Jeju's Romance

Together Forever...

WARNING : Cringe-worthy chap *evil laugh*


“Remember that you need to be at the lobby by 2 p.m. tomorrow.Be on time or you’ll miss your flight.”The manager repeated his words to the 9 men.”You all did great tonight.Go get some rest okay?”The manager’s last words was replied by small nods by the group of men.

Suho went straight to his room which was the last room in the hallway with Baekhyun’s room next to his.He was dead tired mentally and physically with Chorong that haven’t call him since morning which escalates his worries towards her.He wondered what was she doing at that time,maybe she was sleeping?It’s almost 11 anyways.Then it stung him when he remembered how she used to wait for him even if he asked her not to.

He just can’t believe that he could lose easily to his temper which actually worsened their fight.He will never forget Chorong’s surprised mixed with terrified face last night,she was too scared to even talk to him last night.Going out of his shower,Suho went straight to his bed and pulled up the fluffy comforter and the soft bed was so inviting that he almost fell asleep if not for his hand that was brushed against something warm and soft.

“Cho?”One word that came out of his mouth when Suho pulled down the comforter to see a familiar back.

Chorong’s eyes shot opened when she heard the familiar voice.She cursed inside her heart for falling asleep but she was just too bored and she eventually fall asleep.Her mind was juggling on what to do next that she was busted and all her plan are ruined.

“What are you doing here?”Chorong felt Suho was trying to sit back and she abruptly turned around and sat on him,pinning him back to the bed.Chorong turned red when Suho’s eyes went from her face down to her body.

“I’ll get you back later Seunghee.”Chorong made a mental note.

Suho chuckled.”You look so cute when you’re red.”Suho was actually building up his defense.He can’t hold himself back when Chorong was actually wearing a black see-through laced lingerie while sitting on him.His longing for her body does not gave him a helping hand,at all.

Chorong’s planned words was unspoken as she was too nervous to do so.Suho’s stare and his hands that were her hair,smoothing them,just made her heart beat uncontrollably.She found herself opening to close it again as the words scrambled off when Suho held her hands,intertwining their fingers like they were always meant to be.His other hand then traced Chorong’s jaw,making Chorong looked down,feeling so hot suddenly.

“We should go to sleep.”Suho finally said,part of it was a truth as he was dead tired but he seemed to not care if he will to spend his time with Chorong.He reached out for the switch to the lamp on the bedside table and was about to let Chorong’s hands go as he planned on lifting her off him but Chorong’s sudden grip abruptly stopped his action.

“You know I never dream of ending my story like this.It always felt like my life will always revolve around my dream of being a performer.I just love to perform.”Chorong stopped,barely noticing Suho’s reaction in the semi-dark room.”When you asked me to be more than just friends made me thought that you’re being a bit careless.Truthfully,I’m scared.It just felt wrong but I’m a human after all,I also has hope that my life can be as normal as others is just that…it was too soon.”Chorong paused again when Suho remained quiet.

“I asked you out because I know it’s you,and I can’t let myself to be a fool for letting you go.I know it was barely 3 years that we actually know each other but I want to know you more,to mean more to you.”Suho’s reply caught Chorong off guard but his words wasn’t enough to lift up the guilt inside Chorong who always care for her fans and her career.

”I know I always set myself back and was getting used of prioritizing others than me over the years.I don’t live as carefree as I supposed to be,until the decision of leaving you made me--regret.I feel empty and it felt weird when I have my fans,my dream and my members with me.”Chorong started to cry,remembering those days when she started to feel afraid to even let herself loose.How she wish she could but she was too afraid for the sake of her friends and family.”But those days has passed.They are still coming for me,but I shouldn’t be afraid shouldn’t I?I got you right?”Chorong said self-consciously,wishing that Suho could utter at least a single word immediately but it was silence for few seconds before she felt the soft skin of his thumb wiping her tears away.

“Stop crying over something that you cannot control Chorongie.Everything that has happened is not your fault,how many times I should tell you?I’m sorry if my words hurt you,to make you think like this.I am also as clueless as you,too afraid to live my life to the fullest.Working hard like there was no tomorrow.”Suho doesn’t cry but Chorong could tell that he was about to when she heard his voice.”It’s hard for me too.My needs and my priority was getting in my way…until one point I felt’s suffocating.”A drop of tear finally fell to the corner of Suho’s right eye.

Chorong leaned in to give a peck on Suho’s lips,hearing his soft sobs as their lips met.”I don’t know why it took this long for me to realize it.That I actually love you till I put everything at stake.But now I’m sure that I love you and I want to live like there is no tomorrow.”

“Be careful for what you wish Rong…”Suho smiled meaningfully,sending Chorong to glare at him.

“Let’s just say that you fell for me first back then,okay?”Chorong crossed her arms,squinting her eyes at the baffled Suho.It doesn’t last longer though before chuckled.Suho’s heart fluttered hearing her favourite music,cliché but he finally knew why people say such things.

“I always thought that I need to prove to others that we can stay like this forever.It’s like an invisible bet but I realized actually I was betting our love didn’t I?”Chorong’s eyebrows frowned at the sudden confession.”I guess it’s worth to wait for you.Now I can love you openly.”Suho said with his proudest voice.Silence embedded in the cold room but it was not too long before Chorong started to laugh again,louder,that she held her stomach that felt a slight pain.

Chorong successfully stopped to take her breath when she saw Suho’s pouted lips.“I’m sorry…Your words are weird tonight.”Chorong tried to contain her laughter but she just can’t.If she was to know that being happily in love is like what she felt at that time,Chorong guess she won’t hesitate to let all her worries go.

“Seeing you like this made me weird.”Suho’s bold statement cut Chorong’s laughter completely that it was Suho’s turn to laugh.“I love you Rongie and you doesn’t have to say or do anything to prove it.I can hear it,I can feel it,your sincerity.”Suho really meant it when he said that.He can finally have the sense in thinking that there’s nothing to be proven as long as they stay together and 6 years of hardships,patience and waiting was quite enough as an evidence.

“I love you more.”Chorong teased as her hands were wrapping Suho’s neck,bringing her face closer to his.Suho doesn’t have the time to argue or continue speaking out his thoughts as they were lost in their kiss again.He never knew that Chorong could be a temptress until that night where her innocence words were enough to make Suho fell for her all over again,like how he first fell for her smile 10 years ago.

“You’re not winning.”Suho smirked before turning them over,placing his hands besides Chorong’s arms,propping him.”I guess you doesn’t lose your faith in love huh?”Chorong giggled,realizing that Suho had really go through all the words written in her diary,literally.

“I’ll get you back later.”Chorong chuckled while Suho’s forehead creased.

“Later?What about now?”Chorong smiled shyly as her eyes wandered that made Suho let out a small laugh of disbelieve.”Never thought my Chorongie is a fox,a pretty one…but what about your planned plan?”Chorong’s smile died at the question that Suho thought she was mad for a second.

“There’s no such thing as yours or mine,it’s ours.So if you’re not okay with it…”Chorong looked straight into Suho’s eyes,thinking.She could see that Suho was about to give up with her silence treatment that she took the opportunity to turned them over again,pinning Suho beneath her.”I think I will be okay with it too.”

“What if we’re too loud?”Chorong slapped Suho’s arms loudly that he groaned before she apologized and turned red,again.

“Hyung~!”Baekhyun’s voice made Chorong’s eyes widened,they both looked at each other,worried that they’ll got caught and be a topic the boys will frequently talk.Plus,Chorong wouldn’t want Baekhyun to see her like that.

“What is it Baek?Can’t you knock first?”Suho’s irritated voice made Baekhyun’s steps stopped.

“Sorry hyung,Chanyeol asked me to ask you to sleep over at his room.He said that he knew you hate it to be alone and I know it’s a truth hyung.”Baekhyun’s finished his sentence after a breath.

“I’m fine Baek and thanks for the concern.Tell Chanyeol that I’m not afraid of being alone.”Baekhyun awkwardly left the room after the message.He still felt guilty at Suho without the latter knowing actually.

“I don’t know you’re afraid being alone.”Chorong said beneath the comforter in which Suho joined in.

“I’m not,just that they’re worried I might go crazy if I love to be alone too much…but that’s too old to be a joke already.”Suho reassured Chorong that looked like she was worried which comforts his heart.”At least nobody will listen.”Suho whispered before receiving light punches from Chorong all over his exposed chest.

Suho begged Chorong to stop between his laughs but Chorong wasn’t listening.”You and your erted mind…”Suho laughed before catching Chorong’s wrists and held it tight.Chorong could feel her heartbeat lose its rhythm when Suho looked into her eyes while closing the what so little gap between them.She just closed her eyes and smiled,thanking everyone that she could think of before she felt Suho’s lips on hers.


“Is Suho hyung okay?”Sehun asked while taking the bottle of water handed to him.

 “I thought I’m the one thinking the same.”Kai said right after he entered through the door.

“I already told Baek that we shouldn’t leave him alone.”Chanyeol interrupted.

“I delivered your message and he refused,don’t blame me okay?”Baekhyun joining in.

“Whoa~Relax Baek,you’re tensing up already.”Chen massaged Baekhyun’s shoulder while chuckling.

“What’s with Suho?”Lay asked the small group.Lay looked at Baekhyun who glared at Chanyeol.Lay redirected his eyes to Sehun who only shrugged and glanced to Kai.

“Does anyone felt weird with Suho hyung?”D.O. snuggled into the group comfortably.”I was just asking about Minseok hyung and he looked at me like I was about to kill him or something,it just creeped me out.”They burst out laughing when another witness came.Their laughter disturbed Xiumin who found the 7 men in his room when he just wanted to rest after a fresh shower.

“Yah,you guys should go to bed now.”Xiumin reminded them.His body was aching but apparently,the other members who decided to do their little meeting at his room was not.

“Hyung,doesn’t you notice something about Suho hyung?”Chen asked which silenced Xiumin.All eyes were focused on the eldest who looked shifty.

“Just tell us hyung.We all saw it.”Chanyeol gave Chen’s question a support.

“Actually I did.I was asking him to help me with my mic but he just said yes with a heavy eyes,it worried me actually.”Xiumin’s words created a little chaos among the members for a while.”I’m afraid that it’s getting worse compared to the previous day.”

The other 7 men was left in silence,worrying about their leader.


Suho opened his eyes when he felt the chill of the air-cond on his exposed body.He glanced to his side and a smile curved on his lips when he saw the sleeping Chorong.He tried to stretch his arms up before realizing that Chorong’s head was placed comfortably on his arm.It was such a peaceful scene for Suho.It was not every day that he woke up earlier than her so he took the opportunity to look at Chorong’s perfect features closely.Suho’s eyes fell from her small nose to her plump lips where he can’t resist on nibbling it,not surprisingly he did with those plump lips.Chorong then stirred from her sleep to see Suho’s face a breath away from her.

“Morning you sleepyhead.”Chorong pouted at Suho’s words that greeted her once she opened her eyes.

“Says the person who loves to wake up late.”Chorong stuck her tongue out before she mouthed an apology cutely when Suho glared playfully at her.Suho just chuckled,defeated completely.

 “It’s still early isn’t it?”Chorong promptly turned to the window whose curtain was slightly opened to see the sun was about to rise.”We’re free for the whole morning.What do you say if we take a walk?”

“I’d rather go back to sleep.”Chorong tucked herself back in bed after glancing at the disappointed Suho.

“I don’t mind.”Suho smirked which sent Chorong to protest immediately.

”Actually…I have nothing to wear exactly and…how we’re going to go out without your members noticing?”Suho ruffled Chorong’s hair,as his favourite way of saying thanks,which she replied with a grunt.

“Really?Let me see.”Chorong screamed with fear when Suho was about to jump off the bed.

“Okay okay,don’t scream or the boys will hear you.”Suho chuckled.Chorong’s scream was not a joke and everyone acknowledged that.”Let it be a secret then…”Suho pretended that he was sulking,making Chorong felt bad.

“It’s..just that…it’s Seunghee’s…”Chorong sighed.

“I know it Cho,don’t feel so bad.”Suho kissed her forehead to ease her guilt before taking over her lips.”Even if I don’t know,I can just pretend that I know right?”Chorong snuggled closer,having a mixed feelings of grateful,happiness and embarrassment all over.

“We should really get up if we don’t want to be late.”Chorong finally said.


Chorong looked up to see Suho was sleeping.She chuckled in disbelief but then she realized that she had interrupted his rest last night.Chorong chose not to wake him up and closed her eyes again.She doesn’t care about her plan earlier because to her,anywhere spent with Suho was enough.


Chorong just sat on the bed,wearing Suho’s hoodie without him knowing.Suho went out for a while without telling his destination to the sleepy Chorong.A knock on the door turned Chorong’s panic mode on.

“Room service.”Chorong gulped and could only think of the bathroom where she hid inside the tub,feeling her heart that was racing.”I’m going in sir.”Chorong prayed hard that she won’t be seen before she heard the door closing.

“What room service come in early the morning?”Chorong walked out to see the typical metal lid on the wooden table by the window.”Well,9 o’clock is still early.”Chorong shrugged after glancing at the clock.

‘Never skip your meal Rongie.’

Chorong just chuckled at Suho’s handwritten note.The words reminded her that she haven’t had any proper meals since last night,which left her to have cold sweats earlier…thinking of that made Chorong smiled alone.She realized that Suho actually cared and noticed her condition.

An hour passed before Suho returned to see the dozing Chorong.He can only managed a small laugh looking at how cute yet pretty Chorong is.Slowly and gently,Suho took over her lips which stirred Chorong and left her to groan at Suho’s sudden action.

“Feeling better?”Chorong gave out a low hum,still feeling dissatisfied with Suho.”That’s an exchange for wearing my shirt.”

Chorong stood to protest but Suho pretended to not notice her action.”I don’t know wearing one’s husband shirt was agai--…”Chorong hung her words when she finally realized her silly mistake.Suho was the opposite when he let out a big laugh,looking at how red Chorong was.

“You’re cute Rongie,still the same…”Suho moved closer which startled Chorong who backed away to bump on the foot of the bed which almost caused her to fall if not for Suho’s reflex.”Still the same girl I used to love and will love forever.”Suho’s words wasn’t helping Chorong as blood rushed to her cheek.Suho gave a peck on the tip of her nose before helping the wobbly Chorong to sit.

 “Why I said that?Must I said that?”Chorong questioned herself after Suho disappeared.She looked down at the grey hoodie that she wore and smiled,for the nth time.”Get your senses Rong.”Chorong shook her head and sat on the bed,thinking on what she should wear before she saw a striped pastel turquoise paper bag hidden under the dressing table.

Curiosity got the best of her so she walked over to the bag.Chorong took a peek inside the paper bag that seemed out of place before her eyes widened.It was,literally,a whole set of clothes.Suho was not kidding when Chorong found a bracelet that matches the colour of the two-piece outfit and the pair of beige strapped sandals that complement the thin strap handbag.Chorong thought hard at Suho’s choice of style before she gave up,thinking that she doesn’t have any other things to wear.

“Rongie-yah,after you’ve…”Suho was speechless when he came out of the bathroom.

“Yes?”Chorong fixed her hair again after turning to Suho.She started to put on the reddish pink lipstick which came together with the makeup stuffs that she found buried under the clothes.

 “I love you Cho.”Suho suddenly said,freezing Chorong from her work.She still wasn’t used to such words but hearing it didn’t stop her from smiling.

“I love you too Myeon.”Chorong said shyly before continuing her work and pretended that she was not affected by those words.

Suho was about to ruffle Chorong’s hair before Chorong looked up to him.”Do it and you’ll spend another 15 minutes waiting for me.”Chorong was too serious that it cracked Suho up.

“Come,we’re late.”Suho said when he glanced at the clock.He was too nervous and excited for the next 2 hours that they’re going to spend,together.


“We knew it.”3 words that stopped their steps.Being caught red-handed wasn’t anybody’s most favourite scene but there they were,being caught by the members.

“Hyung,you’re far too obvious okay.”Sehun said as a matter-of-fact.

“Haks,I knew it was Chorong noona.He won’t be that all-smiley fool all morning.”Chanyeol said proudly as a witness of Suho coming out of his room earlier.

“Whoa~You’re pretty Chorong-sshi.”Lay said right after he arrived,thinking that he was running late.It was just a coincidence that they were heading towards the elevator to see Suho and Chorong that was also waiting for one.

“Don’t worry hyung.Your secret is safe with us.”D.O.’s voice made all heads turned.

“Yeah,just be back before the manager found out.We’ll cover for you.”Xiumin’s words was agreed by the boys before the elevator arrived. 


“The boys love you that much huh?”Chorong asked while they were walking down the path that was just right beside the beach’s sand.

“You think?”A question that was answered by a question.Chorong was about to open before Suho stole her lips.

“Yah~we’re in public.”Chorong reminded Suho whose smile died abruptly,causing Chorong to feel bad.Suho stopped his steps which Chorong followed.

“Can we just be normal?Live like a normal person?Can we please Cho?”Chorong was taken aback by Suho’s serious question.His eyes that was looking directly into her eyes was not helping either.

“Erm…uh…”Chorong bit her lower lips,unsure of what to say.Her brown orbs looked up to Suho,feeling sorry.

“Aish..”Suho let out a small laugh amidst the tense air.”You can’t use that to go against me Cho.It’s unfair.”Chorong’s eyebrows knitted into one while she watched Suho raked through his hair with his undying smile and laughter.

“U-use what?”Chorong asked,confused.

“Nothing,you’re just too cute.”Chorong smiled when she gets the meaning behind Suho’s laughter.”Let’s go.”Suho placed his arms around Chorong’s shoulder which the latter doesn’t mind.

“So where are we going for lunch?”Chorong asked when she noticed that they was walking with no actual direction.

“The best buckwheat noodle in town.”Chorong looked at Suho with a surprised face.”Why?You don’t like it?Then what do you want instead?Cold noodles?”Relay of questions came out of Suho’s lips.

It was Chorong’s turn to laugh and left Suho dumbfounded.”No it’s just that I’ve been craving for one actually.”Chorong tried to contain her laugh but to no avail when she remembered Suho’s pursed lips and widened eyes.

They finally walked in silence,enjoying the wind and the moment when they were holding hands,ignoring the stares.Chorong never felt so free before and walking next to Suho just made her felt…comfortable.

Suho just chuckled again while the melting ice cream,a dessert they had after their 30 minutes lunch.They sat on the colourful chairs that overlooked the sea that was about 50 meters from their seats.Chorong ignored it,thinking that he might be thinking about something funny but when Suho just giggled alone for the third time,Chorong was irritated.

“Ah why~”Chorong went silent at her sudden aegyo.She pretended that she didn’t said that and looked away when Suho’s eyes fell on her.

“Chorong-ah,are you annoyed?”Suho inched closer but Chorong moved away.”Or are you curious?”Suho asked before he smirked.

“N-nothing,just eat the ice cream or it will melt.”Chorong felt like hitting her head for her sudden action earlier,even if part of her liked it.Suho however felt the total opposite,it was a rare opportunity to see the usually calmed and strict Chorong to do such thing.

“Okay okay…”Suho surrendered when he saw Chorong’s face was red which he can’t tell whether it was from the sun or from her embarrassment.”It’s,you know…you looked different,totally.”

Chorong turned to Suho slowly.”It’s your fault.”Chorong herself was surprised when the words slipped out of .

“You don’t like it?I mean,I know it’s not your preferred style,one that you will never try,but I think you look pretty,much more prettier.”Suho tried an attempt on buying Chorong with his well-arranged words.

“Yah,who wear a skorts (skirt + shorts) in their 30s?”Chorong whined,feeling relieved that Suho didn’t continued the topic on where they left off earlier.

“You do,and you look beautiful.”Suho said with a shameless smile which made him received a light punch on his arm.

Chorong’s thought was brought back to the earlier situation where she was having a hard time on her hair,considering that she doesn’t have her straightener with her and her hair was quite a mess,which doesn’t help her at all.She finally decided to tied half of her hair into ponytail,letting the other half to fall passed her shoulders.Chorong was clueless on why Suho bought the dusty pink crop top to match the denim bottom.Even they were a perfect match,it’s more like her stage outfits,which was rare,very rare.

“If you don’t like it that much,we can shop again.This time you’re coming.”Suho stood to actually throw his ice cream’s wrapper but Chorong was thinking that he meant his words instead.

“It’s okay,I’m fine with it.”Chorong held Suho’s wrist,stopping him.Suho turned to Chorong and paused for a few seconds.He then bent over,which startled Chorong,and the ice cream that was running down Chorong’s hand.

“My apologies then?”Suho looked up to Chorong with his face a few inches from her,making Chorong gulped.

“F—forget it.Apology accepted~”Chorong beamed before Suho gave her a surprised peck on her lips.”Yah,we’re in public.”Chorong’s reminding words made Suho heaved a sigh.Hearing Suho’s reaction,Chorong made a mental note on to get rid of her,what used to be,bad habit.She should realize that they’re free now.

“I can’t believe I’ll said this but…who cares?”Suho let out a small laugh.”I love you Chorongie.”Suho said,half shouting.

“You’re causing disturbance Myeon.”Chorong whined.

“What?Your,that’s not it.”Suho looked up to the sky and took a deep breath.Chorong just smiled watching the jealous side of Suho.”I mean your guy friends can call you like that and you even said you like it.”

“Yeah..I like it but not as much as I love how you call me Rongie,my Rongie.”Chorong said while smiling,finishing up her ice cream.She glanced at Suho’s expression and if her acting was not good enough,she can actually burst out laughing from her own words when she saw how Suho smiled like he’s the proudest dad.D—dad?


“Hira-sshi?”Luhan knocked the door again.It was his third time visiting Hira’s front door.Hira used to greet him at least once everyday,but not that day and the day before which made him curious.It doesn’t bother him if she was changing her habit but he then realized that she was the only person he can talk to.

“What is it?”Hira finally opened the door,enough for her to take a peek at Luhan.She pretended that she just woke up with her messy hair and half-closed eyes.Truth was she had woke up earlier than she always does.

“Can we talk?”Luhan asked honestly since it was the only reason that he can see which was enough to bug Hira.

“I’m tired,I got presentations and paperworks that need to be sent on Monday.”Hira gave an excuse when she doesn’t have the mood to actually start her work yet.

“Oh come on,Monday is far away.It’s just Saturday today.”Luhan stated the obvious thing which Hira can’t avoid anymore.

“Okay,let’s talk.”Hira finally said and Luhan waited for her to come out since he knew that the conservative Hira won’t let him in but it was silence.”You said you want to talk?”

“Here?I mean,of course here.”Luhan let out a small laugh to cover his mistake.”You…why,I..uhm—Is something wrong with you?”Luhan asked after struggling with the correct words.

“Nothing,I’m fine.Do I look sane to you?”Luhan quickly nodded.”Then you can said that I’m fine.”

“I’m not really asking that.It’s just that it has been 2 days since you greeted me…is something bothering you?”

Spot on the bullseye which made Hira gulped.She was thinking twice,reconsidering her decision.”Uhm,the night you tell me about Chorong-sshi…I-I kind of knew about you guys.”Hira said clearly in one breath.

Luhan was taken aback and instead of feeling surprised,he was afraid and,surprisingly,scared.”Then you’re shunning me out because of my identity?Or is it about my tragic love story?”

“No it’s not that.”Hira bit her lower lips.”I just need some time because,okay fine…it’s about who you are,who Chorong are..but really,I don’t have the intention to isolate you.”

Luhan looked down to his shoes and glanced to his side to see the lunch he bought for two.”You said you just need time right?”It was Hira’s turn to agree with her repetitive nods.

“Yeah,just time.”Hira looked up into Luhan’s eyes and grinned,making Luhan’s heart beating out of its pace.”B-but I’m okay now.2 days is enough for me to digest those facts.”Hira clenched her fist behind the door,it wasn’t her plan but she can’t bear watching Luhan’s sad eyes.

Luhan looked up,not quite convinced.Hira’s nod finally bring smile back to his face.“Okay then,here,I bought lunch for you.I didn’t want to disturb you and your paperworks.”Hira laughed at his words which stunned Luhan.She was about to refuse when she cut her addictive laugh short.Luhan,however,insisted by passing the plastic bag through the small space.”I intended to buy for you so I’m going to give it to you.”

“Thanks Luhan-sshi.”Hira smiled before closing the door.”I’m sorry Luhan-sshi.”Hira whispered right after she heard Luhan’s door opening and closing.


“So you really are leaving me behind?”Suho asked with a disappointed voice.

“I’m not leaving you,you’re going back with your members and I wasn’t supposed to be in the picture.”Chorong asked while tying up her hair before putting on her mask.

“Actually…”Chorong stopped zipping her carrier and looked up to Suho,waiting for his words.”I’ve seen your bag.”Chorong’s eyes widened,her cheeks blushed.

“You’re not supposed to when I asked you not to.”The table has turned when it was Chorong who was sulking.

“I tried Rongie but your words made my curiosity reached its max.”Suho finally get the situation and regretted it.

“I’m leaving now.”Chorong turned without looking at Suho.”Owh,and thanks for sending my clothes for laundry.”

“Yah,you can’t leave now,not without me.”Suho stood and held Chorong’s wrist tightly but Chorong doesn’t budge or had the sympathy to turn around.An hour going out for a date isn’t enough for him with Chorong saying her flight is at 3 in the evening,2 hours earlier than his.

“You’re just giving me more reason to leave.”Suho sighed before he tugged Chorong’s wrist,making the latter to be dragged backwards.Chorong yelped in surprise when her back bumped into Suho’s chest.

“And you’re just giving me more reason to see you tonight.”Suho whispered in Chorong’s ear.Chorong turned to her side to protest but Suho was faster when he pulled her mask down and gave her a deep kiss.

Chorong felt her wall was about to crumble before she get her senses back.”Nope,that won’t do.”Chorong shook her head and pulled the door open.”But I still love you.”Chorong turned and let out a soft laugh.

Suho was stunned and in daze as he only watched Chorong closed the door.”I love you too Rongie.”



Okay okay,stop throwing things to me,lol.I know I'm at deadlines but I'm trying my best and this sem is so hard for me,I'm sturggling to stay afloat so I didn't have time to review this chapter and post it.

But here it is now~!

I know I'm late and so but do you enjoy this chapter?I'm trying quite hard to make this PG though..haha.

Comment down below on...well anything though,even what do you want to see more in the next chaps..Thnx for ur patience subbies!

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subbies (i really need to come up with a name, haha) are coming in at slow but steady rate, when i thought this story is buried... thnx for subscribing (n upvoting).. hope u enjoy ur stay(?) and anticipate the sequel~! it's still far away, but i have thought it out, hehe..


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mamegoma #1
Thanks you for your hard work for this story for 3year and its a good story. Good luck for the sequel
ChocoLemonCandy01 #2
Chapter 41: 안돼요, 언니!!!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ..
TheLittleOne94 #3
Chapter 41: Wow it finally come to an end. Thank you for the story!!!
Chapter 39: You're back! Thanks for the update.
Love the story. <3
xoxo_kekeke #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for updating author-nim!!! :D
mamegoma #6
Chapter 38: You know today it's my birthday , and it's just like you're giving me a birthday present . So thank you so much . I'll be waiting for you're next update
nhafizah #7
waiting 4 your update soon..
MiniHyomin #8
Chapter 37: Please just let only good thing happen in jeju. I'm crying
mamegoma #9
Chapter 37: Im so happy that you're back , I always waiting for what happen next in the story it's became more and more interesting
sp1995 #10
Chapter 37: WOW great job, waiting for your update:)))