Dawn's Kisses




I missed him.
Those three words couldn't contain the endless emotions I experienced but nothing else could even come close to summing up. They were very vague, broad. Who was he? It seems like we're strangers now because of the distance he placed between us. He hasn't called in once, not even to inform me if he arrived safely to God knows where he was located.
Where was he going?
He vacated in the wee hours of dawn, I felt him awaken and travel to his dresser, before the golden light awoken us all. I remembered my slurred words, inquiring where he was heading to, but of course, there was no response. 
I woke shivering, itching for his warmth. His side of the bed was abandoned. Loneliness accompanied me but I didn't need unwanted visitors. 
Where was he?
Those were the only words roaming through my mind. I wasn't concerned with washing myself from his aroma nor stirring away from the bedroom. He smelled of ocean water, refreshing and crisp. Laying upon his broadened chest reminded me of times on the beach, completely submerged in sun. 
Do you even know his name? My friend spat. I shook my head but his eyes had done all of the talking. Just gazing into earthy, lively, eyes engaged my mind on a fearful venture. I was frightened only because of his foreign touch and language he spoke through movements. What more did people require if affection was not enough to prove our love? Did information of the other actually matter? All I acknowledged was that he was the missing piece to completing the puzzle. And I was his other half. 
I needed his intoxicating touch, the graze of his gentle fingers brushing through my messy locks. I required his eyes boring into mine, leaving me breathless. They reached into my chest, playing with my heart like a toy; teasing. 
But did he yearn for me? 
I checked my phone for any notifications for the millionth time and yet there wasn't a single thing. But there was my wallpaper, a photo consisting the both of us dressed in ridiculous attires to match the theme of the party. Before I could reminisce about the forgotten past, the screen flickered off. It was gone. Our photo, our memories, him, me. Gone.
Where was he? 
I missed him too much.  
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eunsihaelover #1
Chapter 1: WTF -_-