C.6 - So Into U

SM International High School

Chapter 6 – So into U

Thursday, 4th of January 2020, Minho & Sulli House, 7:10 AM



Both of Minho and Sulli’s parents already left the house for work so they are putting Sulli in charge to prepare the breakfast for herself and Minho. She knows how to cook but because it is quite early in the morning, she doesn’t want to cook something too much for them to eat so she opts to fry some eggs and prepares bread and orange juice on the table. She is in the kitchen wearing her apron on top of her school’s uniform, still frying the eggs. She remembers that Minho likes his egg well done so she is frying it really cautiously so that it will be perfect for him to eat. Meanwhile, Minho just woken up few minutes ago and he has no idea that his parents already leave the house so he just get off the bed, takes off his shirt and after brushing his teeth he goes outside his room immediately looking for his parents,

Minho: “Mom? Dad?”

Sulli heard her brother’s voice and she wants to tell him that her parents already leave the house for work but she doesn’t want to leave the kitchen as well. So she opts to just continue cooking until she is satisfied with the egg and when she is about to serve the egg from the frying pan into the plates on the dining table. She stops immediately and she is frozen at the spot and her eyes are widened as Minho is walking toward the dining table only with a towel around his neck and his sleeping pants on,

Minho: “Ya Sulli….where are mom and dad?”

She doesn’t respond to him and just stand still and to avoid seeing her brother’s bare upper body she switch her gaze toward the dining table as she is putting the eggs on the plates while answering his question without looking at him,

Sulli: “Mom and Dad has to leave early today, dad said that he has a meeting with the other coaching staffs while mom is meeting some of her friends early on before work….”

Minho: “Ah I see….yes I forgotten about that…so you are in charge of breakfast today?”

Sulli: “Yes mom, prepared the eggs, all I have to do just to fry them and toast the breads….”

Minho: “Okay, thanks for the breakfast Sulli, but why do you keep looking at that frying pan instead of me? Are you mad at me or something? Did I do something wrong yesterday?”

Sulli: “Ah no…..it’s just that…it’s uncomfortable to see you without your shirt on like that….please put it on oppa before you eat your breakfast….”

Minho: “Hahaha….you are being silly here Sulli, we are siblings…you don’t have to be awkward like that around me….remember that we used to take shower together even when we are in primary school? There is nothing to hide you know and plus it is not like I am here, hahahha….”

For Minho it is only a joke but at that moment Sulli’s imagination is already running wild just by listening to his words and of course she is still unable to look at him while he is shirtless like that,

Sulli: “It doesn’t matter oppa…we are now at the age where things like these are a bit uncomfortable….put on your shirt oppa…”

Minho: “Fine fine…..I’ll go and take a shower first before I eat….maybe you want to join me?”

At that moment Sulli is blushing and her face is reddened so she puts her head down even more to avoid the embarrassment of her brother seeing her flustered like that,

Sulli: “What are you talking about oppa? Don’t joke around like that! Take a shower and come back to the dining table quickly, I’ll be waiting for you to eat breakfast together….”

Minho: “Haha…okay okay, you’re so cute when I teased you like that, and you can just eat your breakfast, no need to wait for me….”

He laughs quite hard as he turns around and make his way back to his room while Sulli immediately sits down on the chair to avoid her falling down when she keeps thinking of her brother’s bare upper body and the thought of them taking a shower together. It is just too much for her imagination,

Sulli: “Oppa…you don’t know how I feel about you….please don’t joke around like that…or…I might just consider taking your offer….and who knows what might happen if we take a shower together? Oh damn…why am I even talking about this right now…this is not normal….get your head together Sulli…you have cheerleading practice today and you need to memorize the routine…we will be practicing at the same field that Minho oppa will use for his football training later on…get a grip Sulli!”

She finished preparing the breakfast and she goes back to the kitchen and she washes all the cooking equipment and even though that Minho was asking her to eat her breakfast first, she wants to wait for Minho to eat the breakfast together with her. She waits for him for around 15 minutes before he finally comes out of his room already wearing his school uniform and he goes to sit with her on the dining table,

Minho: “I thought you already finished your breakfast….”

Sulli: “I want to eat together with you so I wait for you to finish taking shower….”

Minho: “You don’t really need to do that you know….so anyway….you have your first cheerleading practice today right?”

Sulli: “Yes how do you know oppa?”

Minho: “Some of my friends in the football club intending to pretend that they are injured so they can watch the girls on their cheerleading practice…it is quite shameful to be honest to act like that….”

Sulli: “Ah, Jonghyun and the others right? They have been asking me for some of the phone numbers of the girls in the cheerleading club.”

Minho: “Do not give any of your friends’ numbers to them…..”

Sulli: “Eh why? Are you jealous?”

Minho: “Haha…jealous? Of course not….I just don’t want them to get distracted so early in the school year with stuffs like dating or anything to do with girls….if their grades are failing then they might be kicked out from the football club and I don’t want that to happen…besides…why would I be jealous? No one in the cheerleading club is interesting anyway.”

She knows that he said that because he doesn’t have any interest with any of the girls in the cheerleading club but somehow she is feeling sad about it because she is one of the girl in the cheerleading club and it means that Minho has no interest in her. She knows that right now her feeling is complicated and not normal so for her to be upset about it is not really understandable for anyone beside her so she just keeping it all in and react as normal as she can,

Sulli: “Yes…the one that you like is in athletic club right?”

Minho: “Ah Yuri…..I forgotten that I already has her phone number and she added me on the messenger as well, maybe I should talk with her more…”

Sulli: “It seems that since middle school the only girl that you like is Yuri….what is it about her that makes you really like her that much?”

Minho: “Well…she is pretty and I know that she is a kind girl….and the most important thing for me is that she is a determined person and not because she is in the athletic club or because of her achievement. Everyone knows that she has this personality that she always want to be the best in everything that she does, and I like a girl like that. Full of passion and determination….”

Sulli: “Ah I see…so it is not all about appearance right?”

Minho: “Of course appearance helps….she is pretty like I said before…and well….hehe….she has a really nice body too….maybe if you work out more you will be able to have a body like her…hehe…”

Once again Minho only saying this because he is joking around but Sulli is taking it more seriously that she should have been. She knows that Yuri is her big rival in terms of getting Minho’s love and to hear him complimenting him to this extent and even drawing comparison between her and Yuri, she feels slightly hurt by it. She doesn’t deny that Yuri has a toned athletic body and most students from middle school always talk about how she is maintain her body well and how y she is to the boys in school. She is in the cheerleading club, so she needs to maintain a different kind of body than Yuri who is in the athletic club. She somehow wishes that she is more athletic than she is now, because even though it takes stamina and good physique to be in the cheerleading squad, she is unable to go to the same path as Yuri and match her athleticism. This somehow peaceful morning talk becoming sour for Sulli and she ends up becoming quieter than she is before.

The other reason that why she is a bit stressed out about dealing with all this because she is unable to tell of her feelings toward her brother to any of her friends. She thought that everyone will start looking at her weirdly or calling her names if she tells them about it so she decides to keep it all by herself and this is why she tends to keep everything inside of her and she becomes unhappy whenever these sad feelings are too much to bear for her. Just like Minho who is still trying to gather his courage to ask Yuri out on a date properly, Sulli also wonders whether she has enough courage to tell her brother about the true nature of her feelings, even though she knows that there will be consequences of that action.

Later on that day…..

12:05 PM, School’s Cafeteria during Lunch Break


Chanyeol and Minho are sitting down together on the cafeteria as they are enjoying their lunch together. Even though previously Minho and Chanyeol is quite close during their time in middle school, their relationship is becoming distant since the incident that affected Chanyeol back then. Chanyeol of course has no problems whatsoever with Minho but all this time, he is just keeping his distance with everyone else including Minho so Minho is quite content and happy to see that Chanyeol want to eat lunch together with him like this,

Minho: “So….are you going to the training later on? It is our first training and you have to do your best to impress the coach.”

Chanyeol: “Of course I will attend the training, I heard that this coach is slightly less strict than our coach in middle school but he has rigorous training schedules for the players…”

Minho: “Yes I have spoken with him once and it seems that he is putting the emphasize in physical training more than technique….even though at a younger age like we are now I prefer to learn more about techniques and tactics rather than improving my physical condition but I agree that we will be able to play better if we are able to physically outclass our opponent.”

Chanyeol: “I guess so….so…you are still going to reach for your dream in the K-League after you graduate from here?”

Minho: “Of course…right now I am still not sure whether to go to the university first or just go straight to trials in the K-League clubs….as much as I want to pursue my dream, I also realize that I can’t abandon my education just like that.”

Chanyeol: “I think that you should go to the university to continue your education first, you can play football too since the universities have football teams as well…”

Minho: “Yeah I know….what about you? I heard that you stopped performing as a band…what happened?”

Chanyeol: “We are currently pursuing something different, don’t worry we are still together under the name of EXO, but we are going to perform as a band probably for the last time during the farewell event, we will show our new colors as well on the event so please anticipate it.”

Minho: “Of course I will anticipate it! I really like your band performance, I attended some of your performances back then and I really enjoyed it…I can’t wait to see what you and your friends have in store for us on the event.”


Just when Minho and Chanyeol are really enjoying their conversation a girl comes toward them holding the food tray with both of her hands. She takes a seat right beside Chanyeol and both of them immediately noticed her presence as she greets them,

Taeyeon: “Hi Minho, Hi Chanyeol…”

Chanyeol: “Ah….Hi Taeyeon….”

Minho: “Hey Taeyeon…you alone by yourself?”

Taeyeon: “Who are you expecting me to sit here with? Yuri? Hehe….”

Minho: “Well….”

Taeyeon: “Anyway, I noticed that the two of you are really enjoying talking with each other but I am sorry to interrupt you….but….Minho…can you perhaps give me and Chanyeol some space? I need to talk with him about something…..”

Minho: “But….I just get to enjoy talking with him again after all this time……”

Taeyeon: “You wouldn’t want to upset Yuri’s friend right?”

Minho: “Argh…damn…fine…I will find somewhere else to eat my lunch….see you at the training Chanyeol, bye Taeyeon.”

Chanyeol: “Ah okay bye, see you later…”

Taeyeon: “Bye…..”

Before Taeyeon is able to say a word, Chanyeol turns his head toward her and he has this confused look on his face,

Chanyeol: “What are you doing Taeyeon? Why you ask him to leave like that?”

Taeyeon: “Well I want to talk to you alone….you can talk with him again afterward right during the football training?”

Chanyeol: “Yeah it’s kind of true….”

Taeyeon: “So what time you will be finishing the training?”

Chanyeol: “Hmm….it is the first training so I don’t think it is going to take that long, probably around 4 PM?”

Taeyeon: “Ah I see….then do you have somewhere to go after that?”

Chanyeol: “I am currently working part time in a convenience store…so I am going to go there straight away after the training ends….why?”

Taeyeon: “Hmm…..I’m just wondering whether you are able to spend some time with me after the training ends….maybe I can walk with you to your workplace….”

Chanyeol: “I thought that you want to talk something with me….”

Taeyeon: “Yes but not here…..too many people here and I want to talk with you in a much more comfortable situation…..what times does your work start?”

Chanyeol: “5:30 PM…..is it really something important that you can’t talk it out with me now?”

Taeyeon: “Well….you will find it out later….so….is it okay for me to tag along with you until you start your part time work?”

Chanyeol: “Are you sure? My work place is not near the school area….it is around 2-3 bus stops depending on the bus route that I take.”

Taeyeon: “That’s fine….I get to learn the bus route too. I need to learn more about this city…”

Chanyeol: “Okay then…I’m fine with it….just don’t forget to tell Yuri about it so that she is not worried sick looking for you.”

Taeyeon: “She starts her training too today so I will tell her afterwards. She won’t even worried about my where about as soon as she starts her training but of course I will tell her about it.”

Chanyeol: “Okay fine….since you are going to tag along with me to work….do you want to eat together then? I would be starving by the time the practice ends….and I know a delicious noodle shop near my workplace….”

Taeyeon: “Okay…sounds good to me….I’ll go and watch your training too later on, I want to see you and your friends on the training session.”

Chanyeol: “So will you cheer me on then?”

Taeyeon: “I hate cheerleading stuffs so I won’t cheer you like those cheerleaders…but I will pay a close attention to you and the other players at the club, hehe…..”

Chanyeol: “Haha okay…sounds fine with me….”

Taeyeon: “Cool…hehe…so what do you have for lunch there? It seems a bit mix and match of a lot of variety of food…”

Chanyeol: “Haha, yeah you’re right, so here is….”

As Chanyeol and Taeyeon are enjoying their conversation now, a pair of eyes are watching them from the opposite side of the cafeteria and this pair of eyes are belong to none other than Tiffany. She is watching them intently but it seems there isn’t any hate in her eyes or anything like that and she isn’t even paying attention toward Taeyeon, her eyes are more focused on Chanyeol as she monitors every single movement that he makes. After Chanyeol and Taeyeon finished their lunch, Tiffany walks up toward them and naturally Chanyeol immediately says goodbye to Taeyeon, turns around and walk toward the exit without saying a word to Tiffany. His reaction is making Tiffany a little sad but weird enough Taeyeon links her arm into hers and she asks her to take a walk outside with her,


Taeyeon: “So….I can understand that you must be feeling unhappy to see him like that…”

Tiffany: “Of course, he is acting like I am some kind of bacteria or something like that, whenever he spots me, he immediately running away from me like I am going to ruin his day or something.”

Taeyeon: “You surely understand why he reacts like that and this has been going on for years…just remain calm and be patient…”

Tiffany: “Will I ever be in a normal situation again with him? You know….smiling at each other as we see each other on the hallway, helping each other with home works or school projects, normal things that students do with each other….”

Taeyeon: “It will…don’t worry…I’m sure somewhere inside his heart, he still has the willingness to forgive you…”

Tiffany: “I hope that it is true….”

Taeyeon: “So….let me ask you something….I realize that you like him so much and maybe the only reason why you want to be on good terms again with him is because you want to have a chance with him…a chance to be in a relationship with him…am I right?”

Tiffany: “Ye….yes…”

Taeyeon: “So what if….what if he forgives you….but he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you…do you prepare to accept something like that?”

Tiffany: “You never know for sure what he thinks right…”

Taeyeon: “Yes I am just laying down scenarios here so that I know the way that you think about this….”

Tiffany: “Honestly it would hurt me so bad to not be able to like him and have a chance to be his girlfriend like any other normal girls do….but….all I care about is for him to look me in the eyes again like I am a human being and I want to hear his voice talking to me again normally….”

Taeyeon: “Okay….now….have you ever asked anyone else to help you out with this situation? You seems like a popular girl in school and I am sure that there are people that are willing to help you out with this matter….”

Tiffany: “Uh….no….not at all….”

Taeyeon: “Really? Don’t you lie to me Tiffany.”

Tiffany: “I swear that I never asked anyone else to help me with this. Even though I know a lot of students that in the same grade as us….I am just a 1st grader here, I don’t have that much influence or connection with the students in the 2nd or 3rd grade….”

Taeyeon: “Okay….then you promise me that if I help you out to fix things with Chanyeol, you will stop bullying other people in school?”

Tiffany: “I promise Tae….”

Taeyeon: “Good…I like you better if you are acting this way…..who knows…maybe we can be good friends right? Hehe….”

Tiffany: “Yes….of course….we might be good friends….”

Honestly even though she is hoping that somehow Taeyeon will be able to talk with Chanyeol and fix things up between them, she isn’t entirely sure that she will be able to accomplish that and she is still hoping for Kyuhyun to help her out with this. She lied to Taeyeon just now about not asking anyone’s help because she can’t really tell her that she is going to persuade her to be Kyuhyun’s girlfriend in exchange of a favor from him. Taeyeon is warming herself up to her and she doesn’t dare to tell her the truth. Not only that she will end up hurting Taeyeon again, but right now Taeyeon is in the right path to be her best friend which will make things easier to persuade her to be together with Kyuhyun. She feels regretful and sorry about the way she does things, but the only thing that matter for Tiffany is to patch things up with Chanyeol. She will achieve it no matter what kind of method that she needs to go through.

High School Football Field, 3:15 PM

As Sulli has mentioned before, the cheerleading team is sharing the same field to practice with the boys from the football club. Tiffany, Yoona, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Sunny and Sulli are part of the squad that are currently practicing their routine. Because the teacher who is supposed to be in charge of the squad is currently on her maternity leave, BoA is installing herself as a temporary supervisor of the cheerleading squad. She immediately asserts her authority and it can be clearly seen why she is the one in charge of the discipline in school. She is tough and she doesn’t like to joke around with the girls during practice but she can be a little nicer toward them in between breaks. Meanwhile as predicted by Minho earlier, the boys of the football club are spending much more time doing physical training than training with ball. Chanyeol’s best friend, Baekhyun suffers a minor injury when he slightly twisted his ankle and he is right now sitting down on the grass just nearby the athletic tracks and Yuri spots him as she is doing her individual training. Seeing him with ice on his ankle, Yuri stops her training and she walks up to him,


Yuri: “Hey….Baekhyun right?”

Baekhyun: “Ah yes….you’re Yuri right?”

Yuri: “Yes, you remember my name, that’s good…what happen to you?”

Baekhyun: “Just a minor accident, I twisted my ankle when running and I need to take a rest because of it, it doesn’t hurt that bad.”

Yuri: “Ah I see….okay then I will be back to training.”

Baekhyun: “Wait!”

Yuri: “Yes?”

Baekhyun: “Do you mind if you sit down here for a while? I have something to talk about with you….”

Yuri: “What is it?”

Baekhyun: “Just sit down here first and I will tell you about it.”

Yuri: “Okay (Yuri is sitting down beside him), talk to me then.”

Baekhyun: “I really want to apologize beforehand, I might seems like a nosy person if I tell you about this….but I found out through Chanyeol’s phone that you went out with him and Jongin once…along with the new student, Taeyeon…”

Yuri: “Uh…okay….so…why do you have talk to me about this?”

Baekhyun: “The thing is….Chanyeol is never the same again once the incident with Tiffany and even to us, he is closing himself….it is like he is creating a wall between him and us….so he never tell everything to us honestly. The boys find out about you and Taeyeon went out with him and Kai because he accidentally slipped the words out of his mouth….the only conclusion that I can draw from his behavior, is that he is having some sort of feeling toward your friend, Taeyeon….and you seem to know about it as well….”

Yuri: “Well…..I don’t exactly know about it but somehow I just got this feeling that both of them actually have feeling toward each other but they just haven’t realize it just yet.”

Baekhyun: “I see….so….do you mind if I ask something from you? I know that we aren’t really that close…and we hardly talk to each other at school….but I really need your help on this….”

Yuri: “What is it?”

Baekhyun: “I want you to help Chanyeol and Taeyeon to be together….”

Yuri: “Wait….hold on a minute…..what are you talking about? Why do you even want me to do that to them?”

Baekhyun: “I know him really well since before middle school….practically I know him before his incident…and….I just want him to be back like he was before….the cheerful boy that has a carefree attitude…..that incident has rob that part of him away….somehow…I feel that since the arrival of that girl, Taeyeon in school….he is slowly changing. I think she is the first person that he cares about beside the 5 of us and his family since the incident.”

Yuri: “So you are saying that you want him to be back the way he was by being together with Taeyeon because you feel that somehow Taeyeon’s presence has caused him to slowly changing him back to the person he was before….don’t you think it is selfish of you to do that?”

Baekhyun: “Yes…it is selfish….but….I don’t care….I just want him back….he sometimes can be the mood maker in our group….but because of the incident….he always this dark aura with him whenever he goes….and no matter how much we try to cheer him up, he just never recover back his happiness again fully. There are two ways to do this…either Taeyeon’s presence is big enough in his life that it will makes him back to the person he was before….or he makes peace with Tiffany and I believe he will be back like he was before also…..out of these two things….getting him close to Taeyeon would be a much better option that makes more sense currently.”

Yuri: “What makes you think that it will be that hard for him to forgive Tiffany? It has already been a few years since the incident, I’m sure that a normal human being like Chanyeol has it in his heart to forgive her.”

Baekhyun: “You….just don’t know….what that incident brings to him and to his family….”

Yuri: “What do you mean?”

Baekhyun: “His father loses his job because of it. There are a lot of his colleague that attending that event that day and most of them tell about the video to his father’s boss and he immediately fired the next day. His father is slowly recovering from that but because he has a bad reputation, he is unable to find work in a company that would give him the salary like he earned before. His mother is accused by her friends as cheap woman and they accusing their husband of watching Chanyeol’s mother on the internet at least once because of it, things become really messy. Right now his mother doesn’t have a lot of friends because of it and Chanyeol’s older sister also finding it hard to get a decent job until she met someone that is lucky enough to fall in love with her and they are right now starting a business together….as you see from these facts…..it might not be that easy for Chanyeol to forgive Tiffany….he and his family has suffer a lot….no matter whether Tiffany is being set up or not….in his eyes, the only person that is guilty is Tiffany and he blamed her friends too for no reason at all.”

Yuri: “Oh wow….it is that deep huh….but do you know the real story behind that incident?”

Baekhyun: “Of course…I immediately search out for the truth and after asking around I manage to learn of the true nature of the incident but it is all too late. Rational thinking is not an option anymore for Chanyeol since then….he just refused to accept that she is being set up and keep blaming her existence in the school as the cause for the incident. He initially want to switch school but his parents are asking him not to because the education level in this institution can guarantee him of a good future.”

Yuri: “I see….I can understand why you think it is almost impossible for him to forgive Tiffany but at the same time I don’t want to push my best friend toward loving a guy that she just met a few days ago, that will be absurd. Just so you know, she also has her fair share of tragedy in the past so I am not going to ask her to be in a relationship with anyone, doesn’t matter if you begging me or telling more stories about Chanyeol and his wounds….I am not going to do it…”

Baekhyun: “Fair enough…but at the very least….if both of them are really starting to be close with each other…don’t obstruct their relationship…..I think that is the very least that I can ask from you….At that time, I think Chanyeol have feelings toward Tiffany too so it hurts him so bad when that incident happen. Loving someone of the opposite gender is a taboo for him…..he is afraid to get hurt…..so if somehow he finds his way to be comfortable around Taeyeon, all I ask from you is not to stand in their way….can you at least promise me this?”

Yuri: “You really care a lot toward Chanyeol huh?”

Baekhyun: “Of course…he has been my best friend for years….and even though that he isn’t that close with me again since the incident, I still think of him as the closest friend that I ever have….”

Yuri: “Fine….since you aren’t asking me to help me forcing Taeyeon to be together with Chanyeol then I will promise you that I will not stand in their way if things are to happen naturally….but I wish for everyone’s sake that Chanyeol will be able to work things out with Tiffany. Even though she has her bad side….Tiffany is also my close friend for years….and just like you….I hate to see becoming the person that she is now….and I know the only way for her to become the old Tiffany that I know is through Chanyeol’s forgiveness of the incident….”

Baekhyun: “It seems that both of us have close friend that are still unable to move on from what happened that day….even though both of them reacted in an entirely different way, anyway, I don’t want to take up more of your time….continue with your training Yuri, thanks for listening to me….”

Yuri: “Okay then, hope that ankle of yours get well soon….say hi to the others from me.”

Baekhyun: “Okay thanks once again Yuri, bye.”

Yuri say goodbye to Baekhyun as she goes back into training but right about this time, Taeyeon is coming from the school building so Yuri goes on to approach Taeyeon first before resuming her training. Chanyeol noticed that Taeyeon is talking with Yuri and he remembered that he is going to go out with Taeyeon after the practice ends and without realizing the tiredness and the fatigue from the rigorous physical training is not really felt at the time by him.

4:45 PM, H Noodle Shop


Chanyeol and Taeyeon are currently eating the ramyun that is served in front of them and both of them are really enjoying the ramyun that both of them don’t even say anything to each other or attempting to make any conversation at all. Chanyeol is right, the ramyun in this place is really delicious and Taeyeon just eating the noodle away like it is the last meal on earth. As soon as both of them finish eating the noodle, both of them just laugh at each other while wiping their mouth. Both of them just laugh because they are too busy with the food in front of them and not even giving a single care to the person that is sitting in front of them. Chanyeol pays for the noodle and both of them walks out of the noodle shop. There is still a lot of time before Chanyeol need to start his part time work so they end up going to the arcade. Chanyeol sits down in front of the fighting game arcade machine and Taeyeon sits next to him and she remembers,

Taeyeon: “Isn’t this the same game that you played that day against Yuri?”

Chanyeol: “Yes…you remember?”

Taeyeon: “Of course….I remember her kicking your ….”

Chanyeol: “That is because I know that I am going against a girl that I decide to go soft on her….”

Taeyeon: “Excuses…excuses….hehehe…..”

Chanyeol: “Why don’t you watch me play then to see for yourself just how good I am?”

Taeyeon: “Hehe sure…..by the way…..there’s something that I want to talk about with you…remember?”

Chanyeol: “Ah yes….what is it?”

Taeyeon: “The reason why I want to talk about this with you in a comfortable surrounding is because I know how you are going to react….so I thought that this game might just help you to listen to me and not running away from our conversation.”

Chanyeol: “Why would I be running away?”

Taeyeon: “I heard from Tiffany…about what happened that day….”

Chanyeol: “………………………..”

Taeyeon: “See? This is the kind of reaction that I expected from you…and if right now you aren’t playing that game I bet that you will walk away from this conversation and from me altogether….”

Chanyeol: “Sorry but I don’t want to talk about it….”

Taeyeon: “What is why you never move on from that incident….because you refuse to talk about it with anyone else…..”

Chanyeol: “What good is talking to anyone else about it? Nothing can be changed….the damage has been done and there is nothing that I can do to alter what happened in the past….”

Taeyeon: “Yes…there is nothing you can do to change the past….but…you have to look on to the future, you can’t trapped in your past forever right? There are people around you that must be affected by your change in attitude…”

Chanyeol: “Well I don’t care what those people think of me….they don’t know anything about me….what could they possibly know about what I felt?”

Taeyeon: “They might not know what you feel….but I think most of your friends would want you to move on and forgive Tiffany….”

At that moment Chanyeol slams the arcade machine with both of his hands and he glares at Taeyeon and he has angry expression all over his face,

Chanyeol: “FORGIVE TIFFANY? HOW I EVEN DO THAT? HUH!!! She basically ruined my family that day!!!! Do you expect me to forgive such a horrible person huh? What do you know about my pain?????”

Despite Chanyeol’s anger, Taeyeon has expected that he would react that way so she is prepared for any kind of hostile reaction from Chanyeol. She takes a deep breath and instead of panicking, she holds Chanyeol by his wrist,

Taeyeon: “Me? I don’t know your pain….but….something also happened to me and I am sure that you know about it through Yuri….I know that it might not be able to compared to you….but….because of me….someone got beaten up….all because of a guy stupid desire….someone else’s blood spilled because of me….it is not a pleasant experience….right now….I am still unable to forget that….but I am learning to let go of what happen….and try to start fresh in this school…especially now that I have Yuri with me….she’s the one that help me through the tough times…..and I’m sure that you need someone else too to be able to overcome this….”

Chanyeol: “Tae……”

Taeyeon: “I’m not saying that you should stop being angry about it…..but you are angry about something wrong here….you are blinded by the rage….blinded from the truth that is lying in front of your eyes….everyone told you about the truth right? That Tiffany has no knowledge about that video is edited that way….and because of you blaming her….she also change into a different person and she uses her tricks to get the people that edited the video to be kicked out from school….I’m sure you heard this often but you keep refusing to believe that is the whole truth. You keep blaming on Tiffany where she is actually has no intention to harm you and your family like that….how is that fair that you hate her like she is the worst person in the world in your eyes while actually she has nothing to do with what happened to you?”

Chanyeol: “……………………………….”

Taeyeon: “I am not asking you to smile at her every day and to joke around with her….I am not asking you to suddenly be best friend with her….but you are blaming the wrong person all this time….you are angry because of her existence in the school that cause everything to happen? You are too cruel Chanyeol…..she didn’t do anything wrong…..and even though I am not saying that she become the person that she is now because of you…being hated by you while in truth she didn’t do anything wrong must have taken a toll on her psychologically and it is not a nice thing to have for a young girl like her….and the same goes to you…you shouldn’t burden yourself with this kind of hate and anger toward her….it is time to let the past go….”

Chanyeol: “You know what? Many people have talked to me this way…..tell me that I am wrong for hating on Tiffany like that but I never even listen to any of their words….but somehow…your words are getting into my head…and even more weird….that I feel my heart is soothe because of your words…it is like you are lifting up the cloud of hate that is kept inside of me all this time…..why is this?”

Taeyeon: “How do I know? All I am saying to you is what you should hear anyway….you need to learn to let that incident go….It is not easy and I know that you might be afraid of taking the wrong step by forgiving her…but trust me…you don’t have to do this for her…because she is innocent…but you have to do it for yourself….I promise you that you will live a much happier life….if you let this burden go.”

Chanyeol: “I see….well…I thank you for saying these things to me….but I have one question for you though…..”

Taeyeon: “What is it?”

Chanyeol: “You are telling me to let go of the incident….then I want to ask the same thing from you, how about yourself? Have you really forget what happened with your past and move on from it?”

Taeyeon: “Yes I have…..”

Chanyeol: “Really? Then I don’t think that Yuri will be worried that you are still affected of what happened back then if you really have forget what happened in the past.”

Taeyeon: “Of course I never tell her directly about it but I know it in my heart that what happened in the past is in the past and there isn’t anything I can do to change it and there is no use for me to keep upset and creating a wall to protect myself….I know that not everyone is like that….”

Chanyeol: “Well…you have to prove me….”

Taeyeon: “Why do I have to prove anything to you?”

Chanyeol: “You are giving me this long speech about letting go of the darkness in the past that is affecting my everyday life….how would I listen to such advice if the person that is giving me that speech is still unable to break free from her own tragedy in the past?”

Taeyeon: “Fine….what do I have to do to prove something like that to you?”

Chanyeol: “You want me to forgive Tiffany and fix things up with her? I can do that….once I know that you have proven me that you have really move on as well….you problem is with boys right? Similar with me…you are unable to trust boys and you don’t want anyone to be interested in a romantic relationship with you because of what that boy did that makes you hate boys because of him…..”

Taeyeon: “Yeah so?”

Chanyeol: “The only way to prove it to me is by opening your heart so that you are not rejecting the notion of having a romantic relationship with boys….”

Taeyeon: “Huh….you’re quite a funny guy I see…that is quite silly of you to ask me something like that.”

Out of nowhere Taeyeon who is keeping her calm all this time when facing Chanyeol’s angry reaction is become agitated when he talked about her problem. She stands up and immediately walks out of the arcade. Chanyeol lets out a huge sigh and he immediately chase after her and he manage to catch up with her on the street. Both of them are unaware that Yuri is walking along the same street along with Kai, Suho, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Baekhyun and Suho. The boys are accidentally meeting up with Yuri after their practice end and Yuri agree to go out with them to visit Chanyeol’s working place. It is not really far from Yuri’s house anyway and the EXO boys will show her their dance routine without Chanyeol after visiting his workplace.


Kai who is walking with Yuri at the front suddenly stops as soon as he sees Chanyeol and Taeyeon in quite a heated situation on the street not too far away from them,

Yuri: “Ya Jongin, why you stop walking suddenly like that?”

Kai: “Isn’t that….Chanyeol….and…your friend Taeyeon?”

EXO: “Huh?”

Yuri: “What….oh my….it is really them…..Taeyeon told me that she will be home late and it turns out that she is going out with him……what happened to them….they seems to be fighting or something…..”

Yuri is about to go toward them but Baekhyun grabs a hold of her wrist and stops her immediately,


Yuri: “What are you doing? Let me go to them….”

Baekhyun: “Remember what I told you not to get in their way? Whatever happen between them over there, they need to solve it themselves….you can’t interfere with them….”

Yuri: “Arghhh….sigh……”

Taeyeon and Chanyeol who of course totally have no idea that their friends are watching them from distance continue bickering on the street,

Chanyeol: “You told me to forgive Tiffany but why are you so upset that I ask you to do something like that?”

Taeyeon: “You have gotten way too far Chanyeol….”

Chanyeol: “Let me ask you….do you want to talk about this with me by your own will….or because Tiffany asked you to?”

Taeyeon: “By my own will…..”

Chanyeol: “That means that you sincerely want me to forgive Tiffany and let go of what happened in the past right?”

Taeyeon: “Yes I do…..”

Chanyeol: “Then I also only wish the same toward you…..I only mean well with my suggestion….you don’t have to react like that….”

Taeyeon: “……………………….”


Chanyeol: “You have convinced me that I am wrong for hating on Tiffany. I am thanking you sincerely for opening up my eyes and my heart about this matter….and I am more than ready to make that step….to break free from the past that keep dragging my life down…..I want to make that step….but I am not going to be the only that do it……I don’t know what is the real meaning of your appearance in my life suddenly like this in the past few days….but I can only find positive things about it…..”

Taeyeon: “………………………”

Chanyeol: “So…..listen to me….tomorrow….I will talk with Tiffany and I will man up and talk to her that I have been wrong that I have been hating her all this time…and I want to be friends again with her…..”

Taeyeon: “That is good Chanyeol…I am proud of your courage….”

Chanyeol: “But….”

Taeyeon: “But what?”

Chanyeol: “I will only do that…..if….you go out with me…on a date….”

Taeyeon: “……………………………….”


The next few chapters will have more Minho & Yuri in it and also the preparation for the event. Even though it takes me a while to update this chapter, I actually find this story is one of the quickest to update since I have a clear idea of how the story is going to be and how to progress with the character development. It literally took me one day to finish this story since I started working on it.

What do you think of the drama between Chanyeol and Taeyeon? Anyone who previously read my other stories would know that my story will full of twists here and there....whatever that means.... :)

Also if you think that sometimes the title is a bit not matching with the story...can anyone guess, except for the 1st chapter...these titles actually represent something from SM idols... :)

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Next chapter update will be either today or tomorrow :)


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snorlax808 #1
Chapter 10: Really enjoying the story, keep up the good work and please update soon
Chapter 1: Omg, they're only 15??
Chapter 10: Hoping for more taeyeon and chanyeol moment..
Chapter 10: Hope Taeyeon and Chanyeol will be fine :-( Update soon author-nim!
Iaminnocent #5
Chapter 8: I hope you make more Minsul scenes :) Idk why, but Sulli's love for her TWIN BROTHER intrigues me :D Update soon~
whateverlah #6
Chapter 8: Yessh chanyeol asks her out!! And finally he forgives fany.
Update soon!
TaeRi8998 #7
Chapter 7: I really love it,Update soon pls
lollipopzoupa #8
(((Y))) *------*
Chapter 6: So Kyuhyun is the annoying one -.-