
Please say Cheese!!!

All you wanted was one picture with Yoo Seung, but you knew it was impossible. You'll never get a picture of him or even with him... Yoo Seung looks so mean, rude and . But you figured one day he is actually cam and sweet. You'd never thought you'd think that, but you are.

The first day of high school you came in late with your hair all messed up and bread hanging from your mouth, "Oi..." You turn around and there you found a tall shadowy guy. Yea you were so scared you didn't even want to move your body anymore. Matter a fact you were frozen. "N-nae?" He looked down at you with his sharp eyes. You clearly thought he was eating your soul.. your stomach began to rumble Ohhh,  I'm so hungry.

"Did you eat?" You didn't say nothing, and since he didn't get a response he walked passed you entering the building. You just stood with your mouth kind of open. "Omo!" You hit your head, "babo! babo!!" Your bread fell out... your just stared then slowly walked in the school.

Since that day you wanted to get to know Yoo Seung.

You even remember clearly why you wanted to take pictures with everyone. It made them show who they are. You had one clase with Yoo Seung, and that class was photography. You each had to do a project and the idea of taking a picture of every one was the best thing you ever thought.

So you did that, every single person you took a picture of or took a picture with. But you just needed one person, and that person was....

"Yoo Seung! Please!!! Just one!" You begged and pulled on his bag while he was walking away. "Don't you understand," He pulled with all his might, "NNNNNOOOO." He finally jerked the bag away from you, but then he tripped forward, "Andwae!!" You ran in front of him and held your hands out to catch him. He landed in your arms. You stood frozen and smelled his cologne that he has on.

You smiled and said, "I can't let your face go to waste, I still need a picture of-" Before you finished Yoo Seung covered your mouth with his hand, " Then I wall put a tattoo on my face that says NO!" He removed his hand and walked away.While you stood there speechless and in the same position. You turned around and screamed, "Don't do that!!" Thank gosh everyone was already heading home, if not this would be a big gossip.

You went home again feeling like a loser. You always feel like ever since you can't take a picture of Yoo Seung. Everyday is like a battle, there is only one of you then 50 of him. And you lost 1,000,000 times....

"I'm home!" You open the door and only throw your bag in. Your mom was already expecting that, she came and held out your camera, "Make sure to be back before supper." You stared at her with puppy dog eyes, "Here's some money." She sighed and you jumped in excitement.

"Ok, annyeong~" You skipped your way to the ice cream shop. And there was a long line. You decided to take pictures of random people eating ice cream. You saw a couple so you decided to ask for their permission. You walked over pretending to look around, then you sat your camera down on their table. "Hello~ I am here to take a couple of pictures of the cutest couple I see, and you guys happen to be a very cute couple." You made something up.

They looked at you weird but then they agreed. You told them what position to get in even told them to feed each other.
About 20 mins went by and now the line has been cut short, "Ahh gamsahabnida!!" You looked at the pictures you took and bowed, "Chamkkanmanyo." The male stopped you. You turned around, "Nae?" They both look at each other, "Could it be possible if we take a look at the pictures?" The chuckled. You smiled and nodded. "Ahh nae.."

"We can take a look while you go get ice cream, we promise not to take your camera." Some how you trusted them. "Ok, I'll be back then." You smiled and bowed.

While standing in the line you looked back at them. They smiled and did lovey dovey stuff. You were in front of the line and you didn't have to order, they knew who you are. "Same as usual?" You made a cheesy smile then nodded to your best friend Nam Soo. "So you... took another picture of another couple, huh?" You and Nam Soo turn to face them again and you laughed. "Yea, there are just so cute together-"

"You haven't gotten his pic, huh?" You pout and handed the money and pout again, "Ani! It's like I am fighting with fire, and I'm the water!! Gosh I just was to rip his face a part." You move your hands around in the air like if you are ripping clear paper. Nam Soo laughed and other people stareed. "Ahh what ever." You smirked at Nam Soo and took the ice cream he had in his hand.

Before you the ice cream you mouth 'This is mine right?' You looked behind you and no one was there. Nam Soo nodded and you shrugged and it. You winked at him and walked back to the couple.

"Wow you can take amazing pictures." You choke on your ice cream and cough, "N-nae?" You totally forgot you were using your old camera with old pictures from last month. Your face turned red a bit, "Ahh gamsahabnida."

"Ohh we'd like to have some of the pictures, they came out amazing!!" You smiled and nodded, "Y-yes of course." It's the first time somebody asked for their pictures, "Ahh, can I have a phone number? I have a friend who can give the pictures, I'll make sure they come out very nice!" They wrote down a number in a napkin and aksed by what time the pictures would be done, you weren't sure ryet, and you weren't sure if you just saw Yoo Seung outside the window. You looked passed their heads and saw Tae Hee and Haru.

"They'll be here soon, I promise!!" You took your camera and ran towards the door, "I'll call!!" You ran out. You were running after them and finally you caught up, "T-tae hee!! H-haru~" You were out of breath, you needed your ice cream, "Ohh!" Your ice cream wasn't in your hand, you looked back and saw in on the floor melted, "Awww~~ I- my- cold!!" You pointed to the ice cream laying on the ground.

"Ahh, whats up?" You turned around and stared at Haru, "Where is he?" You put your game face on. They both looked at each other and laughed, " May we know who?" Before you opened your mouth Yoo Seung came out behind them, "There you are!!" You pointed to Yoo Seung, his eyes flew open and he took off. "Yah!! I just rannnn" You ran after him.

"Don't you think they make a cute couple?" Tae Hee asked Haru. "Yea they do, but I don't think they'll like what you just said." Tae Hee shrugged and laughed.

While you were ran after speedy gonzales, you became week. "I-I can't" You stopped and looked in front to see Yoo Seung disapear before your eyes. "Gosh, I am getting oldd~" You sat criss cross applesauce on the hot burning ground. You took looked at your camera and began to get mad... just one picture, just one damn picture. It wouldn't kill him. You see him always posting pictures on instagram, twitter and facebook!

You were just gonna give up. You began to cry. "I give up... I can't get him to take a picture.."

"babo, you give up to easily." You hear, "Yoo Seung?" You look up. He extended his hand out, you took his hand to get up. "Well I have to stop trying with you... I can never get you to-"

"I'll take a photo."

"A photo..." He blushed and looked. You just stared. "Wait, what??" You ask.

"I said i'll take a photo." He said quietly. You smiled all big and began to jump up and down. "Yay!! I love you!!" Oops, that didn't mean to come out. You covered your mouth and he turned to face you. "Ahhhhh, lets take a picture."

"I said I'll take one not take one with you..." You smiled, "Sure."

You made him lean against a building, "Say Cheese!"


"Come on!!!! Please say cheeeeeeeseeee~~~~" You gave him the puppy eyes

"No!" He trurned away

"Why you're such a head... dude..." You pouted. But then you came up with idea. If he didn't want to say cheese then this will make him say something. Right when you were going to click, you came up to him, stood on your tippy toes and kissed his cheek. Then click. "WHAA"

You backed away and looked at the picture, you blushed and said, "We make a cute couple!!!"

"What are you saying??"

"Ahhh I think I love you... but then your an .... why does my heart hurt" You began to shed tears of joy.


Finally you got picture of him, and you even printed it along with the couples picture. It was perfect.

Not long after that did he confess his love for you. At first you toyed with him and made him think that you didn't like him. But now you guys are the school crazy love couple.

And now when you want him to take a picture, its still war but you still get some of the goofy pictures.


This is how you guys take your pictures now~~

Hope you like it~~~ kekeke


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