
Cheesy Ice Cube

Let me tell you a story, about a boy named Oh Sehun.

His name was Oh Sehun.

He was like a peppermint.

Too spicy, and I hate it.

He was like my mother’s gingersnap.

Sweet yet spicy, and I don’t really like it.


Oh Sehun was like an ice cube from the north pole,

Never shows a sign to melt. Never.

But also,

 Oh Sehun was like my favorite Christmas decoration, the one that always placed in the top of the tree.

The one that always the most hard to get, but still, I like it.

I can say he was like a Kinderjoy too.

The one who full of surprises, you’ll never know what’s on the inside.

But most of all, I think an ice cube is the most suitable thing to describe a human being named Sehun.

He will always hide behind his emotionless (not to mention handsome) face.

I still remember our high school graduation, when every student jumped in gaiety and that Oh Sehun just stood there, looked at his name which was on the top ten list of our hundreds students.

I also remember the SAT announcement last year, when he succeeded the test and accepted in one famous University. That ice cube guy just looked at his name on the announcement board with the same, never changed, plain emotionless face. Geez! I was almost die in happiness because I got an average score and accepted in the same University with him. But that Oh Sehun seemed so super duper calm with his 9,8 score.

That plain emotional yet handsome face was never changed since the first day I knew him in High School, since now when we are in the same University, even when, uhm,

When he asked be to be his girlfriend about two days ago. Ah no, actually Jongin –my cousin, was the one who did it. He was the one to ask me to be Sehun’s girlfriend.


“Hey cousin, Sehun is wondering, do you want to be his girlfriend or no?” Geez, I swear if that cousin of mine is joking, that’s not a funny one.

“Stop joking, Jongin.”

I just flip another page of my book.

“I’m not joking, Junmi. Right, Sehun” Jongin nudging someone beside him

Geez, all of the words inside my head just disappeared when I saw Oh Sehun standing beside him.

And everything is getting worse when Sehun nods, giving a ‘yes’ for Jongin’s question. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, I can feel a million of butterflies inside my tummy, I also can feel the bursting feels inside my chest, but…

“But if you don-“

“I do!”

Oh my, I swear by the name of every plant that grows in this world I will kill myself for doing that. I just can look down while nonstop cursing my stupid mouth and also silly brain.

“I’ve told ya, bro.” Jongin smirk. “She’s like yo-“



(Flashback end)


I don’t know why, but I’m still hesitate about it. I mean, is Oh Sehun was really serious with it? I mean, really serious?

He never gives me any sign to confirm the relationship between us now. It’s been two days and there’s no any text or call from him. Is he just playing with me?

Well, the weekend is almost over. There’s no any kind of first date or whatever. What should I do tomorrow? Sooner or later we will meet in campus. Geez. Should I shout out his name and clinging to his arms like another couple? Ugh, no. I bet Sehun hate those kinds of thing.

Then what? Let him walk alone, I mean not literally alone. There’s always a ton of girls who always trying to flirt with him! Oh Sehun has a lot of fans, mark that. Although he never pays any attention on them but still, I never want to see my boyfriend walk with another girl.


The building is so crowded this morning. Well, a lot of students has many schedules in Monday.

Junmi reluctantly stepping out from Jongin’s car. Yes, Kim Jongin the cousin of Junmi who God-knows-why fetch her this early morning, when Junmi was walked to her room again and again because of a lot of assumption in her head. And of course it made Jongin frustrated and can’t help to not to grumbled on his aunt.

“Jongin,” Junmi pulls Jongin’s sleeve when that guy is about to leave.


“Um, do you have any class this morning?”

“Yes, I have to go now.”

 “Wait!” Jongin almost step back when Junmi pulls him for once again.

“Geez, what the hell is it Kim Junmi?!” Jongin burst in his anger.

“Um, I …” Junmi looks down. Now she’s busy in a debate with her own mind.

Should I ask where Oh Sehun is? Or just let him go?

Jongin take a deep breath. “Let’s go, I’ll walk you to your class.”


Five days has passed since Sehun ask (Jongin to ask to) Junmi to be his girlfriend.

Everything goes normal. Ah no, it’s not normal of a new couple like Sehun and Junmi. They should be together, spending time together as the other couple does, not act like a strangers like now.

Junmi always go to campus with Jongin (which strangely always fetch her every morning), go to her classes, and go home with Jongin (with a thousand unreasonable excuse always be with her).

And what about Sehun?

After she thinks again, she feels like being played by Oh Sehun. They often meet in campus, but Oh Sehun act like didn’t care about her existence.

Junmi put her bag on the desk and throw herself to sit one of the chairs in the front row.


The last class of the day and also the most enjoyable one.

A class with Oh Sehun.

! Junmi mentally cursing.

She just realized that now both of Sehun and her is on the same class room. It’s not something new to be in the same class with Oh Sehun. Both of them have been in some same classes since the first semester.

Yet they were strangers that time. But now they’re technically couple. Junmi can’t help but feel nervous.

She carefully looking to every corner of the room and there it is! Her eyes catches a blonde guy who sitting near the window while playing with his phone. Oh Sehun.

The handsome guy who drowning in his own world.

The one who never care about a thousand attention from several girls who purposely take a place near him.

Oh Sehun, the guy who carry the title as Kim Junmi’s boyfriend.

“Miss Kim, your lecture is me, and not Mr Oh.” Professor Kim Jongdae chuckling and bring Junmi to reality.

Few minutes later, Professor Kim starts the class. Psychology class is one and only class with many students, despite the fact everyone says Psychology is boring, still a lot of student enjoy the class because of the lecture, Kim Jongdae, a young professor who always wins his students’ hearts with a fun and attractive teaching mode. It makes Junmi never felt bored to attend his class –another reason beside Oh Sehun.

The young professor is more than just creative to explain the lesson, he can connect everything to his point of lesson, even though the most far thing can be connected with his lesson.

“Well, the psychological condition of humans are depends on their hearts. Do you guys know when is the psychological condition of a human is on the finest position?” Professor Kim sit on the table while grinning.

“When they’re happy?” a girl student answering while raising her hand.

“Nice answer, Jaein.” The professor jump a little. “And when is the most happiest moment?”

Professor Kim walking around the class while the student whispering to each other and giggling. “Oh come on, you guys know the answer.” He go back to the front.

“Fall in love.” Professor Kim take a breath. “When they’re falling in love, and the most important one is when they succeed. Succeed to get that one thing that made them fall in love.”

Junmi secretly take a glimpse on Sehun. Is he feels happy?

“I still remember the first time I confessed to Taein.” Another charming smile appear on professor Kim’s face along with the cheers from the students.

That young professor is loves to tell the story about his love life. What an inspiring story. Junmi even feels envy with the fiancée of his lecture who can get a romantic person like professor Kim. Not like her.

“Oh! Is there any couple in this class?”

Dang it! Professor Kim’s question really hits Junmi hard. She startled and without her control, she already looking at Sehun which now looking at her with his piercing gaze.

Junmi don’t know what is the meaning of Sehun’s gaze. Is he clarifying our relationship?

“Sehun-ah?” And now professor Kim surprise Sehun with standing right in front of him.

“Uh, n-no, profesor.” Sehun stuttering and then take a deep breath, like getting ready to say another thing when …


The class door slamming hard.


Junmi can’t control her hear beat.

She can’t control her feet to not to run from the class.

She can’t control her arm to not to slam the door.

And she can’t control her tears to not to falls down.

The simple word of Oh Sehun is enough to clarify everything.

I just being played.

Oh Sehun, the one that I like since High School is a player. He loves to play with other people’s feeling.

He asked me to be his girlfriend but then didn’t want to admit it.

She can’t help but think bad about Sehun.

The feeling of being played is just too hurt. It’s like putting other people’s heart on the top happiness, but then bang it down to the ground like a heartless human. Such a heartless!

Junmi sit behind a big tree on the campus’ backyard. She sit while hugging her knees, enjoying the silence and try to manage her broken heart. She’s trying to forget about everything that just happened.

She let out a deep sigh and shut her eyes.

“Hey, you already wake up?”

Oh no, it can’t be…

“Sehun?” The great pain inside her heart is going to explode when a pair of Sehun’s brown eyes piercing her in a deep gaze. “What are yo-“

“I brought your bag. You left it on the class.” Sehun glancing on a brown bag with some books and papers which belongs to Junmi.


Junmi don’t know what should she say. Of course she really want to punch Sehun in the face and shoo him away. But there’s a big part of her that never want to let Sehun go. There’s a weird feeling when Sehun’s around her.

Silence covering both of them. Sehun is too busy looking at the replica lake in the front of him when Junmi is busy playing with her fingers while bitting her lips.

“Stop bitting your lips.” Sehun said when he realized Junmi start to bite her lips harder. “If you do-“

“Oh Sehun,”

Junmi interrupting Sehun’s sentence.

“Do you… really like me?”

I swear I will never repeat that stupid question ever again!

She mentally cursing herself while waiting for the answer.

Sehun nods his head.

“Do you really serious when you, uhm ask me to be your… girlfriend?”

“I do serious, Kim Junmi.” Sehun’s answer and his deep voice just make the pain spread and hurt Junmi’s heart for once again. But although the statement is seems so convincing, still there’s a little question in Junmi’s heart about his seriousness. I mean, Sehun has avoid her this long time, how can she easily trust him?

“Then why you… you, you always…” A hundred of question flying away in Junmi’s head, but she doesn’t know why everything get stuck in . Instead of asking those question, the girl just bursting out in her tears.

“Hey, sst.” Sehun move closer to Junmi and slow but sure his hand gently the girl’s head. “I’m sorry, okay? I never meant it.”

Junmi can heard a deep sigh from Sehun, it’s like he just let out something big and heavy inside him.

And once again, Sehun’s strong arms slowly leaning her shoulders to get closer to him and lock her in his secure embrace. She just stay still, letting herself drowning in Oh Sehun’s warm hug. Junmi take a deep breath and in the same time she can feel the many scent of Sehun, the scent that slowly spreading inside her lung and make the pain disappear and also the movement of Sehun’s hand in Junmi’s head makes her tears slowly stop rolling down and when he plant a soft kiss on her forehead finally makes the girl’s arm hug Sehun’s waist tightly.

“I love you, Kim Junmi. Please forgive me.” He’s whispering.

A thousand butterflies bursting out from Junmi’s tummy and her heart beat just going crazy after hearing Sehun’s statement, she can’t help but hug Sehun tighter and yes, she can feel another crazy heart beat of Sehun which make her realize that he absolutely feel the same.






Junmi open her eyes, she wake up with a bright smile on her face.  

One hour later she’s ready to go to campus, but once again she felt the anxiety inside of her heart.

What if Sehun back to his cold act again?

What if Sehun avoid me again?

What it Sehun …

“Good morning, baby.”

Sehun stand beside his car with a bright smile on his handsome face which magically erases all of the fears and anxiety in Junmi’s heart.

“You really miss me that much, eh?” Sehun just can chuckle while wrapping his arms around Junmi, which now hugging him tightly.

“Tch.” Junmi sighing and then she gently push Sehun’s chest.

“Sorry for make you tired last night.”

Junmi just blushing while remember what happened last night, when both of them spend a whole night talking to each other. It was like a payback for Sehun’s five day silence.

“It’s okay.”

“Well, from now on I’ll call you every night then.” Sehun grins.

“What? Yah Oh Sehun!”

Junmi playfully yet hard hit Sehun’s arm and make the boy sighs in pain.

“What? I can’t sleep without hearing your voice!”

“Ew, cheesy ice cube!”



Well yea okay okay I know you guys are still wondering about Jongin's attitude and another weird stuffs,

but yea Sehun will tell us everything! Yehet~!

Just wait for His point of view which will be available in several days :P

Kkkk thankyou for reading, aaaand let me know what do you guys think about this story! Kkk ^^

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