He Arrives on a Bicycle

My y Stalker

My life is boring. This opening sentence is boring too. I don't know why I'm even writing this, but I need a way to pass the time.

I graduated from high school 2 years ago. At the time, school was my life. I worked hard at it and I did everything on my own. I shared the spot of valedictorian with 4 other girls. It seemed so important back then to keep my grades up. Now I laugh because all the title of valedictorian meant was getting some money for college. At least it paid off somehow.

Like a lot of others, I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted it to require the least amount of schooling. So that's what I did; I took a year of classes and got certified in graphic design.

Now I work for the same place I've been at for four years. But I only recently started doing design for the company. I thought I would be happy, but I wasn't. I was being ripped off; only getting paid minimum wage for my hard work. I sat in a corner all day and hardly had contact with 1 or 2 people all day. And when I'd come home I'd mainly be alone too, except for my younger sister. My parents hardly paid any attention to me at least half of the time.

So there I sat, stuck at my lonely desk while I was at break. I was glad I was at least able to listen to music. Otherwise I think I would have gone more psycho than I already am. Besides, K-Pop kept me going. The only thing that seemed to be keeping me alive was Korean music and dramas. When my time involved either one, I was happy even if for a brief moment.

"Tara," a voice over the intercom said, "are you up there?"

"Yes," I answered.

"When you get a minute, come down to my office. I want to discuss something," the owner of the company said.

"Okay," I answered. I sighed heavily, but quietly. Now I wasn't normally one to cuss, but sometimes that guy really made me want to give him a piece of my mind.

Since I was still on break, I decided I'd give myself an extra minute; he had interrupted me. I thought that, but in the next minute I felt bad and made my way down the steep, sketchy looking staircase to the main level of the warehouse and made my way to his office.

"There you are," he said like I had taken forever.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked trying to be as respectful as possible.

"I've changed my mind about the catalog cover," he said.

Again? I thought.

"Let's go with the first one," he said with a nod.

"Okay," I said and nodded.

"Also, how close are we to getting finished?" He asked.

I looked at him for a minute. "Well I'm still waiting on the list of additions from you. I have to wait till I get those to do some of the other touch ups to the catalog."

"Okay," he said, "well in the meantime, why don't you get started on taking more product images?"

"Okay. I will do that," I said with a smile and then left the room. As soon as I could, the smile left my face. Ug! This guy was always changing my mind. And he was cheap so he always expected everything to be done in an instant. But things don't work that way; I know that well.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted. Not really physically, but mentally. I felt like my brain might explode without prior warning. As I plopped down on the couch, about ready to start the next episode of the drama I was watching, my phone buzzed.

Hey!! How was your day? My best friend Ewok texted (okay her name wasn't really Ewok, it was Amber, but she was so small and petite that her nickname was ewok).

Ug annoying DX I texted back. I can't stand my stupid boss!!

Oh that stinks :/ I wish we could have hung out this weekend :(

Yeah me too... but you are moving on Saturday right?

Yeah. We just have the big stuff left. I'm going to miss you! I hope I can come down this summer and go swimming with you at the river.

Yeah me too. Hopefully I can come up and see you too!

That was another thing I didn't want to think about: my best friend was now moving 3 hours away. Yeah it wasn't super far, but it was still a long drive and a lot of gas money away.

I laid my phone down and put some music on instead of watching the drama right away.

The first song to come on was Be the Light by Block B. I laid back down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. I didn't understand most of what the song was saying, but somehow the song still made my heart ache tremendously.

Another couple songs passed and then I finally paused the playlist when my sister walked in.

"Are you going to watch more of the drama?" She asked, sitting in her favorite recliner next to the couch. My little sister Mina was only 12. I envied her. I was a legal adult, but I still wished I was a child like she was.

"Yeah," I said. I hooked my laptop up to the TV and started the episode we were on. We were in the middle of watching a drama about school life. It made me want to be a teacher. Unfortunately that required four years of schooling and a lot of hard work. Something that I had no motivation for.

We spent the rest of the evening there, laughing, crying, intently watching, and getting exasperated when the episodes left off with horrible cliff hangers.

After my sister went to bed, I stayed up and wrote for a while. But I realized it was almost 1 am and I had work the next morning again. "Ugg," I groaned and finally convinced myself to stop and shut down my computer.

When I arrived at work, there was a bicycle parked outside. Hmph, I half chuckled to myself. Who rides a bike to work? I thought. It wasn't the idea of doing so, but in an area like where I lived, everything was far away. Riding a bike could possibly take a long time.

I just shrugged and continued inside. I happened to glance in the break room and saw that one of our employees was interviewing someone at the table, a boy who appeared to be a bit younger than me. He had dark hair and he was wearing a black letterman jacket. I couldn't see much of his face.

Must be a new part timer, I thought. That's where I had started, as a summer worker, pulling orders out on the warehouse floor and packaging products to sell.

I made my way up the stairs and set up my workstation. I had been using my own laptop for the catalog job. I was more comfortable using my own equipment, and even though sometimes I felt like I was taken advantage of, I told myself that if I was a freelance designer, I would have had to have my own equipment anyhow.

I worked on pictures all day. Photography had started as one of my hobbies, but now that it had been commercialized in a sense, I didn't take nearly as many "fun" pictures as I used to. I didn't mind it so bad, but the constant shooting/editing process quickly became repetitive and exhaustive. When I had done packaging, I could let my mind wander but with this I couldn't.

I was so glad when the day was over that I quickly packed my things and went out to my car. The bicycle was already gone.



The next morning I walked into work, I saw the back of a guy's head down one of the isles.

They must have hired the guy from yesterday, I thought, remembering that I had seen the bicycle again when I walked in. But, like many other times, no one had told me anything about getting another new employee. I didn't know half of the people's names as it was.

Later, I had to take a trip downstairs to ask a question about the catalog and grab a couple of products to take photos of. When I realized we didn't have any packages of the product on the floor, I went out back to check the bulk.

They called the area Iceland and for good reason too; in any season it was at least 10 degrees cooler than in the main warehouse. In fact, it was probably more like 20 in the winter.

I walked down one of the isles and found the bin I was looking for. I pulled out what I needed and quickly turned around to head back but almost ran into someone.

"Sorry," I said and flinched. I hadn't even realized that anyone else was in there. I hoped I hadn't been singing without thinking about it again.

"You should be more careful," he said. It was the new kid. Up close, he was gorgeous... and Korean.

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Chapter 2: It seems interesting xD cant wait to read the next update!
Park_Yoonji #2
Chapter 2: I like how this is going~ Cute! <3