount of strength Junmyeon has is him could keep him from the second Jongdae’s flicks his tongue across his tip.

“!” He curses loudly as Jongdae slips his mouth around the head of Junmyeon’s . But he doesn't go further than that, leaving the tip barely in his mouth. Jongdae kisses at the head, trailing his tongue just underneath it. Junmyeon’s bucking his hips, silently pleading for more, but Jongdae doesn’t oblige. Instead, Junmyeon can feel the smirk form on Jongdae’s lips as he whimpers from beneath him.

“Jongdae,” Junmyeon breathlessly calls out. “Stop teasing me already,” He demands, peering out from under his hand and down at Jongdae, who looks like he’s enjoying Junmyeon’s suffering far too much.

“But you looks so good,” Jongdae replies, his tone playful. “...all flushed and needy.” He whispers and then takes his into his mouth, and Jongdae’s mouth is hot, and wet and Junmyeon can’t breathe.

“I swear to god I’m going to castrate you when I ,” Junmyeon threatens and s his hips, pressing himself against Jongdae’s mouth harder. Jongdae’s chuckling though; despite having Junmyeon’s in his mouth, he somehow manages to laugh lowly. Jongdae lifts his head then, pulling Junmyeon out from his mouth and Junmyeon looks down to see pre- dripping from the tip of himself.

“How cute,” Jongdae smiles and puts his lips to the tip of Junmyeon’s , and kissing it gently. He lets his tongue round the tip of Junmyeon before just underneath the head. Junmyeon’s feet are digging into the sheets of the bed, his hips ing into Jongdae’s mouth with desperation and he’s grabbing the back of the headboard for something to dig his nails into.

Jongdae’s playing it cool but he can feel himself harden inside his boxers. But he’s enjoying it too much: the lustful look in Junmyeon’s eyes, his swollen mouth gasping for air and begging for Jongdae’s tongue all over again. So he takes Junmyeon in deeper, the tip of his hitting the back of his throat in rapid s. The sound of Jongdae’s mouth slipping around the skin of Junmyeon’s is the only thing that fills the air amongst the heat and small moans. Jongdae knows Junmyeon is about to when he grabs at Jongdae’s hair and bucks into his mouth harder and longer.

Jongdae’s fingers dig into Junmyeon’s thighs as Junmyeon arches his back and moans Jongdae’s name. Junmyeon throws his head back and with one last he feels the pleasure rise to the very tip and comes into Jongdae’s mouth. Jongdae swallows, keeping Junmyeon’s twitching in his mouth as he swallows his release.

Junmyeon’s is still erect when Jongdae slips his out of his mouth, though. There’s a mix of and saliva at the head and Junmyeon looks down as it drips down the length of his . He looks up at Jongdae, who’s wiping at the edge of his lip. “Wasn’t expecting that much,” He smirks and at his lips.

“You’re enjoying this too much,” Junmyeon groans with a roll of his eyes.

Jongdae chuckles then and takes a finger to poke at Junmyeon’s , “Clearly, so are you.”

Junmyeon grunts and goes to kick his boxers off his ankles. “You’ve gained some new found authority Jongdae.” Junmyeon breathes, a small smirk playing on his lips.

“Well, the top has to have some degree of dominance,” Jongdae shrugs nonchalantly, and Junmyeon goes rigid underneath him. “What?”

“Who’s topping?” Junmyeon sputters.

“Is there someone behind me? Who else but me?” Jongdae says as if him being bottom was so ridiculous he didn’t even consider it. Junmyeon takes a foot and presses it against Jongdae’s forehead, pushing him as far as way from his crotch as possible. “Junmyeon, what the hell?”

“Get away from my !” He demands and Jongdae grabs his legs to lock them down to the bed.

“What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that I don’t bottom, jackass,” Junmyeon announces and Jongdae freezes.

“That doesn’t make sense,” Jongdae whispers hastily. “Isn’t there some natural force in the universe that brings together bottoms and tops?”

“As if I’d know - now, get off of me,” Junmyeon pushes himself up but Jongdae’s quick to stop him by grabbing at both his wrists.

“You can’t just not have with me right now,” Jongdae whines and scuffles up Junmyeon so he can sit on his . “Look how hard I am. You think you can just walk away after in my mouth?”

“Well, not unless you let me top,” Junmyeon offers.

“Look, look, I am evidently better at this so let me top.” Jongdae attempts in compromising but Junmyeon just throws him a smile and the finger. “Wait, wait...think about it, I’m sure I’ve been with more guys than you.”

“Doesn’t matter, I was still topping in all of the oh-so-few guys I had.”

Jongdae grumbles a little, looking sideways before quickly bending down to kiss Junmyeon. Reluctantly, Junmyeon tastes himself when he slip his tongue into Jongdae’s mouth. It’s bitter all over again but Junmyeon doesn’t mind because he likes the feel of his tongue pressed against Jongdae, slick and warm.

“Kissing me…isn’t going to make me change my mind,” Junmyeon murmurs against Jongdae’s lips. Jongdae lets out a strangled noise before lifting his hips to slip his boxers off. He’s fumbling around awkwardly whilst keeping his lips against Junmyeon’s. He sighs into Junmyeon’s mouth sweetly the second his is free of his boxers and lowers himself back onto him.

Jongdae’s rubbing himself against Junmyeon slowly, rocking his hips against his . “Junmyeon,” Jongdae sighs into his ear, his breath trailing down Junmyeon’s neck. Jongdae takes his tongue and goes to bite at Junmyeon’s earlobe all the whilst rubbing the length of his against Junmyeon. “Please?” He begs with a small voice.

Junmyeon lets out a breath mixed with lust and frustration. When Junmyeon doesn’t reply, Jongdae takes his hips and positions himself so his is poking just outside of Junmyeon’s entrance. “Please?” He pleads, at his ear whilst nudging his just underneath Junmyeon’s balls. “Junmyeon…” He moans and Junmyeon’s about to tear his lip from biting on it so hard.

“Do you...have any lube…?” Junmyeon mutters, his breath catching on his words.

Jongdae freezes up for a moment, a smile gliding across his lips. “Seriously?”

“Do it before I change my mind, you brat,” Junmyeon snaps and Jongdae’s quick to latch at the small drawer on the bedside. He aggressively clatters through the junk previous customers must have left, and Jongdae’s at the third drawer when his hand grabs onto a small bottle. He pulls it out and Junmyeon eyes it with a questionable look. “Lotion?”

Jongdae groans and goes to shake it, “I’m sorry I wasn’t prepared to bring lube with me. Yesterday, I was still pretty convinced you didn’t want to see my face.” Jongdae pouts and flicks open the bottle.

Junmyeon guilty averts his gaze and mutters a ‘whatever’ under his breath. It’s only when Jongdae’s coated his fingers in the lotion does he hesitate and look down at Junmyeon who’s still anxiously waiting for Jongdae to do something. “Have you really never putting anything in here?” Jongdae asks cautiously.

Junmyeon rolls his eyes and spreads his legs a little wider. “I’ve done it once or twice, okay? I didn’t enjoy it much though, but I don’t care anymore. Just get on with it.”

Jongdae gulps once before goes to smooth the lotion round Junmyeon’s entrance; it’s small, and Jongdae worries that even one finger will hurt Junmyeon but when he slides it in, he’s rewarded with a steady moan. He curls his finger and slides it out, rubbing at the rim before sliding it back in. He does it again and again until Junmyeon is for more and Jongdae just wants to put his inside. Instead, he slides another finger in and picks up the pace, pressing his fingers against Junmyeon’s insides.

Jongdae adds more lotion just as he slides in a third and he sees Junmyeon wince a little before relaxing against his fingers. He takes the moment to lean across Junmyeon and kiss him tenderly, brushing their lips together and Jongdae bites a little at Junmyeon’s bottom lip reassuringly. Jongdae’s ing his fingers in faster, the lotion filling the room with a loud squelching sound and Jongdae can already feel the pre- dripping down his .

“Jongdae,” Junmyeon moans out heavily. “What are you waiting for? A fourth finger? Your isn’t that big,” He still manages to snort despite the moans slipping out from his mouth. Jongdae lets out a low chuckle before slipping his fingers out completely.

Junmyeon watches Jongdae as he leans over him again, and there’s something about the way he arches his body over Junmyeon that makes him seem taller and leaner. Junmyeon takes a hand and brushes it down his chest, catching Jongdae’s attention with a smile. Junmyeon’s heart squeezes a little as he Jongdae leans down and kisses him once more, his damp hair tickling Junmyeon’s exposed forehead.

Jongdae’s hand is somewhere, tapping blindly on the cabinet beside the bed.

“What are you doing?” Junmyeon asks, questioningly looking to the side as Jongdae shuffles through the drawers all over again.

“I thought I felt a in here before...” He says and Junmyeon groans in irritation.

“You’re not even prepared to that extent?”

“I am, but my pants all the way over there,” He chides, drawing out the ‘all’, and Junmyeon seriously contemplates punching him in the gut. “Aha, found it!” He cheers and goes to rip at the small packet with his teeth.

“Wanna put it on for me?” Jongdae winks playfully and the need for violence only grows stronger within Junmyeon.

“Can you hurry up?” Junmyeon sighs impatiently.

Jongdae’s smiling when he goes back down to kiss Junmyeon, rolling the down his . “Ready?” Jongdae asks against his lips, and Junmyeon can’t make a louder noise of frustration.

“Put it in already, Jongdae,” He demands in an almost-whine. Jongdae’s laughs into his mouth, and Junmyeon finds it contagious.

Jongdae does as he’s told and presses the tip of his against Junmyeon’s entrance. They both break their kiss to moan each other’s names and Junmyeon tenses up as Jongdae presses himself further. “Junmyeon,” Jongdae moans against his neck, flimsy clutching at Junmyeon’s thigh. “Open your legs more.” Junmyeon’s shaking but he widens his legs, his toes digging into the sheets as Jongdae pushes himself half way in.

“I think I might just bite you if you go any slower,” Junmyeon hisses and he’s bucking his hips into Jongdae, pleading for more, more, more.

“I don’t mind,” Jongdae replies lowly.

Jongdae’s gripping Junmyeon with so much intensity Junmyeon wonders if the skin will rip, but the thought washes away the second Jongdae slides himself completely in. Junmyeon tries hard not to let his voice out but he can’t help moan Jongdae’s name out loud. Jongdae exhales a shaky breath and his arms are trembling as they cling to the covers.

“I’m in…” Jongdae announce belatedly, and goes to press kisses down his shoulders.

“No ...Sherlock,” Junmyeon mutters, and his hands are fumbling for Jongdae’s shoulders. “Are you planning to move?”

Jongdae does try but he finds himself sliding back into Junmyeon too quickly. “Junmyeon this would be so much easier if you weren’t... me in so much,” Jongdae tries to smirk, but his feelings betray him when his mouth lets out a soft moan.

“This is why I should have topped,” Junmyeon says under his breath.

Jongdae grits his teeth as he tries to slide slowly out of Junmyeon, his arms shaking as he pulls his out just to the tip and then slams back in. Junmyeon curses as he digs his fingers into the flesh of Jongdae’s back.

“So...tight…” Jongdae gasps as he slides back out, bending down again to kiss Junmyeon and just as he slips his tongue into Junmyeon’s mouth, he slides his back into Junmyeon. Jongdae grabs the back of Junmyeon’s legs for a better view and picks up the pace, the noise of Jongdae’s balls slapping against Junmyeon’s fills the room and Junmyeon want to feel embarrassed, but he’s too focused on the feel of Jongdae inside him. The bed shakes aggressively with every movement Jongdae makes and Junmyeon bucks his hips into him, gripping onto the head board for support.

Junmyeon feels his growing and so he tightens himself around Jongdae. He takes a hand and goes down to jerk himself off, dragging out his . “Jongdae,” Junmyeon hears himself moan finally, and then Jongdae cums without any warning. The sudden jolt of heat makes Junmyeon arch his back into Jongdae with a cry, and as Jongdae slides his out, Junmyeon shoots his against both their chests.

Jongdae falls on top of Junmyeon with a large sigh, and Junmyeon can’t help wrapping his arms around him and pressing him tightly against his chest. The scent of Jongdae’s shampoo clings to his skin, and Junmyeon finds himself nibbling on his neck. He at the spot, kissing it gently, until it turns a soft crimson, and then Junmyeon is satisfied. Now you’re mine too, he thinks to himself and snuggles his face in the crook of Jongdae’s neck.

They lay side by side, cramped on the small single bed, their legs tangled together and rest their heads on each other’s arms. Junmyeon opens his eyes to see Jongdae staring at him with those crescent eyes he’s come to love, and a smile so delicate Junmyeon wants to steal it and lock it away. “You’re being creepy,” Jongdae mumbles under his breath, and Junmyeon laughs.

They close their eyes then and slowly fall asleep to the sound of the howling wind and restless sea.

It’s noon and the storm has barely settled. Boats are running again however, and Junmyeon makes sure to buy boarding tickets for the first one that leaves the port that day. The weather is catastrophic; even at a close distance, everything seems to be swallowed up by a white fog. The air is howling at an ungodly pitch, rattling up every flimsy thing that stands in its way.

“Well, at least I don’t have to worry about bed hair,” Jongdae jokes over the flapping of his coat and cries of the wind. They head towards the inside of the boat, and shiver at the first contact with warmth.

“Are we sure riding a boat in this weather is safe?” Junmyeon asks as the door shuts behind them with a large clank.

“They’ve apparently brought the boats for extreme weather. As you can see, it’s a special orange this one,” Jongdae says with fake enthusiasm. Junmyeon snorts in response and follows Jongdae into the lounge. The boat is too small for private cabins so the two place themselves on a docile table in the corner.

Things are slightly different now, despite them being a seat apart, Junmyeon still feels this buzzing between him and Jongdae. It’s constantly there in the air, like a broken radio forever tuning itself. Jongdae also doesn’t touch him as openly as he did, or he hasn’t done that since this morning. Instead, he does small things like tug on Junmyeon’s pinky, or draw circles on his wrist.

The ride back is a long one; what was once a lull rocking had turned into a war with the currents and it meant another long extensive hour at sea. Junmyeon and Jongdae had seemed to spend their time in silence most of the time, with their head on their hands. They were drifting in and out of sleep with every crash of a wave, and Junmyeon swears he heard the first crack of thunder at some point.

Once they reached the docks and the two head out towards the exit, Junmyeon hears his phone ring. They head outside and the cutting wind had been replaced by heavy rain, and Junmyeon doesn’t know what he hates more: droplets of ice digging into his skin or air so fast and thick it felt it would tear his skin. He holds himself tighter and grumbles as he gets off the boat.

His phone is still ringing.

Junmyeon and Jongdae head further and further down the dock, and it’s when their feet touch the first sign of rocks does Junmyeon bother to looks at his phone. He’s already got three missed calls from Hakyeon, and he decides to pick up on the fourth one. “Jongdae,” Junmyeon shouts over the thundering rain. “I need to take this call, you go ahead.”

Jongdae squints at him and gives him a nod before shouting back, “I’m heading over to the house.” It doesn’t take long for him to disappear into the fog, and Junmyeon goes to find shelter fast. He looks over to the lighthouse, and prays some careless soul decided to leave the door open. He runs there quickly, not even bothering to protect his hair anymore. There are no fisherman at the port, and the desolate docks seems almost to go on forever. But when Junmyeon latches on the lighthouse door, he finds it locked and curses under his breath, only to look down and find there’s a simple lock, dug down into the earth. Junmyeon goes to pull up the heavy metal, wrenching it out and slams his way into the lighthouse.

“Hakyeon?” Junmyeon calls out exasperated and called. “What’s up? You got anything?”

“Loads,” Hakyeon replies back and seems to be ruffling some papers in the background.

“Hit me,” Junmyeon says and goes to pull his coat off to dry it out from the rain. He brushes back his wet hair so it’s off of his forehead.

“Okay, so you remember that day you came back to the office after the homicide case?”

“Yeah, hip injury, you worrying too much, blah de blah blah,” He replies with a roll of his eyes, and Hakyeon makes an irritated type of sound.

“Yes, okay. I handed you a couple sets of cases?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure some of those were a jokes though.”

“Yeah, well done on noticing, oh great detective,” Hakyeon sighs. “Anyway, as it turns one of the cases you were given was on Jiwon’s death.”

“What? But Minseok said the police was rejecting his pleas for further investigation. Why would he lie and come to hand me the case anyway?” Junmyeon thinks aloud.

“I don’t know, but there’s that and…” Hakyeon drags the sentence until he finds what he’s looking for with an ‘aha!’. “Over six years, Minseok’s parents had died. They were on their way to a business meeting, when a car collided into his. Minseok’s father was an only child, and so there was no one really but Minseok to handle the family business--”

“Wait, woah, information overload. Minseok’s parents are dead?” Junmyeon repeats and goes to settle on a cabinet just beneath the stairs of the lighthouse.

“Yes, what don’t you understand?”

“But--” Then Junmyeon remembers Minseok’s words; they don’t come here anymore. “Oh my god.”

“Yeah. As it turns out, Minseok was forced to work as the new president of his father’s corporation for six months, till they agreed that Minseok was unfit for the position, and threw him off. He’s still technically the CEO but he doesn’t do any work except sign a few papers,” Hakyeon informs and Junmyeon’s letting the information rattle in his brain a little before talking again.

“What’s this got to do with anything?”

“Well, get this, a month after leaving the company Minseok decided to live at his family’s old holiday home, the boarding house. And a month later he’d brought Jongdae back as his first resident, and since then Minseok keeps bringing people back.” He lets the sentence sink between them as the clogs in Junmyeon’s mind move.

“He was...lonely?” Junmyeon notes. “He couldn’t bear to live in a house so big without his parents so he moved to where there could only be happy memories. But that doesn’t change the fact he was alone, so he let people board at his house for free. People in need of help…” Something Minseok said irks him then, and it hits him like a bullet train. “Hakyeon…”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Minseok said he hates the sea,” Junmyeon mutters. “And I think I know what the murder weapon is.”

The first thing Junmyeon does when he gets back to his room is head straight for Jiwon’s folder. He grabs a picture of her head injury and makes his way back downstairs. No one’s in the living room, and Jongdae’s whereabouts is a brief thought in Junmyeon’s mind as he heads to the very back for the storage closet.

The door isn’t locked, and Junmyeon frantically searches for the tool box he had seen Minseok hold once. It was red, wide and metallic, and it was right beside his feet. He quickly bends down on his knees to open it, and he’s searching to the very depths of it and still doesn’t find it. He looks up around the room--and then someone shouts.

Junmyeon reacts when he hears Jongdae’s voice. He’s shouting something, a name but Junmyeon can’t hear over the rain. Just as he rises to his feet to check it out, he suddenly hears a sickening thud, and then the soft thump of someone falling to the ground. Junmyeon’s running now; he goes to the back patio and squints for anything, but what was once a beautiful garden had its colours dried out by the mist.

“Junmyeon!” He hears someone call in the distance and Junmyeon takes a step towards the garden cautiously. It’s not until he’s a good six steps in does he see Luhan crouched on the ground and he can’t tell if he’s crying or if it’s the raining soaking him. “Junmyeon, hurry!” Luhan cries and then Junmyeon looks down to find a body in his hands, limp and lifeless.

The world becomes silent then, nothing but the beat of his heart drumming in his ears. He doesn’t want to see it, to see that face he had kissed so many times the night before lay limp, nor does he want to see the blood trickling down the side of face. Red doesn’t suit Jongdae.

Junmyeon feels his legs shake as he takes a step closer, he trudges towards Luhan, who’s rocking back and forth. He’s crying, his tears mixing with the rain. “Junmyeon,” Luhan wheezes. “Is he okay? I can’t tell if he’s alive or dead. He’s warm...but--” He lets out a choked out cry.

Junmyeon falls to his knees right beside Jongdae. His eyes aren’t fluttering like they do when he’s asleep, watching dreams pass under his eyelids. Junmyeon shakingly puts a finger under Jongdae’s nose, but he can’t feel any air coming out because the wind is too strong. He presses his palm to Jongdae’s forehead and there’s a glimmer of hope. He is warm. Despite being soaked to the bone in this icy cold wind, he was still very warm. Junmyeon blinks out of his daze for a moment and quickly grabs at Jongdae’s wrists, lifting up his sleeve. He presses two fingers to his vein, and waits for something. For anything.

A heartbeat.

Junmyeon flicks his head up to look at Luhan who has his mouth open, distraught and stressed as to what to do what to feel. Junmyeon smiles wide and laughs a little, “He’s alive, he’s alive.” He almost cheers and goes to quickly press his lips against Jongdae’s forehead. “Take him inside quick, we need to call an ambulance,” He orders.

Luhan picks Jongdae up into his arms with ease and runs back into the house, setting him on the sofa and start stripping him of his clothes.

“What happened?” Junmyeon asks with authority as he heads back into the storage room to grab a bunch of blankets.

“I don’t know,” Luhan frantically replies. He’s pressing the blankets against Jongdae’s body with speed, drying him up before wrapping him with tens of other blankets. “Minseok--they were arguing in the garden. I couldn’t hear a word they were saying, though.” He says with a shake of his head.

Junmyeon nods and goes over to Jongdae to lift his head up ever so slightly, aligning it with his spine. Bohyung had done it many times for him when he had a severe blow to the head and felt like the world was pressing into his brain. “Go get a clean cloth!” He orders and Luhan’s quick to scramble to his feet.

When he comes back, he tells Luhan to press the cloth to Jongdae’s head and if it bleeds through, not to remove it but place another one on top. Luhan’s listening with extensive nodding, and Junmyeon calls the ambulance right afterwards. “If he starts vomiting, roll him to his side otherwise he’ll choke,” Junmyeon states and Luhan’s nodding, wiping away at his wet cheeks.

“Minseok...he...hit him? He smashed something across Jongdae’s head- I don’t get what’s going on,” Luhan whimpers, his hands shaking violently as he presses into Jongdae’s skull. Junmyeon grabs at Luhan’s wrist and forces him to look at him.

“Look, Jongdae will live and that’s what’s important,” Junmyeon says with reassurance. “Be sure not to press too hard onto his head. We still don’t know if Minseok’s damaged his skull.” Luhan nods and sniffs a little and it reminds Junmyeon that Luhan is still barely in his twenties. He looks smaller now as he rubs his eyes and hiccups.

“He did it, didn’t he? Minseok killed Jiwon,” Luhan said finally, and there was a tone in his voice that sounded like everything he had believed in has shattered into a million pieces. Snarky Luhan, who took pride in this house, who did what he could to protect his home, betrayed by the one person he trusted the most. It caused a certain type of pain, to have the person that brought you together tear you apart.

Junmyeon looks up at the garden. From inside the living room, all that could been seen was white and the faint grey of a pebble path. He gets up and Luhan quickly grabs at his hand. “Where are you going?” He asks panickingly, and Junmyeon takes his hand to ruffle at the wet strands on his head.

“I need to find Minseok,” Junmyeon announces and Luhan looks up at him with bewilderment.

“Are you insane?” Luhan calls out but Junmyeon’s already in the garden. Luhan calls out his name a couple of times but it’s drowned out by the rain slamming hard into the earth.

“If you keep walking ahead, you’ll get to the very edge of the coast. If you walk to the left a good hundred metres’ll see flowers and messages for Jiwon. She fell there.” 

Junmyeon aimlessly walks ahead, lured by only the sound of waves growing steadily louder with every step he takes. He realises he’s only at the cliff edge when his leg cuts into barbed wire and he looks down to find the sea. Junmyeon gulps as he looks down, his heart jumping with every wave that crashes into the rocks below. This is what nightmares are made of.

He tries to ignore the impending doom that seems to leer at the very edge of the cliff and starts making his way down the coast to the left. The wind picks up speed then, and Junmyeon feels like he’s fighting against a force that is telling him to turn around and walk away. But how can he? How can he walk away when he clearly sees Minseok standing amongst flowers that have lost their petals and a picture of Jiwon smiling settled by his foot.

“Minseok,” Junmyeon steadily calls out against the protesting wind. Minseok doesn’t even flinch and continues to look down from the cliff. “Minseok!” Junmyeon calls out again, inching closer and closer to him.

“Come any closer, Junmyeon, and I’ll jump,” Minseok warns, and Junmyeon freezes on the spot.

“Come back, just come from the edge,” Junmyeon pleads and then Minseok turns to look at him. The face he holds is expressionless, to say the least, and yet Junmyeon can still see the redness circling his eyes as if he had cried for hours and rubbed at his eyes furiously.

“I didn’t mean to do it,” He says with a frown, and looks back down off the cliffside. “But I did it, and I’m only happy she didn’t have to feel the fear of falling from here, to see herself grow steadily closer to her death.” Junmyeon’s behind him now, his arms out and ready to pull Minseok back at any minute.

Minseok turns around anyway, his hair distraught and flying with the wind. He looks down at his hands and Junmyeon follows to see in his palm is his small hand spade, the very tip painted in blood. It was so painfully obvious: a weapon wide at the bottom and steadily meeting to a point, light and small and enough to render someone conscious.

It had been right in front of his eyes the whole time.

“She told me she was leaving,” Minseok continues, and lets the spade clatter to the ground. “She looked so happy to tell me we would never see each other again.”

“What made you think you’d never see each other again?” Junmyeon asks, his eyes downcast on Minseok’s trembling hand.

“Because her ‘see you’ could have easily turned into a goodbye,” Minseok says, his tone flat. “And I would’ve never seen her again.”

“Minseok, the people in that house are and were not replacements for your family,” Junmyeon says gravely, and feels his heart ache when Minseok looks up at him like he’s about to cry.

“My parents…” Minseok’s lips tremble, and it’s not from the cold. “They taught me to be kind, and generous and giving. That while we were better off than other people, we shouldn’t flaunt it, but embrace it instead. Such righteous words, and I took them and twisted them. I was kind because I loved the feeling of being needed, of people worshipping me. It made me feel so elevated.” Minseok goes to cling onto Junmyeon then, his eyebrows knitted tightly together.

“Jiwon...she loved me…” Minseok murmurs. “And I never accepted her because I didn’t understand if my feelings for her were greed or love. She was so pure and bright, and I was...dirty…” He cranes his neck to look back at the coast and Junmyeon wants to grab him and pull him away but he’s afraid it would make Minseok do something drastic. “It’s funny now, how I finally realise how I feel.” He scoffs but it comes out strangled and his grip on Junmyeon grows tighter.

“Luhan, Jongdae and even Taekwoon, do you think they don’t care about you even now?” Junmyeon attempts to reason. “Despite your intentions, you created a place for them to be happy, to make a family they weren’t scared would crumble at any moment. You did that. Even now, while Luhan tends to Jongdae, he’s only worried about you.”

“Idiots,” Minseok shakes his head and lets go of Junmyeon. “They don’t see how much of bad person I am.”

“No, you’re a person that did a bad thing, a horrible thing. You took someone else’s life. And that’s going to be with you for the rest of your life, and you will repent for it by remembering,” Junmyeon tells him sternly, and Minseok looks as if he understands, as if he’s giving in. “Let’s go back Minseok.” Junmyeon turns slightly and his head in the direction of the house.

Minseok gives him a pained smile before placing a hand on his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Junmyeon,” He whispers before taking a knee and slamming it into Junmyeon’s hip. Junmyeon crumbles to the ground in an instant, gripping his hip and shouting in agony.

“Minseok!” Junmyeon screams against the wind and he turns to find him at the very edge of the cliff, his head hanging low.

“This is the only way to repay her,” Minseok claims and holds his head up high. “My only regret is that I can’t see the sea.” Junmyeon looks up to a plane of white mist, the sea and sky hidden behind clouds.

And then, Minseok’s falling. Junmyeon doesn’t waste a second in launching himself from the ground and grabbing at whatever he can of Minseok. His hands scrambles to grab onto his shirt but the fabric rips right through with Minseok’s weight, and Junmyeon’s clawing, trying to grab anything. He’s got a grip on his arm then, but it slips right through his fingertips, and Junmyeon’s quick to grab onto Minseok by his hand. Minseok swings away from the cliff for a moment and comes hurtling towards the rocky edge.

“Junmyeon, let go of me!” Minseok demands and he tries to tug his fingers out of his grip.

“No way in hell,” Junmyeon grunts and tries to use both his hands to drag him up. “I’m going to pull you up and arrest you.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Minseok grumbles, and there’s something ridiculous about rolling your eyes when your life is literally on the very edge of ending. “Let me’s what I owe her,” Minseok says seriously and Junmyeon screams with rage.

“You don’t owe her anything!” Junmyeon shouts, his voice echoing past the angry water below and the air that whispers in his ear to let go. “What you’re going to get up from here and you’re going to go to jail,” Junmyeon bellows, pulling at Minseok with all his strength but he can’t use his legs, the pain in his hips screaming at him to stop. “And you’re going to regret killing her and live. You’re going to live because Jiwon can’t and she isn’t going to let you take the easy way out, Minseok.” He grunts and goes to pull again but instead of progressing, Junmyeon feels himself sliding down along with Minseok.

They’re both going to fall if he doesn’t do something.

Nothing’s working, and Junmyeon can feel the strength in his body deteriorate. His hands are turning an icy blue, the dropping temperatures nipping at his skin until they turn numb. Panic starts to bubble inside him. What could he do? What could he do?

“Let go, Junmyeon, we’re both going to die at this rate!” Minseok calls out and attempts in using his free hand to push against Junmyeon’s fingers.

“Aren’t you afraid?” Junmyeon shouts out towards him. “Aren’t you afraid of dying?”

Minseok looks mildly shocked for a moment until tears start to brim his eyes. He looks away to scrutinize his eyes shut, and shake his head.

“There’s no way back from the dead, Minseok!” Junmyeon grinds his teeth as he pushes past the pain in his hip and attempts to pull Minseok up again. “And besides what are you going to do when you meet Jiwon in the afterlife? You think it’ll be all fine and dandy? She’ll just kill you all over again, can hold it off for another couple of centuries!” Junmyeon gasps and writhes on the dirt.

“Well said,” Someone chuckles from behind him. “You’re not as stupid as you seem, Mr. Detective.” Taekwoon appears at Junmyeon’s side. Junmyeon looks at him with bewilderment as he bends down on his knees and leans over the cliff. Thank ety-. Junmyeon would sag and deflate if he still wasn’t clinging to Minseok’s life with just his fingertips.

“Give me your hand, Minseok,” Taekwoon demands with an outstretched palm. Minseok looks up at him briefly before looking back down. His legs are dug into the side of the cliff and he’s gripping Junmyoen’s hand back, but he’s hesitating. “Give me your hand! Do you think anyone will forgive you if you die here? Because then, you’re just being ing stupid,” Taekwoon spits and Minseok shuts his eyes tight before letting out a breath he’d been holding.

Minseok swings himself a little and Junmyeon squeezes his hands together tighter because he’s slipping, slipping out his grasp and he just really wishes Minseok would take Taekwoon’s hand. After a long, tense moment, he does, and Taekwoon’s on his feet, pulling Minseok up with little help from Junmyeon. He drags Minseok by the arm and throws him to the ground with a thud, before helping Junmyeon up to his feet.

As Junmyeon trudges towards Minseok’s sprawled body, who has his nails digging into the earth and his chest is falling and rising heavily. Grudgingly, Junmyeon calls out to him, a hand pressed against his hip. “Kim Minseok, I’m arresting you for the murder of Yang Jiwon.” He says finally. “Is there anything you’d like to say?” He then asks in a softer tone.

Minseok simply closes his eyes and breathes in the earth from beneath him before he murmurs, “I’m sorry.”

The next day, Minseok turns himself in.

Junmyeon’s admitted to a hospital with a second degree hip sprain and a dislocated wrist. He knew he got off lucky the last two times. He has to limp around with a crutch for the next couple of weeks, and the only thing he’s looking forward to his hitting Hakyeon with it.

There’s a knock at his hospital room door, and Junmyeon isn’t even given the chance to say ‘come in’ before Hakyeon slams his way through. “Spectacular entrance as always, Hakyeon,” Junmyeon deadpans, watching Hakyeon roll over wheezing.

He takes several deep breaths before gasping, “Junmyeon!”


“You’re alive,” Hakyeon cries and makes his way towards the side of Junmyeon’s bed.

“Do I sound a tint of disappointment in that tone?” Junmyeon jokes.

“Don’t kid with me. You got me so worried.” He wheezes and settles into the sofa beside his bed.

“No surprise there. I think you’ll end up dying from pointless stress.” Junmyeon snorts, going to grab a walnut from the bowls of nuts the nurse set for him. “Although, I am surprised. It’s been over day - I would have thought you’d get here much earlier.”

“I was at the police station,” Hakyeon sighs and runs a hand through his hair in a tired manner.

“What for?”

“Minseok had asked for you to be a witness to his confession, but seeing as you’re here, I was the next best thing.” Hakyeon flops, letting his head hang back off the sofa.

“You’re not even close to being the next best thing,” Junmyeon shakes his head. “Was there anything I missed?”

“As it turns out, he heard you were receiving the documentation on Jiwon’s case and had hoped to get to you before you read it. It seems he thought it’d take the suspicion off of him a little bit.” Hakyeon goes to grab a banana from the fruit baskets and Junmyeon’s lips twitch, thinking if there was anyone to eat banana at such an inappropriate time it’d be Hakyeon. “Also, he didn’t actually plan to kill you, by the way.” Hakyun adds between mouthfuls.


“He admitted to strangling you, but he said he was growing scared. He hoped to render you immobile enough to give up on the case. Clearly, he doesn’t know you very well.” He chuckles, bits of banana flying in the air as he waves the yellow peel in the air. “As it turns out, it seems that he’s suffering from separation anxiety. His therapist had suggested he live with a roommate, thought a causal relationship would help him, but it only made him seem even more anxious.”

“He’ll be fine,” Junmyeon assures. “He has Luhan and Jongdae waiting for him.”

“How do you learn to live with a murderer?”

“The same way you live with a death. You move on and hope it’s behind you.”

“Speaking of moving on,” Hakyeon goes to pull his phone out his back pocket. “Your mother and father have been ringing me, and you too probably. They want to hear if their son who almost fell down a cliff is alright,” He says and throws the phone to Junmyeon.

“Why would they know that?” Junmyeon asks, bitterly staring at Hakyeon who has the tendency to let anything and everything slip between his lips.

“Not me this time, I swear,” Hakyeon quickly saunters towards the television at the end of the room, and changes the channel for the news. “Your case has been blowing up since this morning; newspapers tabloids, number one hit on naver, television news, you name it.” The image changes from a woman at her desk to a video of Minseok with his head low and drowning in a sea of reporters and flashing lights.

“What the is going on,” Junmyeon utters under his breath and leans forward. “Why has it become such a big thing?”

“CEO of a big corporate company is charged for a murder in what’s considered one of the most peaceful towns in South Korea? How can the media not drink that up?” Hakyeon switches off the television and goes back to his seat. “The office in Seoul is blowing up, people are demanding interviews with you. So the head honcho asked to transfer you to a Seoul hospital. I’m guessing you can’t wait to hope back into work?” Hakyeon assumes, clearly unhappy.

“No,” Junmyeon replies absentmindedly. “I was actually hoping to take a break for a while.”

“Yeah, sure--wait, what!?” Hakyeon sputters and he turns to look at Junmyeon with accusing eyes.

“I’m thinking of going to go visit my family for a bit.” He shrugs.

Junmyeon wasn’t going to kid himself into thinking things were going to be alright with his family, and he most certainly knows that he’ll never be on good terms with his brother. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t try.

Junmyeon notices from the side that Hakyeon is looking at him with his mouth wide open. “Don’t look at me like you don’t know me,” He sneers.

“I most certainly do not know you, young man.” Hakyeon squeaks and rises to his feet to place both hands on each side of Junmyeon’s face. “What have you done to my Junmyeon?”

“Cheating on me already, are we?” A voice chides over from the front door.

Hakyeon and Junmyeon turn to find Jongdae smirking between the door frame, looking like a little kid in the hospital gown and bandages wrapped around his head.

“Cheating on you with Hakyeon?” Junmyeon offers the idea a thought before snorting. “I’m not even entirely sure Hakyeon has any s.”

“Oh, so you guys haven’t been in each other’s pants yet?” Jongdae questions and Hakyeon proceeds to make profuse gagging sounds.

“Sorry, I’m not into guys,” Hakyeon declares with palms raised up. “Girls all the way.”

“That’s cool, no guy would be into you anyway,” Junmyeon retorts and Hakyeon rewards him with his tongue stuck out. “And why haven’t you asked out Bohyung yet?” Hakyeon goes red then and even Junmyeon’s a little awestruck when he sees Hakyeon flounder around like a fish out of water.

“That’s none of your business,” He snaps back, and in that moment a familiar click of heels comes running down the hallway from outside and Bohyung appears.

“Speak of the devil!” Junmyeon cheers with laughters. “Bohyung!”

“Oh my god, Junmyeon,” She gasps and quickly makes her way to Junmyeon, who has his hands open for a hug. “Are you ing stupid?” She shrieks and brings a palm down his head.

“Ah jesus woman,” Junmyeon hisses and clutches at his sore head. “You’re not meant to harm a patient further!”

“Shut up, I’ll chop your off if it teaches you to be careful,” She threatens and Hakyeon comes up from behind her to keep her from kicking at the bed.

“That would be a problem for me,” Jongdae chimes from the side with an outward palm.

“Who are you?” Bohyung demands and Jongdae grins.

“Hi, hi, Jongdae!” He says and offers her a peace sign.

She grinds her teeth together and hisses, “There’s another Junmyeon.”

“Hakyeon, get her out of here,” Junmyeon shoos them away with a wave of his hand, and Hakyeon gives him a steady glare before obliging to his words. “Oh, Hakyeon by the way--thank you.” Junmyeon grins and Hakyeon freezes for a moment before giving Junmyeon a scowl. He shakes his head and continues to drag Bohyung out of the room.

“See you!” Jongdae pleasantly waves at Bohyung, who looks like she’s about to snap a neck or two, before he closes the room and turns to face Junmyeon.

“Well, that was eventful,” Jongdae sing-songs and makes his way to where Hakyeon was just sitting. “You have interesting friends.”

“They all want me dead,” Junmyeon sighs dramatically and stares at Jongdae from the side before scowling. “Why are we always in this position? It’s getting kind of annoying.”

“I don’t mind other positions,” Jongdae purrs with a of his lips.

Junmyeon lets out a short laugh before taking notice of the bandage wrapped across his head. “How’s your head?” He asks solemnly, and Jongdae looks up to tap at the edge of his skull.

“As sturdy as ever. It’s pretty thick.” He jokes, and goes to clear his throat. “When I saw him, I couldn’t control myself. I confronted him and I’d like to say he panicked but he didn’t. He just knocked me out. I don’t really get it.”

“He was going to kill himself,” Junmyeon announces and Jongdae looks up at him in shock. “I just don’t think he wanted you to follow him and see it.”

Jongdae downcasts his eyes, a frown deeply ingrained onto his lips. “Idiot.”

“How’s Luhan?”

“Fine. He fainted just after the ambulance came,” Jongdae says with a roll of his eyes. “Taekwoon’s with him right now.”

“Speaking of which,” Junmyeon drawls. “Do you know why Luhan brings soil to his room?”

A smile grows on Jongdae’s lips. “He plants in his room.” Jongdae chuckles.


“He’s been doing it for over a year.” Jongdae snorts. “He’s pretty embarrassed about it, though. That’s why he wouldn’t tell you what he was doing on the night Jiwon died.”


Junmyeon eyes Jongdae for a moment before bashfully clearing his throat. He strips the covers away from him and makes his way to Jongdae stiffly. Jongdae blinks up at him, and Junmyeon awkwardly places his hands on Jongdae’s shoulders. Jongdae’s eyes trail up Junmyeon’s arms until they land upon his lips, and he’s smirking. “After all we’ve done, and you’re still getting tense?”

Junmyeon groans a little and quickly dips to press his lips to Jongdae’s. He stays still, memorising the warmth of Jongdae’s kiss, the shape of his lips, and the taste of his breath. It isn’t long till he pulls away from their kiss and Junmyeon presses his forehead to Jongdae. “Does this mean we’re dating?” Jongdae chuckles.

“Do people usually have before they date?” Junmyeon responds with a wide smile that shows off his teeth.

“ mangas tell me yes.

“Fine, but only if I top next time.” Junmyeon counters and is amused to find Jongdae pouting a little bit.

“Can’t guarantee that one,” Jongdae shrugs and quickly stands up. “Oh! Well would you look at the time, I’ve got to get...severely...injected by some sort of thing. Very serious, must leave.” He nods aggressively and takes a couple of steps in the direction of the door.

“Jongdae,” Junmyeon calls out irritably.

“See you later, Junmyeon,” Jongdae laughs and shuts the door behind him.

Junmyeon finds himself standing alone in his room, smiling like an idiot. Slightly embarrassed with himself, he goes to quickly settle down on the sofa, sighing deeply. He lets his head flop to the side and stares at his phone, wondering if he could make a hole burn through it if he stared hard enough.

His efforts prove fruitless, and with a sigh, Junmyeon goes to grab it. He presses the button on the side and watches it light up only to find a selca of Jongdae cheekily grinning with Junmyeon sleeping behind him as the lock screen wallpaper. Junmyeon feels his cheeks burn up and he swears he’s going to make Jongdae suffer for it later.

Pushing past it, Junmyeon opens up his contacts page. He’s stares at the number on the screen for a moment too long, and several times he contemplates locking his phone and throwing it. Somehow, he manages to press the call button, and two rings after he puts the phone to his ear, he hears the click of an answer. “Hello?”

It’s fine now.

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Chapter 3: This was such a nice read :) it's thrilling, it's angsty at times, it's even hilarious!!! God, I love Junmyeon in this story. His relationship with Hakyeon makes me so envious! Friendship goals, ahhh. And that snark of his--- *chef's kiss*
And Jongdae!! He's a ing maniac here lmaoooo but only for his Junmyeon, mm-hmm. Only for Junmyeon, kyaaaaa~
I'm so happy that I found this gem. Thanks so much for writing it!
artificallove #2
Chapter 3: omg this is now one of my favorite suchen fics!!!! everything was so great about this - the plot the crime and junmyeon especially!!! thank u so much for this masterpiece
this a very very very good fic!!! suspense yet still comedic with a little tinge of . thank you for writing this!!
YandGbaby #4
Chapter 3: Wow just found this story and wow...exciting, funny and AMAZING! Iloved loved loved the relationship between Junmyoeon and Hakyeon :D and the making Jongdae jealous and their quarrel who'd be topping xD pure gold! Loved it, every word written on it. Normally this long chapters get boring but your writing style is amazing and I wouldn't mind reading other stories of yours :)
wejdan #5
Chapter 3: and now we present the best suchen fic of the year award to.../drums sound/..attrachen../hard clap sound/...Congratulations you Deserve it^^
/gives you flowers and cockeis and everything sweet and nice/ could you!!!how can you!!!write somthing Wonderful and fabulous and Amazing and Beautifull and..and..oh my i cant find the words my feelings for this fic is overlode..omg i could talk about it for years.. T__T..this story made me excited and happy and little bit sad and my eyes tear a little..but overall it was is the best the best T H E B E S T suchen fic i ever read T___T i love it i love it so much and i luv u for writing it^^ thank you so much >___< you really made my day<333333