Chapter 1


"Class dismissed." The teacher said as everyone got up from their seats as quick as lightning, excited to start their weekend as early as possible. One in particular though, took her sweet time and walked out of the class behind the others.

"Jieun! Wanna hang out this weekend?" Jieun's friend, Miya, asked.

"No thanks." Jieun replied and put her pencil case while zipping her bag. Miya seemed to understand her friend's decision and said goodbye.

Jieun sighed and walked out of the classroom. She looked at the hallways to see nothing but a few unrecognizable students walking on the hallway.

She walked passed the lockers, recalling a sweet memory that happened only a few weeks ago.

"Oppa!" Jieun called out to a boy who was getting his books for the next period.

"Yes?" The boy with a name tag that says 'Lee Jaehwan' smiled brightly when he saw her.

"O-oppa, I like y-you!" she shut her eyes and stuttered those simple words. "I don't wanna hear your answer. It's fine if you don't like me back. Uhm.... Bye!" She was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist.

"I'll walk you home today. Can I?" Jaehwan asked and gave a peck on her cheek, still smiling but this time, his smile was hanging by his ears. Jieun couldn't do anything hut frantically nodded and skipped back to class.

Jieun smiled at the bittersweet memory as a tear trickled down her cheek. Things have changed between Jaehwan and her ever since that day. Childhood friendship turned into something more.

By the time she thought about those things, she was already at the bus stop and when her bus came, she hopped in. Yet again, recalling a memory as if it happened yesterday.

Jieun and Jaehwan were sitting in the bus with their hands intertwined.

"Jieun, I have a surprise for you!" Jaehwan said excitingly as he took out a small box. Jieun quickly opened it and saw a necklace with a letter J at the top with a small heart on the side.

"Oppa! Thank you!" Jieun quickly put it on and proudly wore it back all the way home and never took it off.

Jieun looked out the window. Surprises kept coming lesser and lesser, walks to home barely happened now. She asked Jaehwan's friends how he was doing once in a while but they just answer in a cheery 'yes'. It pained her but kept it all in.

She arrived at her destination and went out of the bus. She started walking on the pathway as a memory made its way to call her attention.

"Oppa. Wanna watch a movie at my house?" Jieun hugged Jaehwan from behind.

"Sure." Jaehwan said and put his arm around Jieun's neck, walking nearer to her house.

When they arrived, Jieun's mom luckily came home from the supermarket and was  pleased to see her and her boyfriend and gave them some snacks.

They were watching an intense movie of Titanic and Jieun was in tears at the sinking scene. Jaehwan handed her a tissue.

"J-Jaehwan oppa," she sniffled. "What if we can't be together forever?" It was then that Jaehwan took her in a hug, soothed her and whispered sweet nothings and how their forever can really last and that Jaehwan Jack won't leave his Jieun Rose.

She passed by familiar trees, familiar benches. She always came here alone. Jaehwan was barely with her and without him, it seemed like these past few weeks they spent together were just nothing. She knew she was being selfish in thinking that way but she can't help it.

She went to the familiar hill she went to everyday after school now.

The winds became stronger as she let her tears fall diwn freely. She crouched down and let everything out. She missed Jaehwan. A lot.


After wetting her outfit and having puffy eyes and a red nose, Jieun looked over the horizon. The sunset was happening and it was her cue to leave and go home.

She looked at the gravestone infront of her with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Bye Jaehwan. See you again tommorow." 

Jieun started walking before looking back and say, "Happy monthsary, Jack."

She looked up at the heavens. "I know you're happy there and having a great time without me. Just wait when I go up there, oppa."




Eternity may only last for months, weeks, days and even seconds.

For this couple, it only lasted a few months but in their hearts, minds and souls, it lasted even longer.

How about you?

How willing are you to let love last longer than you can count? To make your eternity into an endless eternity?



 . . . . What the heck did I just write. So hopefully, you enjoy this *cough*crappy*cough* fic.

Again, I warn you. If you do not understand, it's cool. My mind is not working properly--




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vixxlover123 #1
Lol did u name the title of story after their newest song? ^.^