
sweet teeth

junmyeon loathes dentist appointments.

he does not enjoy foreign objects prodding his mouth- though when he says that to chanyeol the other just gives him a raised eyebrow and a smirk daring junmyeon to knock the living daylights out of him; neither he does not enjoy the entrance of the suction tube which dares to summon his terrible gag reflex (summoning yet another smirk from chanyeol and a way too loud cough), and he does not particularly wish it upon strangers to have to deal with his halitosis especially after he has had bibimbap for lunch.

so when junmyeon is told by his regular dentist dr. byun that he needs to do a wisdom tooth extraction, he grows white and it takes two cups of water before his soul returns to him.

dr. byun just chuckles. “but junmyeon, i would just like to let you know that it’ll be better to have someone well-versed in dental surgery doing the procedure, so we’re going to call a specialist down. don’t worry, you’re in good hands.” he smiles, with white fluorescent bulbs for teeth.

junmyeon becomes mute for the rest of the day.




“hyung, it’s not as if you’re doing something as intrusive as opening your gut,” chanyeol says in his best reassuring voice to junmyeon the next day over a hearty lunch of kimchi fried rice. junmyeon has a sour taste in his mouth, and he has a good feeling that it’s not the kimchi. “and besides, didn’t you tell me that they were planning to call in a specialist? it'll be over as soon as you know it."

junmyeon decides to mentally prepare himself further and is plastered to his computer screen, googling how wisdom tooth extractions work.

the google image search for “wisdom tooth extraction” is probably not the best place to be especially after a heavy lunch.




it’s the day of the procedure and junmyeon has risen early although his appointment is after lunch. dr. byun told him that he should have a hearty breakfast and lunch because after the surgery, he’s going to have to eat like an infant just starting on solids. but junmyeon is finding it hard to keep his breakfast down, and he eats barely half a yogurt that chanyeol tosses at him, having noticed his enthusiasm towards his breakfast.

lunch is another battle. they go out to eat spaghetti at the restaurant near the clinic since chanyeol wants junmyeon to enjoy proper solid food before the surgery, but junmyeon is as enthusiastic about the idea as he is over his breakfast that morning. chanyeol just sighs and watches junmyeon stare at his half-eaten plate of spaghetti bolognaise.

chanyeol feels as if he’s looking after a six-year-old picky eating child.




they finally reach the clinic, and junmyeon is handed a clipboard with a form to fill up. by this time, he’s already emptied his mind and all he sees are lots of boxes and lines. “ah, don’t worry about that,” the dimpled  nurse at the reception says, “the doctor will fill up the rest.”

junmyeon’s heart starts sprinting when he’s handed three tablets- one for reducing swelling later, and two painkiller pills. he quickly downs them, not enjoying the bitter aftertaste.

 he is plunged back to earth with a hard nudge to his shoulder. “that must be the specialist,” whispers chanyeol. he looks up, he spots a person in business attire, formal shirt and pants and polished black shoes walking past them .junmyeon takes a longer look and realizes that this person is really attractive, good lord, with his crazily high cheekbones and a slaying handsome smile.

he quickly shields his face with a magazine, hoping that the sudden blood rush to his cheeks isn't obvious.




junmyeon is finally called into the room and junmyeon hears a not so subtle “fighting” behind him. he rolls his eyes and not so subtly flashes the finger disguised as a hand behind his back.

junmyeon sits in the chair and takes a look around the room. it’s a little bigger than the room that he normally goes to for appointments, and he notices there is a considerable larger number of equipment. he recognizes his old foe the suction tube and glares at it.

as junmyeon is staring at the x-ray image of his teeth on a screen next to the chair, the dimpled nurse enters with another clipboard. “it’s just extra information so you sort of know what to expect. you just need to skim through it and sign behind.”

junmyeon scans the paper, and his eyes fall on section 2.1 on after-effects of minor dental surgery.

some after effects include severe pain, bleeding, injury/death

death. the air suddenly feels stale and junmyeon feels as if the grim reaper is looming above him. he jumps when he hears a stranger’s sharp but kind voice.

“that rarely happens, just so you know. and it was only one documented case where the patient reacted to the anesthesia.”

the owner of the mysterious voice walks in front of the chair and junmyeon’s heart is now in his mouth when he realizes who is going to do the surgery for him.




dr. kim spends almost twenty minutes talking junmyeon through the procedure and also at the same time trying to calm his nerves. junmyeon's legs are shaking beyond his will and he finally asks for a blanket.

"would you happen to have your headphones and your iPod with you?" dr. kim asks kindly. "it's alright if you want to listen to music to calm you down, and don't worry about it being in the way."

throughout the rest of the procedure, dr. kim is patting junmyeon's shoulders reassuring him that he is doing well with the pain as if he's a five year old toddler and it doesn’t help that snsd’s gee is playing.

he feels his face grow warm again, and hopes that dr. kim doesn’t see him blush.




after a gruelling hour of being in the chair and having needles, drills and forceps prodding his mouth, junmyeon finally feels liberated. he opens his eyes, having dozed off in the middle of lee hayi's "one sided love", and he finds dr. kim looming above him.

"are you able to sit up?" dr.kim holds junmyeon's arm, helping him up. junmyeon feels numb but somehow his face knows when to flush at the sudden contact.

he's sure he's seeing stars, and in the midst of blinking he sees a really good looking face.

"am i in heaven?" he slurs, and dr. kim chuckles. "no. you just got your wisdom tooth pulled out. how are you feeling? numb? in pain?"

he raises a finger and points it in front of dr. kim's face with the silliest grin known to men.

"did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"




junmyeon is relaxing on his bed after taking the many pills that dr. kim has kindly prescribed to alleviate his pain. he is looking through his facebook timeline when he spots an update from sehun, in caps lock:


junmyeon chuckles and types a quick reply to sehun’s post.

lol you removed yours too? i only had one taken out and i feel like i did the full monty already.

ugh i don’t think i have ever bled this much. and it hurts like hell.

did you try taking more painkillers?

i am considering mixing alcohol and panadine. can i take soju with my painkillers?

i don’t think you should do that-

junmyeon pauses while typing. he feels his phone vibrate next to him and he raises his eyebrows at the unknown number.

“hey junmyeon, this is dr. kim from the clinic. how is the surgery site? -dr kim”

junmyeon’s eyes are now the size of saucers.

“hi dr kim, thanks for asking. i only took half a dose of the sleep-inducing painkillers though, think i feel a bit better.”

“are you sure? you should just sleep. it’s alright to up the dose, and if you feel painless tomorrow, you can reduce the dosage.”

junmyeon’s heart is about to jump out of his chest at the realization that dr. mcdreamy kim jongdae has just messaged him and he has my number. junmyeon’s eyes flash back to his computer screen to sehun’s comment about mixing alcohol with painkillers, and he probably has the stupidest grin lining his face right now.


hi dr. kim. a friend of mine just had all his wisdom teeth removed, and he’s still in a lot of pain even though it’s been eight hours since his procedure. can he take alcohol with the panadine?

junmyeon tosses his phone aside and rocks himself back and forth, burying his burning face in his lap.

about five minutes later, his phone vibrates again.

from: mcdreamy kim

hi junmyeon. i really don’t recommend it because taking alcohol with panadine has the same effect.

junmyeon furrows his eyebrows as he tries to think of a clever reply. how about taking alcohol in more relaxed settings? ;)  junmyeon mentally beats himself up for adding the winky face, and fears that dr. kim thinks he's trying to make a pass at him. (basically, he is.)

the phone suddenly vibrates. a lot.

incoming call: mcdreamy kim

"is this you trying to ask me out?" the other voice is crisp, with a familiar sense of warmth.

junmyeon is speechless for five seconds before he is able to say something coherent.


there is a chuckle on the other side. "well, falling from heaven is not the strangest line but the alcohol thing is pretty original."

junmyeon suddenly feels numb. "uh, dr. kim, did i, um, say anything that could be potentially mortifying after the surgery?"

dr. kim chuckles. "you did ask me whether it hurt when i fell from heaven. and, it's jongdae. my name is jongdae."

after nearly half an hour of shyly crossing walls, junmyeon realizes that he is going out with the dentist that took out his teeth on sunday at six, and dr. kim-no, jongdae- has recommended a nice irish bar with great beer and fish and chips.

that night, junmyeon's brain puts the word jongdae on repeat.




the next morning, chanyeol walks into the living room spotting junmyeon wearing the silliest grin.

he scoots over to the couch, wondering what on earth is making junmyeon smile like a smitten teenage girl this early in the day. as he wrestles for the phone, he manages to catch sight of the contact name.

mcdreamy kim <3

“what the hell, hyung.” chanyeol rolls his eyes, but is secretly happy for him.




(although some time later when it is chanyeol’s turn to extract his upper wisdom tooth, he doesn’t seem to complain when mcdreamy- whose real name is jongdae- having have had heard that name once too many times in different tones ranging from sappily sweet to throaty broken noises which he never intended to hear- recommends his good friend dr. byun who actually knows a thing or two about dental surgery.

junmyeon occasionally sees the name “mccutie byun” flash on chanyeol’s phone and just chuckles.

and junmyeon finds that he is growing to loathe dentist appointments less and less.)




(a/n: this is what happens after you’ve had wisdom teeth surgery.

and this happened)


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Chapter 1: "mcdreamy kim <3"
ri0505 #2
Chapter 1: aaaw... that 'mcblabla' things.. kekeke~ i wish i could get my 'mcsteamy' with smoking hot face, so he just need to melted my wishdom teeth instead... thank you for great story, author-nim. like it... ;)