
Fine, then!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" I screamt as I hugged Jongin. 


We were at the bed together as I am currently burying my face onto his chest. We're having a movie marathon. It's already 11pm but this is just the 6th movie. We've been together all day at the couch. 


I heard him chuckle as he glances at my horrified face. 


I mean, man, horror movies aren't just my style. While here goes my boyfriend who enjoys laughing at my terrified face. I glared at him as I sneaked my hands into his waist, slowly pinching it. 


"Aw!" he uttered. I sticked my tongue out and rolled my eyes at him, he chuckled once again. 


"Yeah right whatever, you scared face. That'll be our last movie, okay." he announced. 


I nodded, then looked at the screen. My eyes widened when I saw it was already finished! Wow, I didn't even got the story. All I know was the lady who had a strange eye and a knife at was pretty scary. 


I stood up and walked into the kitchen area, I held a cookie and ate it. Then, I came back to the bed and scanned the table beside it, searching for my milk, but I saw nothing. 


I scratched my head, "Ya, where's my--" 


I didn't finished talking when I saw Jongin drinking my glass of milk. I went to him and slightly punched his shoulder, "Hey! That's mine!"


He put the glass down, still half full. He wiped the milk traced in his lips, "I just drank half of it." 


I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." Then drank the milk. It was still warm and I really liked the taste of it. Jongin makes the best milk. 


After that, I put the glass on the kitchen then headed back to the bed. I saw Jongin lying there. I laid beside him, and faced the other side.


"Ya noona~" I heard him calling me in a sweet voice. 


I raised an eyebrow, "Don't call me noona." I answered, still not looking. 


I really don't like it when he calls me noona. It's no fair. I want to call him oppa.


He held my face an gently made me face him, "And why?" he asked then cupped my face.  


I pouted, "It makes me realize that I can't call you my oppa." 


He chuckled softly then pinched my nose, "Because you're my noona~"


"Ugh, this is unfair! Why do you have to be younger than me?!" I complained, then stood up. 


"Fine, then!" I uttered, then fixed myself a bit and walked towards the door. I heard him calling my name. 


He held my arms, "And where are you going?" 


I glared at him, "Finding someone who is older than me." I answered, he gave me a confused look. "I'm going to find myself an oppa." I uttered. 


His eyebrows suddenly almost me. 


"You can't. And you won't." he firmly stated. 


I crossed my arms, "And why?" I smirked. 


He ruffled his hair out of frustration, then held my arms, "BECAUSE YOU ARE MINE, AND MINE ALONE." I gasped when his voice turned louder as he was saying those words with an aggressive tone. 


I felt my cheeks turned red. 


His face got closer to mine, we were only an inch apart. 


"Only I can have you, arasseo? Possessive as it may sound but sorry, I'm crazy when it comes to you." he mumbled. I can already feel his breathing because we were too close. "Got that?" he whispered then smirked. 


I looked at his eyes. And they were full of sincerity. 


"I love you." those words automatically came out from my mouth. 


He hugged me, and I hugged him back. 


"I love you, too." he replied. 





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Chapter 1: Awww.. So cuuutteee.. Keep writing YoonKai.. <333

My UBs... :)))))
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 1: sweet....kkk
Chapter 1: lol so sweet so goood !!! make more yoonkai plzz
olla310 #4
Chapter 1: YoonKai!! Gomawo ^^
Chapter 1: I love <3
Thnaks for writing YoonKai