
If You'll Have Me


Kyungsoo is nearing the finish line. Their family is cursed. Whoever is still unmarried by the age of twenty-five will never marry any more. Of course, there is no scientific and realistic explanation to that. But seeing that Kyungsoo has two aunts who are old maids and an uncle who’s still a bachelor at the age of fifty, who wouldn’t believe that the curse is real? Certainly not Kyungsoo. He is already in panic because he only has a year to make someone marry him. And he already has a certain someone in mind.


Although he is in a rush to get married, Kyungsoo still wishes that a fairy tale will come true for him. His late mother had taught him that Prince Charming exists to sweep him off his feet and carry him in a carriage so they can live in a palace. His cousin Chanyeol used to always because of that.


According to Chanyeol, Sleeping Beauty was not kissed by Prince Charming because she slept for a long time her breath stink. And Cinderella was denied by her Prince Charming because her foot smelt awful when he fitted the glass slipper. Kyungsoo would always cry after.


Ironically, the fairy tale Grinch Chanyeol has gotten married before Kyungsoo, making him safe from the curse. And the giant is now living the fairy tale dream he had teased Kyungsoo about with his husband Baekhyun.


It also didn’t help that Kyungsoo has two sisters who are already happily married. His Dara noona is married to her long-time boyfriend Kwon Jiyong, and her younger sister Soojung has married her boyfriend of three months Kang Minhyuk. It is ridiculous, really, to marry someone you hardly know (in Soojung’s case). But that doesn’t stop Kyungsoo from feeling a little envious.


Kyungsoo co-owns a concept wedding shop with his best friend Luhan and their college friend Minseok. With his fascination of fairy tales and fictional animation characters, it’s a no brainer why he chose to build a business in that nature.


“Hi Kyung!” Minseok greets as Kyungsoo enters the shop. “Did you talk to Luhan yesterday?”


Kyungsoo dreamily smiles at the person who greeted him. His mornings are great because Minseok is always there to greet him. It makes his day complete and to think it has just begun. He has been crushing on Minseok ever since college and hopefully he can finally muster up the courage to ask the guy to marry him. He is in a rush after all.


“No. Why?” Kyungsoo asks while Minseok takes the bundle of flowers in his arms.


“Oh, so he hasn’t said anything yet.” Minseok starts to climb the stairs to their main office on the second floor as Kyungsoo follows.


The younger male sighs as he looks up at the man in front of him. Minseok has continued to say something but Kyungsoo has already blocked them all out. His mind is running wild on him again. He has imagined this so many times before—Minseok pinning him against the wall and passionately kisses him as the older male confesses his undying love for him.


A fake cough alerts Kyungsoo back to reality and is embarrassed that he is actually pinned against the wall by the imaginary Minseok. His lips are protruded slightly in a pretend kiss with his arms raised on either side in surrender. He quickly composes himself and focuses back on the real Minseok who is eyeing him, confused.


“As I was saying,” Minseok continues. “There’s something important that I need to tell you. Something that would change my life forever.”


The younger male abruptly stops as he reaches the top of the stairs. He looks at Minseok meaningfully, eyes sparkling with excitement, and heart beating in anticipation. Is this it? Is Minseok going to finally admit that he likes him?


Before Minseok can say any more, Luhan arrives and calls for Minseok at the bottom of the stairs. Kyungsoo looks down at his best friend and sends him eye daggers for interrupting. He squint his eyes in anger at Luhan because Minseok is supposed to tell him that he will marry him until Luhan’s interference.


“Well, I’ll just tell you later tonight. Luhan and I need to meet up a client and we don’t want to get stuck in traffic,” Minseok says.


“Okay,” Kyungsoo regretfully agrees but he’s going to know it eventually anyway, so he’s not too disappointed.




Later that night, Luhan joins him for dinner in the shop. Minseok has to meet another client and Luhan went back alone. The latter brought Chinese food, his favorite, so he is not complaining that he will still have to wait more for Minseok to arrive.


“Lu, I think Minseok is finally going to confess to me!” Kyungsoo excitedly informs as they start to eat.


“What makes you say that?” Luhan asked in almost a whisper.


“He told me this morning that he needs to say something important, something that will change his life forever. Doesn’t that sound like he is going to confess?” Kyungsoo dreamily announced as he clasped his hands near his heart and looked up as if he was envisioning his future.


“Kyungie, can I ask you something?” Luhan inquires and Kyungsoo nods. “Are you really in love with Minseok? I mean, you’re not just pining him because you’re afraid you’re not gonna get married, are you?”


Kyungsoo is shaken at the question. Is he really in love with Minseok? Or is it just his desperate attempt not to be left by the marriage train.


“Do you feel the magic with him? Is there a spark every time your eyes meet?” Luhan continues. “You’ve told me before that you’ll only know if you’re in love when there’s magic, when your body reacts weirdly about the person. Do you feel any of that with him?”


Kyungsoo is silent. He thinks about the time he spent with Minseok to recall if he has felt any magical moment with the guy. He can’t remember any. All he remembers is his fantasy of them kissing. But even then, he doesn’t feel the magic, the spark, the sneeze. The sneeze that would always happen right after he would kiss the one he’s in love with. And the sneeze doesn’t happen in his fantasy of Minseok either.


“Well,” Kyungsoo answers. “No, I don’t feel the magic with him right now. But I know I will once he confesses!” He reasons. “What’s up with your face?” Kyungsoo is alarmed at Luhan suddenly making faces.


“I need to use the bathroom!” Luhan rushes to the bathroom, leaving the laughing Kyungsoo behind.


“That’s what happens to gluttonous people like you!” Kyungsoo laughs hysterically at his best friend’s unwanted event.


While Luhan is in the bathroom, Minseok arrives. Kyungsoo can feel his blood rushing to his cheeks as he imagines the moment Minseok will confess to him. As the latter emerges from the stairs, Kyungsoo swears that the man is glowing, like an angel in disguise. He smiles at Minseok with a fluttering sigh escaping his lips.


“Where’s Luhan?” Minseok asks as soon as he is settled on a chair across Kyungsoo at the table.


“He’s in the bathroom, emptying the contents of his intestines,” Kyungsoo laughs shyly. He can feel his body heating up in nervousness and he can actually feel sweat forming on his forehead.


“I see. Well, it’s better if his here while I say what I want to say to you, but it’s okay even if he’s not here,” Minseok starts and Kyungsoo holds his breath in anticipation.


“Kyungsoo, I…” Minseok is interrupted by Luhan calling out for them.


“Kyung? Is that Minseok? You guys, I’m stuck in the bathroom. I can’t open the door.”


Kyungsoo gets up from the chair to get Luhan out but Minseok stops him by grabbing his arm. Kyungsoo is confused.


“Kyung, I really need to say this right now,” Minseok explains.


“But Luhan…” Kyungsoo protests but goes back to his seat anyway seeing the look on Minseok’s serious face.


“Minseok! No! Don’t tell him yet!” Luhan calls out again. “I’m the one who needs to tell him!” Luhan bangs the bathroom door but Minseok won’t allow Kyungsoo’s attention to be diverted from him.


“Kyungsoo…” Minseok starts again. Luhan suddenly is able to swing the door open, banging it to the wall. Kyungsoo turns his head towards a panting Luhan but Minseok grabs Kyungsoo to face him. “Kyung, Luhan and I are getting married.”


The revelation makes Kyungsoo’s head spin. He hasn’t expected that at all. What he expected is a heartfelt confession from the man that he sort of have feelings for. Not a confession that Minseok is going to marry his best friend. Why hasn’t he known that the two have a relationship? Is he that dense?


With all the thoughts that bombard his mind, Kyungsoo collapses.




It’s as if Kyungsoo did not wake up from passing out until that moment. Everything passed by in a blur and two months later, he is dressed in a prince-like suit, walking down the aisle at an amusement park, while smiling halfheartedly at people in Luhan and Minseok’s wedding. He is Luhan’s best man after all while Jongdae is Minseok’s.


The ceremony is wonderful. The concept of the wedding is fairy tale that is why he is dressed in a prince suit. He has planned the whole thing himself so there should be no surprise why it turns out great.


Although he is happy for Luhan and Minseok, Kyungsoo still feels a little hurt. Not because he feels betrayed, but because he realizes that he has to accept the fact that he is going to be alone forever. And that is something hurtfully sad.


He decides to climb the tower of the palace where the reception is being held. He needs to be alone to think things through and plan his life of solitude. However, his peaceful alone time is short-lived by someone totally unexpected. Wu Yifan, the annoying photographer, has climbed the tower after him disrupting his peace.


“What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo asks with annoyance in his voice.


“I could ask you the same thing,” Yifan replies.


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at the aggravating answer. Yifan really makes his blood boil a hundred degrees Celsius. He regrets his decision of hiring the man as the official wedding photographer right away. If only Yifan isn’t the best there is, he would have never considered him. But, it’s his best friend Luhan’s wedding and he deserves the best, that’s why Yifan is now frustratingly in the tower with him.


His resentment towards Yifan is not without reason. The photographer has always captured him in embarrassing situations with his camera during weddings. Kyungsoo has been to many weddings before, obviously for work purposes. But the blonde photographer has never failed to include him in compromising poses although he is not part of the wedding entourage. He would scream every time he receives a photo of him either making faces to the camera or of him in embarrassing mishaps from their newlywed clients.


“Don’t get smart with me,” Kyungsoo fires back.


“Okay, well, I saw you climb up here so I followed you,” Yifan responds.


“And why did you follow me?”


“It’s because I have a proposition for you that you cannot decline.”


Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow at Yifan. What can possibly be Yifan’s proposition the he can’t say no to? His curiosity is sparked and for some reason he wants to know what it is.


“Okay, hit me. What is your proposal?” Kyungsoo gives in.


Yifan smirks triumphantly and moves a few feet closer to Kyungsoo. “Well, my dear Kyungsoo,” he starts intriguingly. “I can help you find a husband.”





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Chapter 4: Oh my goodness this is soooooo good. I actually wanted to punch Yifan at some point for being jerk but im freaking glad he took the courage to confess to kyungsoo when he came to terms with his feelings. This is a lovely masterpiece and i love you authornim for sharing this wonderful story!!!!!
jieyoopark #2
Chapter 4: ouwh, i'm crying....
so beautiful fanfic, I'm already a Krisoo Shipper after read this story....
Chapter 4: Kris how can you be this stupid :(
Chapter 4: I want to meet the right person too.... this story really good.
Chapter 4: Perfect story love:-):-):-)krisooooooooo
eunhaeron #6
Chapter 2: Kyungie is just so cute here, with his stubborness and all :D
icarus_fly #7
Chapter 4: Is this the one with rico and claudine?? Ahaha.. I love that story and I'm loving this more.. seriously..u r one of the most brilliant writers I've ever known.. u have incorporated the story and molded it to be more krisoo.. I love love love this so much...
Ahhh the Krisoo feels. I can't even. Brilliant story.. I love your writing and the Krisoo feels you give me.. I'm just a huge pile of goo right now ><