
Don't worry

I looked down at him and listened carefully as he talked about soccer, as usual. Being the good boyfriend I am, I listened to him. Minho currently has his head in my lap as I run my hand through his hair. I just smile as he talked about one of the things he loves the most. Today Minho and I are just lazing around the dorm while Key hyung, Jonghyun hyung and Jinki hyung are out doing their own thing. We planned on watching a film but Minho and I both couldn't be bothered to get up so we decided to just stay in the couch and talk. To be honest I miss this. We barely have time for each other because of schedules and I'm glad that we have a day off. 

"Taeminie?" Minho said suddenly and I realised that I blanked out for a second. 

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked and he just rolled his eyes before pulling me down and kissing my cheek. 

"What was that for?" I asked shocked with a blush on my face.

"Nothing. Anyways what were you thinking about?" 

"I was thinking about-" I started to say but my phone started ringing. I frowned and took my phone wondering who would call me now. Minho just looked up at me as I checked my phone. 'Jongin' flashed on the screen and a smile replaced the frown on my face. It's been a while since I talked to him so I answered the phone straight away expecting Jongin's happy voice to come on but instead I heard him sobbing and the frown came back. 

"Jongin are you crying?" I asked while looking at Minho. The smile on his face was instantly replaced with a frown and worry laced his handsome features. Jongin didn't answer for a while and I nearly ran out of the dorm until he answered in a broken voice that broke my heart. 

"Hyung, can you come here? I'm sorry for bothering you and I really need someone right now and you're the first person I thought of. If you don't want to-" he started to say but I cut him off straight away. 

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"I'm at the practice room." he replied quietly and I just nodded.

"I'll be there in a bit." I said then hung up. Minho sat up and looked at me with worry. "Get the car ready. Let's go to SM building." with that I stood up and ran to get my shoes with Minho following me. He hasn't said anything but I know he's just as worried as I am. After we put our shoes on, we quickly made our way to the parking lot and got in the car. I looked out the window as Minho started the car and drove off. I'm getting extremely worried because I have never heard Jongin so broken. Jongin's always has a smile on his face and he's always happy. I sighed and wished that the car would go faster. Luckily our dorm is quite close to SM so when we got there, I jumped out of the car and ran inside. I know that Minho can easily catch up with me, he is an athlete after all. As expected, he's already behind me when we reached the practice room. I can hear him sobbing and when I opened the door and the sight in front of me nearly made me cry. Jongin was sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest while trying to stiffle his sobs. I ran to him and pulled him into a hug and Minho did the same, with Jongin in the middle of the both of us. 

"Jongin what's wrong?" Minho asked before I could. Jongin looked up at us and wiped his tears. He looked like a kicked puppy and that is heartbreaking. Jongin's eyes are full of pain and sadness that I want to beat up the person that made him like this. 

"Hyung, why does everyone hate me?" he asked, surprising both Minho and I. I brought my hand to Jongins face and wiped his tears away. 

"What makes you say that Jongin?" I asked him quietly.

"Answer me hyung." was all he said. I sighed and looked at him in the eyes.

"Jongin, there may be some people that hate you, but there people who loves you like your fans, your family, EXO, SHINee and more." I told him.

"Just ignore what haters say to you because they're just jealous. Don't let what they say bring you down. You're a great guy Jongin." Minho added but Jongin just shook his head. 

"Sehun doesn't love me." he mumbled and my eyes widened. As far as I'm concerned, Jongin and Sehun have been together for a while. So what makes Jongin say that? I'm pretty sure that Sehun loves Jongin as much as Jongin loves him. I looked at Minho and he looks back at me confusion evident in his face. 

"Jongin why would you say that? Sehun obviously loves you." Minho said but Jongin shook his head again, tears starting to fall. 

"You're wrong hyung. Sehun said that I'm too clingy that it's annoying and that I should stop following him because it's getting really annoying. He said that my aegyo is terrible and that I should just stop taking all the spotlight because everyone hates the fact that I'm always at the front. He said that sooner or later everyone will hate me and that's starting now. He said that he's starting to hate me too because I'm stupid and annoying and that I can't do anything but dance. He said that I'm not like Luhan hyung who can sing and dance." Jongin explained in a small voice. So that's why he's like that. Oh Sehun that jerk, I'm going to kill him the next time I see him. I looked at Minho and he was glaring at floor and his fists was clenched until his knuckles turned white.

"How dare he. How dare he say all those things?!" I yelled. "I'm going to ing kill him! That bastard. How can he say those things to you?!" 

"Taemin calm down. Right now is not the time to be cursing at Sehun." Minho said quietly. He has Jongin in his embrace and I just watched as Jongin cried in Minho's arms, his shoulders shaking. I pat Jongin's back and just sighed. 

"Jongin don't listen to him. Sehun is a bastard that doesn't deserve someone like you. He had no right to say that to you. You're talented and special in your own way Kim Jongin. You might not be the best singer in your group but you can definitely sing, you might not be a good rapper like Chanyeol but you can rap and in my opinion, you're the best dancer in EXO. You're one of the best dancers in the whole of SM. You're also the visual. Even if some people do start to hate you, remember that there's always some people out there who would love you and support you no matter what. So don't let what he said get to you." I said in a gentle voice and Jongin looked at me with tears still on his face. 

"Do you mean that hyung?" he asked me. 

"With all my heart. Even ask Minho, he loves you as well." I said and he turned to Minho who just nodded with a small smile on his face. 

"Jongin, remember that Sehun is just one person. We are on your side and he's stupid for not realising that you're special. You're a nice kid who has a good heart. If he doesn't know that and if what he said is what he really thinks of you, then Tae's right. He doesn't deserve someone like you." Minho said and a small smile started to form on Jongin's face. 

"We're always here for you Jonginnie." I added. 

"So cheer up kiddo. After this we'll take you out for chicken. How does that sound? You can even stay at our dorm if you don't feel comfortable around him." Minho told him and Jongin's face lit up at the sound of chicken and he nodded his head eagerly. I chuckled at that and ruffled his hair. Jongin suddenly giggled as he looked at Minho and I. 

"You guys sound like my parents." he said and Minho and I just looked at each other. "But thank you for being here for me when I need you the most. I don't what I would've done if you guys weren't here." 

"Don't worry about it." I replied and Minho just nodded. After that, the gloomy atmosphere started to disappear slowly as Jongin started to smile and laugh more. As promised, Minho ordered chicken and it arrived ten minutes later. Jongin looked so happy while eating chicken that it brought a smile to my face. Seeing Jongin sat and heartbroken is really bad for my poor heart. I hope that I don't have to see Jongin like that ever again because it just breaks my heart. Who knew that Kim Jongin could be such a girl. People would think that he's manly and cocky but in reality, he's actually a shy boy that's quite feminine which is really adorable. Minho looked at me and I gave him a small smile and he just winked at me. But when he looked over my shoulder, he stood up and glared at someone. 

"Get out." he said and I flinched at the tone of his voice. He sounded so dangerous and when I looked at him, he had a glare directed at the person at the door. So I turned around and when I saw who it was, I stood up and glared the guy. Oh Sehun stood there by the door with a guilty look on his face and he looked at Jongin. I turned to look at Jongin and saw him staring at Jongin with a hurt look in his face. 

"Can I talk to Jongi-" he started to say.

"No. Now get out before I make you." Minho said and Sehun flinched. It's as if Sehun shrunk ten times smaller under Minho's glare. 

"Jongin doesn't need you. Not after what you said." I growled and he flinced again and his eyes started to water. If I wasn't so mad at him then I would've felt guilty for being rude but after what he said to Jongin, I have to time to feel sorry for an like him. 

"Hyung, let him speak." Jongin finally said, his voice small. 

"Jongin are you crazy? That idiot made you cry and now you want to talk to him?" I asked and Jongin just gave me a puppy dog eyes. I sighed in frustration because he knows that I can't resist his puppy dog eyes. Minho pat Jongin's head and walked towards the door, making sure to bump his shoulder against Sehun's. I leant down and whispered "Call me if you need anything. Okay Jonginnie?" and kissed Jongin's forehead before walking to the door but stopped to glare at Sehun one last time. 

"After your talk with him, I want to see him in one piece. If I find out that you've made him cry again, I won't hesitate to rip your balls off. Got it?" I said and Sehun paled and nodded his head straight away. "Good." I pat his shoulder, not so gently and walked to the door. I turned around to see Sehun giving Jongin a bouquet of roses. A small smile formed on my face as Jongin turned a light shade of red as Sehun handed him the flowers. 

"Please don't hurt him again Sehun." I muttered before closing the door to give them privacy. 


2 hours later....

I lay in Minho's arms as we both watched Frozen on his laptop. I can't stop worrying about Jongin though. What if Sehun hurts him again? I voiced out my thoughts once we got back in the dorm and Minho just laughed at me saying that I sound like a worried mother. I just slapped him after he said that but he just laughed even more. I can tell that he's worried as well though. I sighed and snuggled closer to Minho who just tightened his hold on me. He kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes and rest my head in his chest. I hummed along to the songs whenever they came on but now I'm getting tired. I kept my phone close just in case Jongin calls me but Minho reassures me that he's fine. I started drifting off to sleep until I felt my phone vibrate. I answered it straight away when I saw that it was Jongin. I sat up and Minho just chuckled. 

"Jonginnie are you alright? Did he hurt you again? Where are you? Are you home yet?" I asked him. 

"Hyung I'm fine." Jongin replied and I just sighed in relief. I can hear Jongin talking to someone and then he burst out laughing. I just smiled because my friend's happy. 

"Who are you talking to?" 

"Sehun. He said hi. He apologised to me hyung. He said that he didn't mean what he said and that I was at the wrong time and wrong place." he told me. 

"Well if he hurts you again, tell him to remember what I told him." I said.

"I will hyung. Anyways I have to go. Thank you again hyung. You and Minho hyung are the best." 

"You're welcome Jongin. Now go to sleep it's getting late." 

"Okay, umma." he said and chuckled. 



"Goodningt to you too." I replied and hang up. How dare he call me umma? I rolled my eyes and went back in Minho's arms. He turned the film off and put his laptop away. He kissed my forehead and turned the lamp off. 

"Goodnight Taeminnie."

"Good night Minho. I love you." 

"I love you too." I smiled and closed my eyes. Today's been a long day but I'm glad everything's alright in the end. I sighed before drifting off to sleep.


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xiuminified #1
Chapter 1: okay that was adorable.
Chapter 1: This is so adorable :3
jambydsy #3
Chapter 1: One of the cutest fic
magicgdragon24 #4
haha this is good!
Ajkpopfan #5
Chapter 1: Ohhhh this gooood!