C.2 - Beginning

SM International High School

Chapter 2 – Beginning

Tuesday, 2nd January 2020, 5:30 AM, Yuri’s House


Taeyeon is staying over at Yuri’s house until her parents move to Seoul. Her parents are still in Jeonju because of her father’s work and it is not until another 6-9 months before they are able to move to Seoul, so until then Taeyeon is staying at Yuri’s house and they are sharing the room together. Yuri woke up immediately after hearing her alarm went off and after stretching her body a little bit, she looks at Taeyeon who is sleeping on her own bed on the other side of the room and she is still sleeping. Yuri gets off the bed and she walks toward Taeyeon’s bed and she shrugs her a little,

Yuri: “Tae….Tae….”

Taeyeon: “Unghh….”

Yuri: “I’m going for a jog…do you want to join me? It might ease your nervousness before your first day at school…”

Taeyeon: “Really Yuri? What time is it?”

Yuri: “5:30….”

Taeyeon: “Thanks but I think I’ll pass….”

Yuri: “You sure? It would be fun for us to jog together early in the morning….”

Taeyeon: “I think I am going to pass Yuri….sorry….I promise that I will accompany you to run in the morning one day….”

Yuri: “That’s okay Tae…just don’t wake up too late okay? You have to meet the principal first right and then with some of the staff before you actually enter the class?”

Taeyeon: “Yes of course, I won’t wake up too late…probably by the time you got home I already take shower and everything….have fun Yul….”

Yuri: “Yes...I’ll be leaving then….”


She puts two layers of training suit on top of her t-shirt and then she changes into her training pants. She checks the weather outside first with her mobile phone and since it is still cold, she also puts on gloves and beanie. She takes her mobile phone and adds some songs into her jogging playlist and then straps her mobile phone onto her left arm. She leaves the house after greeting her mother who is cooking in the kitchen. She puts her earphones on and begins to jog; she has her usual jogging route which usually takes her around some shops near her house neighborhood then going through a park before circling back to her house. It would usually takes her 15-30 minutes, depends on her jogging pace and also whether she makes a stop along the way. Usually Yuri would stop by the park just waiting for the sun to rise. At the moment, she isn’t really concerning herself with finding a boyfriend. She has a mentality where she thinks that she shouldn’t be looking for a boyfriend, because if fate wants her to have a boyfriend, then he will appear in her life one day anyway. Her laid back attitude in terms of dating is probably one of the reasons why she never even realized that Minho has taken an interest in her. After around 5 minutes into her jogging, she is passing through several shops and except for a few of coffee shops and 24 hours restaurant that is already open this early, the streets looked really empty and quiet. She makes a quick stop into one of the coffee shop because she is a regular here, the auntie that owns the place always give her a free bread and a small cup of coffee whenever she jogs in the morning,

Yuri: “Auntie!”

Owner: “Ah Yuri! I don’t know that you are jogging today…you school starts already right?”

Yuri: “Yes auntie, which is why I jog slightly earlier than usual…”

Owner: “You should tell me earlier Yuri….just grabs the bread as usual over there, I’ll prepare the coffee for you…”

Yuri: “Yes auntie, thank you! Hehe…”

Owner: “I think you shouldn’t jog this early you know…a young girl like you is not safe to run at this early…especially when it is still dark….”

Yuri: “That’s okay auntie….I can outrun whoever that wants to disturb me anyway, hehe….”

Owner: “Yes I know that you are an athlete and if somehow that person manages to catch up with you, I’m sure that you can knock him out too with your strength…but you still need to be careful young lady…okay?”

Yuri: “Yes auntie, I will….I promise to be careful always…hehe…”

While she is waiting for her coffee, someone is lurking in the shadow watching Yuri’s movement. Yuri is of course unaware about this and after finishing the coffee and the bread she thanks the owner and continues with her jogging, making her way to the park. That person follows her from behind and because Yuri is listening to music through her earphones, she can’t really hear that there is someone behind him, following her closely and intently. Once she reaches the park there are several people too jogging in the park and she makes a quick stop on one of the benches in the park as she takes a moment to take a breather. At this moment, the person that is following her is moving even closer to her and at this time Yuri finally manage to sense that there is someone behind her and she quickly turns around and she put that person’s arm in a lock and pressing it real hard,


Yuri: “Who are you? Why are you sneaking like that?”

Minho: “Ouch! Yuri it’s me…it’s me! I give up! Don’t break my arm please….”

Yuri: “Eh? Minho? (She lets go of his arm) what are you doing here early in the morning and why are you sneaking up on me like that?”

Minho: “I’m not sneaking up on you…I’m just moving slowly so that you are not surprised because I see that you are listening to music….”

Yuri: “Ah…I see…hehe…sorry Minho…”

Minho: “That’s okay…but how do you learn to do something like that?”

Yuri: “Well…I watched a couple of MMA fights on the TV….hehe…”

Minho: “Ah…..I see….well…this is embarrassing…for you to overpower me like that…hehe…”

Yuri: “Ah that’s okay Minho….I don’t think that you should be ashamed…I know that my strength is not at the level of a girl so it’s normal for a boy that never learn self-defense to be caught by me like that…hehe…so what are you doing here in the morning?”

Minho: “Well….since I am on a diet, I thought that I need to work out more and jogging in the morning seems to be fun too....”

Yuri: “Oh yeah…I remember that you were saying something about you being on a diet yesterday….is your house near this park too?”

Minho: “Yeah around 5-10 minutes walking distance from here….”

Yuri: “Ahh…that is close then….then how come I never see you around here before?”

Minho: “I never jogged this early before….I usually went to work out in gym after school ends almost every day…ah that’s right! Speaking of gym….are you registered in a gym somewhere in this city perhaps?”

Yuri: “No….I don’t think I have time to go to gym though….I usually stay behind at school and use the facilities at school to work out…I don’t want to burden my parents to pay the membership fee because I know it’s not cheap…”

Minho: “Well…you are in luck then! Do you want to join my gym? They are giving out 3 months free membership but only to people that is recommended by the gym members….”

Yuri: “Umm….thanks for the offer Minho…but…I don’t want to burden you like that….you might as well just give that opportunity to someone else….”

Minho: “Ah you’re not burdening me at all, besides all of my friends already joined anyway…I don’t know who else to ask…I was about to ask you yesterday but I forgot…”

Yuri: “Hmm…..”

Minho: “At least come and try first Yuri…I can arrange for a trial if you want to…..”

Yuri: “Maybe…after I know the schedule in my club activity then I will decide….since I am enrolled in two clubs already….”

Minho: “Ah I see….well we should have similar schedule anyway, since usually athletic and football always placed on the same day….and I am in drama club too….”

Yuri: “Eh? You are in drama? Am I hearing this right? I once hear rumors about a boy that sing so badly that the whole class was laughing at him….I think that boy….is you?”

Minho: “Hahaha….wow that rumor sure reached a lot of people….yeah that is me….but I can pick my role in the drama where there is no singing anyway….it’s not like it is a musical anyway…”

Yuri: “Yes but mostly there will be some singing involved in a drama though…well if you joined the club then what can I say? Hehe…”

Minho: “So will you let me know after the schedule for your club confirmed?”

Yuri: “Yes I definitely will…don’t worry….”

Minho: “Ah okay then…”

Yuri: “Say…do you think I can ask someone else to join too?”

Minho: “Sure…I can ask one of my friends to recommend your friend too for the free joining fee…but who is your friend?”

Yuri: “I think you might be surprised….”

Minho: “How so?”

Yuri: “Do you still remember the shocking news that we heard yesterday?”

Minho: “About the new student? Well for everyone else it might be shocking but for me I think it is the step in the right direction so it is not so shocking…I just think that the timing isn’t right because particularly this year I heard that there are more students rejected into our school more than usual so this would certainly be discussed and complained a lot for the coming weeks….”

Yuri: “Yes that’s true….but I am not surprised too….and I have a different reason….”

Minho: “What do you mean?”

Yuri: “I know that our school will be accepting a student from an educational institute outside of SM.”

Minho: “But….how….is….this student your friend?”

Yuri: “Yes…she is my friend…and she is the person that I want to ask you whether she can join the gym as well with me or not….”

Minho: “Well that can be arranged….but….this student is a girl….I’m sorry to say this Yuri….but don’t you think that you should be worried about Tiffany? I know you are in the same group as her….and maybe you can protect her that way but you still need to be careful right? Tiffany is the leader of your group….”

Yuri: “Yeah I am worried too; maybe I should talk to her tomorrow about it….”

Minho: “But you seem to be happy to talk about this friend of yours….I can see it from your face….”

Yuri: “Well, she is my childhood friends and she was always studying overseas all the time so I am excited to be able to see her on daily basis like this…”

Minho: “If you don’t mind…maybe you can share your story about her with me? It’s not that I interested with her or anything like that…but I am just curious just what kind of special person your friend is to be able to break the school’s tradition like that.”

Yuri: “Yeah sure…do you mind though? Don’t you have to jog?”

Minho: “It’s okay….I don’t mind sitting down here with you and listen to your story….”

Yuri: “That’s great hehe…so where should I start? Hmm….Ah! So I first met her when…..”

So in the end, Yuri and Minho are talking more than he intended to. He is quite happy even though the topic of the conversation is about Taeyeon, but for him this is another step in getting closer with Yuri he thought. Minho but wonders too whether Yuri will ever realize that he has feeling for her and he is not even sure that Yuri thought Minho’s invitation to go to his gym as something to make them closer. He just wishes that Yuri is more attentive to his approach because the more that she doesn’t realize it, the more discouraged Minho is. Minho never known for his boldness with girls and most of his friends are male which explains his timid approach in asking Yuri out. He also fear for the worst; that he is already stepping inside the ‘Friend Zone’ with Yuri, he hopes that is not true and by asking her to go work out together and be in the same club as her, he will someday find the courage to ask her out properly.

SM International High School Front Gate, 8:05 AM

Yuri and Taeyeon are walking together and Yuri’s parents drop them off at the front gate. Between these two girls, surprisingly Yuri is feeling more nervous, even more than Taeyeon. Taeyeon keeps her composure well and there is no nervousness or slight hesitation in her heart as she is embracing her first day in her new school. For her, breaking a school tradition is not something that she should feel burdened, but it should help motivate her to prove that this school is not wrong by bringing her to this high school. She is scheduled to meet with the principal, vice principal and some other staffs at the principal’s office. Right now she is blending well with the other students and not even one student is noticing that she is the student that brings some much commotion into the school. They reach the principal office already and upon entering, there are several people waiting for her inside the room, Principal Lee Soo Man, Vice Principal Kim Young Min, Disciplinary Council’s President BoA Kwon, Student-Teacher Relation Officer Kangta and lastly Student Council President Kyuhyun. Yuri is immediately nervous when they see these people but Taeyeon still keep her calm. Kyuhyun doesn’t realize that he is slightly blushing when he sees Taeyeon. He sees her through pictures before but seeing her with his own eyes in real life makes him think that she is more beautiful than in the pictures. She greets everyone politely and so does Yuri and BoA is really keeping an eye on her, checking her every moves. Lee Soo Man gets up from his seat and he shakes her hand,

Lee Soo Man: “Welcome to SM International High School, I am proud to personally welcome you into this high school. We have heard so much about you and I think you will be a good addition to this prestigious school. I hope that you are able to contribute as much as and if not, more than what you did with your middle school.”

Taeyeon: “Ah thank you principal, it is an honor for me to enroll to the most successful education system in South Korea. I am grateful that you are giving me the opportunity to be the first student from outside the system to study in the school. I will not disappoint you and I am looking forward to my time in the school.”

Lee Soo Man: “Good….I like your confidence, that is what I like to hear and it is what I expected anyway. Now…Yuri here is your close friend right? She will give you the tour of the school after we finished talking her, but first let me introduce you to everyone here….”

Taeyeon is introduced to everyone in the room and when it is Kyuhyun’s turn, he tries to act cool so that she doesn’t know that he is interested with her. Taeyeon herself doesn’t seem too bothered with Kyuhyun and she already set her mind in touring the school, she really wants to see what the school is like, which is why she is wandering around the school front’s gate yesterday. After Taeyeon finished talking with everyone in the room, Kyuhyun offers to aid Yuri,

Kyuhyun: “Taeyeon, do you want me to accompany you and Yuri in touring the school? I’ve been here for three years while Yuri is practically here only for a day, I can help you out more than her….”

Taeyeon: “Ah thank you sunbaenim…but I don’t think that is necessary….”

Kyuhyun: “You can call me oppa; you don’t have to be so formal with me…”

Taeyeon: “Yes oppa, thank you for offering your help but me and Yuri will be fine here, thank you Kyuhyun oppa….”

He is smiling when she hears her reply but deep down inside his heart he is slightly hurt with this rejection because what he says is quite true, Yuri known this school’s building only for one day while he has been here for three years. He already knows that conquering her heart is not easy but he is determined to do so. While Yuri and Taeyeon embark in the tour of the school’s building, someone is paying attention to them and she takes her phone out and make a call to someone from Class 1-A,

Yoona: “It is like what you told us Fany, she is Yuri’s close friend, how come she never told us about this?”

Tiffany: “Well she is probably pressured by the school or something to not reveal her identity, that’s alright...I don’t think we should make this a problem for Yuri….so are they going around the school then?”

Yoona: “Yes it’s look like Yuri is guiding her to see the facilities….”

Tiffany: “Good, why don’t you go hang around in front of the class and take the attendance of everyone as they entered the class, to make sure that no one else than Yuri and that new girl is still outside the class, I will send Seohyun to distract Miss Ara.”

Yoona: “Do I have to guide Yuri to enter the class first?”

Tiffany: “Yes of course, I don’t want her to get caught along with her….can you do that Yoona?”

Yoona: “Yeah sure no problem, I’m going back to the class now…”

Tiffany: “Good…”

After she ends the phone call, Tiffany is quickly arranging with Seohyun to begin with her mission and she goes toward the teacher’s lounge in order to distract Miss Ara. Tiffany is looking outside the window and she smiles,

Tiffany: “Sorry Kyuhyun oppa…but your dream girl is going to get a taste of Pink Generation on her first day at school….we need to stamp our mark on her so that she is able to follow my guidance easier….hehehe…..”

15 Minutes Later…..


Everyone is inside the classroom except for Yoona, Yuri, Taeyeon and Seohyun. Yoona is still waiting outside the class and she is waiting to see both Yuri and Taeyeon to enter the class. Seohyun is still distracting Miss Ara on the teacher’s lounge and she will walks to the class together with her. Chanyeol and Kai are exchanging their seats, the two of them are originally sitting far on the back row but two students asked to exchange seats with them and they don’t really care where they are sitting so now Kai and Chanyeol are sitting near the entrance door of the class. Chanyeol turns his chair around as he is talking with Kai about their dance practice yesterday. Tiffany who usually is keeping a good eye on Chanyeol is ignoring him for a moment this morning; she has more important matter that she needs to look after than Chanyeol at the moment. The other students are busy talking with themselves while waiting for their homeroom teacher to arrive and at this moment Yoona enters the class and she informs Tiffany that both Yuri and Taeyeon can be seen on the hallway walking toward the class already. Tiffany sends Yoona back outside while she takes something from her bag and then she positions herself on the wall on the left side of the door. Kai and Krystal notice Tiffany is up to no good and Krystal shouts at her,

Krystal: “Unnie! It’s only the second day of school and yet you are already like this?”

Tiffany: “Shut up Soo Jung…just mind your own business, go call your beloved sister or something.”

Krystal: “Hmph! Rude and naughty, just like usual….”

Usually Krystal will attempt to stop whatever it is that Tiffany is planning but she is quite sleepy this morning so she doesn’t really care about what she wants to do and continues sinking her head on the table. Meanwhile Kai who notice Tiffany as well talks to Chanyeol,

Kai: “Hey look….your ‘best friend’ is up to no good again….”

Chanyeol: “Who?”

Kai: “Your secret admirer, Hwang Mi-young….”

Chanyeol: “I don’t care; she can do anything she wants….”

Kai: “Hmm, she must be planning something for the new student…Tiffany really need to be careful since this student is quite important to the school….let me check through the windows…I want to see what the new student looks like!”

Chanyeol: “Suit yourself…I’m not interested….”


Kai opens the windows to the hallway and he peek his head out to see the new student. He first sees Yoona who is standing by the door and then he sees Yuri and finally he spots Taeyeon who is walking beside Yuri. He finds Taeyeon is beautiful as well but he is hoping that the new student is a guy so that he can be friend him so he is a bit disappointed but he feels like he sees here somewhere before. He goes back sitting in his seat and he has this confused look on his face,

Chanyeol: “What’s wrong with you? Did you head got hit when you peek your head out?”

Kai: “No…I saw the new student…but I think I saw her somewhere before….”

Chanyeol: “Probably on the street or I don’t know….how should I know?”

Kai: “Umm….I’m sure that….hmm…..”

Chanyeol: “Yeah go ahead and have fun figuring that out, I’m sure it will take you a while….”

Kai: “Hmm…she is walking with Yuri could she be one of her friends? But I don’t know much of Yuri’s friends aside from Tiffany and the others…hmm…..”

Chanyeol: “…………………………….”

Meanwhile Taeyeon and Yuri already in front of the class and Yuri is introducing Yoona to Taeyeon. With the reason that Tiffany is calling her, Yoona asks Yuri to come inside the class first. Right at this moment, Kai finally remembers who the girl is,

Kai: “AH!”


Chanyeol: “Well done you manage to figure it out…but I don’t think that you should share it with me….”

Kai: “But you really need to know this! That girl is the one that you saw yesterday! She is the girl that you saw on our school’s gate yesterday!”

Chanyeol: “EH?”


The image of Taeyeon that he saw yesterday on the game center is flashing on his mind and his mind quickly reacted to the current situation. He turns around and he sees that Tiffany is holding a bottle of juice or something with red color and she is going to pour it all over Taeyeon as soon as she steps into the class. Yuri is already rushing into the class, not noticing Tiffany that is on the wall beside the door and then followed by Yoona. Tiffany is shaking the bottle that she is carrying and is about to open the bottle. Chanyeol’s eyes are widened and then he jumps out of his seat and slide his way through the table in front of him and right when Tiffany opens the bottle’s cap, Chanyeol jumps right in front of Taeyeon obstructing her and Tiffany is surprised to see Chanyeol jumping like that in front of her like that and the content of that bottle is spraying all over Chanyeol’s face and body. Everyone in the class is gasping in surprise, especially Yuri and Yoona but at that moment Taeyeon and Chanyeol’s eyes met and even though she is surprised to see Chanyeol drenched with red liquid all over him, she doesn’t takes her eyes off him. Tiffany quickly moves the bottle so that it is spraying the class’ wall now but it is too late because Chanyeol is already drenched.

At this moment, Miss Ara and Seohyun are walking toward the class and both of them noticed that Taeyeon is looking quite surprised at the entrance of the class. Miss Ara quickly runs toward the class because she sense that something isn’t right and when she sees that Chanyeol is drenched and have red liquid all over him, she knows that it is probably Tiffany and her gang that is doing this,

Ara: “Oh my God….Chanyeol, quickly go to the boy’s bathroom, wash up and then go the school’s administration to get a uniform replacement just tell them that I sent you, hurry!”

Chanyeol: “Ah yes Miss Ara, sorry that I make the class a mess….”

He walks out of the door and ignoring Taeyeon at the moment. Kai who is quite concern also make his way out of the class but he scolds Tiffany who is sitting down on the floor in disbelief of what she just did,

Kai: “You are trouble Fany…haven’t you got enough of humiliating him that time? Now you need to do this too? You are too much.”

Tiffany: “But I…..I…..”

He shakes his head and after excusing himself with Miss Ara to accompany Chanyeol he walks by his side to the bathroom. Miss Ara who shakes her head several times asks Taeyeon to wait outside of the class as she is going to address the class. She walks in and discovering Tiffany and the wall with red stain next to her. She shakes her head and then she asks Tiffany to get back to her seat. She is usually not this obedient but she is still in shocked that she just sprayed Chanyeol with that liquid so she doesn’t put up much resistance. Ara takes her place in front of the class and she addresses the whole class,

Ara: “I don’t know and I don’t care how much you girls are really famous in SM Middle School but here in this high school, we are not tolerating that kind of behavior! Tiffany, Yoona, Seohyun and Yuri, all of you are going to see the disciplinary council after the 1st break. I am going to make a report on this behavior and also I hope for your sake that red stain on the wall is removable. I don’t care who is involved and who is not, but I know for sure that Tiffany and her friends have something to do with this. You don’t have to explain things to me because it is not my place to discipline you, so you all will have to talk about what is going on with the disciplinary council later on. I am going to warn you, that this kind of behavior is intolerable! Do you all understand?”


Ara: “Good….now this mess is not really ideal to welcome her but nevertheless she is right outside the door so we just hope that she is not terrified going to this school because of you girls’ naughty behavior. Please welcome the new student that will be joining our class today, please come in!”

Taeyeon enters the class and the whole class, especially the boys are looking at her intently and some of the boys are smiling and waving at her because they are attracted to her but she manage to keep her composure and she is not showing any smile except toward the teacher,

Ara: “So please introduce yourself to everyone, don’t be shy or afraid….we all are welcoming you into this school even though you might think that your appearance here is causing unrest to the school, but please don’t think so. We are more than welcome to have you, one of the bright students to our school and to this class.”

Taeyeon: “Thank you Miss, I am also honored to have the chance to enroll to this school. My name is Kim Taeyeon and I am graduated from Nobu Middle School, good morning and it is nice to see you everyone!”

Yuri is a bit concerned that Taeyeon is going to be affected after that embarrassing scene but she seems to be like her usual self so she is relieved but on the other hand, Tiffany is quite surprised to see that Taeyeon is not even affected slightly by that. She is thinking that even though that her prank didn’t get her, she should be scared or surprised but she is not showing anything like that at all. All Tiffany gets is a glare from Yuri because she doesn’t like what Tiffany just attempted,

Ara: “Good, now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Go Ara and I am the homeroom teacher in the Class 1-A and also the teacher in charge of the acting extra-curricular activity. I welcome you to this class and please pick your seat, there are only two empty seats in the class and you can exchange seats later on after the break but for now please sit down so I can go through with the homeroom session.”

Taeyeon: “Thank you Miss Ara, may I seat over there? The empty seat on that same row with Yuri…”

Ara: “Yes you may, now please sit down and Yuri, during the 1st break would you be so kind to accompany Taeyeon to the store? She needs to get some books and notes too. Are you aware about our student portal system? Did principal go through that with you?”

Taeyeon: “Yes Miss but since I haven’t got my student ID just yet, I haven’t register with the student portal just yet.”

Ara: “I’m sure Yuri can help you out with that too right Yuri?”

Yuri: “Yes Miss Ara, I’ll accompany her to get her ID card and also to the store….”

Ara: “Good, now let’s begin the homeroom session by taking the attendance….”

Tiffany keeps looking over her shoulder to check on Taeyeon because she just wonders why this girl is not affected slightly by that. Right then she has a feeling that it isn’t easy to conquer this girl and she might be having a hard time in fulfilling Kyuhyun’s request but she isn’t the type to back down from challenges so she will try again and again until Taeyeon begs her to join her group and following her command. The bigger concern for Tiffany is that Chanyeol is going to hate her even more. She really wants to see him and apologize to him but she is afraid that she is going get the cold treatment from him which of course she totally deserves. Then something just clicked inside of her head, she wonders why Chanyeol is right there at that time and the only conclusion that she can come up with in her brain is,

Chanyeol is trying to protect Taeyeon? But why? He’s not supposed to know her…but…why?’

10:30 AM, School’s Medical Center Room 1-B


Chanyeol is not even hurt by that splash of red liquid that turns out to be a mix of soda and some other juices mixed together. He is lying down on the bed in the medical center because she doesn’t want to see Tiffany’s face for now, it makes him frustrated and feel like hitting someone whenever he remembers her face. He already takes a shower and changes his uniform. The other EXO members are also there with him since it is break time and they are discussing about Taeyeon and extra-curricular activities,

Kai: “You all should see this guy leaping to protect her…it was so cool and heroic too!”

Suho: “So you have this side of you huh? Amazing…”

Sehun: “Superhero Chanyeol….”

Baekhyun: “At least you got yourself a free uniform right? Hehe…”

Kyungsoo: “So who is she?”

Kai: “The girl that he saw on the school’s gate yesterday.”

Suho: “Ah…so that is the new student huh? Not only that it captures attention to the whole school but also she captures the attention of our stone cold friend here…hehe…”

Sehun: “Yeah, the whole school is talking about her now…and also about your incident, Chanyeol.”

Right about then someone knocks the door to Chanyeol’s room and Suho is going to the door to see who it is and he looks surprised and after chatting for a while he asks for the other to go out,

Suho: “Ya, everyone goes out except Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun: “Why?”

Suho: “You all see when you step outside this room, come on guys…”

Chanyeol: “Huh?”

The others seem don’t understand what Suho is doing but they are all getting curious too of who is the person that knock on the door so they all go out and so does Suho. Chanyeol can hear they are talking outside the small medical room that he is in. He though that there must a teacher come to check on him so that is why they all need to be out of the room so he lies down again and closing his eyes and even when he hears the door opened he doesn’t bother to move or open his eyes. He hears footsteps of someone approaching him and taking a seat next to him but he pretends that he is sleeping,

Taeyeon: “Hey…..”


Just one word and the Chanyeol that is pretending to sleep is quickly vanished, replaced by the surprised and excited Chanyeol as he gets up and he sits up on the bed and he is surprised to see Taeyeon is sitting on a chair next to the bed that he is on,

Chanyeol: “Ah…y…you…”

Taeyeon: “Yes it’s me…you probably should remember my face already….we also met yesterday on the game center if you still remember….but I want to apologize because I haven’t properly thank you and haven’t properly introduce myself either.”

Chanyeol: “Ah but you don’t have to apologize…”

Taeyeon: “Still…let me properly introduce myself since you were not in class when I introduce myself to the class. My name is Kim Taeyeon, I graduated from Nobu Middle School in Japan, and I am 15 years old…nice to meet you…”

Chanyeol: “Ah yes, my name is Park Chan-yeol but you can call me Chanyeol, I am 15 years old, nice to meet you too…”

Taeyeon: “Chanyeol? Okay I will remember your name…so how are you? I hope there is nothing dangerous in that liquid that you got sprayed on…”

Chanyeol: “Ah no, it is mostly juice and soda so I am fine….”

Taeyeon: “That’s good…so listen…there’s something that I want to say to you….”

Chanyeol: “What is it?”

Taeyeon: “I am thankful to know that you mean well by stepping in front of me like that and I am sorry to see you get drenched like that….sorry and thank you…”

Chanyeol: “Ah that’s okay….”

Taeyeon: “But….”

Chanyeol: “………………………….”

Taeyeon: “But I hope that you shall never do such thing again. I don’t know whether you really have good intention to save me or you have any intention behind that brave act, I don’t know and I think it is your own personal business so I am not going to ask you, but I can take care of myself, so I hope that you would not do such thing again in the future. Thanks.”

She smiles at him but somehow her smile is breaking her heart. He is embarrassed to hear her saying that to him but at the same time he wonders too why she is like that. Since Tiffany embarrassed him during middle school, never once that Chanyeol is interested to find out more about a girl. For him, the more a girl keeps her distance from him, the better it will be for him. Usually when Taeyeon said something like this, he would take it joyfully and grateful that she is creating such wall between them but somehow Taeyeon’s words just making him even more curious than before. He is silent and can’t reply her words and just like that Taeyeon bows to him once again as a sign of her gratefulness then she turns around and leaves the room. After she leaves the room, the confused Chanyeol slap himself in the face once,

Chanyeol: “Wake up you fool! She wants to keep her distance from you which should be a terrific news…but…why am I so curious and I want to know more about her, about why she doesn’t need any more help….why?”

After she leaves the room she greets Suho and the others outside the room and then she links her arms with Yuri and walk out of the medical center area. On her way toward the student central office to make a student card for Taeyeon, Yuri asks her,

Yuri: “What did you say to him? Did you thank him and ask him for his number? Hehehe….”

Taeyeon: “No…I asked him not to do such silly things anymore…I don’t need someone to save me like that…”

Yuri: “Eeeh? But why? He is kind of cute you know…”

Taeyeon: “Yeah well, I won’t deny that fact…but I am here with a big mission rest on my shoulder. I am the first person to be admitted from outside the system…I always keep my cool whenever I meet all the people here because I don’t want people to see me feeling the pressure but I actually is…so in regards to dating or some sort…you already know my stance right? Education first before dating and I don’t want people to treat me in a special way like that…I am here to give something to the school but it doesn’t mean that I want everyone to treat me like I am someone different. I am also one of the student here just like you, Chanyeol or that girl that tried to prank me, Tiffany. So being protected like that makes me uneasy and really uncomfortable…”

Yuri: “Yeah I know you too well…but still it would be nicer if you smile more and be more sociable….promise me that you will do that?”

Taeyeon: “Yes of course Yuri…don’t worry…”

Yuri: “So whenever someone gives you a hand….don’t say something like that again okay?”

Taeyeon: “Sigh…fine….”

Yuri: “But seriously, I think no matter how much you are trying to contribute to this school, dating is not out of the option you know? It is important too…..”

Taeyeon: “Said the girl that always run and never date.”

Yuri: “Haha….well….running is my passion…I just haven’t met the right guy just yet…”

Taeyeon: “Same here my friend….I just haven’t met the right guy just yet…hehe…”

Yuri: “Hahaha…yeah maybe that is why we are best friends huh? We think alike and act alike…hehe…”

Taeyeon: “Yeah…and I am a good listener as well to your complaints…hehe.”

Yuri: “Haha…I really miss this Tae…chatting and joking around with you like this…I am really glad that you are here….don’t go overseas again okay? Let’s go the same university together…don’t leave me again…”

Taeyeon: “I won’t….I am here to stay…but it depends too whether I can adjust to life in this school and in Seoul or not….”

Yuri: “Don’t worry…you got me right? I will help you to settle…and I will help you to like this city too…okay?”

Taeyeon: “(Smiling) Yeah Yuri….I am sure that I will be just fine here…I won’t go overseas again…I promise….”

Yuri: “Hehe…that’s what I like to hear from you! Come on…let’s go the student central and you’ll get your photo taken for your student card…”

Taeyeon: “Ah…that’s right! How does my hair look?”

Yuri: “Messy….”

Taeyeon: “How does my face look?”

Yuri: “Ugly….”

Taeyeon: “Would you like me to kick you in the ? I’m sure even though you are taller my kick will reach your ….”

Yuri: “Catch me if you can danshin!”

Taeyeon: “Ohh….you’re asking for it Kwon Yuri!”

Yuri: “Hehehehe….catch me danshin!!!”

Yuri runs through the hallways while Taeyeon is running as quick as she can behind her and the two look like they are having so much fun. They are running a large group of girls and both of them just pretend like they are nothing as their hairs are flown away because of the speed of these two girls running. One of them is not looking too happy and this large group of girls is none other than the Pink Generation,

Tiffany: “Because of her I am scolded by that loud woman, BoA…sigh….and now Yuri looks like she is having more fun with her than us…”

Yoona: “What do you want to do then?”

Hyoyeon: “Should we grab her after the school ends? We can humiliate her or interrogate her somewhere here…”

Tiffany: “No no…I think I already made enough commotion this morning, this school is more strict than the middle school so we should think about our moves carefully….let’s plan it on my house after school ends…you all will be coming right?”

Sooyoung: “Yes of course but what about Yuri?”

Tiffany: “For the time being we just need to keep some distance with her…because I know that she will be protecting her best friend….but don’t do anything to Yuri…she has no problem with us….got it?”

Pink Generation: “Yeah!”

Tiffany: “I will get her to join us and I will make sure that Chanyeol will want to talk with me….perhaps I need to start planting someone inside that EXO band that can help me out with Chanyeol…hmm….”

Yoona: “By the way where are we going now Fany?”

Tiffany: “Let’s go to the cafeteria…I’m going to get something to eat to relieve my stress.”

As Pink Generation heading toward the cafeteria, the other students that saw Taeyeon and Yuri start to recognize her. There are mixed reaction about her arrival today at school, both appearance-wise and the incident that is related to her. Most students think that she wouldn’t fit in to the school nicely because of Tiffany while others seem to admire her carefree attitude even though Tiffany almost pranked her earlier in the morning. Of course Chanyeol and Yuri comes into the conversation of the other students too, mostly Chanyeol because it is quite surprising to see ‘The Lone Wolf’ to save the new student like that. In the end, the students will see her anyway later on because SM International High School is arranging for one TV station to come for the interview with Principal Lee Soo Man to address Taeyeon’s admittance into the school. She is required to appear on camera too but she won’t be answering any questions related to her enrollment at the school.

There are also some people that are happy to see Tiffany failed in her prank this morning, and this group of people of course belonged to JungSis group. This group have an eyewitness in Krystal to see the incident herself and they start to think that the new student will bring a breath of fresh air to stop Tiffany from spreading her tyranny as well in this school. Meanwhile Chanyeol who get bored with the medical center decided that he will join the other members of EXO in meeting up with Kyuhyun outside the sports hall as they have something important to talk to him,


Kyuhyun: “I don’t expect for all of you to come here like this…it is too hectic and disorganized; choose one person out of you to talk.”

Suho: “That would be me since we talked before hyung.”

Kyuhyun: “Good….now what is it that you want?”

Suho: “It’s about our request hyung; will you be able to fulfill it? Seeing that new student Taeyeon is admitted into the school, I guess our request isn’t too absurd right?”

Kyuhyun: “True….but you are talking about one girl compared to a bunch of boys that isn’t even South Korean citizen….it is on another different level you know.”

Suho: “But I already get the approval from our parents for it….we will support your father….”

Kyuhyun: “Yes I know and I appreciate it but you have to give me time…principal Lee Soo Man is going to resign in a week-time, after that then you can talk to me again about this….but you have to keep this quiet okay? If this gets leaked out, the whole plan might be ruined.”

Suho: “Yes I know hyung….”

Kyuhyun: “What is it with you guys anyway? You guys are looking cool as a band like that…why do you want to change it to a dance group?”

Chanyeol: “So hyung is saying that a dance group isn’t cool?”

Kyuhyun: “Ya, I wasn’t talking to you.”

Suho: “Sorry hyung….Chanyeol keep it down for now okay?”

Chanyeol: “…………………………”

Suho: “Yeah it is just something that all of us wanted…no matter whether it is cool or not, we want to try it….”

Kyuhyun: “Well then, to see whether you guys are worth the risk that I am putting into getting in those boys to our school, what about a little trial?”

Suho: “What do you mean?”

Kyuhyun: “As a farewell event to Principal Lee Soo Man, you of course have heard from your homeroom teachers that we are going to have a little event next week right?”

Suho: “Yes…to me it is like some sort of a talent show.”

Kyuhyun: “Yes, the 1st graders are to perform in front of the whole school. It doesn’t have to be singing or dancing, you all can do anything that you want, but since that you want to be a dancing group and with those 6 boys that you mentioned from me, you all will be much better in terms of formation, why don’t you prove it to me that the 6 of you that already here in our school really have what it takes? Since there will be a winner awarded in the end, if your group wins it….I will help you with all my might….but if you don’t….I am requesting an additional support from your parents….deal?”

Chanyeol: “Wow…that is so unf…..”

Suho: “Yes we will take it….”

The Rest of EXO: “What?”

Kyuhyun: “Good…now I suggest that you practice hard….hehe…..”

Meanwhile in one of the school’s computer lab someone is taking an overseas call from and it seem like it is an important call,

Man: “Yes no one is around.”

????: “Good….report me about Taeyeon’s entrance to the school this morning.”

Man: “I haven’t taught her class yet but I heard that she was a target for a failed prank by one of the known prankster in the school, Tiffany.”

????: “Then you have to protect her!”

Man: “I can’t! I am not her homeroom teacher and I haven’t been in her class yet.”

????: “Sigh fine….but remember….whenever she is in trouble, you have to protect her no matter what….and keep her out of any boys range until I enter the school.”

Man: “But I heard that this one boy saved her this morning from that prank….I think his name is Chanyeol….”

????: “Who is he?”

Man: “He is a band member and also a football player during his time in middle school, but he is a quiet boy and a loner, I don’t think that you should be worried.”

????: “Of course I shouldn’t be worried….but it is you…I’m just reminding you hyung that if you fail to do a simple job that I entrust you, your teaching career in that high school will end in a blink of an eye…you got it?”

Man: “Ah yes I know….”

????: “Good….just protect Taeyeon and update me whenever you heard something unusual about her.”

Man: “Yes I will….”

????: “Good…don’t worry…when I come there, all the commotion that is caused by Taeyeon will be gone instantly…people will look at me and they will respect me….SM International High School, will never be the same again…in a good way….”


It's weird that I am finishing the second chapter way before the story is even released but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter too. The story will be a little slow in the beginning so the plot can be set up nicely with the first few events that happened in the first few chapters.

For those who got to know me through this story...I will not update this fic on a daily basis...because that will make me basically best friend with my laptop...lol! I have a full time job so I try hard to find time for updating my fics on weekdays but rest assured, this story will be updated on weekly basis...or it might be faster sometimes, depending on my job :) , I hope you all can understand it, because I have 3 other stories too to be updated regularly :)

Anyway thanks for reading and please wait eagerly for the next one...EXO will train for the show and both Pink Generation and Taeyeon will be involved as well... :)

Just released a new M rated story I hope that you can also support me on my new story! :)

Infected: The Story of 9 Survivors

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Next chapter update will be either today or tomorrow :)


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snorlax808 #1
Chapter 10: Really enjoying the story, keep up the good work and please update soon
Chapter 1: Omg, they're only 15??
Chapter 10: Hoping for more taeyeon and chanyeol moment..
Chapter 10: Hope Taeyeon and Chanyeol will be fine :-( Update soon author-nim!
Iaminnocent #5
Chapter 8: I hope you make more Minsul scenes :) Idk why, but Sulli's love for her TWIN BROTHER intrigues me :D Update soon~
whateverlah #6
Chapter 8: Yessh chanyeol asks her out!! And finally he forgives fany.
Update soon!
TaeRi8998 #7
Chapter 7: I really love it,Update soon pls
lollipopzoupa #8
(((Y))) *------*
Chapter 6: So Kyuhyun is the annoying one -.-