Chapter 8

This is Earth?

"Axel! Time to wake up!" I looked sleepily to the side and Daehyun was standing in my door way beaming at me.

"Alright." He walked out and I literally rolled out of bed landing with a THUD. When I finished getting ready I came out of my room and saw Daehyun in Parks room.

"Wake up." There was no response. "Wake up my little croissant."

Her eyes flew open and she glared at him. "Did you just call me a food item again?"

"Um, no?"

She smacked his head.

"Ow! Ok, I get it. Park is friend not food."

Youngjae walked eating a candy bar. "What's with all the noise?" he asked me.

Before I could answer him the two goons tackled Youngjae yelling, "CANDY BAR!"

"No! This is my candy bar! Get your own!"

I walked away from the chaos. Rest in peace Youngjae. I ran into Himchan and Bree at the top of the stairs.

"What's going on down there?" Bree asked looking down the hallway.

"They're fighting over a candy bar."

Himchan scoffed. "Such kids."

"You said the same thing last night. Are you still upset about it?" Bree chuckled.

"Yeah. Park and I always make the food for you guys but last night everyone only thanked Park."

"There is a perfectly logical explination for that," I said.

"Oh, what is it?"

Bree and I looked at each other. "It's because we like her better." The two of us said in usion then ran down the stairs to escape his wrath.

Downstairs Bang was watching a war movie and Bree went over to watch it with him.

I walked over to Zelo and Jongup who were sitting on the stools at the kitchen counter with cards in their hands. "What are you guys playing?" I was expecting an answer like poker, but what I got was the opposite.

"Go fish," Zelo said.

"Axel, how is your ankle?" Jongup asked, taking a card from the pile.

"It's healed."

"Wow, that was fast. It's only been a few days."

"Shes always been able to heal fast." Zelo said glaring at his cards hoping to pick the right number.

The four that had been upstairs came down. Park and Daehyun each had a half of Youngjaes candy bar, smiling happily. Youngjae on the other hand was frowning with a defeated expression.

He gave me a look. "Thanks for abandoning me back there."

I smiled sweetly. "I do what I can."

"Uh huh." He walked away to watch the movie with Bang and Bree.

"Park ready to make breakfast?" Himchan asked.

"Yep." She quickly shoved the rest of the candy bar into and ran over to him.

"Oh, Axel were running out of food, could you go grocery shopping today?" Himchan cracked some eggs.

I looked over at Jongup and he nodded. "Yep we'll go right after breakfast." I used to always do the shopping myself, but one day Jongup offered to help me claiming 'carrying enough grocery bags for 9 people is too much for one person,' but I think the real reason he wanted to come was because he wasn't used to the constant chaos and needed to get away. Now he's used to the house being loud all of the time, but he still comes with me.

"Jongup, you have two of the same cards." Daehyun pointed out.

"Oh, I do. Thanks."

"Hey, no helping," Zelo whined.

"Don't worry Zelo. You were going to lose to him anyways," I said.

"How cruel!" he cried.

*After breakfast and a quick wrestling match between Fang and Jongup over his shoes*

"Himchan gave us a long list this time," Jongup said, scanning the paper in his hand.

"I know." I said as we walked through the stores doors. (hehe that rhymed)

Jongup pushed the cart as I grabbed items off the shelves. "How about roasting s'mores tonight?" I asked.

"Sounds good."

As I reached for the marshmallows there was a loud crashing noise and people started screaming and running for the exists. The two of us looked up. The huge skylight the store had was shattered and a level 2 was flying around. Of course this grocery store was enormous so it had plenty of room and height to cause trouble. We chased after it without a second thought.

The level 2 swooped down to grab a little girl that had fallen. I blasted it with lightning while Jongup snatched the girl away and handed her back to her mother.

We kept afer it, but the monster was too high up for Jongup get and it dodged my lightning every time so the stray bolts would hit the roof then those areas that were hit would collapse.

"Hold still!" I yelled out of frustration.

"Ok, Plan B," Jongup said as he avoided a falling piece of concrete. He grabbed a metal bar, leaped onto the shelves, climbed up a pole, and hung from one of the lights. "Try to get it to come in my direction."

I shot to the right of the monster and it swerved to the left. As the beast flew under Jongup he jumped on to it's back and stabbed it with the metal bar. It screeched and threw him off.

I sent another round of lightning towards the level 2, but this time when it tried to dodge, the lightning followed, being attracted to the metal Jongup had introduced to the monsters body.

"I like Plan B," I told my ninja friend and continued to send a steady flow of electricity to the glorified pigeon.

After a few seconds of constant electricution the level 2 dropped, never to squak again. We walked over to it just to make sure the beast was dead and judging by the steam coming off its body, it was.

Jongup sniffed the air. "It smells like fried chicken."

No longer hearing the sounds of war, people slowly started to trickle back into the store.

A girl, wearing the stores uniform, came up to us. "Thank you so much," she said, only looking at Jongup.

"No problem." He responed, adding a smile at the end.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?"  She was batting her eyelashes.

"Some free groceries would be awsome."

"Is that all? There's nothing else I can do for you?" She asked with a more flirtatious tone.

"No, I can't think of anything, can you Axel?" He responded inoccently.

I tried not to laugh. "Nope."

"Oh, okay then. Take whatever you want, no charge." The girl walked away obviously disapointed her attempts to flirt failed.

*Many free groceries and one afternoon later*

It was now night time and everyone was sitting around the fire we built outside, roasting some s'mores. At first I regreted my seating choice because I was sitting in between the two s'mores stealers also known as Fang and Daehyun, but that issue was quickly solved by Himchans motherly glare combined with a "stop that."

The gang started sharing funny stories about their families.

Zelo, Bang, Himchan, and I hadn't said anything since that conversation began and Youngjae was the first to notice. "You guys have been quiet for a while now, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. It's just we can't really relate to the topic," I apologized.

"What do you mean?" Bree asked.

"I guess you could say none of us have had great families." Bang started. "My parents left me at the front door of a building when I was an infant."

Himchan went next. "Mine is not exactly heartbreaking. Basically I didn't get along with my parents. They were focused on buisness 24/7 and and wanted me to do the same so I left home to join Bang, Zelo, and Axel."

"When I was little my parents took me to a new park to play and then they just disapeared. Since I didn't know my way home I sat at the same bench for days, waiting for them to come get me. When they never did I lived on the streets." Zelo told his story, his voice shaking a bit at the 'waiting for them' part.

"As for me, I don't remember my family or if I even had one. I have amnesia."

"Seriously?" Jongup asked.

"Yeah." I began to explian. "I woke up on the outskirts of town covered in scratches, bruises, and burns. The only things I could remember was my name, I was 10 years old, and I had lightning powers."

"What did you do after that?" Daehyun asked, placing another marshmallow on a stick without taking his eyes off of me.

"I wandered around town for about a week and then I met Zelo."


With so little to eat and drink I collapsed in an alley. I was only able to gather enough strength to sit myself up against the wall.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked.

I looked up to see two concerned blue eyes starring back at me.

I opened my mouth to speak but my stomach beat me to it.

"Your hungry? Wait here i'll go get some food." With that the mystery boy ran off.

Why would he help a random stranger? He was probably just messing with me. I tried to stand up and leave but my body screamed in protest so I obediently sat back down.

After what felt like forever the boy actually came back. "Sorry it took me so long. Since I don't have any money it was hard to get a lot of food and water." As he said that he dropped all of the items in front of me and then sat down. "Why do you look so shocked?"

"I didn't think you were coming back let alone with this much food."

He laughed. "Why would I lie to you? Oh, my name is Zelo by the way."

"I'm Axel."


Everyone was silent and looked a little depressed.

"Don't look so sad," Bang said. "Lets change the topic. Um.... how did you guys meet?"

"Our story is pretty simple." Jongup started.

"We were family friends. The end." Bree finished.

Everyone looked at the last three. Youngjae facpalmed and Daehyun and Park had sheepish grins on their faces.

What I am about to tell you," Youngjae paused, building up suspense, "isn't going to suprise you at all. I was 8 years old and was in a candy store trying to figure out what I wanted. I watched as two kids," he pointed to the guilty looking people next to him," fought to the death over the last king sized reese's peanut butter cup shouting things like 'I don't know who you are but no one steals my food' or 'I'm going to through you across the room like one of my knives.' So, deciding that they were annoying, I bought the reese's and ate it in front of them."

"It was a depressing moment for our stomachs," Park said with a voice that suggested that she still wished she had been able to eat it back then.

All six of us were laughing.

"You're right, that wasn't suprising." I wiped away an imaginary tear.

"You guys havn't changed at all." Bree sighed.

Sorry for taking so long to update. Ideas just arn't flowing like I want them to.

On a different note did you guys see Super Junior's Mamacita? It came out two weeks ago but i'm still fangirling over it and the album! XD

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Chapter 8: how Youngjae, Daehyun and Park meet didn't surprise me lol, and yes i'm with u i'm still fangirling too, love suju new song :)
Chapter 7: Love it :) hope u update soon
Chapter 1: this is cool wow im going to sub it. <3
huihui97 #4
Chapter 5: The team is assembled. YAY~ Wonder what missions they gonna hve next though
huihui97 #5
Chapter 3: Ooooo. So, Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae and Zelo have appeared so far. Jonguppie left! lol hwaiting! ^^