Review: LynZy_G

Cherry Blossom Kisses ❤ Review Shop
Before Then It's After
Before Then It's After

Reviewed at 5 chapters : Review Posted June 3, 2014

Story Title- 3/5 Somewhat draws the reader in however I found the title to be a bit confusing. I re-read it a few times in order to try and grasp it fully, what was the title trying to tell me as the reader. Don't let this be discouraging though because it is a very unique title and I believe sets the story's atmosphere well: both a bit hesitant and gives a sense of foreboding, as in this fanfic would have a little bit of angst inside. 

Description/Foreward- 8/10 The appearance of it is set up very nice, straight-forward and neat. Is in a nice font and what I really liked was that you changed the font color, good choice that matched well with poster and background. All together the description and foreward combined pulled me to want to read more because it was very captive but I would have liked a little more information about what your story is about exactly because although it would pull me in to read the first chapter I am not so sure I would have clicked the subscribe button with the description and foreward, if only because before starting to read I was not 100% sure what the fanfic was going to be about necessarily. 

Characterization- 12/15 Personally I did not find the main character relatable, this being that my personality is not the same but excluding that I imagine the feelings expressed by the main to be a tad off every now and then, along with a few other of the characters. I just felt while reading a sense of realistic reactions were lost, but to bring back my first statement I also found the main character to be on the distasteful side for me. Do not think for even half a second this is bad because on the contrary it is quite great! The fact that I found myself at odds with the main character had me want to read more since she behaved differently than I ever would meaning that I could really imagine her as a real person and not just a fictional one. In summary although at times it felt like things were just a bit too unrealistic to how a person really reacts, I believe you have done a good job at starting to develop each character as an individual, none were just plain impossibly perfect or anything which was excellent because I cannot stand Mary Sue's in stories. It is still the beginning so I say "start" because I understand you are not completely finished developing each character (to be honest I believe this task is never done haha because I feel writers consistently create and bring their characters to life throughout the entire story). 

Flow/Consistency- 10/15 I think you jumped around a little too much for me personally. You should take your time to give more details about a situation or setting, the flow in my opinion seemed a bit rushed or just plain too-fast for my liking. The consistency however was practically flawless, you used Korean words like "Oppa" and "Unnie" with excellent rememberance to use it always to the same people. You did not bring in a lot of romanization to my approval and when you did you used very common ones that most every kpop fangirl knows like "Omo!". At first (like I have mentioned haha forgive me it is just characterization applies everywhere it seems) I believed that the characters acted unusually BUT after reading more I started to understand more and get a good feel on them, they too were consistent with how you chose to portray each which was awesome ^_^

Plot- It is still so early in the story to give an accurate "grade" for this category but if insisted I will grant a score of 23/30 because you did a fantastic job at including conflict and solutions, a continual stride forward like in life which was great. Though I did find parts to be a little unreal, a little imaginary for a person's normal behavior like I mentioned already in the Characterization portion, this did affect parts of the plot in my opinion which took a little away from my enjoyment of reading. It is a personal preference obviously, some individuals do not even notice odd detailings like how would someone react in reality vs how they are behaving here--- I am just one of the odd bunch haha I enjoy a strong sense of realism when it comes to how a character behaves is all.

To note on another thing I was given a rather odd sense that the description/foreward was a tad misleading for me, I know this is just the beginning of the story so I cannot say much about what will happen in the future, so for me I guess I am trying to explain or advise to not be too afraid to reveal a little more of what's happening, you know? As an author myself I understand the inner-conflicts with oneself of what to reveal when and how soon? I just want to assure you that revealing just a tad bit more, giving the reader's some more insight to the events playing out in your story, will be okay and actually benefit you. 

To tie up this category I would like to lastly state that you portrayed emotions nicely, if you chose for the main character to feel sad then the reader's heart went out to her. Confusion then the reader was right there questioning the same things. This I believe was executedly delightfully well. 

Grammar and Writing Style- 13/15 Nothing major happening here, I just found a couple grammtical errors and at times that your word choice was a bit awkward, seeing other words or phrases as better fit. Some more editing will do to fix any/all mistakes made but overall is good. Your writing style is unique to you and I enjoyed greatly how you chose to describe certain things or situations. 



Overall Enjoyment- 9/10

Reader's Response-  You had a very good comments section, averaging about 5 comments per chapter or 1 per day, which I thought was awesome because it shows how much your readers are enjoying what is going on in your story and are expressing how they feel. You should be proud of this :)

My own enjoyment for this is a bit low only because this is not in my preference however ignoring preferences just minor things about your story had me hold back to really be excited about it like your loyal subscribers, please do not feel offended by this or anything because your writing is still developing and you as an author are still growing and learning. I believe your writing will continue to become greater and greater because just taking me for example, I have grown in writing so much in a year and two years etc. So I really hope you continue writing, even after this fanfic is over and done-with, possibly long-forgotten because you have moved onto to other things haha but please be aware I see lots of potential in your writing :) 

Reviewed By: smartone

I hope this review was helpful :) don't forget to comment after reading and if have any questions or concerns about this review, if anything is unclear for you, then please comment or PM me!

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meixing- #2
Chapter 1: story title: heart attack (심장 마비)
story link:
rated: no
genre: romantic-comedy | melodrama | arranged marriage/engagement
main characters: oh sera(oc) | lee jongsuk | kim woobin

short summary:
sera did not agree to the engagement, but she has no choice and had to
listen to her dear father. sera then met jongsuk, her fiancé and he turned
out to be her high school crush.

scored: yes please

there are no chapters at the moment, but i'd to know
if my description of the story is okay. the one above
is not what i originally wrote. i just want to know if it
tells to much of the story because i honestly can't tell.
thank you!!
Chapter 1: Story Title: Three Hundred Fifty-Six

Story Link:

Rated: No

Genre: romance, mystery, angst(-ish?)

Main Characters: Kim Jongin (Kai), OC, and EXO

Short Summary of fanfic:
An unexpected death stripped Jongin's main source of happiness from him. Miyeon, his beloved girlfriend, a bright and loving girl, was killed in a car accident just nine days before their one-year anniversary. She left him a letter, expressing her happiness throughout the years that they knew each other. One year later, on the day of their anniversary, he received another mysterious letter from a person who claimed to be Miyeon. The mystery regarding her letter began to unfold as he tried to find the sender.

Scored: Yes

Thanksssss <3
Chapter 1: Story Title: Can You Keep A Secret
Story Link:
Rated: Yes or No : no
Genre: angst, secrets, twists, drama
Main Characters: Oh Sehun, OC and a few guests....hehehehehhehe
Short Summary of fanfic: June 10th ,2015
Sehun watched the girl on the hospital bed, with strands of tubes going in and out of her nose and wrist.A smirk of victory came upon his lips as he focus his eyes on the EKG machine.He just couldnt wait when the lines will go straight-down.
The door swung open and he smiled at the visitor.
"Hello brother." He greeted with a maleficent tone as he pointed his index finger towards the lifeless girl laying on the bed.
"Good job.Bloody good job.You killed the ." Hoseok patted Sehun's back and smirked.
"Good job too,brother."
"What did I do?"
"Good job at playing dead."
The two stared at the girl that was in a coma.A smirk of triumph,victory and revenge tug on their lips as they slowly watch the lines on the EKG slowly going down.
The last thing they heard was,
And the girl was dead.

Scored: Yes or N0 ; yes
Chapter 1: Scored: Yes

Sorry missed out a part ^^"
Chapter 1: Story Title: dyodyopie

Story Link:

Rated: No

Genre: romance, tragedy angst

Main Characters: Baekhyun Chanyeol Kai Kyungsoo

Short Summary: Chanyeol and Baekhyun are happily married. Their love for each other was so strong that it seems to be unbreakable. A promotion in Chanyeol's company gave Chanyeol and Baekhyun a better living but without knowing, it also bough a living hell for Baekhyun. His beloved Chanyeol stop giving him the time and attention he wanted. Jongin and Kyungsoo who knew nothing then came into their marriage life. The broken marriage was needed for one of them to be blamed. Who will it be?
blind_angel #7
Chapter 1: Story Title: ILY
Story Link:
Rated: No
Genre: angst. romance
Main Characters: Kyungsoo, Jongin, Chanyeol, and EXO
Short Summary of fanfic: Love is delusional. Kyungsoo lived three years as a victim. When finally tired of being a good "housewife" boyfriend for Jongin, Kyungsoo decided to find out why Jongin rarely had time for him. Days all wasted on work, was what Jongin said, sometimes even nights. This time, weeks and his excuse was still the same "ILY" text messages from Jongin filled Kyungsoo's text inbox. Let's see if that was true. Who knew there were so much secrets?
Scored: No
Chapter 1: Story Title: Can You Keep A Secret?
Story Link:
Rated: Yes or No : no
Genre: angst
Main Characters: oh sehun, lee sazzy
Short Summary of fanfic: June 10th ,2015
Sehun watched the girl on the hospital bed, with strands of tubes going in and out of her nose and wrist.A smirk of victory came upon his lips as he focus his eyes on the EKG machine.He just couldnt wait when the lines will go straight-down.
The door swung open and he smiled at the visitor.
"Hello brother." He greeted with a maleficent tone as he pointed his index finger towards the lifeless girl laying on the bed.
"Good job.Bloody good job.You killed the ." Hoseok patted Sehun's back and smirked.
"Good job too,brother."
"What did I do?"
"Good job at playing dead."
The two stared at the girl that was in a coma.A smirk of triumph,victory and revenge tug on their lips as they slowly watch the lines on the EKG slowly going down.
The last thing they heard was,
And the girl was dead.
Scored: Yes or No : yes
Chapter 1: Story Title : Chasing your shadow

Story Link :

Rated : No

Genre : angst, romance,

Main Characters : Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho

Short Summary of The Fic : Yunho and Jaejoong loves each other they even got married but something happened and Yunho left Jaejoong behind, alone with his son but Jaejoong believes in his true love that if he keep waiting for him one day... maybe one day he will meet him again.

Scored : Yes

thank you^^
Chapter 1: Story Title: Scare University
Story Link:
Rated: No
Genre: Fantasy Romance Horror Angst
Main Characters: Yuri Taeyeon Jessica
Short Summary of Fanfic: Scare University....

The university of undefined creatures you

wouldn't expect that exists...

The university where you can find your

true selves...

Your weaknesses, hatest thing, dark secrets and horrors can be seen

here that you can only see in your


But the question is,

which is your true horror?

Scored: Yes