
Jong suk went back to his office since he would just be waking up if he hadn't been woken up and sat down heavily in his chair. He ran his hands through his hair and let out an exasperated grunt. Here was a girl who seemed as though she should have immense intelligence but was only about as intelligent as the dogs she had been hanging out with before people had found her. He was absolutely baffled by her and intrigued which made him excited. There was really nothing he loved more than a challenge.

Leigh came bursting into his office like she usually did and set an immense stack of papers down on his desk.

"These are all the tests that we've been able to run on her so far. Dr. Lee has decided that since you got her to obey you somewhat, that you'll be in charge of studying her.

Jongsuk groaned in mock horror but he was secretly pleased with how this was going. Even of he hadn't been appointed this job, he would of somehow made it so that he was involved in her testing. He reached across the table, slow enough to not show his eagerness and huffed, "If I must."

Leigh rolled her eyes at his childish actions. She knew how excited he was. She looked around at the bare white walls of his office and smiled sadly. "When are you going to decorate this place?" she asked. "It's like a prison in here."

He looked around his bare office and sighed. Though he had been working here for a while now, there was nothing to indicate that. It's not as if he would put pictures up. He wasn't close with his family and he didn't really have any friends. He supposed he could have put a picture up of his sister but that would have shown to much into his private life that people didn't need to see. He waved her off.

"I think it looks fine in here. I don't need a bunch of pictures and personal things in here because it's just work. Pictures are for home."

Leigh just shook her head and sighed, "That's not true, but whatever, ice prince." She walked out and Jongsuk picked up the folder from his desk and opened it. It held blood tests and the MRI's he had already seen which still baffled him. There were also some other tests but none of them had anything to do with her intelligence. He decided that the tests would start the next. 

He called Leigh and told her to text him when they would feed her lunch and sat back and waited. 


"We're going to feed her now."

He shot up and rushed out the door, when he got the text, towards the intern living quarters. Leigh was standing there with a tray in her hands, another doctor on her right. She raised her eyebrows at the sight of the huffing and puffing man in front of her but didn't say anything about his obvious eagerness. 

"You ready?" she asked. 

He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged, going for a nonchalant stance despite the fact that he had just practically ran here and his lungs wanted to jump out of his chest, "Let's just get this over with I guess." 

She chuckled to herself and shook her head but still didn't say anything. She nodded towards the doctor standing beside her who opened the door and ushered Leigh and Jongsuk in, locking the door behind them. 

Jongsuk turned around, alarmed, "Why did he do that?" he demanded. 

"It's to make sure that she doesn't escape if she incapacitates us."

Jongsuk walked slowly to the corner where she had been before but didn't see her there. He heard a growl come from below one of the beds and she scuttled out from underneath one of them making them both jump. He hadn't really gotten a good look at her earlier that morning but focused on her now. 

Her hair was long and had leaves and pieces of dirt in it. Her face was filthy and he couldn't tell if she was actually dark or if it was just all the dirt on her face that made her appear that way. She was skinny, but that was to be expected after finding her in the woods, probably starving. She was tall too and he was amazed at how she had fit her tall frame under that bed. Her eyes were the only things he did recall looking at. They were a dark purple and were framed with dark lashes. They were wide intelligent eyes until she caught him looking at her and then blankened them.

"God she's creepy," Leigh whined. 

Jongsuk only chuckled and crouched down so that he was on the same level as her. The girl eyed him warily but let him approach her. He was whispering softly to her so that Leigh couldn't hear. He put his hand out slowly like he had in the morning and patted her head. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked quietly. He motioned for Leigh to get down as well. When she did, however, the girl growled at Leigh, baring her teeth at her. 

"Don't!" he said harshly. She glared at him but did as she was told. Leigh set the food in front of her slowly and cautiously so as to not startle her. It was rice, kimchi, japchae, and some meat, however the girl just stared at the food and didn't touch it. Even when Jongsuk pushed it towards her she still refused the food. 

Does she not like the food or something, he thought. He took some of the rice into his hand and ate it following with some of the kimchi. He rubbed his belly and made satisfied groans showing her that the food as good. She however turned around but not before smirking a little as if telling him that he looked ridiculous.

"She's a sassy one isn't she?" Leigh remarked. 

Jongsuk huffed and pouted, a little annoyed by her reaction. "When was the last time she ate?"

"She hasn't eaten in a while," Leigh said. "The doctors at the other hospital told us that they got one meal in her the whole time she was with them. She hasn't eaten the whole time she's been here."

"How do we get her to eat then? She needs to eat."

Leigh just smirked, "I don't know, you tell me doctor."

He looked at her and smiled sarcastically, "Are you having fun right now?"

She just laughed, "So much fun!"

He rolled his eyes and just looked at the girl who was studying them it seemed. She crawled towards Leigh slowly just then, and sniffed her. She suddenly sprung at Leigh and knocked her down, pawing at the front of the poor doctors lab coat. Leigh let out a scream and tried to push the wild girl off of herself. Jongsuk was trying to wrestle the girl off of her but couldn't. The doctor posted outside was fumbling with the lock on the door before throwing it open, a tranquilizer gun in his hands. 

She lept off of Leigh, however, and scuttled back to the corner she had been in that morning, this time with something in hand. She tore at the wrapper with her teeth and then devoured whatever had been in the packet. Leigh sat up slowly and stared at the girl, her chest heaving up and down as adrenaline coarsed through her veins making her heart thump erradically against her chest.

They all stared at the girl as she finished, a new streak of brown on her cheek and lips. The backup doctor had his hands on the trigger of the tranquelizer still aimed at the girl. Jongsuk was still crouched next to Leigh, bewiderment on his face. He turned towards the doctor and snorted.

"Put that thing down. You look ridiculous." He reached into his pocket and withdrew a few dollars. "Go down to the vending machine and get as many chocolate bars as you can with this. Go. Now." The doctor nodded and fumbled with the money before running out of the room.

He reached for Leigh but then withdrew his hand and settled for just asking, "Are you ok?"

She nodded, still visibly shaken, but stood up anyways and brushed herself off. "She took my candy," she said quietly. She shook her head and then walked over to the girl who tensed up a little. "Enjoy that because that is the last piece I had." She turned around and looked at Jongsuk. "I'm leaving," she said and then walked out the door without another word.

Just then the other doctor had come in and spilled a bunch of candy bars on the floor in front of Jongsuk. "Here, sir. I got as many as I could." The girl perked up and went to get up to grab them, but Jongsuk held his hand up.

"No, you're not getting these until you do something for me."

She scrunched up her nose and sat back down, glaring at him ferociously. He held up one of the candy bars and stood up motioning for her to do the same. She seemed to understand because she stood up slowly. He smiled and motioned for him to follow him and started walking out of the room. 

"Sir, I don't think..."

"No, don't think. Shut up and follow us and make sure she doesn't make a break for it." 

Jongsuk started walking slowly out of the room and towards one of the testing areas. He knew that it would have taken a lot of coaxing to get her down there, but with the candy bars it would be no problem at all. He broke pieces off and set them on the ground making a trail. She would bend down, pick them up, and then gobble them down before going on to the next piece. Pretty soon they were in the nearest testing area and Jongsuk couldn't help but smile.

"Gotcha," he whispered as he stood there and watched her look around the room still chewing on the chocolate. She turned her emerald eyes towards him and he took in a sharp breath.

Her eyes showed an intelligence that he couldn't seem to comprehend fully. He knew he hadn't just been seeing things and that there was more to her than meets the eye.

She smiled at him and then sat on the floor and shut her eyes. When she opened them again and semblence of intelligence that had been there was gone and her usual vacant stare was all he could see.

He was determined to figure out what he was seeing and just how intelligent she actually was.


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Chapter 4: lol why are the comments so similar>> ahahah well written
Chapter 3: This is really really interesting. Looking forward to the next chapter!
blackyana #3
Chapter 3: Very interesting and well written, sooo looking forward the next chapters!!
blackyana #4
Chapter 1: This fic seems very interesting, sooo looking forward to it!!^^ i like ur writing style, u r good;)) keep updating pls♡